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Everything posted by Vecon

  1. I am bringing this thing back man! ------------------------------ Vecon: will you can't sleep at a time like this!!! Evil form: It is too late he is mine!:devil: Vecon: NO I WONT LET YOU! Will2x: Sleepy sleepy. Vecon: No!!! (Vecon bangs head on floor.) Will2x: Ouch d*** that hurts! Vecon: Yes it works. (Vecon hits himself) Will2x: Vecon you maniac! Vecon: You fight or i willl kill us both!
  2. yes kitty you seduced vecon one too many times in the last war so he killed her.
  3. Vecon: Well what do you want from me! Evil Form: Your Friend will2x's Body! Vecon: I know it is sexy and everything but he don't go much for guys!!!! Evil Form: What is it with you two! Vecon: We basicly have a conected mind. Evil Form: :therock: Vecon: Well what do you want from me? Evil Form: To keep you from saving him! :demon:
  4. Vecon: well you got enought food in there? Trion: Yup man. Your all set! Vecon: Aight! Vecon walks in to the room and closes the door behind him. Vecon: Well i wish i had Sez here to help me! but i will do my best! He sits down and closes his eyes. Vecon stays in this state for days in the chamber but only a few seconds in the outside world. ----------------- In Vecon's mind Vecon: what is that!!!! Evil Form: :demon: Vecon: who are you? Evil Form: Your worst night mare! --------------- Will2x dreaming. Will2x: Waaaa! Who's there!?!?! Evil Form: :demon: It's me will2x. Will2x: ???????? --------------- Vecon's Mind Vecon: Will2x!!!!!! --------------- Will2x dream. Will2x: VECON!!!!
  5. Vecon flys off to Trion's home. Vecon: Hey Trion!!! Trion: Who is there? Vecon: Its me Vecon! Trion: O man! so you got out of the fusion? Vecon: Yea! You did good man!. Trion: Thanks man! I know i am the best. Vecon: :rolleyes: hahaha WEll anyways. I need to borrow your meditation room. Trion: No problem. How long do you need it? Vecon: I wanna use it for a day. Trion: A DAY!!!!! Are you sure you can handle that long? Vecon: Come on man! Trust me i got to USSJ1! :D Trion: Ok go right a head!
  6. Vecon: Ha that Mofo can't hide i got my radar! Ummm He's right over there!!! POWER ABSORB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Vecon holds his hands out and absorbes enought power to get back to SSJ10. DB 2x twin: I will be back for that later! SUN BLAST!!!!! A large ball of energy forms 10 time brigther than the sun. DB 2x twin flys off. Will2x: AAAAAAAA dang! Vecon: HEy Sez i got a question. Sesmo: What? Vecon: I need just a boost of energy to get me back to USSJ1 so i can train my mind to handel the higher levels! Sesmo: ok just this once. fierce blast. Vecon goes USSJ1 Vecon: THanks i am going now. If you need me i will be at Trion's meditation chamber! Vecon flys off. and oddly Will2x and Vecon's eyes start to turn red. :demon: They both shake their heads. Sesmo: whats the matter guyz? Will2x: o nothing just a little dizzy. Vecon: yea i'm fine
  7. [B]Vecon's step up to another level[/B] Vecon: so Sez all your saying is i gotta power up to my fullest? Sesmo: Yup thats right! Vecon: OK I will try -------- Behind a rock some distance off from Will2x and Vecon. DB 2x twin: What is he up to? -------------- Vecon clentches his fist and teeth. Vecon: here goes!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Vecon goes SSJ10 SSJ10 Vecon:AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA **** this hurts!!!! Tears start to spray from Vecon's eyes. :bawl: Sesmo: COME ON VECON YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!! SSJ10 Vecon: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I am TRYING!!!!! SSJ10 Vecon's form starts to change. SSJ10 Vecon: I CAN'T DO IT!!!!!! Sesmo: DON'T GIVE IN!!!!! ------------------------------ Somewhere Man: Do you feel that?? Woman1: Yea!! Child: What is it. Woman2: I dunno??? ------------------ Sesmo: Come on Vecon!!! SSJ10 Vecon:AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Vecon goes from SSJ10 to Ultra Saiyan 1 USSJ1 Vecon: I did it!!!!! :D Sesmo: Very good. But since you don't seem to know you have the ablity to go up to level three but you must train your mind to be able to handle it! Will2x: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: ------------------- DB 2x twin: Holy **** now i have got to absorb him!
