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Everything posted by Altra

  1. Altra


    I thought it was interesting; the character depth is well done. I agree with Dagger that the animation is superb. I am interested to see where they plan on going with the plot perhaps using magic or something. [spoiler]In the first episode, a girl mentions something about magic to Yukito but perhaps it was another joke on her part? In addition, is his doll string controlled or something else? The mother mentioned something about it but Yukito never clarified as to if that was true.[/spoiler]
  2. This is my current desktop, I use stylexp to apply the different themes. I got the wallpaper from a friend, I guess I should ask her where she got it.
  3. I'm 20 years old and I started watching anime in my early teens. To all of you who wish you were older so you can drive: It's a big pain and people are extremely rude and stupid. I kind of feel stupid for still watching cartoons as my ex said, but I really enjoy them and I know they aren't just cartoons. I wish people were better informed about anime, that it is not just little kids cartoons and that it has a large range of age groups that watch it.
  4. I found theotaku.com about 2 years ago searching for something anime related. I put a bookmark on it and maybe came back a few times. Now that I'm not working myself to death and only going to college full time, it gives me a chance to check out these boards and talk with people with similar interests.
  5. I started watching anime around 12 to 15, not really sure as to the actual year. I saw DBZ on cartoon network, learned from a friend that it was anime. After that I started looking up anime and other things from the Japanese culture. I became quite hooked on anime of almost any type. My interest in anime hasn't died in the last 10 or so years, I love watching new and old series.
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