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About shamanluver

  • Birthday August 27

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  • Biography
    i like anime, tv, hate skool
  • Occupation
    to eliminate those who are weak

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  1. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=2]living in england is boring i cant watch inu yasha. they dont have it on my cartoon network they got little kid things, they dont play any anme at all. toonami is worse they used to play alot now they've gone all chlidish and worry about x-men or mucha-lucha the only way i can watch inu yasha is by downloading it and that takes long and i get it in japanese but its worth it however i would prefer to watch it in english. sofar i have only watch the 1st episode. that got me addicted straight away.[/SIZE][/FONT]
  2. [SIZE=3]i live in london and have sky digital, i try to watch as much anime as posiable but theres not alot of channelsi remember when there was cnx that channel had alot of manga but then it turned into toonami an now thats only got a few. the only place i see manga/anime is on toonami and fox kids. where else can i watch it? as in channel or do i have to get another type of digital to watch more like Inu Yasha. i cant even watch outlaw star or cowboy bebop anymore. there is only big O shaman king and alot of anime such as sonic x or teen titans.[/SIZE]
  3. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]i was wondering has there ever been a anime/manga episode that has made u cry physicly or emotional or made u think hard the one that made me cry was 1 episode in cowcoy bebop. a man was dealing drugs i think but he was working with hustlers. he realy wasn't a bad man he was jus tryin to get money for his sister and he tried so hard that he will do anything for her even if it ment taking his life.he was not all that old about 20.after all the trouble he got into for his sister(he wanted to get money for his sister's operation, she is blind) they shoot him cant remember why but while he was dying in spike's arms his last words where something like 'you where my only friend' but he said to him that he was his only friend overall and he didnt get to see his sister have the operation. [/SIZE] [/FONT]
  4. [font=Comic Sans MS][size=4]i luv the program its my fave.thats y my name is shaman luver. ive been watchin it on fox kids all da time and now there at the point where [spoiler]they have made a new green haired friend and he now has joined the x laws,i saw sum of the fight between zeek and yoh and i nearly felt like cryin i was so shocked[/spoiler]. i make sure that i neva miss the program . i like trey(horohoro(i think thats how u spell it)) and yoh he is so relaxed and cares more for his friends dan wantin to be shaman king. to be honest i like everyone there and all the ghosts. i like the way they dressed amidamaru. if the shoes hes wearin where out i will by them. when im watchin the program i always fink that its for teenagers, reading all the threds about shaman im surprised that there is swearin in it an all that ive bin watchin has been cut and its not the orginal. i could neva tell. an i live in london and have sky digital ive neva herd of foxbox or 4kids, is it on another type of cable coz i cant see it[/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=4][/size][/font] [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Welcome to OtakuBoards, shamanluver. Please be aware that we have certain standards with regards to post quality here, as can be seen in the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?]Rules[/URL] section of our site. A specific problem I can see here is your use of abbreviations, which isn't encouraged here- although we don't expect anyone's writing to be perfect it's nice as far as you can to sue proper spelling, grammr and punctuation. Please also try and break up your posts a little more, especially if you're going to be typing in a font this large- like this it's incredibly hard to read, heh. If you have any questions, feel free to send a PM. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
  5. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=4][FONT=Comic Sans MS]i like watching anime alot and as there isnt much on tv i have to watch some of them again but i luv doin it. i mostly rewatch outlaw star, techi(all the tenchi series)pokemon, shaman king(wot can i say im a shaman luver i have to watch all da episodes over gain) Cowboy bebop, i luv da fing it can be so funny at times i neva get bord. i will neva stop watching DB/Z/GT there are sooooooooooo good i luv da fighting and get shocked at how young da kids are and dere so strong. all the programs ive mentioned ive properly watched over 3 times. tenchi i no i have watched ova 5 times cant help watch cartoons espically anime and manga[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [color=navy][size=1]Please work on your post quality, shamanluver. For example, there's absolutely no need to replace "th-" with "d." How much time does it take to type one extra letter? If your posts don't improve markedly, they will be deleted as spam. The content is fine, but you use so many shortcuts that this is rather difficult to read. ~Dagger~[/size][/color]
  6. [COLOR=Magenta][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]im like all da anime characters i like, thats y i like them, such as yoh from shaman king, he aint always serious and you never no when he is, but when he is he is really serious and determind. hes always relaxed and funny, he shows me dat you jus need to be calm to be good at what i want an now im like dat. Ryoko from tenchi always seems like a mean person she fights and is a wanted by the police but she is really sweet at heart and will do n e fing for tenchi. im like dat when i like sum1 i act all brave and strong and can be mean to them jus so dat dey dont no dat i like them.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR] [color=navy][size=1]Again, you really need to improve your post quality. Type out full words rather than throwing around abbreviations. Use paragraph breaks when your posts start to get long, and try to begin incorporating proper punctuation and capitalization. Please. ~Dagger~[/size][/color]
  7. [COLOR=Magenta][SIZE=3][FONT=Comic Sans MS]both anime and manga are good dey both make me laugh. :D but anime is when uwanna have a joke an manga is when u wanna get serious and interested in the program. i really dont no which 1 is prefer. [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR] [color=navy][size=1]Please watch your post quality, and don't add unrelated attachments (I removed both of the images you had attached). This is a potentially ban-worthy offense. ~Dagger~[/size][/color]
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