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[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][FONT=Courier New]The next day, Seto and the others were outside Saiyuki's office. Seto looks at the others. "My son is expecting us. Everyone got their card that came with Duel of the Century?" Everyone shows Seto their card. He nods. Jackson comes out and greets them. "Good morning. I am Jackson. Mr. Saiyuki is expecting you. Will you please show me your identification card." Everyone shows Jackson their cards. "Excellent. Please come with me. The fourth floor is where all duelists will be staying for the tournament." They head to the elevators and ride to the fourth floor. "Yugi Motou, you'll be in the first room on the right." Yugi heads to his room. Jackson turns to Joey. "Mr. Wheeler, your room is the first one on the left. You'll be sharing accommodations with Serenity Wheeler." Serenity gives her big brother a high five. Duke looks at Jackson. "Where will I be?" "Mr. Devilin, you'll be staying in the third room on the right." Duke grabs his bags and heads to his room. "What about me?" Mai asks in her whiny voice. "Ah, Mrs. Wheeler, you'll be staying with Mr. Wheeler and Serenity." Mai grabs her bags and slowly walks away. Tristan turns to Jackson. "Jackson, where will I be staying?" "Mr. Taylor, you'll be staying in the second room on the left." Tristan grabs his bags and runs to his room. "Mr. Kaiba, Saiyuki told me to let you and your brother stay in the special room. It's the fifth on the left." Seto gives Jackson his traditional look. "Thanks. Oh, just one more thing. Don't call me 'Mr. Kaiba.' Ever since Battle City, I had my employees call me that." Jackson nods. "Everyone, the duels will begin tomorrow at eight o'clock sharp. So be up by seven-thirty to prepare your things." Jackson walks back to the elevator. He pulls out his cell phone. "Mr. Saiyuki, everyone's here. When we capture your father and the others in the virtual world, nothing will stop you from taking over Kaiba Corp." Saiyuki folds his hands. "Excellent Jackson. Tomorrow, no one will even remember the name Seto Kaiba." He lets out a menacing chuckle. [/FONT] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][FONT=Courier New]?I?ll use two Warp Vortex dice, Orgoth the Relentless, Battle Warrior, Knight of Twin Swords, Medical Aid Kit, Strike Ninja, Flame Swordsman, Harpie Lady, Killer Needle, Mighty Mage, Meteor B. Dragon, Witch?s Apprentice, Jinzo and Time Machine.? He places them in his case. Yugi looks at Téa. ?Hon, you haven?t dueled in a couple of months, do you think you?ll be able to duel now?? Mean while, back at Saiyuki's office, Jackson came up to Saiyuki. "Mr. Saiyuki, one of the duelists, Alexander Dimitrikov, is here." Saiyuki turns to Jackson. "Thank you Jackson. I'll personally go welcome Mr. Dimitrikov myself." Jackson bows and leaves the room. Saiyuki goes to the elevator and heads down to the lobby. As soon as Saiyuki reaches the lobby he sees Alexander looking around the lobby, amazed at how big it is. "Welcome to my tournament Mr. Dimitrikov. My name is Saiyuki Kaiba, the one who organized this little tournament. I hope you have your identification card that you got from the game?" Alexander checks his pockets and pulls out his card. "Here it is. When will the duels start?" "The duel will start two days from now, when we have everyone here." Saiyuki looks at Jackson. "Jackson, would you be so kind as to escort Mr. Dimitrikov to his room?" Jackson nods. "Yes, sir." Jackson grabs Alexander's bags and gets on the elevator with Alexander. He presses the button for the fourth floor. When the door opens, Jackson looks at Alexander. "Follow me. Your room is the second door on the right. Hope you like it." Alexander grins. He thinks to himself. "I hope that Yugi, Joey, Mai, Tristan, Serenity, Kaiba, Mokuba, Duke and Téa are coming. I sure would like to meet Yugi." He enters the room. The room looks like a fancy hotel room with the works. "Mr. Dimitrikov, Mr. Saiyuki has ordered me to give the duelists free meals, so anything you want to eat, just ask me." Alexander nods. "Thanks Jackson." [/FONT] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][FONT=Courier