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Everything posted by elfpirate

  1. [quote name='DarkOtakuBoy']Oh, I know. Most punk rock artists I listen to are over 30. (Bad Religion, etc.) I just mean according to what adults consider acceptable American social standards. I'm not saying thats how things are, especially here in the northeast.[/quote] Ah... but, technically, WE"RE the adults now, right?
  2. So less than 1/2 of 170-some Americans think we should restrict the rights of Muslims? Hmm...well... first off, the majority of Americans are truly clueless regarding all issues, especially our government, and secondly, the American government restricts its own citizen's rights regardless of religion. This is not a free country, after all, no matter how loudly they insist that it is. If it concerns you that Muslims are being grouped into a certain category, then why group Americans into one category? We are not all the same... just as all Muslims are not terrorists.
  3. Oh, how I wish that anime could make me cry... but I guess I'm too cold... there are very few things in this existence that make me cry anymore.
  4. [QUOTE=DarkOtakuBoy] Plus, my hobbies like anime, videogames, and punk rock music are for guys in their mid teens. (according to "accepted social standards" I mean) I'm older than you and I not only would list those as my top three "likes", but I had no idea that punk music was for kids in their mid-teens... in fact, I know all too many punk rock artists of drinking age and higher... and their fans range from young teens to older adults in their late 40s.
  5. OK- here's a weird dream that I've been trying to figure out since February of 1996 (yeah, I know the date because it was a month after I moved back to Hawai'i) Anyhow, it started out in a forest... I was walking in the woods and it suddenly struck me that I felt different somehow. I came upon a large puddle and peered at my reflection- which was not at all what I had expected. Instead of a 5'6" female, I was a 6'2" (or so) male... and I was some sort of brown-skinned elf. I had a feeling of true tranquility- which is something very absent from my life- and I felt that I was in a form more true than my female human self. I then continued on my journey. Along the way, I was collecting herbs and roots and filling medicine bags with them, which I knew would be used to heal people later. Eventually, I came to a large lake with a beautiful castle in the middle of it. I knew I had to find a way to get to it. I stood on the edge of the lake, pondering how to cross the water, as there was no bridge or boat, and I somehow knew that the water would kill me. As I pondered, I became aware of someone standing to my left. When I looked at him, I knew he was a spiritual entity. He told me that there was absolutely no way to cross the water...but I didn't accept it. I told him that I would find a way. I took a deep breath and stepped out above the water...and discovered that I hadn't fallen in but was instead standing on an invisible bridge. I turned to the man and said something about "I can cross because I have faith and I believe that I can cross". He then said something to the effect that it's impossible to cross and that he should know because he is Jesus. I answered him with "If you cannot find the faith to cross, then I cannot help you". He smiled and nodded, as if to tell me that I had passed a test and I walked on. Then I woke up. This dream seems extremely bizarre to me because I am not a person who would ever subscribe to an organized religion and at the time I had it, elves were not something that ever crossed my mind. It's also the only dream I've ever had in which I was the opposite gender. I've had lots of strange dreams, but this one felt...I don't know... like it was trying to tell me something...
  6. This is another one of those "I'm just curious" threads. I wanted to know if my fellow Otaku's see themselves as pacifists or as warriors? Is violence necessary sometimes or can all problems be solved peacefully? As for myself, I would definitely have to say "warrior" -I truly believe that there is a time and a place for everything- including violence. Feel free to prove me wrong, if you wish... So what do you think? Edit: OK- I guess what I meant to ask and somehow worded it wrong was this: Do you believe that there are situations in which fighting is necessary (or that there are things that are truly worth fighting for regardless of whether you think you can win) or do you believe that violence is always unnecessary and that you should always walk away from a fight no matter what the cause?
  7. I was just curious- do you think that you "act your age"? If not, do you act older or younger than your years suggest you should? And, finally, if you are one of those who act older/younger- do you do it intentionally or are you, in your mind or spirit, actually the age that you act like? (Keep in mind, I am basing these questions on the general social standards of age vs behavior.)
