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Everything posted by Katamari666

  1. here are some of the names my friends called me... no idea why haha [U]Neko[/U] cause my friend stuck cat ears on my head at a party. [U]Baka[/U] I made that one up with my buddys at school. [U]Evangel[/U] ...Dont ask ... hahaha I did a really big stunt on my bike and I faceplanted into a tree *-* XD :rolleyes: And Ill try to remember some more.. lol Ja ne
  2. what exactly do you do in an rpg here?
  3. Im 16 but Ive loved anime since i first saw esclaflowne (is it still on?) and Ive been moving through the best anime and now Im up to FLCL and .hack. :D :D
  4. how different is the american rating system different from canadas again?
  5. um I just searced google and this site was the best they had. *Kudos to the site admins* :D :D
  6. I guess I can relate a little to naruto probably because hes so hard-headed and hes always trying to get out of the shadow of his past....
  7. yeah theyre aired on bionix at like 10:30 or something but ive wanted to see full metal alchemist or chrono crusade or even Naruto but I cant :flaming: :( [color=navy][size=1]Please watch your post quality; correct capitalization and punctuation are never a bad thing, especially if you just want to make a short/quick comment. ~Dagger~[/size][/color]
  8. Hey can the residents in canada get Cartoon network? :confused:
  9. Katamari666


    the coolest things about fable are the different choices you can make and the degree to which you can customize your character, they forgot to add a gender choice though.
  10. What about YRV (youth restricted veiwing) its strange because americans tend to veiw violence in anime as violence directed towards children , but would you rate gundam for children ? or CCS for children. ie Metropolis has a rating of 18+ in blockbuster Ridiculous neh?
  11. yeah i read shonen jump and the mangas but its so unheard of here neh?
  12. i have but im in brampton and noone knows about it :confused: :(
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