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Everything posted by elfpirate

  1. [font=Comic Sans MS][b]Lol, SunfallE--It caught me off-guard to realise that this was[i] indeed[/i] about... blankets... but that's only cuz I'm not a trusting soul and I need my brain washed out. Anyhow, I have but two blankets-- an old tattered, nearly-a sheet-it's-so-worn Star Wars blanket for warm nights, and a 30lb (exaggerating, but not by much) down comforter that I sewed by hand (it's huge, too) for those below-zero nights. It's nice to be smashed to the bed with a super heavy blanket---"tucked in to an insane degree", as Homer calls it, when the temp drops...or when you're feeling...er...out-of-sorts with the world. [/b][/font]
  2. [QUOTE=James][color=#737373]Hah, don't even try to make sense of what the Catholic church says or does, lol. ~_^ I can only think of one thing that I never understood: the massive popularity of Friends. I've seen a few episodes and, my god...this show is compared to the likes of Seinfeld? Wow. The jokes are usually horribly inane and air-headed. "Ow, I got ice in my eye." ..."You want me to put ice on that?" *massive audience laugh* [i]C'mon![/i] That's just so awful and lame, lol. I saw a Barbara Walters interview with Matt LeBlanc (however you spell his last name) and she was like "say your line!" And it was "How you doin'?" or something. My. God. She actually giggled at that? That's like when Bart says "I didn't do it". Just...euh...no. It's got to be a glitch in the Matrix. ~_^[/color][/QUOTE] [b][font=Comic Sans MS]LOL-- You are so very right, James, but Friends isn't the only one... Here's another nonsensical thing: "Directions for use" on bathroom products. If you have to have an operator's manual for your toothpaste, you have bigger issues than plaque. [/font][/b]
  3. [font=Comic Sans MS][b]Wow, CHW-- that is a serious question for OB.:animeswea I think Lincoln's excuse ("I want my life back") is a bit on the selfish side, yes, but I doubt that that's all there is to it. You said he's been thinking about it since his return-- so he's had that time to put it into the words "I want my life back"... which may mean more than that. Guys can sometimes have issues with telling the woman they care about what they really mean...out of fear of "a woman's wrath" -hahaha. Oh--sorry--it's not really a laughing matter... but you know what I mean...I hope. :animeswea I don't have the slightest idea what you two have been through in your relationship outside of having a child and being separated while he was in Iraq, but I do agree that counseling --for both of you-- is in your best interest. Even if it doesn't change his mind about divorce, it can help you to understand what drove his head up his butt to begin with... and to deal with a divorce, if it's emminent. Your little one will learn by example-- I think it would be far worse to teach her to stay with someone that doesn't want to be with her than it would be to put her through the divorce of her parents. Speaking from my own experience-- I'm really glad my parents finally divorced. It was hell to have them fighting all of the time. [/b][/font]
  4. [quote name='Lord Dante']No problem elfpirate, it was meant as a comedic quote.[/quote] [font=Comic Sans MS][b]And it was taken as one, to be sure. I'm quite happy to see that some people still retain a sense of humor. :animesmil @Mistress Roxie-- Yes, thank you for clarifying the rambling of a sleep-deprived idiot such as myself. That's precisely what I was getting at, but was too incoherent to make my point concisely at the time. :animesigh [/b][/font]
  5. [b][font=Comic Sans MS]@ Sakurasuka: I wasn't directing my response at anyone in particular. I was just stating my mind on the issue. I hope you don't think I was attacking you... *arches brow*[/font][/b]
  6. [font=Comic Sans MS][b]Love is a desire in life, whereas dreams [i]are[/i] life. [/b][/font][font=Comic Sans MS][b]One who forsakes their dreams is already dead. Obviously, most people want love, but I believe that even if you have love, you can't be happy without your dreams. If I had to choose between them, I'd chase my dreams, not love. I can bear to be alone, but not to be hollowed out. [/b][/font]
  7. *Shakes head in utter disgust* [font=Comic Sans MS][b]How could you possibly justify going to war for something that you don't believe in? Throwing away your own life for that is deplorable enough, but to take the lives of others in the name of something you know/believe to be wrong? That is sincerely f***ed up. War is horrible, it's brutal, it's loathesome--but it's a necessity at times. That's the simple reality of our world. If I ever feel the necessity to go to war, you can bet that I shall be fighting for what I believe in--even if that were a fight against my own nation. My loyalties lie with my morals and my beliefs, not with any social or political group--and certainly not with any nation. But I truly believe that there is something fundamentally wrong with someone who can disregard their own convictions to the point that they would be willing to die for and to kill for something that goes against their own beliefs. I mean, where