New]The RP starts whenever you want to start your RPG. If you go to Adventure Square, and find Yu-Gi-Oh!: Duel of the Century you'll see that I've already started my RPG for Saiyuki. :animeswea :animesmil :demon: [/FONT] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][FONT=Courier New]The sides are: Good-fights for honor, family and to make the world a better palce Neutral-can be either side and fights for whatever they feel like Evil-fights for evil purposes like taking over the world, souls and their own evil purposes[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][FONT=Courier New]That's great. Also, is Alexander on the good side or bad? :animeswea :animesmil :sweat: [/FONT] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue] [FONT=Courier New] Chapter 1: Saiyuki?s Trap- Pt. 1 Yugi and the gang are at Yugi's card shop. Yugi looks at them sadly. ?It seems empty without Grandpa.? Téa comes over and sits next to him. "Everything's gonna be alright Yugi. Your grandpa would be proud of you." She gives Yugi a kiss. Tristan, Serenity, Mai, Duke and Joey all oooooooh very cutely. Yugi blushes. "I guess you're right Tea." Then, the doorbell rings. Serenity gets up. "I'll get it." She heads over and opens the door. Standing there are Seto Kaiba and Mokuba. Kaiba talks in his normal stern voice. "Yugi, long time no see. I have a favor to ask of you and your pals." Joey scowls. He remembers how mean Kaiba was 15 years ago. Yugi gets up from the couch and heads over to him. "What kind of favor do you mean?" Kaiba and Mokuba sit at the table. Kaiba folds his hands and places his chin on top. "It seems that my fifteen year old son, Saiyuki, is planning to trap all of us in the virtual world." Everyone gasps. Mokuba speaks up. "Also, Saiyuki wants to take over Kaiba Corp. just like what Pegasus and Noah were trying to do." Duke goes over to the table. "How do we stop him?" Kaiba lowers his head. "Glad you asked, dice boy. The only way to stop Saiyuki is to go into his virtual world and duel through eighteen levels, each level has a boss that we've dueled before." Duke yells. "I don't even have a deck. So how'd you suppose I duel?" Mokuba looks at him. "Duke, you won't be dueling with cards, you'll be dueling with your dice. You see, every boss will have both a duel disk and a dungeon dice monsters playing field." Duke jumps up. "Then, I'm in." Everyone else nods. Joey looks at his sister. "Serenity, dis'll be ya first maja duel. Are ya sure ya wanna go through wi dis?" Serenity nods. "Of course I do, Joey. I mean, I've even beaten Yugi in a duel my third year of dueling." Yugi looks at them. "That's right. Serenity knew every single one of my strategies from watching my past duels." Tristan looks at Kaiba. "Kaiba, I've never even dueled before." Kaiba looks at Tristan. "No problem. I have cards here that you can use to create your deck. Even everyone can use my cards." Kaiba opens up his silver briefcase, revealing all of his cards. "Let's get creative with those decks." Serenity heads over first. Mai looks at Serenity, a little confused. "Serenity, where's your deck?" Serenity responds without even looking up. "I left it at home." Serenity kneels down and looks at the cards. "Joey, what were your cards in Duelist Kingdom?" Joey thinks. "Basically, it's my deck now minus the Claw of Heremos card." Serenity chuckles. "Thanks big brother. I'm gonna make the same deck that you had in Duelist Kingdom." Serenity searches through Kaiba's briefcase to find all the cards in Joey's Duelist Kingdom deck. Serenity heads over to Joey to make sure that her deck and Joey's deck from the time he dueled Yugi in Duelist Kingdom matched. "Every card is right sis." Kaiba goes over and places a hand on Serenity's shoulder. "Serenity, I'll let you keep that deck if you promise to help us stop Saiyuki." Serenity nods. "I'll do it Kaiba. Anyone that's not playing fair will have to be defeated." Meanwhile, at a big office building, on the sixteenth floor, a light can be seen from the middle window. In there, Saiyuki Kaiba is preparing his deck, since he'll be the final boss. "Let's see. I'll make a deck that my father will wish he had thought