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Everything posted by elfpirate

  1. [b]I like to wait and see what kind of a personality a certain pet has before I give them a name. [/b] [b]Right now, I have 2 cats:[/b] [b]Ash --named after Ash from the Evil Dead series, because he's always getting himself into some painful, brutal situation...[/b] [b]Pippin --so named for the long legs (Ent draught) and propensity for mischief...[/b] [b]and 2 rats:[/b] [b]Pele --named after the goddess for her temperament and her lava-rock-coloured coat[/b] [b]Moonlight --(not named by me) named for her blue-grey coat and softness[/b] [b]In the past, there have been cats named "Chairman Meow" and a black cat I dubbed "Azrael" because I thought he was a bit evil...and "Delilah", for the same reason.[/b] [b]I had a rat I named "spork" because she was insane, and I thought that "spork" was suitable for something as crazy as that rat was, and another one I called Phydeaux, because when he was a baby, he looked a bit like a puppy.[/b] [b]I think it works well to observe the pet for a while 'till you find a name that suits its personality or, as others have said, one that describes their features well.[/b]
  2. [quote name='Moonsshadow']have you ever been so mad that you went berserk and said something you didnt mean to to someone you love/like/appreciate? [/quote] [b]Yes, I'm sure that I have, at some point in my childhood, but I don't think I've said anything vicious to anyone I like/love/appreciate since I was a young teen.[/b] [b]I do have a pretty short fuse for inanimate objects and people I don't like, but with the people I love and care about, I tend to be incredibly patient--almost to a fault.[/b] [b]When they make me angry, I can remain calm and approach them in a level-headed way to sort things out... and I'm straightforward, but not cruel... no matter how angry I am.[/b] [b]The people I love and care about are typically quite reactionary and volatile when there's conflict, so I've learned to be the opposite with them. It works out best that way.[/b]
  3. [QUOTE=Dragon Warrior]Liar! You lie to me! >:^O Grover shall not sink to such a crude level. And there's now a petition going around (I dunno where, so no asking >:^O) to save Sesame Street from killing off their classic character Cookie Monster. I know, they're not taking Cookie Monster away from the show, but they might as well if they do this! Geruff! :^O[/QUOTE] [b]I saw children and parents picketing on the news tonight--picketing to keep the classic Cookie Monster and his cookie-binging intact and unchanged. [/b] [b]Who knew that the bane of our existence was none other than the muppets?[/b] [b] Dirt-- I'm in on that class-action, but you forgot to mention the Tourettes Disorder and vocal tic you picked up from the Count-- the "ah ah ah" that escapes between words...[/b]
  4. [b]Okay, so my original post was purely subjective and vengeful... but really, if you give it a bit of thought, the death penalty is, in essence, nothing more than vengeance carried out by the state, anyway.[/b] [b]For a punishment to be an effective tool, as was mentioned earlier, it must modify a person's behavior. How is a person going to learn anything after you kill them? They're not-- so it becomes indirect vengeance.[/b] [b]People really want to believe that murderous people are deterred by the death sentence that other people have received, but it's just not the case. [/b] [b]The authorities (church, state, tribal leaders, etc...) have been using capital punishment for as long as there have been people living on earth. Most people know that, and yet there are thousands and thousands of murders across the globe every year...despite this foreknowledge of the possible implementation of the death penalty.[/b] [b]So whom is benefitting from it? The people who want "justice" ...AKA "vengeance". It's entirely based on the "an eye for an eye" principle.[/b] [b]Whether it takes time to file all the legal paperwork and to hire lawyers and hold a trial...and whether it's by lethal injection or beheading or what-have-you, it is still [i]not [/i]teachinga murderous person to modify their behavior nor their murderous thoughts... and is therefore a fancy, drawn out way of exacting vengeance upon a perpetrator, in my opinion.[/b]
