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    i'm irish!
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  1. this is an old school 80's anime (which was made into a crappy american movie) it's about this boy named Sho who comes in contact with the Guyver Unit the guyver is a bio booster armor, which enhances sho's abilities, as well as giving him some new ones, but there is an evil corporation after the guyver as well as it's two other counter-parts, now sho must protect his family and friends. a lot of people say that they hate this anime, i really like it, anyone else with me? the down side is that they only finished 12 episodes:(
  2. [quote name='Siren]Wouldn't [url=http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/nes/game/522595.html][u]GameFaqs[/u][/url'] be a good place to look for the answer?[/quote] i've been to gamefaqs and all the other walkthrough sites...none of them helped.
  3. i was fighting chaos(the final boss) and i couldn't...i looked on the web and it said that if a used the "Blood Sword" that he'll die in 2 hits, the site said that i can find the sword in "Pavel's house"...thing is i don't know were that is. Can anyone tell me were it is?
  4. i like the cloud one better...i drew that pic once, it was good.... excactly what is a pop out sig?
  5. [QUOTE] your right about the colors...and just so you know that's haruko from FLCL
  6. i had this at another forum. what do you think? [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v50/Maiden/ebay2/z234.gif[/IMG]
  7. family guy: peter-brain! look theres a messege in my alphabets, it says "OOOOOOOOOOOO" brian- peter those are cherio's [COLOR=DarkRed]Edit: Be sure to state why they mean something to you. We don't want this thread turning into a "copy/paste" fest. Please use the edit button and add in your reasons for why you picked this particular quote. Thank you. ~Panda[/COLOR]
  8. i'm looking for a gif. of spike for my avatar and a sig with either spike or faye.....if anyone can pm me the final results i would appreciate it...thanks in advance:)
  9. :D i speak english and a little of french,german and japanese...mostly french though.
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