  8. Will2x and Vecon fly over the country side. Vecon: **** just think how many people 2x twin can obsorbe now. Will2x: Yea it is going to be alot............BUT JUST THINK HOW STONG I WILL BE AFTER I ABSORB HIM BACK!!!!! Vecon: :eek: Will2x!!! What is up with you man!??!! While Vecon is busy yelling at Will2x he doesn't see that the blip on his radar stops. and they fly right by DB 2x twin. DB 2x twin: :demon: I must have that Vecon's enegry! He doesn't even know how much he has! Why he could proplably get his power past just SSJ10! Vecon: You know will2x. I've been thinking lately. Will2x: WOW you've been thinking!!! Vecon: HAR HAR. No seriously like you know have i really reached the top of the Saiyajin's power? Or is the levels above ten? Will2x: Hey i know we can ask Sesmo! HEY LAZY ***!!!! Sesmo: What do you want? Vecon: Sez is the any levels pass SSJ10? Sesmo: Why don't you try?
  9. Buu: :butthead: Well now you have made me mad! Demonic Figure: Buu! Buu: What!?? Demonic Figure runs over to Buu and vaporizes and goes up Buu's nostrels . Vecon: WAAA???? Will2x: What happened? Buu starts to grow horns and spikes shoot out of his back! Buu: AAAAAA MUAHAHAHAHA Demon Buu: You pathetic fools will die now!!!
  10. SSJ10 Vecon: well were did the little ***** go? I lost him again. God Will2x: Dang he's a slippery little fellow. SSJ10 Vecon: Wait there he is again! HE's stopped! God Will2x: lets get em. SSJ10 Vecon: Wait there is another energy sorce with him! God Will2x: well lets get a closer look! SSJ10 Vecon: Ok lets unfuse and suppres our energy! They unfuse and go normal. They fly to a nearby leadge. Vecon: Hey that looks like buu! But it is not his energy. It is the energy of an andriod like yours!!!
  11. Will2x: where did he go Vecon? Vecon: Hold on i am trying to track his power! Will2x: Well hurry up so we don't lose him. Veocn: ***** were are you??? :eek: WAAAAA Will2x: WHAT??? Vecon: Well his energy. It feels evil like war was. I think craig all those years ago what poisoned by a demon! Will2x: WTF is that suppose to mean? Vecon: Can't explain now. We've got to hurry and catch up with him. Will2x(mubles): *****these Saiyajin are real pains in the ***! Vecon: HEY DON'T MAKE ME HURT YOU!!! Will2x: I was just kidding! Vecon: I know. Lets Jet! Olvo Vilcon2x starts to glow. and flys off. [U]I AM GOING TO DRAW Olvo Vilcon2x I will post when it is done so anyone who wants to see it needs to tell me after i post that it is done.[/U]
  12. Well me and will2x's go along. Vilcon2x starts to fly off when Craity jumps in front of him. Vilcon2x: Just don't know when to quite do you. Craity: you will pay for all your foolish child play. Vilcon2x: :smirk: bring it! Craity clenches her fists and starts to glow and evil read color. Craity: DEMON MODE!!!!!! Vilcon2x is blow back by a sudden blast of energy. Vilcon2x: WTF!!!!!!!!! Demon Craity: :devil: hehehehe now you will PAY!!!!!! Vecon: I didn't know they had this much power. Will2x: Nether did I. Vecon: Come on we've got to unfuse. Will2x: Why? Vecon: So you can go God mode and i can go SSJ10 Will2x: We can't do that fuesed? Vecon: Nope. Will2x: What if we can't unfuse. Vecon: We've got to try! Vilcon2x clentches fist Vilcon2x:AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! Vilcon2x unfuses Vecon: YES WE DID IT!!!! Quick Will2x! Vecon goes SSJ10 and Will2x goes God mode. Demon Craity: WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!???!!! SSJ10 Vecon: GONNA KICK YO ***! SSJ10 Vecon and God Will2x fuse.
  13. Vilcon2x: Terrance! NO!! i will be fine. GO!!!!! Vilcon2x stands up. Vilcon2x: Ok you! Playtime is over. Vilcon2x clentches his fists and starts to power up. Now you will pay for all the pain you have caused. Vilcon2x goes SSJ5. Vilcon2x: :smirk: ok lets dance.