  5. [b]I have an enormously difficult time sleeping, and I'm one of those who are up for days at a time on a regular basis--3 to 5 nights out of the week, I can't sleep-- and I mean [i]at all[/i].[/b] [b]But I'm not usually on OB during my insomniatic hours, because the computer is in my mom's study, and adjacent to her room, so it disturbs her and her husband's sleep if I'm up here too late.[/b] [b]The only time I'm on OB late (or early, depending on how you look at it) is when my mom and her husband are both at work all night... so...probably every other week.[/b]
  6. [QUOTE=Gavin][size=1]Yes and I was making the point that if you were going to simply murder the person you believed was responsible for killing someone you cared about why wait to go through the whole process of a trial for that person ? Why not simply kill them before the trial so you can have your vengeance sooner, rather than waiting for the court to pronounce the Death Sentence on the individual ? The simple answer to that question is that courts make mistakes and innocent people get sentenced to death, and if you later found out that the person you had gleefully murdered was innocent I get the feeling you'd fell pretty bad about it. The plus side is you wouldn't live very long after because a member of that person's family would probably tear you a new one in a very brutal manner.[/size][/QUOTE] [b]True, it doesn't apply to all cases...[/b] [b]Like I said, I was venting and posting subjectively-- and I [i]do[/i] know who it was that murdered one of my friends...without a doubt. [/b] [b]It was that person that had my mind and heart filled with the idea of vengeance... and I agree, the family of said murderer would probably kill me... which is why I would never endorse anarchy-- because people like me can get a mite too emotional about things and take things too far...[/b] [b]*Shrug*[/b]
  7. [quote name='Gavin][size=1']I'm afraid then elfpirate that you've left the realm of Justice and entered that of what is essentially vengeance for the victims. Why not just get the person who has committed the murder and hang him from a tree before he goes to court ? Why not shoot him while he's in court ? Why wait until the sentence has been passed so you can go and inflict your own brand of violent vengeance on the person ? [/size][/quote][b]Um... That's what I said [i]here [/i]:[/b] [b][QUOTE=elfpirate] [/b] [b]The system should not be the ones taking a murderer's life... the loved ones of the victims should be able to do it ..and in whatever way seems fit to them.[/QUOTE][b]Endorsing personal vengeance was exactly what I was getting at with that part...[/b] [b]...and I was under the impression that I had stated my bias and skewed perspective on the matter with [i]this[/i] part:[QUOTE=elfpirate] [/b] [b]Then again, my perspective is a little bit biased and jaded.[/QUOTE][/b] [b]and then I finish with yet another endorsement of personal vengeance.[/b] [b][quote name='elfpirate'] I personally, would like to inflict pain and death upon whomever it was that killed the people that I cared about and loved... with my own two hands. In no other way would I be satisfied-- not even if I watched the execution (performed by the state) first hand. (Yes, I realise that I sound creepy--and I really don't care) [/quote] [/b] [b][b]I had believed that I had made it rather clear that I was speaking from an extremely subjective standpoint. I was venting more than anything, actually. [/b] [b]I had planned to let the rest of you hash the debate out as far as the pros and cons were concerned... I was simply sharing my twisted perspective (of the moment) for your viewing pleasure.:smirk: [/b] [b](See? I'm not rude-- I was thinking of all of you.:love: )[/b] [/b][/b]
  8. [QUOTE=Dirt][b][color=darkgreen] I think they are some sort of being, but I loathe to think that dead people are stuck here with nothing better to do than haunt places and chat with people.[/color][/b] [b][color=#006400]Those things that show up looking like people who once lived are not the person. They are either a spirit of some sort doing some mischief or they are a worn thread in the time/space continuum-- a memory happening in real time[/color][/b][b][color=#006400].[/color][/b][/QUOTE] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=2][b]lol- I loathe to think that as well...tee hee...[/b][/size][/font] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][size=2][/size][/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][size=2]Seriously, though, I would have to subscribe to the latter of those two hypotheses myself-- that ghosts are a tear in the fabric of the time/space continuum, and that it's simply a glimpse into the past, present, or future that we're not technically supposed to be able to see/hear/feel, etc. Sometimes, nature f**ks up... [/size][/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][size=2][/size][/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][size=2][i]And[/i] I think it would be way neater to be able to conjure ghosts because you can manipulate some attribute of time and space than simply because you possess some sort of "psychic energy". We ALL possess psychic energy...[/size][/font][/b]