of." He chuckles menacingly. He goes through all 30,000 of his duel monsters cards that he stores on his Card Database program. He searches through his dragon section first. "Hmmm... I'll choose Tri-Horned Dragon, Red-Eyes Black Dragon, Seiyaryu and Yamadron." He enters them in his deck list. Then he goes over to his Spellcaster section. "Let's see. I think I'll choose two Dark Magicians, Dark Paladin, Gemini Elf, Dark Magician Girl, Right Leg of the Forbidden One, Left Leg of the Forbidden One, Right Arm of the Forbidden One, Left Arm of the Forbidden One, Exodia the Forbidden One, Skilled White Magician and Skilled Dark Magician." He also adds them to his deck list. He searches through his warrior section. "I'll choose Buster Blader, Dark Magician Knight and Millennium Shield." As he adds them to his deck, a man dressed in black comes in. "Excuse me, Mr. Saiyuki. It seems that your father is recruiting the King of Games and his little friends." Saiyuki turns to him. "That's just what I wanted my father to do Jackson." Jackson bows and leaves the room. Saiyuki turns back to his computer program. "Now, on to the machine section." He clicks on the machine section. "I choose the Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon." He then goes to the reptile section and chooses Des Feral Imp. He then heads to the rock section. "Hmmm... I'll choose Alpha the Magnet Warrior, Gamma the Magnet Warrior, Beta the Magnet Warrior and Valkyrion the Magna Warrior." Then, he enters the beast section. "For my beasts, I'll choose Ojama Yellow, Ojama Black and Ojama Green." He then clicks on the winged-beast area. "For winged-beasts, I'll choose Punished Eagle, Blue-Winged Crown and Niwatori." Saiyuki then finds the beast-warrior section. From there he chooses Nin-Ken Dog. After, he goes into the magic area. "For the magic cards, I'll choose Knight's Title, Pot of Greed, Card Destruction, Change of Heart, Monster Reborn, Dark Magic Attack, Infinite Cards, Graceful Charity, Graceful Dice, Ojama Delta Hurricane!, Polymerization, Scapegoat and Mystical Space Typhoon." He then heads over to the trap section. "Let's see. I'll choose Metalmorph, Magical Hats, White Hole, Anti Raigeki and Skull Dice." He then clicks on create and his deck comes through the card port which looks like a miniature deck slot on the duel disks. He then lets out a menacing chuckle. Back at Yugi?s card shop, Duke is looking through his dice to see which ones he?ll use. [/FONT] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][FONT=Courier New]Name: Saiyuki Kaiba Age: 15 Deck: 1. Buster Blader (Warrior/Earth/Effect/2600 ATK/2300 DEF/7/The ATK of this card increases by 500 points for every Dragon-Type monster on your opponent?s side of the field and Graveyard) 2. Dark Magician (Spellcaster/Dark/2500 ATK/2100 DEF/7/The ultimate wizard in terms of attack and defense) 3. Dark Paladin (Spellcaster/Dark/Fusion/Effect/2900 ATK/2400 DEF/8/Dark Magician + Buster Blader/This monster can only be Special Summoned by Fusion Summon. As long as this card remains face-up on the field, you can negate the activation of 1 Spell Card and destroy the Spell Card by discarding 1 card from your hand. The ATK of this card increases by 500 points for each Dragon-Type monster on the field and in either player's Graveyard) 4. Tri-Horned Dragon (Dragon/Dark/2850 ATK/2350 DEF/8/An unworthy dragon with three sharp horns sprouting from its head) 5. Seiyaryu (Dragon/Light/2500 ATK/2300 DEF/7/A mystical dragon that burns away the unworthy with its mystic flames) 6. Metalmorph (Trap/After activation, this card is used to equip a face-up monster. The monster equipped with this card increases its ATK and DEF by 300 points. When attacking with a monster equipped with this card, you can further increase its ATK by an amount equal to half the ATK of your target) 7. Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon (Machine/Dark/2800 ATK/2400 DEF/8/This card can only be Special Summoned from the Deck to the Field by offering 'Red-Eyes Black Dragon' equipped with 'Metalmorph' as a Tribute. Your deck is then shuffled) 8. Red-Eyes Black Dragon (Dragon/Dark/2400 ATK/2000 DEF/7/A ferocious dragon with a deadly attack) 9. Dark Magician Knight (Warrior/Dark/Effect/2500 ATK/2100 DEF/7/This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by the effect of ?Knight?s Title?. If this card is Special Summoned successfully, select one card on the field and destroy it) 10. Knight?s Title (Magic/Activate this card by offering one face up ?Dark Magician? on your side of the field as a Tribute. Special Summon one ?Dark Magician Knight? from your hand, Graveyard or Deck) 11. Pot of Greed (Magic/Draw two cards from your Deck) 12. Infinite Cards (Magic/As long as this card remains face-up on the field, there is no limit to the number of cards in both player's hands) 13. Change of Heart (Magic/Select one monster on your opponent?s side of the field. Take control of the selected monster until the End Phase of this turn) 14. Monster Reborn (Magic/Select 1 Monster Card from either you or your opponent's Graveyard. Special Summon the selected monster on your side of the field) 15. Gemini Elf (Spellcaster/Earth/1900 ATK/900 DEF/4/Elf twins that alternate their attacks) 16. Dark Magician Girl (Spellcaster/Dark/2000 ATK/1700 DEF/6/Increase the ATK of this monster by 300 points for each 'Dark Magician' or 'Magician of Black Chaos' in either player's Graveyard) 17. Dark Magician (Spellcaster/Dark/2500 ATK/2100 DEF/7/The ultimate wizard in terms of attack and defense) 18. Right Leg of the Forbidden One (Spellcaster/Dark/200 ATK/300 DEF/1/A forbidden right leg sealed by magic. Whosoever breaks the seal will know infinite power) 19. Left Leg of the Forbidden One (Spellcaster/Dark/200 ATK/300 DEF/1/A forbidden left leg sealed by magic. Whosoever breaks the seal will know infinite power) 20. Right Arm of the Forbidden One (Spellcaster/Dark/200 ATK/300 DEF/1/A forbidden right arm sealed by magic. Whosoever breaks the seal will know infinite power) 21. Left Arm of the Forbidden One (Spellcaster/Dark/200 ATK/300 DEF/1/A forbidden left arm sealed by magic. Whosoever breaks the seal will know infinite power) 22. Exodia the Forbidden One (Spellcaster/Dark/1000 ATK/1000 DEF/3/An automatic victory can be declared by the player whose hand contains this card together with the Left Leg/Right Leg/Left Arm/Right Arm of the Forbidden One) 23. Des Feral Imp (Reptile/Dark/1600 ATK/1800 DEF/4/FLIP/Select 1 card from your Graveyard and add it to your Deck. Then shuffle your Deck) 24. Millennium Shield (Warrior/Earth/0 ATK/3000 DEF/5/A Millennium item, it's rumored to block any strong attack) 25. Dark Magic Attack (Magic/You can only activate this card when there is a face-up "Dark Magician" on your side of the field. Destroy all Spell and Trap Cards on your opponent's side of the field) 26. Card Destruction (Magic/Both players must discard their entire hands and draw the same number of cards that they discarded from their respective decks) 27. Graceful Charity (Magic/Draw 3 cards from your Deck, then discard any 2 cards from your hand) 28. Magical Hats (Trap/You can activate this card during your opponent's Battle Phase. Take 2 non-Monster Cards from your Deck and select 1 of your Monster Cards on the field, then shuffle your Deck. Shuffle the 3 selected cards and Set them on the field in face-down Defense Position. The 2 cards selected from your Deck are treated as monsters (ATK 0/DEF 0) and are destroyed at the end of the Battle Phase) 29. Skilled White Magician (Spellcaster/Light/1700 ATK/1900 DEF/4/Each time you or your opponent activates 1 Spell Card, put 1 Spell Counter on this card (max. 3). You can Special Summon 1 'Buster Blader' from your hand, Deck, or Graveyard in face-up Attack or Defense Position by offering this monster with 3 Spell Counters as a Tribute during your Main Phase) 30. Skilled Dark Magician (Spellcaster/Dark/1900 ATK/1700 DEF/4/Each time you or your opponent activates 1 Spell Card, put 1 Spell Counter on this card (max. 3). You can Special Summon 1 'Dark Magician' from your hand, Deck, or Graveyard in face-up Attack or Defense Position by offering this monster with 3 Spell Counters as a Tribute during your Main Phase) 31. White Hole (Trap/When your opponent plays 'Dark Hole', the monsters on your side of the field are not destroyed) 32. Anti Raigeki (Trap/When your opponent activates 