  15. dats right man KEEP WAR ALIVE!!!!! yea i will be posting for will2x
  16. [QUOTE]And anyone with ANY common sense should take threats over the net seriously. IT'S AN OFFENSE! [/QUOTE] ok just tonight someone i know not all that well gave someone who i hate my im and i told the first party that i would kill them. Big deal!!!! i still think you should give Will2x another chance. Any way [QUOTE] someone saying they're throwing people sperm and saying you're raping their corpse. That's sick and how can you laugh at that? [/QUOTE] DID I LAUGH AT ALL IN THAT POST I DON'T [B]****ing[/B] think so!!!!!!
  17. [QUOTE]Do you even know exactly what he did? He threatened Phantasy Freak. That in h*ll is no joke. I mean he went past the line. Did you even know what his last posts in the dating game were? They were perverted and disgusting. He put that he killed me and raped my corpse! He also put that he sprayed his sperm over everyone. Not only is that crude but disrespecting. And then he croses the line by threatening her when she told him nicely to stop. You consider that a friend? You need to take a good look at yourself and check what kind of friends you make.[/QUOTE] Ok whatever! Will2x has something to say! "will2x was innocent, did anyone once consider his side, i Phantasy Freak, you have problems and you need help. i dont have much sympothy for people who wet there pants everytime someone tells them they might die, heck i might die tonight" Our dear friend will2x wrote this let us have a moment in silence for him ok and just what is this ~Mystical Pan~ inspecting people ***es isn't crude?!?!?!?! [QUOTE]I am part of the FBI! (Federal Booty Inspectors) It's my duty to inspect your booty(I inspect males only, that is..lol). PM me if you're a female that wants to be a FBI! lol [/QUOTE]
  19. Will2x: I don't think so you b****! Crecity: KAMEHAME HA!!!!! Will2x doges but the kamehamewave follows. Will2x: **** it is a homing kamehame wave. (thinking) I got an idea!!! Will2x: Flys straight toward Crecity. Crecity: You think that will work foolish boy! The beam flys right toward Crecity! Crecity:I could stop that with one finger!!! Vecon: O yea b****! Crecity:What?? Vecon!!?? Vecon:Thats right!!! unfortuanly for you i know Trion he gave me controle over the fusion. Not you! Crecity:NOOOOOO!!!!! Crecity starts to cough and spits up Vecon! Craity: NOOOOO!!!! I knew we shouldn't trusts that boy! Vecon: Hehehe now its time to kick some *** :smirk: Will2x: YES LETS!!! Vecon and Will2x fuse. Villcon2x: HAHAHA :laugh: Haven't had that much of a rush for a while! Vecon: o **** one problem remeber what happened the last time we fused!!! Will2x: OOOOOOO ****. Well we will worry about that later lets kick some tail!! (note) [I]After Vecon and Will2x finished there Fusion Training with Oblivion Will2x and Vecon unfuse. However this was only Will2x's dream and Vecon was traped inside of Will2x for a long time.[/I] [B]Well things are looking up For will2x and Vecon ...or are they find out in future posts by Vecon!!![/B]
  20. Crecity see Will2x house. Crecity: We are here. But who is that boy running to the door? Kitty: It is Will2x's son. Vecon(thinking):OK how can i warn Will2x. ------------ down at will2x's house 2x twin runs up to the house and will2x jumps out on him and absorbs him. Crecity: D*** we gotta get down there i didn't ever expect him to do something like that! Crecity flys down and punches Will2x Will2x: I was wondering when you would show. Crecity: But ...But how did you know? Will2x: Waddya take me for Craig a fool. Vecon(to will2x in thoughts.): Will2x they lost the control over my mind when we fused! So i will slow us down. Will2x(to Vecon in thoughts.): ok Vecon ... And keep your guard up! Crecity: NOW WILL2X YOU WILL DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Crecity: Now Will2x will pay. MUAHAHAHAHA Crecity flys of. ------- will2xs home Will2x: Whaa I feel a strong power sorce approching!! :eek: And Vecon's a part of it AND KITTY TOO!!!! I better think of something fast!