  8. That's pretty funny. There's so much inuendo that can come of skateboarding terminology... though I wonder if non- skaters understand even half of it? Although I think your poem is missing "lip" and "gap" - tee hee... *sk8Rgrrl*
  9. Hmmm... I, like Panda, have been out of high school for about a decade... although I couldn't deal with the social ignorance of the school I was attending, and therefore dropped out half-way through my freshman year and got my GED. (Many of the teachers and administrators were both sexist and racist and I was sick of getting detentions, in-school suspensions and the like for pointing out their ignorance) So then I went to university for a while- psychology major- until some family issues forced me to leave. (I won't get into that) As a high school student, though, I imagined myself being a writer... specifically, I wanted to travel within the underground punk scene...squatting the world... and write about my experiences and all the other homeless kids I'd met. Now, I still want to travel some more and I still want to write, but I've decided that fiction is more fun for me to write. I'm currently working on two totally different novels. For money, though, I want to be a chopper pilot. I'm in the process of finding a flight school to attend. And Panda- I, too, admire your strength and positive attitude. I've watched my auntie and my grandmother suffer with RA. And I know how difficult it is to stay positive when pain interferes with every aspect of your life. I shattered two of the discs in my spine and fractured the vertebrae (which ended up fusing together). I struggle to remain positive, as well... AND I am a single mom with a special needs child...
  10. ! -[b]Lone toddler crying in a shopping mall.[/b] I would find security and have them take the child to the security office while they intercom a "lost child" code. -[b]First person at the scene of a car accident.[/b] I would stop to assess the situation, call an ambulance, and then do what I can to help while the ambulance was en-route. (This is the kind of situation where I thrive.) -[b]Person drowning.[/b] This one really is vague- is it a child? An adult? In a swimming pool or ocean or river? I guess I'll give a general answer...I would first try to find something for the drowning person to either grab onto or float upon and if that didn't work, I'd have to jump in and attempt a rescue. I'm a pretty strong swimmer after growing up in Hawai'i, so I can't use "weak swimmer" as an excuse not to throw myself into the water. -[b]Obviously upset person running down the street.[/b] I would leave them the hell alone, and I'll tell you why: A few years ago, I was driving home from a friend's house in the dead of winter (and at 3am) and I saw this woman- she was dressed only in a short, thin robe...like...silk or something... and she was obviously upset at something other than the -20 degrees air or being barefoot and half-naked in the snow. I thought for a second that I should pick her up before she freezes to death- knowing that we were out in the woods and that there wasn't even a gas station out there for her to go to. But I got a bad feeling about it, and I ended up leaving her out in the cold. I felt a little guilty about it the next day, but when I woke up two days after seeing her, my mom said" I'm sure glad that you have some intuition" and gave me the local paper...which had a story in it about the very same woman...who was picked up by police 10 minutes after I saw her and charged with the brutal stabbings of her boyfriend and her brother... a crime she had committed about 20 minutes before I saw her on the side of the road. So, if I again saw someone who was upset on the side of the road, you can bet that I won't stop...unless it's a child. -[b]Injured animal.[/b] Ha ha. I guess I would do what I can to help, though I was bitten really badly once...doing exactly that... a freaking squirrel bit my finger to the bone... I could see the cartilage in my knuckle... I love animals, though, so I would definitely help.
  11. Congrats on your acceptance, Liam. I have not yet applied to any universities because I decided not to go back to the one I had been attending. I do, however, have a question for you about Aussie schools-- Do you know of any helicopter flight training schools over there? I had found one online but their site hadn't been updated in a long time, and they never responded to my e-mails. I REALLY want to emmigrate to Australia, and I am quite determined to become a chopper pilot... but I don't know where to go for info... I know it's not quite as cool as biomed, but, hey- I'm sure there's lots of tourists to search and rescue in Australia, eh? If I can't find a way to apply to an Aussie school, I'll have to go back to Hawai'i for flight school...which wouldn't be so bad... but I'd prefer kangaroo-land...
