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Everything posted by elfpirate
[b]Well, not knowing the specifics of your performance (ie: whether or not you'll be on a stage or whether you're performing alone or not), I'm not sure that what I have to offer as far as advice will be applicable... but I'll try:animeswea .[/b] [b]I assume that you're familiar with the room that you'll be performing in, since it's in your church, and that you're familiar with some (if not all) of the churchmembers that will be there. If that's not the case, becoming familiar with them may help ease some of the anxiety.[/b] [b]I imagine that there will be lighting directed at you while you're performing, so when they dim the house lights, the crowd will sort of...disappear...into the shadows...that can be a lot of help in relieving anxiety.[/b] [b]Thinking of the performance as just another practice can help, as well... I mean, don't build it up in your head too much as "This has gotta be perfect--this is "The Performance"... that will just cause more anxiety.[/b] [b][i]Relax[/i]. A little bit of anxiety can be a good thing, but only if it turns into energy that you can use--putting it into the performance-- not if it's making you faint.[/b]
[QUOTE=Lalaith Ril][color=purple] I really didn't mean to offend you if I did, and after reading how I stated that it does sound like I'm being rather..brash about it and immature in the sense that I stated it. I'm really not trying to label anyone on the subject or say that its a fact, I was attemping (horribly) to see if this was just something with my school or perhaps it was a true fact. I guess in all reality I was thinking out loud, at the wrong time, and at the wrong place.[/color][/QUOTE] [b]I wasn't offended- I was responding to this part of what you posted: [quote name='Lalaith Ril][color=purple'] In other words most bisexuals around here are considered sluts, and I'd almost say its true. I don't know if thats just a coincidence or is a common occurance throughout bisexuals. [/color][/quote] [b]You said that you would "almost say it's true". [/b] [b]While it [i]may[/i] be true that the bisexuals in your area [i]are[/i] sluts- or that you'd almost consider them to be so, it would have nothing to do with their bisexuality... [/b] [b]It would be ignorant to think that their bisexuality had anything to do with their promiscuity, that's what I was saying.[/b] [/b]
[QUOTE=skedy][color=teal][size=1][font=Lucida Sans Unicode] Then one night I went to sleep in the hospital only to wake up in my own bed in my own room to the sound of my alarm, I use my phone so it was a midi from Final Fantasy. Details like this usually convince me that I'm actually awake. After fumbling in the pitchblack for my phone and turning of the alarm off I pushed my head back into my pillow, drowzy as I usually am when I first wake up, and tried to get back to sleep. Next I hear a creepy giggling and try to sit up but there is something sitting on my chest. Somehow I know it's a little impy-devilly thing and start to freak out as it claws at my face. After struggling with the critter I eventually pass out only to wake up, once again, to my alarm. This time its for real though. I was so freaked after that dream. I couldn't tell whether I was awake or asleep for most of the following day...resulting in several amused looks from many of my friends. It was one those things that has a huge affect on you, guess that's why I can remember this one so clearly, strange eh?[/font][/size][/color][/QUOTE] [b]Interesting. What you're describing is a creepy phenomena that occurs world-wide. There are thousands of accounts of this exact same thing dating back for centuries. [/b] [b]It is commonly referred to as the "Old Hag Syndrome" because the majority of people that experience it have described an old, scary hag-like creature that sits on their chest, keeping them from moving (and often from breathing). It sits there and stares or smiles at the person.[/b] [b]In every case, the person claims that they were awake ( ... or that they thought that they were) while it was happening. [b]Just within the last 4 months, both my father and one of my friends has experienced this.[/b] [/b] [b]I'm sure you can find plenty of accounts of this online, if you're interested in reading about it.[/b]
