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Everything posted by celestialcharm

  1. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]I have so many weird dreams, but I don't even remember half of them. I would say that one of the weirdest dreams I had was that I was at a theme park, at the gates of it. Since there was a shooting one year, they got metal detectors. So, I went through the metal detector, and all of a sudden there was a shooting...It was like 5 minutes or so long, when it stopped. I just ended up someplace else... Then, I walked a little bit, and stood outside this barn that had some dance in it. And Athrun and Kira ended up coming in Zaft space uniforms, and fought each other, while defining gravity. I then yelled out "TAKE IT OFF!" for some reason.... And they did... They were wearing little speedos, then I woke up. :animestun It was a very weird dream...[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][quote name='Venge][size=1']Here is a good question that hardly ANYONE can answer...where do peanuts come from?! :animeknow [/size][/quote] It comes from Charles M. Schulz... ;) Ok, I researched and found [quote=http://www.gapeanuts.com] Where do peanuts come from? The peanut probably originated in Brazil or Peru, although no fossil records exist to prove this. Peanuts were grown as far north as Mexico by the time the Spanish began their exploration of the new world. The explorers took peanuts back to Spain, where they are still grown today. From Spain, traders and explorers took peanuts to Africa and Asia. Africans were the first people to introduce peanuts to North America. Eventually, peanuts were planted throughout the Southern United States. Today, peanuts are one of America's favorite foods. [/quote] Also, from the same site [QUOTE]How do peanuts grow? Unlike other nuts, peanuts do not grow on trees. The peanut grows on a plant which flowers above the soil but fruits below it. A farmer usually plants his peanuts in April or May. Once planted, peanut seeds grow into a green, oval-shaped plant which reaches about 18 inches in height when fully mature. Small yellow flowers appear in the lower part of the plant. These flowers pollinate themselves and then lose their petals as the fertilized ovary begine to enlarge. The enlarged ovary grows down and away from the plant forming a small stem which extends to the soil. The embryo begins to develop once underground, growing into a peanut. From planting to harvesting, the growing cycle of a peanut takes 4 to 5 months. [/QUOTE] It had a kids section, and I always think that they get to the point with kids... Well most of the time anyways. [QUOTE=Sage Kaley] Question! Since I was thinking about the future, is there any "futuristic" invention that you'd really like to see happen someday? *[/QUOTE] I thinkI would like to see that thing in Star Trek Voyager. You know how you can play a book, in the machine, but your an actual character in it? Or you could make a senario? I think that's so cool...[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Since no one put up a caption in awhile.... First place goes to: [quote name='Chibihorsewoman']Unfortunately after this stunt neither Sakura or Ino was allowed to pursue their dreams as Radio City Rockettes[/quote] Second: [quote name='kayutori_sama']Sadly...neither Sakura or Ino made it into the Arrid deoderant commercial[/quote][/COLOR] Third: [quote=KKC]While Iruka-sensei was out of the class, Sasuke and the guys desided they wanted to play finger football with a piece of paper. But they didn't know what to use as a goal. Sasuke had an idea...[/quote] Now, onto the next round![/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]I have two more questions! If you could travel in time, and could only choose to either go into the past, or into the future, what would you choose? I remember I fell up the stairs and sprained my knee when I was younger. Most people say that's impossible, even though it's true! So, do you think falling up stairs is possible?[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]I hope I can get over my anxiety. I keep getting nervous over every single thing! I hope I can stop procrastinating, and start doing my projects and assignments early. Actually, I'm kind of procrastinating right now... But, at least alot of my project's done! Well, some... It's due on monday... :animedepr I'm going to France and Spain for March break on a school trip. I better have fun! I better not freak out or anything! My brother is going too, so it'll be fun! If my anxiety isn't too bad, I'll try to get myself a job. I need me some moolah! But, before worrying about that, I need to make sure my marks are up! I will be in grade 12 in September... Arg, my classes are going to be so hard next semester! I have baking, English, Chemistry and Biology. I wanted to change Baking into a higher grade Math, but the couniller told me not to... Oh, and I never got to go camping with my school last year! Due to work (summer job), so I will go this year no matter what! I think that's all... wait, and get a gold in Archery. I think I am expecting too much for this year. Oh well! A girl can dream.