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About Perknup
- Birthday 03/20/1991
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Halo is one game I'm obsessed with. the online gamming in just phenomenal. I'm a regular when it comes to playing online. I'm well known as Kanto King though I am a girl. And no the name isn't from pokemon. lol [quote name='grecords'] MY advice to future clan members? Don't make staff positions as they can promote others to overlord. And you can't remove overlords unless they willingly quit. Many a clan dissolve because of this. Only make Overlords and Members/Peons to keep it under control.[/quote] I'm actually staff of a clan called [I]THE ARYAN RACE[/I]. (Yes I know a racist name...) Last night a few people got invited to the clan and tried to destroy the clan's rank. We went down two levels before we noticed what was going. Luckily a bunch of the staff members were online and they were kicked out within seconds. All I have to say is that if you make someone staff or overlord, make sure you trust the people. If you can't completely trust the person's skills then make them peon and not members. Members can start clan matches on their own and lose terribly.
I'm still hooked with Halo 2. I can't surivive a day without playing that game online.
[COLOR=DarkRed]That's good to know that you guys have your values straight. In unrelated news don't you hate it when you're about to say good game and then one of your teammates tell the opposing team they suck. Actually after you think about it it's pretty funny but still rude. Yes. Very rude.[/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Methuselah][COLOR=Green][SIZE=1] That just plain annoyed me; I can't see why it would be so hard to believe that a girl enjoys gaming.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed]I know what you mean. I myself am a pretty big fan of Halo 2 that just so happens to be a girl. Probably the worst comment I've ever gotten was when I was matchmaking with a few people and someone asks on my team, "Are you a girl?" I just say, "Yeah" and then he tells me "You better not suck" I was like, "What the hell?" to my self. Besides the fact that he was a level four while I was level ten (Levels aren't everything though) I just got me completely pissed but I kept my cool and didn't say anything. But after the round of slayer I humiliated him with 22 kills while he got 10. I was just there laughing to myself as he sat there quiet. This one was pretty funny but still a little bit annoying. One time I was playing some multi flag CTF and I stayed behind to defend the flag. One of my friends asks if I could marry him but I just laugh and say no. All of a sudden I see four random guys on my team crowding around me asking "Are you a girl?" I say yes then I see them all crouch humping me and killing eachother to get to me. So while we were all distracted one of the enemy?s throw a grenade in the base and we all died. Yeah, that pretty much sucked but we still won. I also get a lot of completly inappropriate comments about me being a girl like, "You can handle that rocket well. How about mine?" or "Would you like to feel my sword?" I guess it's better than getting complete jerks that like to shove it in your face that they beat you in a measly game but it still gets annoying. Why can't people say "Good game." or "Nice sniping? If you have nothing nice to say then don't say anything at all.[/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]I really like reading all your relationship stories. A lot of the sound like they came out of a Romance novel. Here?s my long story. Well, now I'm just a mere 13 year old very clueless to the word relationship. I didn't really expect to get a boyfriend anytime soon. Yeah, people did ask me out but I always said no in fear of my parent and sibling's response to the word "boyfriend" but there was this one guy I've had my eyes on since fifth grade. (Very young indeed) it was a childish crush between us two. It stayed like that in the 6th grade also. We?d always flirt with each other and tease about little things. Sadly, once we got to middle school the boy went to a boarding school (No he didn't do anything bad) up in Boston (Far far away from DC) and I sort of lost contact with him after that. My heart was broken but I moved on. Now I'm in the eighth grade, wanting something to bring my life up to an all time high. Halo 2 sort of kept me smiling for a month or so but it's just a game nothing real. I've got one guy in my math class that always hits on me. It's kind of cute some of the things he does but I still wasn't looking for a boyfriend. So, I'm on AIM talking to a friend about some Halo stuff when I get a random message from some random dude. We exchange names and it turns out to be the guy from Elementary school. A huge smile forms on my face as I read his name on the computer screen. We talk for a few hours about what has been going on for the past two years and he just comes out with "You wanna go out to the movies with me Christmas Eve?" (He came back home for winter break) Trust me, this isn't the kind of guy that just comes out and asks girls out but I said yes happily. So we hung out together on Christmas Eve, New Years, and the Sunday afterwards. I won't go into great detail what we did ^_~ but it was nice. Now the guy is back up in Boston and going to school. We try to e-mail everyday and he calls me once a week and he considers me his girlfriend. Pause. You'd think I'd be enjoying all this right? Well, now it's sort of getting on my nerves. I don't know why. I guess it's his shyness around me. (In person not online at least) He can never start up a conversation with me and just fiddles with his iPod a lot. (I admit it?s cool but must you flash it to the whole world!) Maybe he's still in shock form all this time not seeing each other but I swear I went insane going to the movies, the parties, laser tagging, and paintballing with out him talking all that much. I don't know. Maybe it'll work out if I try more but I'm just thinking about dumping the guy. (Yes. How mean can I get?) I?m just being picky. Pros about him, Japanese, likes anime, plays the guitar, cute, into rock, good taste in cloths, and good taste in food. (Not a very long list if you ask me) Cons about him, very shy, mood less, always trying to buy me stuff, and not much personality. Well, I was pretty bored so I felt like ranting on about something stupid. So feel free to give me any advice or criticism. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
Lol. Attimus. Well, I'm glad you got in. College is one huge step towards independance. I can hear it now. The sweet sound of partying night and sleeping day. Ah... Yes. Well and the erm... rewarding feeling of studying. *cough