[quote name='skedy][color=teal][size=1][font=Lucida Sans Unicode]I don't think that you can really view sexuality as cleab cut as that. I know a couple of people, both guys and girls, who are straight and never even thought otherwise but there are still members of their sex that they find themselves attracted to. I think it's how far people are willing to go, with members of the same sex, that determines their sexuality. Oh, and I think its how you feel about the same sex hitting on you that determines how straight you are, not whether they hit on you or not. ?[/font][/size'][/color][/quote] [b][color=black]I think that you're wrong, skedy-- I don't think that it has anything to do with how far you're willing to go. [/color][/b] [b]If that were the case, then virgins (the ones that remain chaste by choice, I mean) would have no sexuality whatsoever, and that's just not the case. I mean, I'm celibate now... but that doesn't make me magically unpreferenced.[/b] [b]What determines your sexuality is what gender you find yourself desiring sexual and romantic relationships with.[/b] [b]As I said earlier in this thread, I think that [u]everyone[/u]-regardless of their sexuality-has an idea of who is attractive and who isn't-within both the opposite gender and their own. A guy isn't any less hetero just because he can admit that Johnny Depp is hot. lol[/b] [quote name='Lalaith Ril][color=purple'] The weird thing that I've noticed is; around here it seems if a person is bisexual they are a lot more open minded towards sexual activity then other people. In other words most bisexuals around here are considered sluts, and I'd almost say its true. I don't know if thats just a coincidence or is a common occurance throughout bisexuals. [/color][/quote] [b]If you would say that that's true, then you're ignorant. Promiscuity has nothing to do with sexual preference... just irresponsibility and ignorance.[/b]
[QUOTE=AzureWolf][color=blue]So, do people here think sexual preference is discrete, or is there a spectrum (was it Freud who said that)? What I mean is, do you think when one person likes girls, that person only likes girls, or just likes boys significantly less. And then there are bisexuals, who would be in the middle of the spectrum, liking both genders equally. Do you get what I'm asking? O_o Just putting in more things to discuss, heh.[/color][/QUOTE][b]I'm sure that everyone can tell whether a person is attractive or not-- regardless of that person's gender, but I do think that as far as sexual preference for dating/sexual contact,and love it's pretty straightforward.[/b] [b]A heterosexual would [i]only[/i] choose a mate of the opposite sex, a homosexual-only one of the same sex, and a bisexual would choose either.[/b] [b]I think the only one that falls into a spectrum is the bisexual.[/b] [b]But I'm strictly referring to choice of partners, mates, and whom they are capable of falling in love with, not just having sex with... that's a whole different issue.[/b] [b]I'm not sure if I really understood your question, but I THINK that's what you were asking.[/b]
[QUOTE=drive_monster][color=darkslateblue] People make fun of him on a daily basis, girls cry when they get partnered with him at school(I'm afraid that wasn't a joke), and from what he tells me, his parents are really harsh on him... And it's such a shame that he got expelled from my school, since it is a school for the arts, and he was such a good piano player... The people at my school were celebrating when they found out he was expelled, just because they didn't like him... some people know how to disgrace themselves.[/color][/QUOTE] [b]The way that people treat one another fills me with sorrow. [/b] [b] Instead of seeing this boy as a talented young musician from a difficult home life, they see him as a target for their cruelty and insults ...and consistently reject him. [/b] [b]And then, if something were to happen, the world will blame Marylin Manson or videogames or anything else they can pull out of their ***es, and not the inhuman treatment the boy has endured for who knows how long...[/b] [b]Those celebrating freakin' idiots should be expelled, as well --for their acts of cruelty toward the kid.[/b]
[quote name='DuoMax']Oh, man elfpirate. I would've died if that had happened to me. >.< .[/quote] :animesmil [b]I thought I was [i]going [/i] to-and it usually takes [i]a lot[/i] to embarrass me.[/b] [b]Every time I went to their house after that, I would get horrible panic attacks. I seriously thought she was going to kill me. It took her almost six months to get over it and decide that she accepted me again.:animesigh [/b]