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][QUOTE=kenshinsbabe][SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia] ^-^ So, celestialcharm, you're up!...Again![/FONT][/SIZE][/QUOTE] Thank you! I know you all must hate me ;) [IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c147/celestialcharm/8.jpg[/IMG] Good luck![/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][QUOTE=sakurasuka][SIZE=1] My question- Pepsi or Coke?[/SIZE][/QUOTE] I like the name Pepsi, because sombody nicknamed me it... But, I like the taste of coke better. [QUOTE=Aaryanna][COLOR=DarkOrange] I say arrest the stupid person using the rabbit as a gimmick to sell a book. That?s just sick. And the other?s saying kill him? I mean come on! It?s obvious that they are just using the bunny to make money. You?re right, its just sheer stupidity. So I say kill the both the person selling the book and the one selling toys for saving him. Feh! Some people will do anything to make money. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] That's exactly what I was thinking! I wonder if anybody actually donated money to any of the sites? Now, my question! Are you more motivated when you leave something like a project to the last minute? [/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Kenshin just told Koaru that maybe she should take some ibuprofen for her recent mood swings... [/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]I finally saw the movie yesterday! I read the books, when I was in grade two, and read them again over the years. I really liked the movie! But, the whole red and gold reminded me of Harry Potter... But, then again it, Narnia came first. I really felt like I could relate to the characters. I come from a family of four, and I guess each of the characters had a bit of us in them. My sister said I was most like Lucy, and it's true! No one would have believed me too. But, even if, as some of you are saying, the costumes look like wookies, it is recycling, reducing and reusing, right? :p But anyhoo, Peter looked hot. I thought Mr and Mrs Beaver were going to be bigger. [/COLOR]
  10. Ca[COLOR=DarkOrchid]t: Come on man, just let me just have one more taste of kibbles and bits! I promise I won't do anything drastic![/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]I had to play this game again!! [B]1. No Such Thing- John Mayer[/B] This song makes me think of the summer. [B]2.Yeah feel it- Krosfyah ft Edwin Yearwood[/B] A bit of Soca. [B]3.DDR- Final Fantasy Techno Remix[/B] For some reason, this reminds me of water... [B]4. Wine behind de truck- Trini Jacobs[/B], some more Soca... Time to take out my bandana... [B]5. We three Kings of Orient Are- Miles Davis, David Sandborn, Pa[/B] Ooh this is jazzy! I never knew this exsisted on my computer... [B]6. Paper Mario- Opening Theme [/B] [B]7. As I Lay Me Down-Sophie B. Hawkins[/B] I love this song!! My sister didn't even tell me it was on the comp! This is the songs I'll sing to my kids as a lulluby [B]8. International Affairs- Sean Paul [/B] This song sounds like driving music... [B]9. It's my Life- No Doubt[/B] [B]10. .hack//Sign- Emerald Green[/B] Meh.. this song is a bit too slow...[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]When I have nothing to do, I check my e-mail, go on boards, and talk on MSN. Also, I might read a book, watch tv, or write a story. Then if all fails, I would go read some fan fiction. [/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]First, we watched the ball drop in Times Square. I had some wine, and my brother and cousin think I'm a drunk now...Which is sooo not true! Then, I stayed up till 3am, which is my usual holiday bedtime. Then this year, we went to my aunt's house at 3pm. It was really fun! So much food! We played charades, celebrated my cousin's 5th wedding anniversary, sung Happy Birthday to one of my cousin's whose birthday is on Thursday, and I think that's all...[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Actually, I don't really remember what I did this year. All I remember, I finally turned 16, and am able to drive. But, I can't get my license until my sisters get off the insurance. I got my first job, which truly sucked. I went to my first con, which was a blast! So much cosplayers, so little picture taking time. My parents 25th wedding anniversary, which was super fun! My mom's 50th birthday happened on December 20th. Of course, they all started singing Happy Birthday to her, until my dear brother realised that I WAS MISSING!! Getting a Silver Metal in Archery. My girl's archery team got silver in the Girl's Standard category, while the guy's got gold in their Boy's Standard category. I'm sure I mentioned that before, but I have to milk it for all it's worth. And I joined the boards sometime in May I think... I have a bad memory so I'm not sure. Overall, 2005 was an okay year. I'm sure I could have done something more exciting, but I'll wait till tomarrow. I still can't believe tomarrow is 2006! I still have been writing 2004 every once in awhile on my assignments and notes... But, I can't wait! I'm going to France and Spain during March Break!![/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Huzzah! I got second place! Lucky #2 [B][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Tsukasa: I knew I should have rented that Mini Cooper![/COLOR][/B][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][quote name='IceRose']Well some people mature before others, If I would act my age, 16, I would be boy-crazy and running around just thinking about going to the mall and all that stuff, just like many girls my age I've seen.