  9. [quote name='Whipperet']I've done that as well. My family is always begging for computer and since I moved the comp into my room they can't use it because I lock them out.[/quote] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][size=2]Don't you think that's a bit selfish? I mean, I stay up all night on the comp, but I wouldn't go as far as locking people out to enable myself to do so.[/size][/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][size=2][/size][/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][size=2]I actually loathe being up all night, and the only reason that I end up on the computer is that everyone else around here is asleep--ie: there's no one to speak with at 0500 unless I wake them up to do so...which, for the record, is not well received.[/size][/font][/b]
  10. [b][font=Comic Sans MS]Ok...as DW so sweetly pointed out, there are already several threads on the subject of the movie (yeah, I wasn't looking past the first page of threads)[/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS]So-- I guess I'll turn this into a different question...[/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS]How many of you saw the BBC's version of it, and how do you suppose this new one will better capture the antics of the books (being that the BBC's pretty much sucked)?[/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS]I have little to go on as far as expectations for this new movie, but if the trailer I saw was any indication of the quality of the film, I don't have my hopes up for it to out-do the BBC movie.[/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS]Then again, many trailers for really brilliant films were pretty lame in themselves...so here's to crossing my fingers...[/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS]What do you think? Will it be another miserable failure at capturing the books, or have they finally got it right?[/font][/b]
  11. [quote name='Dirt][b][color=#006400]Then again, I don't feel guilty after ripping off major corporations either, so maybe I'm just a d**k.:animesigh [/color'][/b][/quote] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3]lmao... Y[size=2]es, dirt, you are a d**k--but not just because of your lack of guilt--ha ha ha.[/size][/size][/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][size=2][/size][/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][size=2]Hmmm... internet piracy, eh? Well, I guess it depends on exactly what you're "stealing" when pirating online. If you are plagiarizing something, then I'd say it's wrong, but if you're just downloading songs out of curiosity of a band's talent or sound, then I guess I don't even really consider it stealing.[/size][/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][size=2][/size][/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][size=2][/size][/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][size=2][/size][/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][size=2]"Rob? We never "rob"! We just sort of...borrow a bit from those who can afford it..."[/size][/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][size=2] -Robin Hood :animesmil [/size][/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][size=2][/size][/font][/b] [b][font=Comic Sans MS][size=2]That's pretty much my feeling on the subject...[/size][/font][/b]
  12. [b]Heh...heh heh heh...[/b] [b]I just finally got some sleep after a week-long bout of sleeplessness. It wasn't just one night on the computer...it was more like days on end...with a constant nagging to get off the computer and go to sleep.[/b] [b]But I knew that if I layed down, I would end up tossing and turning until I couldn't stand it any longer and I'd get back up anyway...(I knew this because I'd been[i] trying[/i] to go to sleep for days--my state of consciousness had nothing to do with the computer)[/b]