[b][size=2]When I find myself even [i]remotely [/i]interested in things pertaining to my sexuality, I am definitely attracted to both genders. [/size][/b] [size=2][/size] [size=2][quote name='skedy][color=teal][font=Lucida Sans Unicode]Have you had any 'awkward' social situations arise as a result of people not knowing you or your friend's sexuality?[/font'][/color][/quote][/size] [b][/b] [b][size=2][i]Way[/i] too many to count, but by far the [i]most[/i] awkward was when I ran into my lover's mother at the pub, and was chatting with her about why they let me into the pub to begin with since I wasn't old enough to be there legally[/size] [color=blue](she had no idea that I was more than just "a friend" to her kid)[/color][size=2]....and all of a sudden, a[/size][/b][b][size=2]n acquaintance of mine (a dull-witted acquaintance, at that) staggers up to us and says something to the effect of "You look rather cheery tonight-- did you and _______ get a quicky in before work?"[/size][/b] [b][size=2][/size][/b] [b][size=2]At that moment, my S.O.'s mom's face went from "happy-to-see-you" to a look of shock and horror. I could have died, I was so embarrassed.[/size][/b] [b][size=2][/size][/b] [b][size=2]Before I could say anything, the stupid acquaintance says "Oh! I'm sorry, Sherri-- I'm sure you didn't wanna hear about your kid gettin' it on with _______ (me). How do you feel about them hooking up and being together for this long, anyway?"[/size][/b] [b][size=2][/size][/b] [b][size=2]So "Random Idiot Acquaintance" had outed both me and my lover (at the time) to my lover's[i] mom[/i]... and unfortunately while I was sitting right there.[/size][/b] [b][size=2][/size][/b] [b][size=2]I quickly excused myself and left, because I could swear that Sherri's fingers were repositioning themselves on the beer bottle she was holding and that I was about to eat glass and fist.[/size][/b] [b][size=2][/size][/b] [b][size=2]It was awkward... and it remained awkward (and very very frightening) to be around Sherri for some time after that.[/size][/b] [b][size=2][/size][/b] [b][size=2]But, it was all good in the end, because Sherri decided that I was the best thing that ever happened to her child, because after that, her child felt free to open up to her for the first time and they became closer than they had ever been. She thanked me for making it possible for her child to stop pretending to be something they weren't and finally be happy...[/size][/b] [b][size=2][/size][/b] [b][size=2]Aaaaaaaaaaawww-- isn't that sweet?:D [/size][/b]
[b]I think that both of my parents had suspected that I was bi even before I was a teenager, but they were adamantly opposed to the idea of homosexuality and bisexuality.[/b] [b]Don't get me wrong-- they weren't opposed to gays and bisexuals as people, but they thought that the idea was against the design that God had created for mankind.[/b] [b]So I kept my secret from them for quite a while...[/b] [b]But when my parents went through their horribly messy divorce, I moved in with my mom and her new boyfriend (because my dad was horribly insane at the time-lol). [/b] [b]I met someone that I got all sorts of ga-ga over and I just started having them spend the night.[/b] [b]After about a week of "sleepovers", my mom asked me why I snuggled with my friend, and I said "Because I snuggle with [i]all [/i]of my friends..." and I let it go at that.[/b] [b]Well, one morning, after they had left, my mom asks "What are you so damned smilie about this morning?" and I simply said "My friend finally kissed me and is a [i]really[/i] good kisser, too-- soft lips...:animesmil ".[/b] [b]My mom's response was a smiling "I knew it!" and then a quickly-added "You'd better not tell your father!"[/b] [b]My dad didn't find out until my friend and I moved in together... and he realised that there was only one bed in our apartment... one bed with two pillows.:animeswea [/b]
[quote name='moonlightshadow'] But it's hard to see the true problem behind there closed eye's...or maybe we need to open our eye's?[/quote] [b]I truly believe it's the latter.[/b] [b]The reason I believe that is because I've come from a hard life-- harder than a lot of people, I've come to realise-- [/b] [b]When I'm speaking about things like my past, I forget sometimes that I didn't live like other people and I catch the look of horror on the face of my listener like a bat to the head.[/b] [b]People's eyes ARE shut... unless they've been through some of this stuff.[/b] [b]I truly struggle with the idea of opening people's eyes. When I meet someone who is obviously naive to the horrors of the world, a deep, poisonous envy starts creeping through my heart... but at the same time, I would do anything to protect that person's innocence.[/b] [b]I'm not sure what the solution is. I would like for it to be easier to share our experiences with one another, so that people don't have to bottle things up until they explode and commit an atrocity like the one here, but I'm not sure how you open people's eyes without destroying their innocence... that's a conundrum I've been faced with for way too many years...[/b]