[/quote] Hey, not all 16 year olds are boy crazy... Unless, that means I don't act my age?! But, what makes me angry is when my friends say act your age and not my shoe size! I say screw it, I act how I want to act! Another thing one of my friend's told me was that I should get a boyfriend so I'll stop acting like a kid. :rolleyes: But, there's a time and a place to act childish, right?[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][QUOTE=Dagger] What I did read over the past summer was [url=http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0743444299/qid=1135454867/sr=2-3/ref=pd_bbs_b_2_3/102-9913801-8800134?s=books&v=glance&n=283155][u]this[/u][/url] non-fiction work, and I keep getting it mixed up with Arthur Golden's novel... :p ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] I think I read that book before too. I finally watched the movie today! I liked it! I thought they could have made her eyes more of a silvery blue though. Also, didn't Nobu [spoiler]only have one arm?[/spoiler] But, other than that I really liked the fan dances and the costumes. [spoiler]But, wasn't it crazy how outgoing Pumpkin became? Also, didn't it seem, when she betrayed Sayuri, that maybe she could have been channelling Hastumoto's spirit? We have no idea what became of her, because, she went crazy and left town...[/spoiler][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]All I have to say, is that you should stop! One day, you'll pick a fight with the wrong person, and might get shot or stabbed.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Lovely... [B]1. Mega Man X2: X vs Zero 2. Peter Gabriel-Shock the Monkey 3. Jamelia- Club Hoppin (Rishi Rish Remix) 4. 4end 5. Sixpence None for the Richer- Kiss Me 6. Samurai Champloo-You 7. Natasha Bedingfield-These Words 8. David Grey- January Rain 9. Dave Matthews Band- Grey Street 10. Sonic Tean- Metal Sonic theme[/B] What's weird is that the only song that is mine, is 'You.' The rest are my siblings :animestun [/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][B]Seasame Street pic:[/B] When good muppets don't get paid. [B]Baby pic:[/B] Then morning after; Babies hungover, now that was one crazy night[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]First of all, I am probably one of the most least likely person to make enemies, or have a bounty on my head... But, if I was in that situation, I think I would just attack from the distance. I would probably mess with the enemies mind by shooting original pocky on fire at them using a bow and arrow. Or maybe I would just do what they did in Batman Begins. [spoiler] I would get one of them desert microwaves, put that stuff (I forgot what it was called) into the water supply, and turn it on. Then everyone would go crazy except for me. [/spoiler]Then I would have all the resources I want! Not to mention manga! Now that stuff is expensive!! :smirk: [/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][quote name='fire_fly52']OK so i got a new game Resident evil 4 and well ashley is so GRAWWW frustraiting so i like to every once in a while shoot her.[/quote] I shot her too, but just to check if she would die... The only thing I could think of right now, is that sometimes I lie to my mom, that I did my homework, so I could stay on the computer to read fanfiction. Or sometimes, I just say I'm reading it for school. I'm not so sure this counts though.[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]I'm not a 10-year-old-wants-to-burn-down-everything crazy, change that 10 into a 16, and that's me! ;) Well, actually I'm not a pyromaniac. I join the boards because I needed something to do. I like posting on threads. I say I'm not crazy, but my friends think I am. My brother says I'm obsessive, and my other friend just thinks I'm weird because of my personality...[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Nao: And this kids, is the proper way to get rid of you competition[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Ah, Christmas was good this year! I got to spend time with family. My grand-aunts and uncle, and cousins gave me over $200. My eldest sister gave me jeans, a very cute sweater, two blank cds and a teddy bear. My second eldest sister gave me a t-shirt and hat set from her university. It's very handy because I want to go there! She also gave me some belly dancing zils, which is very fun! I kept playing with them, and she told me that I still had to look at what else was in the bag. My brother gave me a sushi set. It comes with four plates, chopsticks, and sauce bowls. It was random, and heavy!! I still love it. My mom, well she paid for my MP3 player that I got today. I still have to get my siblings nice presents... I was poor, because I have no job, but now I will get them something nice. For a low price too, because today's BOXING Day!! :D [/COLOR]
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