  13. [b]My heartfelt condolences... I do know how you feel.[/b] [b]I have lost many good friends and loved ones over the years to tragic circumstances.[/b] [b]The most recent (of people whom I was extremely close to) were two friends of mine that were murdered within a couple months of one another at the end of last year. (unrelated homocides)[/b] [b]This was a new feeling of both absolute anguish and desperate rage.[/b] [b]It is one thing to lose someone you love to an accident or to a medical condition--or even to suicide...but to have someone stolen from your life by a merciless ***hole for no logical reason... that affects you in a completely different way. In fact, I'm not sure I'll ever be the same.[/b] [b]When you suddenly lose someone, your fondest memories of them can become your most agonizing thoughts... and your most cherished and sacred. It's hard to explain...[/b] [b]And you suddenly remember all the things that you wish you would have said to them when they were there, but for some reason, you didn't.[/b] [b]I guess the way that I see it is that you can learn from that, and make sure that the ones you care about know how you feel about them, and often, or you harbor those regrets forever and become a miserable person.[/b] [b]Carpe Diem, right? Live each day like it was your last (but not the way that Homer Simpson tried to do:animesmil ).[/b]
  14. [QUOTE=AzureWolf][color=blue]Dirt, why are you so darn rude? I don't see what the big problem was that you had to call ForgottenRider's post stupid. To clarify what ForgottenRider was saying, he was going off on a philosophical tangent, explaining how adversity and inequality are the driving forces for a person to improve him/herself. If there is none of that, then a person tends to not care about self-improvement. That's why the cultural adaptation vs. evolutionary adaptation is still an ongoing debate. While I certainly disagree with FR, I don't think it's a stupid argument.[/color][/QUOTE] [b]Wow... maybe I'm rude, too, because I was actually pleased that a male would realise what a..."stupid" thing that was to say. *flinches*[/b] [b]Even if it's a debate at present, it doesn't automatically make it an intelligent debate.[/b] [b]As a female, (yes, everyone, I AM female :animesigh lol ) I find it rather offensive for someone to say that I wouldn't bother to improve myself without the pressure of adversity to reconcile.[/b] [b]And the way that it was put was that we should keep sexism alive so that we, as women, have something of a fire under our a**es to become something more than a weak-minded, boy-crazy, dependant housewife or something.[/b] [b]It's not the sexism that makes us work hard to achieve-- women were always capable of doing that. Sexism is just an unnecessary damned obstacle that we run up against.[/b] [b]If someone were to put a stone wall in your path, for instance-- sure, you'd have to work harder to be able to get over the wall. But that doesn't mean that the wall is necessary for you to have been on the path to begin with. You wouldn't say "Hey, look...someone put a wall in that path over there-- now I finally have the willpower and determination to take that path.[/b] [b]Sexism doesn't help us. It hinders us. And I don't see how anyone can argue with that.[/b]
  15. [QUOTE=James][color=#b0251e]Bisexuals less superficial? That's one of the most bizarre things I've heard in a while. Your sexuality isn't just about what kind of "looks" you prefer. Don't forget that two straight people can still have totally different physical tastes. Sexuality is a [i]lot[/i] deeper than that - your gender goes to the absolute core of who you are. So sexuality is based on far more than simply superficial issues.[/QUOTE] [/color] [b][font=Comic Sans MS]I think that Dirt meant more than just looks. I think what he was getting at was that gender doesn't even come into the equation with bisexuals- that they are only concerned with who the person is within.At least, that's what I took his meaning to be, and apparently, so did SunfallE.[/font][/b] [color=#b0251e][color=#000000][quote name='James][/color']Oh, you're definitely born with a certain orientation. But I do agree that you can also discover it. However, it's not that you've "changed overnight" - it's that you've discovered what is already there.[/color][/quote] [b][font=Comic Sans MS]I agree that you're born with it. I knew from a very young age that I was atrracted to both genders...and as far as "discovering it"...well, I think there's a difference between someone who genuinely was uncertain and someone who decided upon a sexuality as a result of circumstance (ie: the hetero women who decide that they hate men and are going to be lez because they were traumatized by men in the past) The latter, I wouldn't refer to as "discovery".[/font][/b]
