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Everything posted by Weaver_Karuko

  1. C'mon guys! You forgot the most bad *** anime character that ever existed! Sure the anime was overplayed and is continuing to be overplayed, but that doesn't change the fact that the number one bad *** in the anime world is Vicious from Cowboy Bebop. There's just no beating that guy... I'd say more but that'd be spoiling and I just can't spoil things, regardless of the spoiler tags... Lol.
  2. I haven't read the entire series, but what I did read I really liked. The story was well done and the strange drawing style adds to it in ways that nothing else could. Anyone else read this manga?
  3. I have to admit that the cheesiest anime that I have ever seen in my entire existence as someone who makes it a point to watch all that he can... I have to say Midori Days is the corniest... the dudes hand is a girl that is in love with him... what the crap man! The romance parts are sappy, and some parts, l ike the one where [spoiler]Midori gets sick... she's his freaking hand! How stupid is that! His hand has a cold and he's all worried about it...[/spoiler] Not to mention the obvious desire for women that the producer/creator has... The attempts of one character to woo the main character just makes me sick... The voice acting is pretty corny too... But that's just me, I'm sure some of you like it. I didn't mind it too much, but I did find it rather... well... stereotypical and strange... and the puppets, the freaking puppets man! Corniest, anime, ever.
  4. In all honesty the thing about anime that truly grabbed me was the complexity of the more well thought out animes... A great example of that would be the anime Serial Experiments Lain and the other one by the same company that I can't spell... However, some anime does seem to be a little drab and cliche such as the ones that have excessive violence and gore in almost every scene... The point is however, that anime grabbed me because it's not stupid like the stuff us americans have on TV. Over there in the asian continent and other countries surrounding it, whoever makes/creates/draws/animates anime doesn't have to worry about some organization cracking down on everything they do, which is why they can make more complex and more enjoyable shows... Not to mention the hot anime babes. :animeknow
  5. Well... Several of my friends are considered adults now that they have shed the proverbial wings of the age of seventeen... they critcize everything, but that's not the point. As far as true adults go, my father really doesn't care... just as longs as the ''hot asian cartoons have..."tiggle bitties." Sometimes he scares me... Other than that, I think they criticize because they don't see the true form of art in anime... Yes, yes they like to criticize anime.
  6. In all honesty I think I'm mostly like Goku from Saiyuki, I can't get enough of food, I eat all the flippin' time, ask Twilight! But the point is, I identify with him because I love to fight and eat, and if I could, I would do both at the same time, but the closest I can get to that is playing Soul Calibur 2 and eating quesadillas at the same time... I also feel like I have some sort of a connection with Haruhatsu from Fruits Basket, I have A solitary rival, and I would just love to fight him for it... I can't seem to stay away from a bad pick up line... and when I get angry, I'm like a completely different person, and as corny as this is to say... You wouldn't like me when I'm angry. :animesmil
  7. Lets see... If I could date any anime character I wanted... It would most definitely be Yuna from Maburaho, there is just something about her... probably the clinginess and the "HE'S MINE *****!" attitude... Oh and the fact that she is just plain abusive, I find that attractive for some reason...
  8. DBZ was probably the most overrated show that I have ever watched... It's a bunch of men screaming their brains out constantly... Really annoying. The fight scenes are just the same animation repeated over and over. Inu Yasha is getting really old really fast, and I don't think that the new episodes are going to make it any better, they need to end that series as quick a possible... at least that's my opinion of it. Azumanga Daioh and Fruits Basket are underrated I believe, the animation quality is incredible and they didn't do a have bad job on the dubs either... The only thing is they should have based them more on the manga, especially in Fruits Basket... the end kind of leaves you thinking, "That's it?"
  9. Legato, Plain and simple. Not only is he a cool collected calm villain as said before, but he has morals, and is respectable. I tip my hat to thee, sir.
  10. All I'm saying is, when the mouths aren't moving? Don't make them say crap, I mean, it's ridiculous. One scene, not a spoiler, Integra and another person are having a conversation, her mouth isn't moving at the end of the conversation, but she says the prayer anyway... I just got a little ...I don't know the word... over that.
  11. I have a dream, to make a Hellsing voice over that doesn't suck! The English versions of the 13 episodes are terrible! I mean, I had the english subtitles right on the bottom while watching it in english, they didn't sinc at all! Not only that... but they added crap in there that they never said... Oh, and my other dream? I also have a dream to become a voice actor, or even an actor for an anime character in a real movie... That would be the best thing that ever happened to me... But alas, 'tis only a dream.