'Raigeki', all or your opponent's monsters are destroyed in place of your own) 33. Graceful Dice (Magic/Roll 1 six-sided die. The result is multiplied by 100 points and added to the ATK and DEF of all monsters you control until the end of your turn. Monsters summoned after this card's activation are excluded) 34. Skull Dice (Trap/Roll 1 six-sided die. The result is multiplied by 100 points and subtracted from the ATK and DEF of all monsters in your opponent's control until the end of your turn. Monsters summoned after this card's activation are excluded) 35. Alpha the Magnet Warrior (Rock/Earth/1400 ATK/1700 DEF/4/Alpha, Beta and Gamma meld as one to form a powerful monster) 36. Beta the Magnet Warrior (Rock/Earth/1700 ATK/1600 DEF/4/Alpha, Beta and Gamma meld as one to form a powerful monster) 37. Gamma the Magnet Warrior (Rock/Earth/1500 ATK/1800 DEF/4/Alpha, Beta and Gamma meld as one to form a powerful monster) 38. Valkyrion the Magna Warrior (Rock/Earth/3500 ATK/3850 DEF/8/This card can only be Special Summoned by offering 'Alpha the Magnet Warrior', 'Beta the Magnet Warrior', and 'Gamma the Magnet Warrior' from your hand or the field as a Tribute. If 'Alpha the Magnet Warrior', 'Beta the Magnet Warrior', and 'Gamma the Magnet Warrior' exist in the Graveyard, you can offer this card as a Tribute to Special Summon these 3 cards to the field) 39. Yamadron (Dragon/Fire/1600 ATK/1800 DEF/5/This monster has three fire-breathing heads and can form a sea of blazing flames) 40. Ojama Yellow (Beast/Light/0 ATK/1000 DEF/2/He's one of the Ojama Trio. It's said that he butts in by any means necessary. It's also said that when the three are together, something happens) 41. Ojama Black (Beast/Light/0 ATK/1000 DEF/2/He's one of the Ojama Trio. It's said that he butts in by any means necessary. It's also said that when the three are together, something happens) 42. Ojama Delta Hurricane! (Magic/ You can only activate this card when 'Ojama Green', 'Ojama Yellow' and 'Ojama Black' are face-up on your side of the field. Destroy all cards on your opponent's side of the field) 43. Ojama Green (Beast/Light/0 ATK/1000 DEF/2/He's one of the Ojama Trio. It's said that he butts in by any means necessary. It's also said that when the three are together, something happens) 44. Nin-Ken Dog (Beast-Warrior/Wind/1800 ATK/1000 DEF/4/ A Ninja dog who has mastered extreme Ninjitsu. Through hard training, it learned the technique to metamorphose into a human being) 45. Punished Eagle (Winged-Beast/Wind/2100 ATK/1800 DEF/6/?Blue-Winged Crown? + ?Niwatori?) 46. Blue-Winged Crown (Winged-Beast/Wind/1600 ATK/1200 DEF/4/ With hair shaped like a crown and a body incased in bluish white flames, this bird is a formidable sight) 47. Niwatori (Winged-Beast/Earth/900 ATK/800 DEF/3/ Swallows enemies whole and uses their essence as energy) 48. Polymerization (Magic/ Fuses 2 or more monsters to form a new Fusion Monster) 49. Scapegoat (Magic/Quick-Play/ When this card is activated, you cannot summon any monster in the same turn (including Flip Summon and Special Summon). Place 4 'Sheep Tokens' (Beast-Type/EARTH/1 Star/ATK 0/DEF 0) in Defense Position on your side of the field. The tokens cannot be used as a Tribute for a Tribute Summon) 50. Mystical Space Typhoon (Magic/Quick-Play/ Destroy 1 Magic or Trap Card on the field) Appearance: Saiyuki Kaiba has Dartz's hair, Kaiba's looks, and his father's will to take over anything. His hair is brown, eyes are deep sky blue and he wears the outfit of Valon. Description: Saiyuki Kaiba grew up after Waking the Dragons. Bio: Saiyuki Kaiba was born into a wealthy family. No one knows who his mother is but they know for certain that Seto Kaiba is his father. Saiyuki got his deck when he was 7 and his first duel was against his uncle, Mokuba. He lost and Kaiba taught him what he did wrong and practiced with Saiyuki until he had to go help Yugi. Then Saiyuki, feeling that he's been abandoned became more and more like Noah, Pegasus, and Guzaburo. He wanted to take over KaibaCorp. and make it the ultimate manufacterer of Duel Monsters cards. Since then, Saiyuki has lived in a 20- story building along with new assisstants, including Jackson. Saiyuki's been