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Dark Hayden

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  1. Does anyone have any info on this show? I know its about Angel like creatures or something and i'm thinking about getting it. i just wanna know if it has any action or what? and if the animation is good and all. And does anyone know what year it was made? thanks
  2. Ive heard of it. its the name of the remake of Tales of destiny for the Nintendo DS I think. I'm pretty sure its just a remake. Oh and I did heard that there was going to be an anime series on it.
  3. Does anyone know the name of the song that is played during the episode called Party? I think its the first episode of the third dvd....it plays near the end when it shows [spoiler]outside of the world where Tsukusa's dad is asking a docor to turn off the life support[/spoiler]..
  4. Ive got .Hack sign and Im watching it through now. When im done I wanna go on and watch the next series...now Ive heard that there is a series called Hack//liminality, and a series called Hack//dusk. Could somone tell me which one comes next in the storyline order? ans could someone tell me if thats all the other series that there are? thanks
  5. OK, so ive just got .hack//sign. Ive got all 6 of the dvds. I just started wtahcing it but uts a little confusing. the first episode I watched was Login. This is the first thing I've seen of the hack series....was there any episodes or anything before it that i should know about? -thanks
  6. I was looking at some of the submitted wallpapers and i could swear that some of the pictures in them are taken from offical wallpapers...so does that mean its ok to do that as long as you have added your own personal touches?
  7. Hi, Ive written a novel that I would like to include illustrations in. Unfortunately I can draw at all and I was wondering if there was anyone who would be interested in doing some specific anime style illustrations forme...The person would be credited within my book. thanks. someone plz reply
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