is the honor in that? What does that say about how much you value life? If you lack the strength in your beliefs to the point where you are willing to fight against what you know/believe to be right-- then why the hell do you even claim to have beliefs in the first place? What purpose do your beliefs serve if they aren't even important enough to you to stand up for? Those that lack the courage of their convictions are those that end up being controlled to the point in which they fight on the side of tyranny and oppression-- blindly and mindlessly taking orders from their superiors often against what they know, or believe, to be right or just. History has shown that to be true many times over. SO... no, there is no way in hell I would ever compromise my moral integrity and die for, kill for, or otherwise stand up for something I didn't believe in. That is cowardice in camouflage... cowardice of the worst degree... [/b][/font]
  8. [QUOTE=Havokio][color=Indigo] I also don't like to feel pitful. This may sound sexist, but I am a man. I'm supposed to find my own solutions. Not to be pitied, and not to have favors done for me because of a "situation". Pity is only second worse than being lied to. [/color][/QUOTE] [b][font=Comic Sans MS]Heh heh-- women don't like to feel pitiful, either, Havokio.;) I understand what you mean, though-- that males are expected to be stronger and to [i]solve[/i] problems instead of to[i] have[/i] problems and women are expected to be ...well... pitiful damsels in distress. Stereotypes suck for both genders. @SunfallE: Yeah, you pretty much know where I'm coming from with this topic. :animeswea @Lord Dante: I had forgotten about that quote of Shang Tsung's-- your post made my day. :animesmil [/font][/b]
  9. [quote name='Umbra II'] Truly, in my honest opinion, and with no intention to insult anyone, if you resent honest pity, you must think you don't need it. That is called pride. [/quote] [b][font=Comic Sans MS]Excuse my posting, if I don't make sense-- I'm trying to be coherent at an extremely inopportune time, but here goes: I'm not insulted at all by your opinion, but I am definitely one of those that resent pity, and I really [i]don't[/i] think I need to be pitied. Perhaps that counts as being prideful, but when I've been through something horrific or terrible, the [i]last[/i] thing I need is someone gushing "[/font][/b][font=Comic Sans MS] You poor thing[/font][b][font=Comic Sans MS]" if I've chosen to share my experience with them. I guess, in my mind, if I share something like that, I'm not looking for pity, but understanding of the severity of the situation and the positives it took to survive/ overcome the negatives. "[/font][/b][font=Comic Sans MS]Poor baby[b]" statements don't even [i]begin[/i] to recognise courage or strength or [i]anything[/i] positive about the person's experience, so I [/b][/font][b][font=Comic Sans MS]find them insulting. I mean, if someone truly is incapable of seeing anything beyond the scope of the negativity of the situation, why do they feel compelled to say anything other than "That's an incomprehensibly bad situation. I don't know what I would have done if that had been me..." or something along those lines--instead of "[/font][/b][font=Comic Sans MS]Oh, you poor dear[b]" ? I guess I can't really explain right now what I mean when I say that pity and sympathy/empathy/sorrow are not all synonymous, and that [i]pity[/i] is demeaning, whereas the others aren't. [/b][/font][b][font=Comic Sans MS] [/font][/b]
  10. [b][font=Comic Sans MS]I had an interesting AIM conversation yesterday that made me wonder what other people think about pity.[/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS]I really loathe pity and find it demeaning.[/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS]Though the dictionary defines it as being synonymous with sympathy and empathy, it seems to refer more to the attitude that one would feel in regards to something "pitiful"--AKA--"pathetic".[/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS]What do the rest of you think about pity?[/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS]Is it okay to pity someone?[/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS]Do you appreciate it when someone pities you, or does it insult you?[/font][/b]
  11. [b][font=Comic Sans MS]It's definitely possible.[/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS]Here's my example:[/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS]There was this kid named Josh that used to skate with me and my brother and our group of friends-- He was one of the best skateboarders I have ever seen, and I admired his natural talent quite a bit.[/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS]But he was such a complete jerk to everyone-- and especially to his mother (who was a wonderful woman and a "Supermom") that I could no longer stand to be around him. So I quit skating with him.[/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS]A few years later, I found out that he had raped my friend on a number of occcasions while the two of them were dating.[/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS]So-- as much as I admired his talent as a skateboarder, I couldn't tolerate him as a person.[/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS]There have actually been a number of people in my life that I both admired and abhorred simultaneously.[/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS]I would think it's a pretty common experience all around. *shrugs*[/font][/b]