  12. "To resist despair in this world is what it is to be free" -Operation Ivy- The worst possible prison in this world is the prison we create for ourselves within our own hearts and minds- our attitudes shape our realities. "There must be less to life than this" This is a good mantra for the overwhelmed... "This guy makes the term 'arsehole' seem redundant"- Irvine Welsh (Trainspotting)- This sums up so many people... "THIS---is my BOOMSTICK!" "WHO'S LAUGHING NOW!?!"(while lopping off his own "bad" hand with a chainsaw) -Ash, Evil Dead series "Horse-faced space dog" "I'm a mog- half man, half dog- I'm my own best friend!" -Spaceballs - These quotes are just uniquely silly and make me smile... "Life is pain, your highness- & anyone that says otherwise is trying to sell you something" -The Princess Bride - You can't escape the glaring truth... C3PO: (To bounty hunter)The illustrious Jabba wishes to know why he should pay the sum of fifty thousand? Bounty hunter: Eechoto... C3PO:(To Jabba)Because he's holding a thermal detonator! Jabba:Ah ha ha ha...this bounty hunter is my kind of scum! -if you don't know, that's sad... Just my kind of scum, as well...direct and to the point... "Your heart is a muscle the size of your fist- keep loving/keep fighting" -EK If it's worth loving, then it's worth fighting for...
  13. Ha! If "dysfunctional" describes a family where a case of soda is tossed about accidentally, then the word "dysfunctional" ceases to hold meaning for me. I wouldn't even be able to post stories from my family on this board. It would get me and others in some serious s**t. "Disfunctional" falls waaaay short of the mark. I have no advice for someone who gets uptight about their family's soda-flinging antics except maybe to re-evaluate their situation or to look up the word "dysfunctional".
  14. I've had a myriad of nick-names over the years but only a few that stuck...usually I became enraged enough at a nickname to get people to stop calling me by it. When I was about three, a friend of my parents' started calling me "Winifred McGillicuddy" for reasons unknown to this day. My family picked it up and it was shortened to "Winnie". My mom also used to call me Wednesday when I was little because I was sort of morbid and rarely smiled. And Nattie Ghan...again, for reasons unknown. As a young teen, I was known as Twitch (self-explanatory) and later as Roach- because I ate one on a dare- yeah, the bug. Then, I was dubbed Johnny... because someone thought it was funny that I was always looking over my shoulder and was easily startled (Like Johnny from The Outsiders). I, however, did not find it quite as amusing, because it stemmed from my post-traumatic stress disorder- but I didn't protest the nickname because most people didn't know why I was being called that and because Johnny was close enough to my real name to be comfortable. I even use the name myself rather frequently. Finally- I am known to some as Germ and to my mom's husband as Elfchild or Elfdaughter... the former because my initials are JRM and the latter because people think I look like an elf (Everyone says I look like an anime character, as well, but thankfully, no one has christened me by any character's name so far). Oh, wait- I forgot one- my ex boyfriend used to call me Tyler because he said my personality was as unstable (and even resembled) Tyler Durdin's from Fight Club.Eeps! The ones that linger are: Roach, Johnny, Germ, and the "elf" ones. I'll introduce myself as Johnny when I don't want someone to know my real name or when I don't feel like teaching someone how to pronounce my real name, which I almost always have to do. (It's Jenea) I'm sure there were more that I've forgotten about and I'm sure someone will try to give me yet another nick-name in the future... maybe next time it will be something a little more on the positive side of things- or one that suits me better, anyway.