[QUOTE=Godelsensei]You're only focusing on the crime rate of one area, however. And that area happens to be a Reserve, which are notorious for being unwholesome, to begin with. Also, we live in different countries. One area being riddled with acts of violence, even if they are becoming more and more prevalent, doesn't justify accusing the whole world of going down to hell.[/QUOTE] [b][color=darkred]First off, I think you need to choose your words a little more wisely. I don't appreciate Reservations being called "unwholesome". They are known for being poor and for being violent. "Unwholesome" puts them in a different kind of light that I don't agree with... and it insinuates the people themselves are unwholesome which is...er...rude, to say the least.[/color][/b] [b][color=#8b0000][/color][/b] [b][color=#8b0000]And yeah-- we're in different countries-- I was specifically talking about the US and its internal apathy.[/color][/b] [b][color=#8b0000][/color][/b] [b][color=#8b0000]I never said the whole world was going to hell. *shrugs* [color=navy][QUOTE=Manic Webb] [/color] [color=navy]elfpirate. If you have a problem with crime increasing, what are you doing about it? What are you going to do about it? This isn't a challenge or a setup for a debate. I'm saying that if you truly care enough about the well-being of society to complain about it this much, you should be contributing (for the better) somehow. People who complain and walk away aren't much better than people who ignore and walk away. If you [i]are[/i] contributing to society, then good for you. How about telling us all how we can also help.[/QUOTE][/color] [/color][/b][b][color=navy][/color][/b] [b][size=4][color=darkred]Thank you, Manic- you are [i]so [/i]right.[/color][/size][/b] [b][size=2][color=#8b0000][/color][/size][/b] [b][color=#8b0000]What have I done? I became an advocate at the local battered women's shelter (advocating for abused women and their children). [/color][/b] [b][color=#8b0000]I worked with the 3 major Law Enforcement Agencies in this area and worked directly with the Criminal Justice Intervention Program both inside and out of the courtroom.[/color][/b] [b][color=#8b0000][/color][/b] [b][color=#8b0000]I became the only advocate there to head up a community education program, and to write the grants necessary to set up support groups for underage victims of violence (teens and stuff). I was the crisis line counselor for quite some time-- which consists of an array of different forms of counseling and advocacy) and I joyfully took the job of Activity Director-- I got to take these beaten down, depressed, isolated women out for a break from all the crap they dealt with and treat them to a movie or take them bowling, etc... just a few hours of relief from their pain... and I know firsthand how something little like going to a movie can make a huge difference in a life like that.[/color][/b] [b][color=#8b0000][/color][/b] [b][color=#8b0000]I actively participate in Take Back The Night ralleys and other anti-crime ralleys.[/color][/b] [b][color=#8b0000][/color][/b] [b][color=#8b0000]My friends and I all organize fund-raising benefits for crime victims and awareness groups (to educate the public).[/color][/b] [b][color=#8b0000]I have petitioned for countless things to make my community safer (for instance, better lighting at night and emergency lights that will call police aide at the push of a button-- both of which the city finally took action on).[/color][/b] [b][color=#8b0000][/color][/b] [b][color=#8b0000]I have gone in to schools to speak to children about violence and about sexual assault and to mentor kids that were "at risk" (as I was when I was little) in strings... teach them how to play violin, viola, and 'cello--that kind of thing. [/color][/b] [b][color=darkred][/color][/b] [b][color=darkred](UUUgh... I know there's more, but I am just drinking my morning coffee as I type this, so my brain isn't alert yet...)[/color][/b] [b][color=#8b0000][/color][/b] [b][color=#8b0000]Basically, I do what I can... and it frustrates me to know that it's not enough, but hey-- at least I'm freakin' trying.[/color][/b] [b][color=#8b0000]What can you do? Start by accepting that there's a problem in every community and find ways to get involved... whether it's with the kids or with the victims of violence or whatever.[/color][/b] [b][color=#8b0000]Go to your local Law Enforcement center, battered women's shelter, or sexual assault crisis center, and tell them that you want to help-- I'm sure they can find some way for you to make a difference.[/color][/b] [b][color=darkred]And find others in your community that want to make a difference. It's always good to have someone to bounce ideas off when you are working for the same goal.[/color][/b] [b][color=navy][/color][/b]