  12. [b][font=Comic Sans MS]World domination can be accomplished without a great deal of money, I think...;) [/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS]I guess I'm going to say that I would make sure that everyone that I love and care about would have the things that they need in life, so that they can quit working so hard just to live, and can have the time to pursue their dreams.[/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS]Beyond that, I'm a sucker for charitable causes. I would do my best to make a difference in the lives of the needy.[/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS]Uh... I think, for myself, I'd buy another classic car and a chopper--lol.[/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS]Oh, and I think the sail ship is a given.[/font][/b]
  13. [b][font=Comic Sans MS]Hmmm... there's a lot of them that swim around in my head, but the one I keep coming back to lately (or, rather, have been focused on for the last 6 months or so) is this:[/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=blue]"To resist despair in this world is what it is to be free".[/color][/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=blue][/color][/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS]I can't seem to get that one out of my head lately, thanks to circumstance.[/font][/b]
  14. [b][font=Comic Sans MS]Honestly, I'd have to say that the thought that most often nags at me is something along the lines of:[/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS]My lifetime spills away with every minute--what the hell am I going to do with it?[/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS]It gets old after a while to never have an answer for that one.[/font][/b]
  15. [b][font=Comic Sans MS]I'm pretty small at 5'6" and about 105-110lbs, but I rather enjoy being this size.[/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS]I can hide in small places and I have pretty good balance with my center of gravity being so low--lol. [/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/b] [font=Comic Sans MS][b]Plus, I get to wear the children's sizes, so I can get Darth Vader shoes and all the other cool "just for kids" stuff--:animesmil . My brother gets jealous of all the Star Wars gear and other fun stuff that I can wear that he can't, seeing as I'm built like an elf (or a child) and he'a built like a typical broad-shouldered Scotsman.lol[/b][/font]
  16. [QUOTE=Baron Samedi][size=1]I'm figuring that OB must be a magnet for just about anybody with shocking eating habits o_O I don't see how people can just blatantly skip meals. If I do miss meals, I always get that sick feeling inside my stomach. How can people ignore that, lol?[/size][/QUOTE] [font=Comic Sans MS][b]Well, as I said, I don't feel hunger... nor a sick feeling-- basically, the only thing that tells me that I forgot to eat (besides reminders from other people) is the eventual migraine that comes with not eating:animesigh ...but that's after a couple of days with no food.[/b][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][b]So there's nothing to be ignored-- I just need to work on remembering more often that people need food-lol.[/b][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][b] o.O[/b][/font] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS]I have no idea why I never feel hunger, but starving is not an intentional thing for me. =)[/font][/b]
  17. [b][font=Comic Sans MS]As much as I love the sun and the warmth, there's nothing quite like tropical storms.[/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS]Whether it's a downpour that drowns out all other sounds in the roar of the falling rain or a massive electrical storm or the insane wind-storms like mini-typhoons... those are the weather conditions that make me feel alive.[/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS]Unfortunately, I'm rather far from my tropical home right now and I have to put up with snow and sleet and hail for like 9 months out of the year. It's dismal here and bitterly cold most of the time. Acclimated, I have not.:animesigh [/font][/b]