  16. [QUOTE=Chabichou][color=#004a6f]I agree with the death penalty, and that it should be carried out soon after the murderer is found guilty. It should not be painless, such as lethal injection, because that would be unfair to the person who was killed. This might sound harsh, but hey peoples, an eye for an eye I say. The murderer needs to know how their victim felt when he/she murdered them. The murder needs to feel (a little) pain and fear. I say beheading, which is not too painful if done with a sharp blade. It's not as "cruel" as the electric chair, nor as "sympatheitc" as lethal injection.True, so I think the only time the death penalty should be carried out is if you have good witnesses.[/color][/QUOTE] [b]Hey, Chabi-- what makes you so certain that lethal injection is painless? I mean, the person injected gets a vein full of poison that goes straight to their heart. I'm assuming it's not like being pumped full of morphine or something.[/b] [b]I, for one--agree with Chabi to a point in that I believe in the death penalty, but that it is handled ever so wrongly. But it is not the method in itself that I find inadequate.[/b] [b]The system should not be the ones taking a murderer's life... the loved ones of the victims should be able to do it ..and in whatever way seems fit to them.[/b] [b]Then again, my perspective is a little bit biased and jaded. I personally, would like to inflict pain and death upon whomever it was that killed the people that I cared about and loved... with my own two hands. In no other way would I be satisfied-- not even if I watched the execution (performed by the state) first hand. (Yes, I realise that I sound creepy--and I really don't care)[/b]
  17. [b]lol-- There [i]actually is[/i] a book called Necronomicon. [/b] [b]I used to draw the incantations all the time and randomly use parts of the (text) incantations in my notes and letters as a joke. [/b] [b]Clatu verata... neefjkbnjh... ha ha...[/b]
  18. [b]I've read it, and to tell you the truth, it didn't make a whole lot of sense to me. There are a lot of pictures and incantations, but not a lot of explanation.[/b] [b]I could be wrong, tho, cuz it's been about a decade since I last read it.:animeswea [/b]
  19. [quote name='Godelsensei']What are your parents' take on the doll?[/quote] [b]Well, my parents' take on Barbie was pretty much as you describe in your next paragraph:[/b] [quote name='Godelsensei']Having that as your role-model throughout child-hood has got to teach little girls the wrong sort of lesson. (Something along the lines of, "Good looks, boys, expensive clothes, and flashy cars are all that matter in life.") [/quote] [quote name='Godelsensei']I'm also interested in what guys might have to say about Barbie, likely having no real experience playing with one.[/quote] [b]There are girls that have no Barbie experience, as well...:animeswea [/b] [quote name='Godelsensei']So, what is Barbie, to you? Do you think you've been influenced by Barbie at all? Look beyond, "It's just a toy...!" What do you see?[/quote] [b]I was absolutely [i]banned[/i] from anything Barbie when I was little for precisely the fear of it being a role-model for superficiality, materialism, and a generally poor concept of feminity and womanhood (or at least, the expectations therein). I wasn't even allowed to play with the Barbies that other kids had. If I was playing at someone's house, and they brought out their Barbie stuff, I was expected to go home.[/b] [b]I resented it for a little while (probably until I was about 6 yrs old) and then realised that I hated dolls anyway, and that they were just a really weird, disproportionate doll.[/b] [b]Ironically, I was never banned from war toys and toy guns and GI Joe's-- oh no!--I could have as many tanks and jeeps and miniature grenade-launchers as my little heart desired... and somehow that was a perfectly acceptable influence on my psyche...:animesmil [/b] [b]So what do I think of Barbie? I guess I am of the school of thought that Barbie is a role model, and although her career choices have improved a bit over the years, she still represents a warped ideal of women-- both physically and in the sense that Barbie (and all the little accessories and cars and dream-houses, etc) is obviously materialistic and teaches little girls that these are the things to be valued in life... when, in reality, they are of the [i]least[/i] value in life.