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Everything posted by Master_J

  1. So, me and my friend ( username: Anavel Gato) just skipped our senior prom to have a Mobile Suit Gundam marathon. It took us about 17 hours (from 7:40 AM to 12:50 AM the next day), but we actually managed to pull it off. We only left the room during the opening/ending themes (To use the restroom and get snacks.). In fact, we didn't pause once in the course of the marathon :animeknow . Moral of the story: Gundam>Prom :D :D So... does anyone have any marathon stories? Failures or successes...
  2. The first manga I ever read was Cowboy Bebop Shooting Star. I didn't really like it so I never bought any other volumes (I love the anime though! :animesmil). The first manga that I bought and still buy is Bleach. Actually besides Shonen Jump, Bleach is the only manga I still buy :animedepr .
  3. Thanks to anime, i like just about any music from japan (my ipod is literally filled with anime opening/ending themes :catgirl:). Other than that I enjoy techno, namely anything from Daft Punk.
  4. I agree, I would have loved for the Jinchuu arc to have been in the anime :( . Luckly Samurai X helped explain what happened :D . I'm waiting for the post-Shishio manga to hit US shores so I can get the whole story.
  5. Honestly, I prefer anime (I like to buy the DVDs :D) but I like manga too. Usually if I like a series, I'll read the manga so I can see the difference. I also buy manga if a certain series hasn't been brought to America yet.
  6. I prefer dubs but don't mind watching subs. The big reason why I am more of a dubbie, is because I really like the voice actors who do most of the dubs. If the english voice cast is bad for a certain anime, then I would watch the sub instead.
  7. Right now I am watching all of Yu Yu Hakusho again (in anticipation of the final DVD's release :animesmil ). But other than that, my most re-watched animes would have to be The Big O and Cowboy Bebop.
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