[QUOTE=Godelsensei]Moral decay, say you? There [i]was[/i] a time when it was considered entirely acceptable to be a member of the [i]KKK[/i]. Why? Because it was black people. Nobody cared about black people back then. Nobody cared about women's rights either. However, it is now socially unacceptable to beat your wife or lynch black people. Consequently, when things like this happen, people care. That's why you see so much of it on the news and in the papers--it's not that it's happening more, it's that people are caring more. Which isn't exactly what I'd call moral decay. So, society's moral standards are increasing, crime is decreasing, whatever you see on the news, but school shootings are going up. This is tragic, but I think it can be linked to the availability of guns and how trendy victimization is right now more than a total moral collapse, on the part of the whole world..[/QUOTE][b][color=darkgreen][/color][/b] [b][color=darkgreen]Aye. Moral decay, says I. You know--I almost never watch the news. I watch what is going on around me... I stand up and pay close attention when some stranger is holding a 45 to my skull just to prove that he could kill me if he wanted to.[/color][/b] [b][color=#006400][/color][/b] [b][color=#006400]It has nothin' to do with the news, Godelsensei, I can see with me own eyes that this country is going to sh_te. My friends are getting murdered... when was the last time that you had to think about burying your friends? [/color][/b] [b][color=#006400][/color][/b] [b][color=#006400]Crime is not decreasing. You are blind if you can't see the increase in violence-- in both the frequency and intensity of the crimes committed.[/color][/b]
[quote name='Godelsensei'] And remember--crime isn't on the rise: the coverage is. This applies to nearly all cases, especially with big cities..[/quote][b][color=darkred]Come to my community-- where there are rapes and murders happening every day... sometimes the police themselves are the perpetraters... where children become mass murderers and shoot their fellow students--(nearly every shot was a head shot, by the way...). [/color][/b] [b][color=darkred]Hmph-- and he was a sweet young man, too. Confused and hurting, but he was kind-hearted ...before he snapped.[/color][/b] [b][color=darkred]When I was in school, we didn't worry about it. The high school in Red Lake had an emergency lock-down plan even before Columbine happened... and there were a few hostage crises in middle school, but we really didn't think about school massacres...[/color][/b] [b][color=#8b0000]So explain how the media coverage could increase the appearance of violence if the violence is at the same level... Did you walk through a metal detector when you were in primary school or middle school?[/color][/b] [quote name='Godelsensei'] And I can't pretend to be unbiased by the media, either: I shall forever remain convinced that the country is absolutely riddled with chain saw-wielding maniacs.[/quote][b][color=darkred]Nope-- not chainsaws... tech 9's and 9 mills and sawed off shotguns...sometimes a 45 or a ladyslipper...but no chainsaws...at least, not that I've seen...:smirk: [/color][/b]
[quote name='Generic NPC #3]This thread, overall, is beyond ridiculous. While I think Chabi is being far too stringent in this, the fact of the matter is that [b]not one[/b'] person has used any factually backed up proof to say anything against it aside from Heaven's Cloud. Hilariously, it's been largely ignored by both sides..[/quote][b][color=darkred]The fact that I stated previously is that quoting a text and using that quote to prove that the text is "the true word of God" is the most assinine thing you can do-- [/color][/b] [b][color=#8b0000]If you want to prove a "truth", you need objective evidence-- not opinions and the "It's the truth because I believe it's the truth" argument.[/color][/b] [b][color=#8b0000]She seems to think that because [i]she[/i] believes it for the reason that she can read it and that she "understands" ancient metaphores-- that we should be sticking to her words like honey... and that all should begin to accept everything she believes.[/color][/b] I think the main argument here is that the book has survived in its original language and is still read in that original language. [color=#8b0000][b]Yeah, it has become that-- Chabi is getting defensive and arrogant and stubborn, instead of sticking to the original purpose of this thread, which was to "prove" to us that the Quran is the "true word of God". She lost her ground and her focus as soon as she was challenged to elaborate on her so-called evidence.[/b][/color] In the end, you're not going to convince anyone to believe something you do simply because [i]you believe it[/i]. No matter how strongly you do, it's not adequate debating fodder, whether it's religion or linguistics or cow herding or why cats can't digest their own hair. It'd be nice if people actually were able to cite something to back up claims beyond "I know". [b][color=darkred]Exactly the point-- we've asked Chabi for something more than her defensive statements-- some real "proof" that her argument can hold water, so to speak... and all we're getting here is a frustrated parrot that not only has none of the "evidence" that she claimed to have, but doesn't seem to be able to prove anything but that she can't handle the questioning of her beliefs, her ideas, her motives, and her personal interpretations.