creating a virtual trap for his father and his friends, that way he can take over KaibaCorp. without interference. Pic: (If any) Side: Evil[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][FONT=Courier New]Name: Jinn Ashe Age: 16 Gender: Female Height: 5'3" Weight: 165 lbs. Hometown: Falabor Town Appearance: [url]http://www.enpitsudo-dojo.com/files/wp.raven.png[/url] History: Jinn's family are Pokemon Breeders. When her parents heard that she was going to become a Pokemon trainer, they had a party with cake, ice cream, cupcakes and ambrosia. She loves to draw Pokemon and her favorite Pokemon to draw are legendaries. She knows how to bring the best out of Pokemon. Her idol is Flannery. She hopes to be a strong as Flannery someday. Personality: She is a sweet girl. She hates it when people pick on little kids and helpless Pokemon. She hopes that she'll be a better trainer than Ash one day. Your Starter Pokémon Name: Starfire Species: Zangoose Type: Normal Moves: Scratch and Leer[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][FONT=Courier New]Name: Keiko Age: 16 Description: She looks like Erika except that she wears anything that is comfortable and her hair looks like Liza's from Mossdeep and is blue. Personality: Keiko is a loving and generous girl. She isn't easy to cry. Bio: Keiko is the daughter of Lance. She found out about the Shadow Pokemon when she recieved an e-mail from her friend saying that she saw some Pokemon that were acting strange. She was outraged and grabbed her pokeballs and left to save the Pokemon from the forces of evil. She loves any rare Pokemon. She hopes to one day rid the Pokemon world of evil-doers. Starting Pokemon: Jirachi, Celebi Shadow Pokemon You Catch: Mew, Latias, Latios, Rayquaza Side: Good Trainers[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][FONT=Courier New]Name: Meilyn Yamako Age: 18 Gender: Female Description: Meilyn looks sort of like Lisa from Pokemon 3: The Movie except that instead of brown hair, she has cerulean blue hair, purple eyes and wears anything comfortable. She also has a sling backpack Bio: Meilyn is the daughter of one of the best Pokemon breeders in Birch Town. She got all of her pokemon when she was only 5 and raised them herself. Her older brother, Koji, is in Kanto training to be Professor Oak's assistant. She loves Pokemon. Her favorite Pokemon is all of them. She is a sensitive young girl. She graduated from Pokemon University in Hoenn. Starter Pokemon: Mightyena (Krystal), Raichu (Sparx), Blaziken (Blaze), Metagross (Meta), Pidgeot (Sapphire), Salamence (Fang) What you want to be: Pokemon Breeder[/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=Courier New][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Name: Meilyn "Lyn" Lynch Age: 10 Gender: Female HomeTown: Cinnabar Island Appearance: Looks like the female trainer from FireRed and LeafGreen, but her clothes consiste of flame pants and flame t-shirts Personality: She is a kind and loving trainer. The normal Pokemon from Oak: Charmander Pokemon if you are a late person: Eevee History: Meilyn is a trainer whose father took over the Cinnabar Gym after Blaine left. She loves her family's Pokemon Training Park that is located just behind the gym. She is popular with the other inhabitants of Cinnabar Island. She loves Pokemon alot. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[color=deepskyblue][font=Courier New]This RPG happens about 15 years after Waking the Dragons. Yugi and the gang have just bought the new virtual dueling game called "Duel of the Century." The game is actuially a trap set by the son of Seto Kaiba, Sayuki Kaiba. The game ends up trapping them and any other players in the virtual world. They have to go through 18 different levels of game play. Many of the duelists are from the past duels of the gang. Saiyuki Kaiba wants to trap everyone in the virtual world so he can take over Kaiba Corp. without his father and uncle around to stop him. Unlike Kaiba, Saiyuki is a greedy guy and also wants to take all of the Duel Monsters cards from Pegasus. Name: (Anyone from the series or your own) Age: Deck: (Again, your own or an existing deck) Appearance: Description: (What they did before