[/b] [b]There is no Barbie that is assymetrical or pudgy or short-legged --nor even one without makeup on. I believe that little girls compare themselves to their toys and other images as they grow and that these things do have an effect on a person's self-image. (hell, I compared myself to my GI Joe's all the time... so I assume that girls with Barbies compare themselves to them).[/b] [b]And I think that perhaps my parents' plan backfired a bit on them, as they now have a kid who couldn't care any less about fashion and material things and boyfriends, and would rather throw on some fatigues and combat boots and go trapsing through the woods with a bow like Stormshadow...but...meh--I think they wouldn't like me as much had I turned out like every other kid.[/b] [b]Barbie will always be Barbie, and every supermodel plastered on the billboards in this country will always reflect an unrealistic ideal and little girls will always grow up thinking they are inadequate. It's not all Barbie's fault-- not by a long shot-- but she is a part of it.[/b] [b]BTW-- I finally bought myself a Barbie when I was a freshman in high school, just to see if I really had missed out on something-- and she was dismembered and melted to different objects around my room within a week.:animeblus [/b]
  20. [quote name='Red']It's a terrible thing to have happened, although I think the anger towards the shooter is well placed.[/quote] [b]I don't believe that anyone has stated that the anger toward the shooter was [i]ill[/i]-placed.[/b] [b]Of course there is anger directed at him and the inexpressibly horrible thing that he has done... but there is also compassion for a [i][u]child [/u] [/i]who thought that this was the only way to express his despair.[/b] [b]Someone should have been paying attention to what was going on within him long before this had even entered his mind.[/b] [b]I don't see any problem with being angry with someone and grieving for them at the same time.[/b] [b]I am watching the rage and the agony unfold all around me ...both are heartbreaking...[/b]
  21. [b][b]Overall, I'd say it's a pretty good use of space-- it does look like it has depth and dimension and the eye is drawn from the point of light and then down the strands-- nice...[/b] [/b]
  22. [b]This is the last post I'm going to make on this thread, so if anyone else has an issue with my posts or my thoughts on the subject (or just [i]thinks[/i] that they might...*ahem*), feel free to PM me or hop on my IM to discuss it, because I don't want to upset Panda with my filthy pirate mouth again.:p *winks at Panda*[/b] [b]Before I leave this thread, though, here's part of the reason that I won't be revisiting this thread:[/b] [quote name='AzureWolf][color=blue']Lalaith Ril, I don't think you should be the one apologizing. You made a mere observation, and someone tried to argue against it - although I still don't get why. Also, I think your observation has more there than elfpirate is willing to admit.[color=#000000][/quote][/color][/color] [color=blue][color=#000000][/color][/color] [color=blue][b][color=#000000]Why, pray tell, should either Lalaith Ril or myself be apologizing to the other? [/color][/b][/color] [color=blue][b][color=#000000][/color][/b][/color] [color=blue][b][color=#000000]I already said that I hadn't taken offense to anything--that it was simply my response-- and I didn't argue with Lalaith at all... I used the quote to point out what I was responding to (that's why you can't figure out why I was arguing--because I wasn't).[/color][/b][/color] [color=blue][b][color=#000000][/color][/b][/color] [color=blue][b][color=#000000]And please-- tell me-- what exactly am I supposed to be admitting to? No, really- this one I really want a reply to- PM me or something.[/color][/b] [QUOTE=AzureWolf]I too have noticed that bisexuals are usually more open about sex than other people. Maybe bisexuals have a greater sexual drive than the normal person (I think they call that libido)? That could also explain why some (most?) bisexuals have a preference for one gender, but are still attracted to either sex I'm not trying to say a strong libido is bad, but it's an interesting idea that sexual drive could be the cause for some (not all) people's bisexual behavior. In other words, so as to not offend someone by some misunderstanding, it could be that some people are bisexuals, and others are bisexuals by a strong sexual drive.[color=#000000][/QUOTE][/color] [b][color=black]a) "More open about sex" is not the same thing as being a "slut".