[/color][/b] [b][color=#8b0000]She wanted to inform us, but she can't handle the fact that we want [i]facts[/i] to back up her point-- not speculations.[/color][/b] I have no clue how anyone can have the patience to read most of this.[/QUOTE][b][color=darkred]I, myself, read it for the sadistic satisfaction of reading the sarcastic insults and the complete dissection of the poorly executed attempts at being intellectual... [/color][/b] [b][size=1][color=darkgreen]If I offended anyone, please note that this is my apology for being an outright jerk...I can't seem to help myself lately...I've been a true pirate... selfish and mean---so--sorry.[/color][/size][/b]
[b]Hey, Chabi-- Siren indeed has you in checkmate. He has for nearly the entirety of this thread. And all of the arrogant pawns and bishops and everything else you've thrown at him, he has taken with ease. [/b] [b]I truly believe that you are no longer arguing for the Quran but for your own injured pride.[/b] [b]Why can' t you admit that you haven't proven anything but that you seriously lack an open mind, real-world insight, and a sense of humor?[/b] [b]You've been in checkmate for a while now-- it's time to admit that you've lost the game to Siren.[/b] [b][size=1][color=#8b0000]If I offended anyone, please note that this is my apology for being an outright jerk...[/color][/size][/b]
[QUOTE=Retribution][size=1]I'm sure you'd enjoy the simpler life when you're wrapped in blankets because there's no heat. And there's a foot and a half of snow falling outside. Did I mention you had to go outside to use the bathroom, and you have no electricity? [/size][/QUOTE] [b]Hmmm... if you live in HI, you don't really need heat. And I lived for years without electricity and without running water (we had a rain catchment system).[/b] [b]Those were the happiest and most tranquil years of my life. Even if I did have to go to the bathroom outside.[/b] [b]Imagine this-- a bathtub out in the middle of the tropical forest--banana trees and guava trees surrounding you--the stars overhead and a warm Hawai'ian rain falling gently on you as you bath in the moonlit tropical wlderness. Nothing can beat that... It's a memory I'll cherish forever-- it's one of the memories I lose myself in when I'm not coping with my present circumstances.[/b] [b]Screw technlogy-- I'd rather live in my tropical Ewok wilderness...[/b]
Writing Requiem for the victims in Red Lake
elfpirate replied to elfpirate's topic in Creative Works
[QUOTE=Ozymandius Jones][i][center]That tearful day,[/center] [center][/i][i]when from the ashes shall rise again[/i][/center] [center][i]sinful man to be judged.[/i][/center] [center][i]Therefore pardon him, o God.[/i][/center] [center][i]Merciful Lord Jesus,[/i][/center] [center][i]give them rest.[/i][/center] [center][i]Amen.[/center] [/i][center] [/center] [center] [/center] [center]Just for those who don't speak Latin.[/QUOTE][/center] [center] [/center] [b]"Oh, that day full of tears" is actually the translation I was going for in that first line, but thanks for translating for the non-latin speakers...I suppose I should have done that, neh? My bad...[/b] -
[center][b][size=4]Lacrimosa dies illa [/size][/b][/center] [center][b][size=4]qua resurget ex favilla[/size][/b][/center] [center][b][size=4]Judi candus homo reus[/size][/b][/center] [center][b][size=4]Luic ergo parce deus[/size][/b][/center] [center][b][size=4]Pie Jesu domine[/size][/b][/center] [center][b][size=4]Dona eis[/size][/b][/center] [center][b][size=4]Requiem[/size][/b][/center] [center][b][size=4]Amen[/size][/b][/center] [center][b][size=4][/size][/b] [/center]
[b]I thank all of you that have offered your condolences, but I have to say that the shooter also deserves sympathy and forgiveness. [/b] [b]Yes, he was troubled... and he had a damned hard life... and yes, he did hang out with a crowd of neo-nazis, but what else can you do when it's the only crowd that is willing to accept you... he had no father (lost to suicide) and his mother was in long-term care for serious injuries. [/b] [b]He was forced to live with his grandparents, and he was an extremely lonely, confused, and SWEET young man. He was a hurting child, and though his actions were atrocious and he wrought havoc and heartache all throughout this community, I mourn for him as much as I do for the rest of the victims...[/b] [b]May their families find strength and comfort and healing... and may the dead rest in peace.[/b] [b]AND--may the anger become sympathy and forgiveness for this child.[/b]