Duel of the Century) Bio: Pic: (If any) [color=deepskyblue][font=Courier New]Here are some new cards for this RPG Dragon Warrior (Warrior/Effect/1900 ATK/1000 DEF/7/Light/Allows you to take a dragon from both decks) Dragon Armor (Magic/Equip/Increases the attack and defense of dragons by 1000) Blue-Eyes Ice Dragon (Dragon/Water/3500 atk/2800 def/8/A Blue-Eyes with the powers of ice) Monster Summoning (Magic/Allows you to summon two monsters from both graveyards) Dragon Shield (Magic/Equip/Increases the defense of "Dragon Warrior" by 1000) Blizzard Lioness (Beast/Water/1500 ATK/1450 DEF/5/A lioness with the power to cause cold weather) Frozenland (Magic/Field/Increases the attack and defense of ice-type monsters by 900) Dragon Frenzy (Trap/Continuous/Allows your dragons to attack your opponents life points directly) Virtual World (Magic/Any monster on the field and summoned after this card is activated, becomes 3-D) Vicious Dragon (Dragon/Dark/3200 ATK/2500 DEF/7/A dragon that won't stop its attack until it's tired) Draco Sword (Magic/Equip/Can only be equipped to dragons and "Dragon Warrior." It increases the attack by 1500) [/font][/color][/font][/color][COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Please don't double-post, Feyrbrand. If there's something else you want to add, either wait for someone else to reply or use the 'Edit' button located underneath your original post. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
[COLOR=Blue]Name: Ami Yamako Age: 15 Side: Kaisho Rank of your side: Officer Weapon of Choice: Sapphire-handled Katana Description: 5'3", 165 lbs., looks like Riku from Kingdom Hearts, wears mainly t-shirts, blue jeans, knee-high boots, a silver cape and a sword case on her back that has her family's logo on it Personality: Ami is a swett and artistic girl. She is not easily tormented. She can be somewhat of a leader when she needs to be. Bio: Ami is an orphan. Her parents were killed by a dark dragon. She was raised by her sister, who is an alchemist. She grew up normally. She is popular in her village. She is a sweet girl who doesn't care about dating. She lives in a mansion where her sister, her brother-in-law and their daughters. Ami loves to sing and dance whenever she gets a chance. She also loves to write her own songs. Beast Name: Blaze Beast Description: 6'7", 1,000 lbs., 13' wing span, red skin, 3" hand and feet claws Beast Signature Attack: Molten Fireball (sends a deadly fireball towards the opponent and explodes on impact)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]"Hirako, are you up and moving? Your breakfast is getting cold." Her mother called from the kitchen. Hirako looked at her digital clock and moaned at the time. She normally never gets up at 9:30, she usually is up at 10. She slowly got out of bed and went to her closet and pulled out a pair of flame jeans, a flame t-shirt and put them on. She grabbed her sketch pad to show her parents her newest drawing of Hiro and Yuki hard at "studying." "Mom, I'm not really that hungry. But after you and dad finish, could you take a look at my newest drawing?" Her parents nod. Hirako got up and went to get a glass of Hawaiian Punch. Hirako sat down and drank her juice. Even though she was 10, she could draw almost anything. Her younger brother, Yuki, came down and told Hirako that she still had his PC game, Digimon Shadow World. She got up and went to get it out of her computer. When she got there, she saw that she still had her Digimon RPG game running, so she created her female character and chose a SnowAgumon for her partner. As soon as she did, she felt something heavy fall into her right hand. She looked down and saw that it was a gold and silver Digivice. Her computer screen started to glow. She was soon dragged into the Digital Forest. She looked around and saw a small dinosaur shape heading towards her. She trembled with fear. When the shape came closer, she realized that it was a SnowAgumon. "Are you Hirako?" She nods, a little confused. "Hirako, you are my tamer. That means that I'll digivolve and you'll be able to spirit digivolve." Hirako smiles. "My dream to be a Digimon tamer has come true." She starts to cry. SnowAgumon