  15. Heh- I, too, am single and dating my PS2, although I will sometimes see my Gamecube on the side...(sshhhh! don't tell). Okay- seriously. I just got out of a 4-year relationship with a guy that I've been friends with for about 12 years, and I'm not missing it one bit. I think I am impossible to love. My personality is too enigmatic. People don't tend to like what they don't understand and they've made it clear to me that I'm impossible to understand. Therefore, I must be unlikable/unloveable, right? It's frustrating to care so deeply about people who will never understand who you are, but, after a lifetime of frustration, I'm beginning to get used to it. I'm happy to be single again but it sure would be nice to have someone to talk to. I just moved and I haven't made any friends yet. I literally have no one to just hold a conversation with. It really blows. Oh, well... what can you do? Oh, yeah- visit forums and chat rooms- tee hee. Or talk/yell/cuss at the PS2 all day and watch strangers do stupid things at the bar all night. :drunk:
  16. Yeah! Finally, I can relate to a topic... I'm an "older-generation" skater- I took it up as a wee lass back when Hosoi was still really popular (a REALLY wee lass, mind you). I ate, breathed, slept, and dreamed skateboarding for a long time, though now I can only skate when the snow melts- and that's for about 3 months out of the year where I'm currently living. I'll always love Hensley, but Muska and Penny are pretty solid, as well. It's not easy being a female skater here, either. I actually got hit upside the head with the trucks-side of a local skater's board because he was angry that I'm a chic and could skate as well as he could. If I didn't have my brother to skate with, I would pretty much have no one to skate with. I think it's because guys are uncomfortable with the idea of a girl out-skating them or with seeing a girl rip the skin off her knees and elbows and what-not when she falls.Hmmm...I really don't know. When this world fills me up with rage and hate I throw on my shoes and I go out and skate...
  17. [QUOTE=Charles]Sometimes the best advice is the most simple, my friend: Because, let's face it--neither women nor men ever fantasize about unobtainable fictional characters. Just ask the countless Legolas fangirls floating around. She has a lot of nerve. Instead of ogling over other real-life males, she's chosen a creation of fantasy. Her obsession is obviously a big threat to the security and trust of your relationship. This problem must be dealt with swiftly and severely. you said it! he'd better put a stop to it before the romance gets too serious- i even heard Bakura whispering about eloping...
  18. Ohkami said: Like several others, I live in Australia. I wish I didn't, the weather can be so hot sometimes. Hey- I live in Minnesota and I'm trying to figure out how I can save up enough loot to get where you are- My original home is Hawai'i so i'm not enjoying living in a place where taking a stroll can mean the freezing and expansion of your skin cells (which will eventually begin exploding). It's colder than Siberia here- we've been at -20 degrees for about a week-windchills around -30 to -40. i'll go back to snowless winters anyday...
  19. I stumbled across it looking for Inuyasha/misc. anime/manga art to draw. I guess I joined because I am living in a very isolated place right now -physically and intellectually- and wanted to chat with someone that had common interests.
  20. hmmm...interesting... well-i've never been accused of being the typical female(or the typical human, for that matter) so you might not want my opinion on the subject, but, of course, i'm going to share it anyway. what i look for in a guy above all things is an original perspective on the world- someone who can make me think from a different angle about something i thought i knew absolutely-and open up new worlds. secondly, i'm a sucker for the smart ones with a wicked sense of humor. biting wit is perfect. i also like guys who aren't afraid to spar and rough-house with a girl but can tell when i need them to be gentle with me. a certain amount of insanity can really make hanging out more interesting, too... as far as looks go- i can't answer that, really. i'm an anomaly, i guess, because i don't have a type outside of the cerebral. i also like spontaneous and unpredictable.NOT unreliable, but unpredictable. if he doesn't have a sense of humor or can't take a joke, i'll be sick of him really quickly. :sleep: he must be genuine,as well...and self-assured- i hate it when someone is always fishing for reassurance...it's not my job to boost the guy's ego-that's what his actions are supposed to be for...not that i won't compliment him- i just don't want to be the determining factor in the guy's self esteem.
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