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About mr.magoo1

  • Birthday 02/12/1988

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  • Biography
    Am a very bored person some what drepress person that has no life

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  1. mr.magoo1

    Old Cartoon show

    well even you ask most cartoons are better then new ones but anime will allwas be the best suff
  2. PBS sucks TV sucks untill 2 or 3 am when they play the good suff or AS is allwas good too
  3. well not the best ive ever hear
  4. robotech becases it was the first anime i have ever seen and the one of the best ones
  5. i dont think it that big of dell becasesd ever good band dose this
  6. Wellcome to the nitemare were everthing has falling into darkness and all good has been lost Rules 1. have fun 2. no cybering 3. no spaming PROFILE Name: (first and last name) Age:RaceHuman, Vampire, Demon, Half Demon, Half Vampire only) Physical Description: Weapons: (no god weapons like weapons that cant be stop or holy weapons just the normale suff) My Progile Name:Jack Zero Age:1550 but looks 22 Race:Half Vampire Description: very pale whit skin he has long black hair with blood red eyes werring a all black inculeing a trech coat Weapons:carrys a short sword and also a hand gun with are both hiddin in his trech coat
  7. well i think he guilty and the fact is he a werido
  8. well it is in so may ways but in othere ways its not but even you really ask me its there life there takeing not your
  9. i wound have to that all there song sucks
  10. Even you ask me it not the best thing in the world for reason that not ever one has a love of there life and for the person or persons for do great but i dont care. so stop telling me about how love life is great .
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