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Everything posted by celestialcharm

  1. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][QUOTE=Dagger] I didn't like how Sayuri's entire world revolved around the Chairman, [/QUOTE] But, in the book, didn't it seem like her life did revolve around him? I read the book, but I never watched the movie yet. Hopefully, I will get to watch it before Christmas break ends. I thought the book was pretty good. It really made it seem like it was a non-fiction book.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]I opened one that my friend gave me. It was a purple bag! It was so cute! On Christmas eve, last year, I finally snapped, and opened up the first Inuyasha movie that my eldest sister got me. She got me the second one too, but I just opened up the first one, closed the tv room door, watched it and put it back. But, she found out I watched it. She's evil because she wraps up her presents, and leaves them there on purpose! I celebrate Christmas on Christmas day, well usually anyways.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! Happy New Year! Time for the results: And the winner is: [B]Dagger[/B] with [QUOTE]Ayame: "And that's the story of how I told all those doujinshi artists you were gay for Kyo."[/QUOTE] Second place goes to: [B]Keyblade Wielder[/B] with [QUOTE]Ayame: "....remember when I made that cute blue dress when we were kids and you started to wear it and prance around the yard? You were so cute! And then..."[/QUOTE] Ah, this reminds me of the pics my sisters took of my bro in a dress when he was younger! And Third place goes to [B]Ikillion[/B] with [QUOTE]Ayame: "And that is where babies really come from come from..." Everyone else: "O_O"[/QUOTE] This was hard to judge, expessially since I laugh at everything. ChibiHorsewoman, I think when you wrote Tohru, you meant Yuki, but that would be funny if he did say that. Since he says, he's not a girly boy... ;) Well, onto the next round! and I warn you, do not I repeat do not go to the malls today!! [/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Good thing it was a hoax. But, doesn't that still mean that the person had to stuff those cats in bottles, to take a picture of them?[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]I won again! Huzzah! Now, if I win again, I'm going to get a big head. :animesmil Yes, just to warn you people, I'm a little obsessed with Fruits Basket, so here it is again! [IMG]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c147/celestialcharm/ayame2.jpg[/IMG] From left to right: Ayame, Yuki, Mine and Tohru. Happy Captioning! [/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]So far, my sister bought me a present. She wrapped up all her presents for my siblings, and my parents, and left them on the table to taunt us. I think she got me an article of clothing because, I saw a clothing store bag...She got rid of the recipts though... Well, since I don't have a job, I'm making everyone bookmarks! I'm making a Narnia, ToS, Sesshomaru, Sasuke, X-men, Pocky, some person from 'The Who', and many more bookmarks for my family and friends. Today, I went to the store to buy somebody a present for Secret Santa in my Dance class. We wrote down what we wanted for $10 and under, and the person I got, wasn't in class! Therefore, it was blank! I asked somebody, and she said, the person liked the colour purple, and Tweety, so I bought her a purple ring. I think she might have said something about not wearing rings one time in class... Oh well! Does anybody else have gift idea problems[/COLOR]?
  7. [B][COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Back off! Get your own sandwich!"[/COLOR][/B]
  8. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Mine is 'Purple...The colour of Royalty' because that's what purple sometimes considered a colour for people with high rank.. not that I am a aristocrat. It's just because of my whole purple theme. Also, because of my avatar, and signature. It's a character from a manga/anime who thinks he's all that and a bag of chips. :animeswea He also thinks he's royalty. So... that's basically it. [/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]I like Wikpedia. But, it is considered an unreliable source because people could change information. My economics teacher told us that we cannot use Wikpedia for our projects and assignments because of that. Plus, as this article showed us, that anybody can post information up.[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][QUOTE=Desbreko][color=#4B0082] [center][img]http://img213.imageshack.us/img213/3158/trigunmerylmilly5jk.jpg[/img][/center] [/color][/QUOTE] After a day of grocery shopping, Meryl and Milly are content with their buys, until... Milly: I thought Forest Gump was going to stop by here... I wanted free chocolate... Meryl: Forget about the chocolates... Dude, where's our car?![/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DarkOrchid] Ah, It was hard to choose! I laugh at anything, but they really were all funny! Now, the results: [B]First place[/B] goes to [B]Desbreko[/B] with: [quote name='Desbreko][color=#4B0082']Uo: "Kyo, button your shirt already. No one thinks your chest hair is sexy."