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About Genshiken

  • Birthday 07/06/1988

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  1. i havent cried in such a long time. i forgot what it was like. i dont cry anymore and i dont know why. theres nothing wrong with it.theres probably something wrong with me :bawl:
  2. I'd say Genshiken but thats a little too real... so since we're all fantasizing, I'll go with Yu-Yu Hakusho cuz spirit powers are friggin sweet, and killing demons would be a plus too. :catgirl:
  3. I joined here after watching Genshiken, and I liked it so I stole it! :animeswea
  4. I always just get smaller things, such as gift cards to Best Buy! If you were to compile all I have gotten over the years, it'd be around 500, 600 bucks. Too bad I blow it the next day. :D
  5. hmm, is there an "average" choice? I have friends in most of these catagories. I tend to look past the stereotypes for some reason... but what do I know; I sleep thru most of school anyway. :catgirl: ....... my grades suck :animedepr
  6. at first Rock Lee really bugged me, but after a while he started to get cooler and cooler until he was the coolest one ever!!! :catgirl:
  7. Tenchi Muyo was what got me hooked on anime, but I haven't seen it in a long long time. If you keep Paranoia Agent, watch it a lot and tell me if there's some deeper meaning to that, because that show just zipped by me. I just plain didn' make sense :animestun
  8. inuyasha has a better setting, but naruto has a better plot. Now, put them together and you've got a fine looking anime :animeswea
  9. I'm going to go with anime only because of the music. I think good music really adds to the effect of a series. :catgirl:
  10. i'd have to say anybody from the dubbed naruto :animesigh
  11. Tenchi Masaki, the coolest guy in the universe, literally. [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Please try and elaborate a [i]little[/i] more in future- this is very close to being spam. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
  12. I can't get enough of Genshiken. i eagerly await April or May when the 3rd box set comes out. IMPATIENCE :wigout:
  13. My first anime was Tenchi Muyo! which is still one of my favorites to this day. It was when i was about 12. I looked it up on a website and after a few links I learned about my new hobby. ;)
  14. 16.. and one half. I was attracted to the site becuase i am an otaku. :smirk:
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