smiles and walks over to her. He hands her a deck of different cards. "These cards will give me different powers to battle with. Also, did you already get a digivice?" Hirako reaches into her pocket and pulls out her digivice. "Yeah, I got one. But why is it gold and silver SnowAgumon?" SnowAgumon studies the digivice. His eyes widen with shock. "This...this is the legendary digivice only given to the purest of heart. You must be the one chosen to be a great Digimon tamer. I'm happy to be your Digimon partner Hirako." Hirako grabs SnowAgumon and gives him a hug. "SnowAgumon, this may sound weird but I was playing a Digimon RPG before I came. Also, I chose you as my Digimon partner." SnowAgumon smiled. "Hirako, let?s go meet with some of the other Digidestined at the Inn near the city." He jumps up on Hirako?s shoulders. "SnowAgumon, I already feel like I?ve made my first [I]real[/I] friend."[/COLOR]
Name: Ami Age: 16 Appearance: 5'3", she looks a little bit like Kari, Yolei and Davis. She has Kari's shirt, Yolei's backpack and Davis' pants and coat he wears in the digital world. She has cerulean blue eyes, a cross between Matt and Kari's hairstyle. Her hair is dark blue with light blue streaks. Personality: Ami's personality is like every human digidestined put together. She is also an artist, her favorite thing to draw are Digimon, real or her own. She has a slight crush on Matt. Choice: Willingly Digivice color: Cerulean Blue Bio: Ami's life was just perfect until her tenth birthday when she found a purple digivice next to her computer. She picked it up and stared at it. Then, two DIROne agents came to her house and asked her if she'll come to the digital world. She accepts and is taken to enter the digital world. Once she was in, she met a digimon named Veemon and they instantly became pals. Digimon: Chibomon, Demi-Veemon, Veemon, Ex-Veemon, (Digiegg of Courage) Flamedramon, (Digiegg of Friendship) Raidramon, (DNA) Paildramon, Imperialdramon
[COLOR=Blue]Name: Hirako Momento Age: 16 Appearance: Looks like Riku from Kingdom Hearts Bio: Hirako was born in the outskirts of Tokyo. She was 10 when she first went to the digital world. She was playing her Digimon RPG that she created and after she created her character and chose her partner, she felt a digivice fall into her hand. She was then sucked into her RPG and was dropped into the forest. She was still a little confused. She stared for about 5 minutes at a small, dinosaur shape in the distance. When the shape came closer, she realized it was a SnowAgumon. Ever since, she's been on a journey to save the digital world from evil. Digimon: SnowAgumon Crest: Spirit, looks like the Millenium Puzzle's eye Crest Color: Silver Digi-Vice Color: Silver and Gold[/COLOR]
One snowy January day, a young girl looked at her computer screen. On the screen was a Digimon RPG. 'Let's see. I choose a female character, make her look just like me.Then, I choose Kumamon for my partner.' Just then, the screen started to glow. 'What in the world?' When Hirako slowly put her face to the screen, she felt something fall into her right hand. She looks at the gold and silver digivice in her hand. 'How'd this get into my hand?' She then becomes engulfed in the computer and lands in a forest in the digital world. 'Where am I?' She looks around, still sore from the fall. She stares toward a small, bear shape. As the shape comes closer, she realizes that it's a Kumamon. 'Hello, my name is Kumamon. Are you Hirako?' She nods, still a little confused. 'Hirako, you are my tamer. That means I'll digivolve and you'll be able to spirit digivolve.' Hirako starts to cry. 'My dream has come true. I'm finally a tamer!' Kumamon smiles and walks over to her. He hands her a deck of different cards. 'These cards will give me different powers to battle with. Also, did you already get a digivice?' Hirako reaches into her pocket and pulls out the digivice. 'Yeah, I already got one. But why is it gold and silver Kumamon?' Kumamon studies the digivice. His eyes widen with shock. 'This...this is the legendary digivice only given to the purest of heart. You must be the one chosen to be a great digimon tamer. I'm happy to be your digimon partner Hirako.'