[/color][/quote] I can just imagine Uo saying this! [B]Second place[/B] goes to [B]Sinistra[/B] with: [QUOTE=Sinistra][B][SIZE=1]"This is the most retarded staring contest I've ever gotten stuck in." - Uo. "Yeah, well it's no fun starin' at you either." -Kyo.[/SIZE][/B][/QUOTE] Ah, they are just so rude to each other! ...and last but not least, [B]Third place[/B] goes to [B]Twilight_Kioku[/B] with: [QUOTE=Twilight_Kioku]Kyo: you say i did it, i say wheres the evidence? Uo: You happen to be the only one ive seen who can draw so crappily Kyo: *fuming rage* they really need to make a second season of fruits basket. i would buy it in a heartbeat![/QUOTE] Lol, I wonder if Kyo really does draw badly. Yes they do need to have a second season! But, imagine if they made a Furuba live action series?.... Well, onto the next round! [/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][B]I was randomly watching AMVs, and I found one with the song from Cowboy Bebop called 'Chicken Bone'[/B] (Chicken bone...chicken bone...) (Chicken bone...chicken bone...) (Chicken bone...chicken bone...) (Chicken bone...chicken bone...) (Chicken bone...chicken bone...) (Chicken bone...chicken bone...) (Chicken bone...chicken bone...) (Chicken bone...chicken bone...) I like, you like, he likes, she likes chicken bone... Everyone loves like a crazy chicken bone... My dog, my cat, my mouse want chicken bone... I left my head over the chicken bone... (Chicken bone...chicken bone...) (Chicken bone...chicken bone...) (Chicken bone...chicken bone...) (Heh heh...Destroy!) (Chicken bone...chicken bone...) Dreamin' dreamin' dreamin' of this chicken bone... Crazy crazy crazy 'bout the chicken bone... Happy happy happy with the chicken bone... From this spot and all my heart is chicken bone... Roast it well with cajun sauce, together, together...Oohh... Long as they don't throw it away... Bake it with asian sauce, together, together...Oohh... It is good for your healthy life, Baby it's true... Coz when you love it to the bone, Woah...Bone... (Chicken bone...chicken bone...) (Chicken bone...chicken bone...) (Chicken bone...chicken bone...) (Chicken bone...chicken bone...) (Chicken bone...) Chicken bone... (chicken bone...) (Chicken bone...chicken bone...) (Chicken bone...) Chicken bone... (chicken bone...) (Chicken bone...chicken bone...) I'd love to go just like a Chicken bone... I'm really moved by the chicken bone... The more you eat, the more you'll be the chicken bone... I left my head over the chicken bone... bahdeahdeeahdeeah...bahdeahdeeahdeeah... bahdeahdeeahdeeah...bahdeahdeeahdeeah... bahdeahdeeahdeeah...bahdeahdeeahdeeah... (Heh heh...Destroy!) bahdeahdeeahdeeah...bahdeahdeeahdeeah... Dreamin' dreamin' dreamin' of this chicken bone... (Proceed with the operation) Crazy crazy crazy 'bout the chicken bone... Happy happy happy with the chicken bone... From this spot and all my heart is chicken bone... Roast it well with cajun sauce, together, together...Oohh... Long as they don't throw it away... Bake it with asian sauce, together, together...Oohh... It is good for your healthy life, Baby it's true... Coz when you love it to the bone, Woah...Bone... (Chicken bone...chicken bone...) repeat/fade [B]What I want to know, why in the world are these people talking about chicken bone?! I never watched Cowboy Bebop, but I read the manga. What I want to know is if someone was cooking chicken as this song played in the background?![/B][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]My name is Charlene, and I'm 16 years old. I live in Mississauga, which is located in the province of Ontario, Canada. I am the youngest of four children. I have two older sister, who are 23 and 21, and an older brother who is 18. My parents are still married, and celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on July 19th of this year. Currently, I'm in grade 11. I am in two clubs and a team at school. They are the Enviromental Club, Archery and Christian Fellowship. They are alot of fun. I really like cleaning out the creek, and chatting in my Enviromental Club. One of my friends nearly fell in the creek (I think it might be nuclear) and it was funny. My hobbies include dancing, writing, reading and of course watching anime and reading manga. I took belly dancing, but today was my last class for that level. It starts up again in January. I like all music, except for the kind that makes people sound posessed, but I would say that my favorite genre would be house. My favorite manga genre is romance/comedy, and I love shojo manga. Now, I'm not really sure how my personality is. Most people say I'm nice, I have a kind of evil and crazy laugh, and my friends think I'm weird. I get along with everybody, but I think now I'm getting more annoyed. I am also polite, and I can be really lazy at times. I sometimes just pay half attention to people, so I hear them, but I don't, if that makes any sense. Also, If I'm reading, I usually don't pay attention to what others are saying. In the future, I hope that I can get into the University of Western Ontario, because I don't want to stay at home! I lived in the same town, in the same house for my whole life. I want to become a Geologist, travel the world, and have four children.