  12. It's gotten worse B. HI, I'm a friend of Twilights, and he's not playing. Our teachers have gone Nazi on anime. Before you know it, it will be against the school rules to draw anime, which is what most of us draw... only a rare few of us can draw anything other than the obvious stick figures killing each other... which we don't get in trouble for. (Problem there?) THat's what we get for living in backwoods *** Arkansas... everything is for the devil blah blah blah... B! Your mom is insane!
  13. I liked the second movie a bunch. I would probably have to watch it again however because I was also playing Call of Duty, watching the Read or Die movie, and Puni Puni Poemi all at the same time... Unfortunately, I'd have to say that the japanese voice acting was better than the english voice acting tenfold, even though they are the same voice actors. It just seems that they have more emotion in the japanese version. Guys, use spoiler tags. Unless they got rid of them... I don't think that they did though.
  14. 1. Haru from Fruits Basket, only because he has a very...different alternate self. He can get quite a temper over some small things. They refer to it as Going Black. 2. A good person from an anime to be couped up with would definitely Toru from Fruits Basket, she is a very kind individual who earns her keep.
  15. I'd have to say that I rewatch Cowboy Bebop and .hack//sign the most, just because they were fantastic series' and it is truly amazing some of the things you pick up that you didn't catch the first way around... Especially in .hack//sign. It's a common known fact that you won't understand a series fully unless you watch it more than once, I am a fond believer in this fact... I'm fixing to watch Hellsing again.
  16. Any and all parts that are in .hack//sign. I couldn't find a scene that made me feel good in that anime. Especially the part when [spoiler] The little kuchguso, or whatever it's called, dies because it gets sick, and despite the fact that Tsukasa did his best to save the poor thing... [/spoiler] That made me really sad...and then the part when [spoiler] It shows Tsukasa as a child at a picnic with no family, and then the part with the kitten that he was nursing back to life with a dropper and milk...[/spoiler] Now that I think about it... that was just a depressing anime.
  17. I liked the movie, although they really didn't develop the characters that well, I think that they did a very good job with the time that they had allotted. Now, the end is just a little messed whereas [spoiler]Camui kills his best friend and then holds his severed head in his hands... and cries... [/spoiler] Other than that, the characters were funny in most cases, although you don't get to [spoiler] see most of them very long [/spoiler]
  18. In all bold honesty, it's not my favorite anime in the world, but it's so dang close that Serial Experiments is exerting that extra energy to win the race... however, what I loved most about .hack//sign, besides the series of course, would have to be the soundtrack... I mean, what an amazing soundtrack to go along with an amazing anime. I couldn't help but crack up at the music that they played around Sora... Lol... Hillbilly music.
  19. Well then... I don't think that I want to go through all the trouble to ...ya know... buy something. So i'll figure it out later... right now I'm working on another anime so I'm not going to worry about it... Thanks for the advice though.
  20. There is another episode? I had seen all the way up until episode 27, and I did it in one sitting! Now I don't feel complete and must hunt down this mysterious 28th episode...thanks a lot. Now... .hack//dusk (legend of the twilight bracelet) was not on my list of favorite animes. They made them too cute and took all the seriousness out of the series. But this is a .hack//sign thread, so...
  21. Hey B. When you gonna download the rest of Excel Saga for me? Other than that, I've been doin some readin up on Puni Puni... and I have to say, it is definitely intriguing.
  22. He's not lying... I saw the second inu-yasha movie with him... When I watch a good anime, I frantically search for information on where I can buy, and the times that I decide to quit being such a tight-waud with my cash, I run out and buy the anime... only if it's in america though because shipping costs over seas are just plain rediculous. Then... I see if there are any related animes to the topic, like when I saw X 2000, I went on a search for animes of the same topic and found my current fave: Akira. After I do that, I download the entire soundtrack for the anime... Currently working on FLCL right now, if Twilight would be so kind as to let me siphen through his collection and steal some stuff...
  23. It is a pretty depressing show... The first episode made me feel really bad... but they were ignorant and that was their fault... O.o;
  24. I guess that another sad one would be the end of Akira... and the end of Ninja Scroll... If you haven't seen those you need to.
  25. I'd have to say, a part that made me sad was in one of the animated sonic movies, you know, the cool ones from Japan and such, is when [spoiler]he has to fight his uncle chuck who was robotisized... turned into a robot.[/spoiler] By the way, that is an old, old movie so don't worry about trying to remember it... And yes, that part in the Second Inu-Yasha move was sad...
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