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~Boy Wonder~

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Everything posted by ~Boy Wonder~

  1. See? People have interesting things to say about everything, and this is a perfect example. I wrote that to get something started, and although it isn't big yet, at least people are voicing some opinions. :) My plan has worked perfectly! Muahahaha:devil:
  2. You know, I've been reading a lot of people's signatures lately, and I noticed that a lot of them have a "friends" list following they're quotes or whatever. I'm wondering how come I'm not on any of those lists! Does it have something to do with the fact that I'm relatively new? Or don't you guys like me? hehe
  3. most definitely. old games were the best! i'm particularly fond of those on the Atari. Like Pitfall baby! and that one where you had to catch the falling bombs! definitely the best to spend my childhood.
  4. FInally some of you people see some humor in this post! Woo hoo! To the rest of you, all i have to say is, LIGHTEN UP!:D
  5. Perhaps this subject should just be dropped since there are about 2 people out there who actually understood that this was in fact a joke. Too many people are arguing because their sense of humor is so dry that they can't come to the conclusion that it's humor. Just in case you weren't sure, THIS WAS A JOKE! With that said....I'm done.
  6. anyone else think this argument has lost what little credibility it had in the first place?:smirk:
  7. 20 bucks says i can post more languages up here than most of you...and i'd be able to know what they say too. but that's because i'd be using a translator....like the rest of you....hehe. :tasty:
  8. I'm still confused as to how some people actually took this seriously. Honest to God, you've gotta have the IQ of a 12 year old to be thinking like that. And even if i was afraid of dating, or that I still thought girls had "cooties", why should you care? Your life goes on the same as always, whether I'm afraid of girls or not. But thanks for that interesting statement. And no, this isn't original, but I thought it was rather clever. :p
  9. maybe i should rephrase my previous statement. I do in fact agree that more people care than don't. But I think they get on with their lives. There's the extreme cases, where people take the discrimination to a ridiculous degree, so as to commit hate crimes and such, but i think a majority of people hold it in and get on with the more important things they have to care about. Not that it makes it any more right just because they don't acknowledge their hate or anything. i'm most certainly not saying that. Don't get me wrong here, I just think it's ridiculous when people hate another group of people because they hated them first. They're both being discriminatory, and most of the time neither of them can see that. it's just dumb...ya know? dunno if any of that made sense, but whatever...i guess it only has to make sense to me....:rolleyes:
  10. how about a robot/dino mix? like, if we combined the two of them? would that work?
  11. umm...i don't know what happened, but those parts that look like, "V Evil" are supposed to be under the lines...making them a square root symbol....dunno what happened. Oh well, you should still get the idea!:D
  12. First we state that girls require time and money: Girls = Money x Time And as we all know, time is money: Time = Money Therefore: Girls = Money x Money = (Money)^2 And because "Money is the root of all evil": Money = _____ V Evil Therefore: Girls = ( _____ )^2 V Evil And so we are forced to conclude that: GIRLS = EVIL :eek: Just thought i should share that with the masses. Hope you can understand it....those are supposed to be square root symbols...in case you couldn't see that. That should help it make sense.
  13. I don't really know much about the whole "punk" field, but i certainly don't think it's worth wasting your time trying to get express how much you don't give a **** what people think. Because the facts of the matter are, 98% of people don't give a **** anyway, whether you dress in "punk", "goth", or "prep". Does it even matter? I think everyone needs to get over themselves and just move on with life. There are more important things in life than trying to throw everyone into category. Think about that one.
  14. I used to have wisdom teeth....until I had all four of them pulled! And it was on December 23rd to make things even worse! But yeah, it's extremely painful....i would recommend just getting them taken out. I waited for the pain to just go away, and it never did. So some dentist took a razor and some pliers to my gums...hehe. :eek: Gross...
  15. when is this over? because i have some stuff to post, but it's not finished yet. i definitely want to enter, but if the deadline is sometime soon then i can't. :rolleyes:
  16. It's a good pic. I'm a wanna-be myself, but I prolly have been interested a lil longer in the arts, so I might be able to help. You obviously weren't going for a well defined pic, because it's so sketchy, so you did a very good job with it. The face is a little too fat on top, and the width of the bridge of his nose is a little large too. His right eye (which is on the left since you're facing him) is great, but his left one should have the same sort of point, where it slants two different ways. And I would make the hair a little less messy. Other than that, it's great! Hope that was helpful, and not offensive or anything, I was just offering some constructive criticism.
  17. I'm only 17, so any definition of love that I would give would only be a cheap manifestation of the feeling. I know I surely don't know what love is. I do, however, know lust. That's what all people my age know. We haven't experienced enough in the world to know what love is yet. I hate to say it, but we're just too young.
  18. So long as we aren't killing thousands of innocent people in the process I'm all for ending Bin Laden's reign of terror. If we go and bomb the whole country we're no better than the terrorists who committed this crime. America has to be careful how we handle this. I think everyone is getting a little too excited, and being riled up by their hatred. Don't get so hyped that you let the hate blind you. :eek:
  19. does anyone have a bucket of water and a spongue? we need something to clean off all the testosterone that's being sprayed all over the walls. hehe. just kidding guys. i'm a lifter too, just seems like everyone is trying to top everyone else. :laugh:
  20. [FONT=arial]Hey everyone...tomorrow is US pride day, everyone wear US colors (jeans are blue, everyone owns a white t-shirt, a red bandana, etc). Try to be wearing as much red white and blue as you can. Send this message to as many other people as you can. Lets get the whole country into it. Tell your friends, and have them pass it on too. Somethign terrible happened today, shouldn't we at least have enough respect to show that we care? Thousands of people are dead, at least do this for them, for their families, and for the thousands who are still out there risking their lives in attempt to save those victims that are still suffering. [/FONT]
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