[/color][/b] [b][color=black]b) I'm failing to see how one's sex drive can dictate their preference. I'm just too damned exhausted right now to explain why that argument is so flawed. PM me if you want to hear my reasoning on that.[/color][/b] [/color][color=black][b]And here's the other reason-- that somehow, I'm not speaking English anymore, or you guys aren't-- either way, my sexuality is not something I want to argue about and defend-- I posted on this thread for discussion's sake, and it's been nothing but misunderstanding and conflict (which I can usually enjoy, but not now... grrrr...not now...)[/b][/color] [quote name='skedy][color=teal][size=1][font=Lucida Sans Unicode] I think you've taken what I meant wrongly elfpirate. I said I think sexuality is determined by how far you are willing to go, not how far you have gone or will go. But I also admit that I phrased what I meant badly and should say that I think it is a large factor in determing ones sexuality and is a huge bearing on how much someone is willing to admit to themselves.[/font][/size'][/color][/quote][b]Of course I have taken it "wrongly"... that's what I do these days...:rolleyes: [/b] [b]I took it as it was written. "I think sexuality is determined by how far you are willing to go."[/b] [b]It was a pretty cut-and-dry statement, and I offered my opinion on it-- as it was written.[/b] [b]LOL- come on, you guys, I know I'm the all-powerful elfpirate, and I make a habit out of reading all of your minds simultaneously, keeping up with your clever little antics *shakes fist at Drix* and knowing everything that you MEANT to say, but I just can't do it this week...[/b] [b]I haven't slept since... wow--I don't even remember-- cut me some slack, huh? It's been a rough year for me already.lol[/b]
  23. [b]There are very few things on television (or movies) that[i] don't[/i] promote sexist attitudes in some form or another... it isn't anime-specific. If you're going to be upset about sexism, be upset about all genres.[/b] [b]And I don't agree that scantily-clad equals slutty-looking, either-- in fact, I actually find it very sexist (and therefore hypocritical) of you to say that women in bikinis are slutty-looking. [/b] [b]Don't you think that women should be able to wear their swimwear without being considered skanky-looking? Men can wear their trunks without looking "like a gigolo". Hmmm...[/b]
  24. [quote name='AzureWolf][color=blue']Is a thread like this even allowed? *sighs*.[color=#000000][/quote][/color][/color] [color=blue][color=#000000][/color][/color] [color=blue][b][color=#000000]I don't understand what you're sighing about, Azure... did you read the thread before you responded to it?[/color][/b] [QUOTE=Drix D'Zanth] What are your thoughts? Should DHMO be publicly recognized and banned?. edit: I recently discovered that DHMO is present in every form of alcoholic beverage. Some drug users also mix marijuana or heroin with DHMO.[/QUOTE] [b][color=black]I'm pretty sure that presenting a topic, complete with enough information to form some sort of commentary upon, and then asking for your thoughts on the topic provided is not only allowed but encouraged. It's meant to get a discussion going. [/color][/b] [quote name='AzureWolf']What I think is ironic (but very suitable) is that all five of the "related threads" at the bottom are links to Daily Show/Otaku threads.[/color][/quote] [b]Yeah--okay-- go ponder the irony while others ponder their responses to this thread, ok?[/b]
  25. [quote name='Drix D'Zanth'] What are your thoughts?[/quote] [b]Well, Drix-- I [i]tried[/i] to warn you about asking me to reply to this today, but...meh... you didn't wanna listen, so.... brace yourself for incoherent babble--ha ha ha...[/b] [b]First off, I think that our government has proven itself to be wholly irresponsible as far as allowing industry to dictate what chemicals be allowed into our environments.[/b] [b]The government isn't going to shut down the factories that use this chemical (or that produce it) as long as those factories are making money and employing people. [/b] [b]Neither will they step in to find a solution to the problem until they are forced to. They will continue to do nothing at all but to sweep this danger under the rug, so to speak, until the numbers of people being hurt by it are no longer something they can ignore.[/b] [b](Sorry, Jordan, but I'm seriously incoherent at the moment. I'll post more later...)[/b]
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