  18. [b][font=Comic Sans MS]Alright, I'm going to have a go at this...[/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS]I'm going to try to come up with something for Dirt.[/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS]Screen name: Well, the nearest I can figure is that he's chosen Dirt for his screen name because he is either a humble person or he feels a connection to earth...or perhaps he has a strong aversion to bathing.[/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS]Custom title: "Hound of Cuchulainn" ...interesting. I suppose this depicts the fascination with the legend of Cuchulainn. [/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS]Avy: His avy is a depiction of a legendary Irish warrior named Cuchulainn, so I assume that he either admires the legend or would like to emmulate it. However, the image he chose is a rather bold one, as far as Cuchulainn images go, in that it depicts the warrior with his sword drawn and it is not his death scene, so I think it would be the strength of the warrior, and not the legendary fame that came from it that he admires.[/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS]Sig: A slight variation of the custom title, incorporating the knotwork and a self-given title which completely ruins my theory about the warrior himself:animeswea and makes me think that Dirt ideentifies with the vicious and the feral aspects of both canines and warfare.:animesigh [/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS]K-- now I'm done BSing my way through this post...:animeblus it's someone else's turn.[/font][/b]
  19. [b][font=Comic Sans MS]I was rather disappointed with the previous Evil Dead games, but as a die-hard Evil Dead (and Bruce Campbell *hails to the king*) fan, I'll be sure to pick the newest one up, as well...:animesmil [/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS]As for the Jaws game-- I think it looks pretty good-- I, too would get a kick out of random human-devouring. Even if I grew bored with it, it could sit on my shelf until I was once again in the mood to chomp chumps...[/font][/b]
  20. [b][font=Comic Sans MS]I really had to think about that for a while-lol.[/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS]I don't think I could choose between them.[/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS]I adore RE, but it [i]is[/i] lacking in the horror ambiance and I definitely consider it to be more akin to an action game than horror. On top of that, the puzzles are just too easy, but I like the storylines much better than Silent Hill.[/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS]On the other hand, although SH has the creepy ambiance going for it, it's lacking in action and you need to be in the right mood to play it (or, at least I do...and "manic" is not good for that). The puzzles can actually be challenging, however, which is an appealing characteristic for someone like me.[/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS]So, it depends on whether I'm in the mood for faster-paced, easier-solved action gaming (with a better storyline), or a creepy, slower-paced, somewhat-challenging gaming experience with a so-so storyline.[/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS]Heh...did this post even make any sense? lol *doubts it*[/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/b]
  21. [quote name='ThatOneOddDude'] A friend must not find anything you say or do abnormal, they must think of you always as their friend, never as some weirdo [/quote] [b][font=Comic Sans MS]Crap. In that case, I have absolutely [i]no[/i] friends... and I never have.:animeswea lol[/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS]I suppose it's a grand thing that I don't have that included in my definition, [b][font=Comic Sans MS]because even my family thinks I'm insane/abnormal/a weirdo...etc...[/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/b] [/font][/b][b][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/b]
  22. [b][font=Comic Sans MS]Friend: The only person that you'd trust enough to disclose the location of your buried enemies to.[/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS]Heh...only kidding...perhaps...:smirk: [/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS]I'm not really sure how I would define "friend" other than someone with whom you feel a strong mutual bonding, a sense of loyalty, trust, and integrity with, and someone with whom you can relate to. [/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS]And to answer your question about family-- my brother and I have always been best friends through everything... so, the answer to that one is a definite yes.[/font][/b]
  23. [b][font=Comic Sans MS]For the most part, I think that life is[/font][/b][b][font=Comic Sans MS] a time to seek out new perspectives, new experiences, new wisdom, and to grow in spirit.[/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS]Our experiences and the situations we face in life help us to understand ourselves and others in an endless variety of ways... so long as we are willing to take something from the experiences that we have-- whether they be good or bad.[/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS]It's a learning experience... to what end, I can only speculate... *shrugs*[/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/b]
  24. [b]There appears to be much personal heartache and loss among the members of OB lately, (including for myself) and I'm glad to see that there is also quite a bit of support and caring, as well.[/b] [b]We will keep you and the ones you care about in our thoughts and prayers.[/b]
  25. [b]I agree that it sounds a bit rushed, but I like what you've got so far and hope you post the rest soon. I look forward to seeing what's on the other side of The Plunge.[/b]
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