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][QUOTE=Mugen][color=sienna][size=1] And the Winner is.... [B]celestialcharm![/B] (sets off fireworks and doo-dads). That was possibly the greatest use of a Family Guy reference ever. If only everyone knew the joys of the [B]actual[/B] Peanut-Butter Jelly Dance, and to think of Mugen doing it... aah. We can dream. [/color][/size][/QUOTE] I won! Whoo hoo! First, I would like to thank my parents for having me. Secondly, I'd like to thank everyone for finding my caption funny! Also, my friend Mala for making me get that song stuck in my head. Also, thanks Mugen! :animeswea Now, for my pic... [IMG]http://www.freewebs.com/celestialcharm/smirk.jpg[/IMG] The guy is named Kyo, and the girl is named Arisa or you can call her Uo-chan or Uotani. Good luck! [/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][QUOTE=Leofski]. My question: What's your favorite word?[/QUOTE] I think my favorite would at the moment is 'exile.' I just like the way it sounds. I don't think I would want to be exiled myself though...[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][quote name='Mugen][color=sienna][size=1][img]http://caxton.stockton.edu/browneyedgirl/picture$618[/img][/color'][/size][/quote] Mugen: Guess What time it is folks? Jin: What? Mugen: It's peanut butter Jelly time! Peanut Butter Jelly Time! Peanut Butter Jelly, Peanut Butter Jelly! Peanut Butter Jelly, Peanut Butter Jelly, Peanut Butter Jelly with a baseball bat!-- Fuu thinking: [I]At least the song isn't as scary as his face...[/I][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][QUOTE=sakurasuka][SIZE=1] Oh, another thing I noticed, [spoiler]why are they trying to make Hermione all pretty all the time? I noticed it in the third movie as well, they're slowly making her hair less frizzy and more bouncy/curly. When they did the whole scene at the Yule Ball, she was supposed to be TOTALLY different, but she was just a little bit nicer looking.[/spoiler] That sort of makes me mad. [/SIZE][/QUOTE] I agree! They are making the plain/homely/ugly characters too pretty! I saw the movie twice. I thought it was pretty good. I had tears coming from my eyes when [spoiler]Cedric died. He didn't even get the chance to even know what was going on! He didn't even get to say 'hey what's going on? Why are you pointing that wand at me?!' Well, maybe not those exact lines...[/spoiler] Most of the people I know that that how [spoiler]Dumbledore[/spoiler] was acting as if he was high on magic dust or something. But, maybe Michael Gambon was acting so [spoiler]moody because he knew he was going to be out of a job after HBP.[/spoiler] But, I liked the fan service in this movie! ;) One of the funniest parts was when Moaning Myrtle was [spoiler]coming on to Harry.[/spoiler] I laughed so hard! One of my friend's said that if she was a ghost there, she would be doing the same thing too. They better put the part when [spoiler]Fred and George[/spoiler] leave the school in the next movie! That part was so dramatic![/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][quote name='Bloodseeker']Don't feel bad... she's a fictional character, so she follows a different set of rules. And in the land of Evangelion, 14 year olds have the physical maturity of sixteen year olds.[/quote] I'm 16, and I look like I'm 12.... Well anyhoo, I have a crush mostly on Ayame from Fruits Basket and Sesshomaru from Inuyasha. I think I have a thing for white haired Bishonen. I like Ayame because of his personality, and his antics. Also, because he's the snake. I'm the snake, so I do kind of act like him, just a tiny bit. I like Sesshomaru because he's hot, he can fight with only one arm, and he's just so cool![/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]I have another question! How does the tax system work in America? I just went there today, and some clothes had tax, and others did not! Why is it like that?