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Everything posted by Quatre's_gurl

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i] [B]I like the openings to Cowboy Bepop, Shamanic Princess, Knights of Ramune, and Slayers. I don't know the names of any of them though... [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=seagreen]Do you know any of the words to the Knights of Ramune song? Or the Slayers song? I might...[/COLOR]
  2. I used to vist this Pokemon site called Bulbagarden, but I left there after it became overrun w/ newbies who thought I was homophobic because I said I wasn't a yaoi fan. Now I just go here.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gundamcat17 [/i] [B] unfortunatly there are only three episodes realesed to the american consumers however the manga are pretty good nd there is a movie about a recurring character out called riding been. if you were lucky you got the original dark horse comic book realese like 6 years ago..{i got 2 episodes out of 8}. [/B][/QUOTE][COLOR=seagreen]OK! Thanx! I'll have to check out the manga... Anyhoo, back to the topic of this topic! I forgot to include some of my faves: 6. Carnival Babel(sp?) 7. My Heart Iidasenai, Your Heart Tashikametai 8. Duvet 9. Just Communication 10. Through the Night And a random song I luv that isn't an opening is Toki wo Koete from Lost Universe. Oh, just to let you know how much I like Zankoku na Tenshi no Te-ze, I'm gonna sing it in the school talent show at the end of the year. I know it by heart! *starts singing* Zankoku na tenshi no you ni............ [/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=seagreen]Ok. has ne1 else played this kickass game? If you have, who's your fave character? I personally like Lord Ghaleon... ^_^'[/COLOR]
  5. Magic Knight Rayearth is pretty good, kinda girly, but good (gotta love Clamp!) Evangelion is good (only seen 2 eps, but I like it). Gunsmith Cats (I think what I watched this morning was an OAV, but it was really good). Fushigi Yuugi (from what I read, it's good [manga]).
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gundamcat17 [/i] [B]two words gunsmith cats... [/B][/QUOTE] Thank you SO much for bringing up Gunsmith Cats! I just watched 3 eps. on the action channel this morning and was wondering if the series is only 3 eps. long. Can ne1 tell me? Arigatou!:D (GC kicks butt!)
  7. Series: Gundam Wing, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Magic Knight Rayearth Movie: Perfect Blue, Ninja Scroll, Princess Mononoke, Ghost in the Shell
  8. Mine are: 1. Zankoku na Tenshi no Te-ze 2. Ai no Tenshi 3. Yuzurenai Negai 4. Rinbu Revolution 5. Itooshi Hito no Tame Ni Alright. I have no clue if this is an opening, but it's called Mirakuru Bodi ni Goyoujin and it's from Knights Lamune & 40 Fresh, I'm pretty sure.
  9. Wow! Seph and I agree on sumthin'! I luv Perfect Blue! *starts twirling around the room singing Ai no Tenshi and twists her ankle* Ow... Hurts... N e ways that song alone made me wanna see it. When I told my best friend (who was grossed out by the nudity in Ninja Scroll) about it having more nudity than Ninja Scroll, she was all like :eek: . She, another girl, and I have been thinking of forming a singing trio and when the topic of a name came up, I suggested the name Cham. I have this awful feeling that that's what we'll be called. It should all be fine if I don't quit to become an actress, I'll be fine (I'm the one who looks a lot like Mima) When I went to buy PB, the dudes at Suncoast let me buy it even after looking @ me and the rating sticky (the age was pretty high). Hehe... My line now is "Exscuse me, who are you?" ^________________^'
  10. Hey, I have an idea! *lightbulb appears over head* Let's talk about the stuff that happens in our screwed up towns! Ok. One time this guy got fired from the Thai restaraunt so he went back later and stabbed his boss. Then there was this old guy who tried to stab his wife. Then there was this guy who went and shot up an office building and instead of running away, he sat in the lobbey twiddling his thumbs and waiting for the police to come. Then there was a bomb threat at the middle school and a gun threat at the high school. Then our town had the carnival and there was a girl flirting with the guy who ran the merry-go-round so she could get free rides. And then there's the boy's soccer team that was mooning everyone that walked by. Oh, and my fave: The mob of 30 8th graders outside the middle school after school where half were getting into a fight and the rest were smokin' ####. *sighs* I luv this place! ^_^'
  11. Ok. The other day, my mommy and I took a drive from MA through NH up to Maine. When we were coming back into MA, we saw a sign that said "Massachusetts Welcomes You!" and at the bottom, in little letters, said "Governor Jane Swift" and right above the last part it had a picture of a big, fat turkey! Then my mom said "Wow. That pic looks a lot like her!" It was so funny! (God I can't believe we have a baka onna as our governor!) Oh wait. I'm an onna too aren't I? Well, I'm not a baka!
  12. Good: Watchin' The Price Is Right w/ my grandma everyday Bad: Wakin' up early every morning @ 6:30 to see Gendou Ikari off to work (if you don't know what I'm talking 'bout, see my sig) Funny: Pretending to surf on my mom's ironing board
  13. [COLOR=limegreen]*strikes dramatic Dorothy Catalonia pose* Yes! Now the real war begins! No more of this boring "War on Terrorism" crap! We're going all the way now!!!!!! HAHAHAHA!!!!!!! :laugh: *continues to go mental* ~Quatre's_gurl [/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=limegreen]Here's something I did after I finished the seires (it makes for some really fun reading!): OK. Grab a copy of "Romeo + Juliet". Then you read it, replacing the word Romeo with Shiro, Juliet w/ Aina, etc. It was cool!!!! You should really try it!!!! ;);););););););););) Peace ~Quatre's_gurl [/COLOR]
  15. Im so scared! This whole thing appears to have started here (Mass.)! I was up late last night crying. My parents only seem to care whether or not I pass shop. I only care about whether or not I'll be able to go to shop AND NOT BE DEAD! I seriously have split personalities. One minute I'm saying that we should find someway else to gain revenge than by killing, and the next minute I'm saying blow the bastards up! I have also plunged into a state of Yui-like depression and have even thought about slitting my wrists. *sigh* Oh well... Come, sweet death... ~Quatre's_gurl :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
  16. [COLOR=limegreen]This is SUCH a nightmare!!!! I think I'll be a pacifist now!!!!!!!!!!!!!! May God help us all ~Quatre's_gurl [/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=limegreen]Well, I like Quatre + Dorothy + Lady Une + Sayla + Mirai + Char, but my fave has to be... HIS EXCELLENCY TREIZE KHUSHRENADA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He's the sexiest guy ever! *goes into Lady Une mode and starts drooling* I luv ep. #4 (obviously)! I'm obsessed and I can't help it!!!:D ~Quatre's_gurl [/COLOR] :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:
  18. [COLOR=limegreen]Both the planes that got the WTC took off from Logan in Boston which is about 10 miles from where I live!!! All the important people buildings were evacuated! I was home from school today and even more paranoid than I usually am. Does anyone else think it was a bad idea to reveal the President's location when he was in Louisiana??? I feel so bad! The whole time I was watching it on the news, I was listening to Zankoku na Tenshi no TE-ZE... God bless all the victims, their families, and all who were unfortunate enough to witness this terrible event... (Man am I gonna have nightmares about this one!) Yesterday my friend and I were just talking about the fact that the USA has sorta been at peace for awhile. I'VE CHANGED MY MIND! WAR IS NOT BEAUTIFUL! I WANNA BE A PACIFIST!!! (and the endless waltz starts again...) :(:(:(:(:( God bless all ~Quatre's_gurl [/COLOR]
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