  22. @ craig's tower Vecon: KAME...HAME...HA!!!!! Craig: Foolish Vecon Craig easily doges the beam. and then throws a punch which sends Vecon flying. Vecon stops himself and flys back to craig for another try. Craig: Vecon go SSJ5 Vecon: Yes Master. Vecon: AAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaa!!!! Craig: Wo what a power level. SSJ5 Vecon: Yes Master (thinking) I can't kill him now he will take me to Will2x. Just then Kitty: MASTER!!! I'm back and i have the boy. Craig: Wonderful there is no time to waste. Trion: So this is your master. Kitty: Yes. Craig: well boy i have heard about your works. So how me for me , the girl and the man over there. Trion: HAHAHA a girl with men. HAHAHA Craig: what is so funny??? Trion: Well You never know what you will get when you put a woman with two men. AHAHAHAHAHA Craig: JUST DO IT ANYWAY!!! Trion: OK. 15,000,000 Ziti please. Craig: ok (wispers to kitty) and he said a lot of money. Trion: Ok all of you stand in a circel and hold hands. Trion starts to chant and put his and out a large beam come out the room is filled with light and when the light dies down Where Vecon, Craig, and Kitty just stood now stands only one person. Crecity examines it arms and legs. Crecity (in Craigs voice): AAAAAAAAAAAA I'm a girl!!!! Trion: I warned you Vecon(thinking):o boy the mind control has worn off! Trion flys off back to his cave and Crecity flys off in the direction of Will2x. [B]Oh no What will happen now that Craig, Kitty and Vecon have fused? Will Will2x be alright? Find out in the next post of War![/B]
  23. Kitty flys low over the mountains. Kitty(thinking): gotta isolate Trions power. .......GOT HIM!!! Kitty makes a sudden dive. She fly right toward the face of a mountain.and at the last moment she throws a Ki beam at the face of the mountain and a tunnel is revealed. She flys in and swifty flys through the twisted passages. suddenly she comes upon an opening were a boy is sitting at a table. Kitty rases her hand to KO the boy... Boy: Why did you blast my door? Kitty: Cause my master desires and adience with you. Boy: Well why didn't you just knock i would have come willingly. Kitty: Well then follow me. Boy: By the way my name.... Kitty: I know it. Trion. Trion: o ok well. Do you want something to drink before we leave? Kitty: I haven't the time lets go!!! Kitty grabs Trion's arm and flys off. Trion: I can fly myself and why are you in such a hurry. Kitty: Because time is precious. ------------ Back in Otherworld Craig and Vecon are sparring. Vecon(thinking): Well...I've got to keep this apperence of them controling my mind i know i can hold on.
  24. Kitty: O crap our power levels are high and we will be sinced. Keep yours down Vecon. Vecon(in a unusal tone): Yes mistress. Kitty: A i see our mind controle has worked. HEHEH ok here is the portal to Other world. Kitty jumps in followed by Vecon. The portal shuts instandly. ---- Kamakazi: Dang the power is gone!!! Oblivion: I can't sence it ether! Ricco: AAAA its hopeless they are gone ****! ----- In Other World Kitty: MASTER!!! MASTER!!! We have arived. Craig: Bow to me Vecon. Vecon slowly bows to Craig. Craig: Perfect you have done well Kitty. Now we have a little score to settle with Will2x. Craig: have you found the boy Trion yet? [url]http://www.geocities.com/topazfan/vecon.jpg[/url] (trion is a 15 year old who can fuse as many people together if payed enough.) Kitty: no master but i am working on it. Craig: WELL WORK FASTER!!!! :flaming: Kitty: yes master. Kitty flys off into the darkness.
  25. Vecon(thinking): I must reach out with all my sreanght! Vecon: (WILL2X ........) Vecon(thinking): NO answer. i will try on last time. Vecon: (WILL2X) Will2x: (Not this dream again!) Vecon: ( This is no dream this is real!) Will2x: (VECON!!!! ITS REALLY YOU!!!) Vecon: (yea ... i gotta talk fast before kitty supects something.) Will2x: (KITTY!!!! I thought she was dead!) Vecon: ( Yea she is but so am i. She said she was taking me to war and after that we are gonna pay you a little visit. Every day my mind has been slipping into there graps i'd say i got just two or three more days where i am in controle of my body. O yea and after we fight you she said War is gonna have reveng on something called seed. see what you can find out about him.) Will2x: (ok good bye....friend.) Vecon: (You too) Kitty seeing Vecon's eyes are closed Kitty: WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!?? Vecon: (acts like waking from sleep) U...I was ...sleeping. Kitty: O. well no funny stuff buster. Vecon: Where are we going? I mean can't you tell me it is not like i can tell anyone. Kitty: HAHAH if you think i will tell you anything you are fooling yourself. Now we are almost there Vecon could see in the distance and small tower. It looked dark and evil. Kitty: And nows when the fun begins. (chuckels) [B]What will happen to Vecon? What did Kitty mean by fun. And will Will2x be able to help? Find out in post to come[/B]
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