[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Kakashi: "..and kids, that's how babies are born"[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][QUOTE=MistressRoxie][color=#9933ff] celestialcharm - where do you live, or what holiday was it, that had a Thanksgiving-type celebration a month ago? It sounds interesting, whatever it is. [/color][/QUOTE] I live in Canada. :animeswea It was Thanksgiving. We just have it a month earlier because of our shorter growing season. For example, it's snowing today :grumble: Snow is nice to look at, while I'm inside!! All this talk about Thanksgiving makes me hungry... Well, what I'm thankful for, is that since America's Thanksgiving is today, that means, more sales for me when I go on my shopping trip on Saturday!! Well anyways, [COLOR=DarkRed]HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO YOU ALL, AND TO ALL A GOOD MEAL![/COLOR] [/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Thanksgiving isn't tomarrow for me. I had it almost a month ago. From what I remember, we had turkey, rice, and I think stir fry. I also had apple pie, with ice-cream. Well, Happy Thanksgiving to those who are celebrating it tomarrow.[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]I've been to: [U][B]Canada:[/B][/U] [B]Quebec City, Quebec- [/B] I went there on a school trip in grade 7 and 8. It was a really nice place. I didn't even have to speak French! I even heard some Shaggy song en francais. It was really weird because my friends and I were singing it, and were wondering how we knew this song. [B] Ottawa-[/B] The Capital of Canada. I don't really remember much of it because I only went there when I was younger. But, I do remember seeing some mounties, and an eternal flame. [B]Toronto-[/B] I love Toronto! It's so busy, and I love all of the drama that happens. If I didn't want to go to the the University of Western Ontario, I would stay at home and commute to downtown. [B]London-[/B] This is where one of my sisters lives to go to university. I like this town because it has lot's of shopping, a 'Pita Pit' (I love their chicken ceasar pitas), and a candy store called 'Sugar Mountain'. Also, I like her university, and I like to bother her because she doesn't come home alot. One of her friend's thought that when all three of my sisters, were arguing, that, it was like she was arguing with herself. [B]Waterloo-[/B] My eldest sister is in her last year of university here. The town is ok, but I like London better. I think they have a 'Sugar Mountain' and I know they have a 'Pita Pit.' I live in [B]Mississauga[/B]. I like this city. The library system is pretty good, and they have manga. Also, I like 'Downtown Mississauga.' There, we have a huge movie theatre (well, one's in the mall, the other is across the street), a book store, and a huge mall with I think over 200 or something stores. It's great to go to for my boxing day sales. It's also easy to get to by the bus, and there's a Playdium there, which is an arcade like place, but you have to buy a card in order to play, and they have DDR! [U][B] International:[/B][/U] [B]Pennsylvania, USA-[/B] I went on shopping trips here, so I just saw the malls. They have a Timmy's(a canadian coffee shop) which is alright by me! [B]St. Kitts, WI- [/B] I've been here once in 2000, for a family reunion. It was a nice island, but it was too hot and humid (you even sweat if you were just sitting around and watching tv.) I really loved the sea! It was so blue, that it looked almost fake. My brother got salt water in his eyes and made the funniest face! I think I had a bit of a culture shock, because it was very different from Canada. For example, dogs and chickens roam the streets, and rasta there whistle at you. [B]Nevis, WI- [/B] St. Kitts' sister island. We went to Nevis for a day, and this island was breathtaking! It was so green! We visited (we were too poor to stay) the Four Seasons Resort, and it was so nice! They raked the white sand, had some barrier around a part of the sea, so that the waves don't crash on people, and no seaweed, or fish would get in it. Alas, most people were making out in the pool, when there was a perfectly clean sea to swim in.[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]One of my biggest pet peeves is when someone keeps repeating themselves! It just gets to me, because it's like they think I'm deaf. Also, when people make me say the same thing over more than two times. I'm lazy, and I just like saying things only once. I know that I have way more pet peeves, but I don't remember anything else at the moment.[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]I'm new at DDR. I got my brother to get the Nintendo Mix of it (We only own Nintendo Systems in my house) and it's fun! I like going to the arcade on Thursdays every once in awhile, because nobody's there! When I went on a Saturday one time, there where some people watching me dance, and I'm so bad at it! I didn't even know how to change the song to easy mode! :animeshy: I think it was I was playing DDR Extreme 2 or something...[/COLOR]
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