[b]Yeah...um... I forgot all about myOtaku...[/b] [b]So I started mine today... and mostly for the purpose of adding another distraction. I need more distraction from real life right now, and the more I've got to do online, the more I'm not thinking about real life. [/b] [b](I think...[/b][b]*shrugs*)[/b] [b]It's "elfpirate" there, as well... cuz I'm real original like that... so if any o' you are strange enough to want to see what I'm putting up on myOtaku, go for it... though as of yet, it's only a zygote project. I definitely haven't done much with it so far.[/b]
[quote name='Retribution][size=1'] Why not be bought off to do something against your moral code (like star in a porno flick), for an ungodly amount of cash (maybe 10 million we'll say)? Because you don't want to do that stuff. Hm...Any takers now?[/size][/quote] [b]Point me in the direction of the condoms and the Astro-glide... *heh heh*[/b] [b](and give me my 10 million bucks)[/b]
[b]The swastika has been used by soooo many cultures-- since ancient times... even the Native Americans used it... and yeah, Hitler changed it a wee bit...but not much.[/b]
[b]*heh*-- this one's easy to answer for me... it's gotta be "Lowrider"... no other funk song even comes close to it, as far as I'm concerned...[/b] [b]O' course... that could just be because I also love classic cars, and there's nothing like cruising in an antique Caddillac with "Lowrider" playin' on your system...:animesmil [/b]
[b]Ok... I've already ranted on a couple of threads here, but look-[/b] [b]Last night, I was in such serious freaking pain (yeah, I messed myself up pretty good--heh) and I couldn't go to ER.[/b] [b]WHY? Because a child murdered his own grandparents and then went to school where he shot like 15 people... there weren't enough doctors and nurses left to take care of the typical ER patients because they were swamped with the gunshot victims from a freakin' school massacre.[/b] [b]Tell me-- how many times did children annihilate a group of people at their schools and homes 20 years ago?[/b] [b]20 years ago was past the times of social reform (women's and gy rights, etc...).[/b] [b]I don't understand how people can say that the general moral fiber of the United States has not slowly decayed when children have become mass murderers in our nation-- and in small communities such as this where they claim that people are still "decent" and "neighborly" to one another.[/b] [b]And yet another tragic death-- perpetrated by stupidy and apathy...[/b] [b]I don't know if you guys remeber this, but when I began the "Would you pull the plug?" thread, I told you that a friend of mine was in a coma. [/b] [b]I found out about 20 minutes ago that she died of her injuries. I am so freakin' pissed.[/b] [b]Her death could have been completely avoided... but no-- some damned moron couldn't bring himself to care enough about the safety of others to find himself a sober driver... and now a sweet young girl is dead.[/b] [center][size=4][color=black][b][i]RIP, Jen...[/i][/b][/color][/size][/center]
[QUOTE=Chaos]I'm assuming you mean from SOCOM, and not SOCOM II, because in II, Jester rarely does anything. Even when the fire team is sighted, he doesn't make that much commotion, even with the "Fire At Will" command. Boomer, on the other hand... God almighty what idiot did they base his AI off of? I have the entire team on standby and hold position when I'm waiting on a target to present itself, right? It's almost a habit to do so, that's how often I manage. I usually have the silenced M4A1 carbine or the M82A1, so anyone that steps out into my sights is not going to be happy. So what does this fool of a team member do? STRAFES RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME WHEN I SHOOT! "Tango spotted, twelve o'clock high." "No, j00 f00l!" "AHHH, ARGH UHHH! *gurgle*" "..." [/rant] Honestly though, SOCOM and SOCOM II are great. III looks even better. Don't knock it because maybe your game is slightly flawed or something. If Jester's moving about try reinforcing the commands. Use the "Goto" with your sights to specifically pinpoint Bravo at one area. And always keep them on the Hold Fire command unless you get in some serious trouble [like all members have red health indicators].[/QUOTE][b]lmao-- yeah, I was talking about Socom 1... and I tried everything to keep that freakin' fool in line--ha ha... that's why he pisses me off so badly... because even that didn't work.[/b] [b]And I agree- the games are great-- and Jester does follow commands better in II, but he's still kind of an idiot... or maybe I'm still holding a grudge from Socom 1...:animesmil [/b]