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Everything posted by ChemAngel

  1. actually, I'm lucky enough to be in a big city. Apparently, we still have alot of arcades. The thing is that they are being converted into arcade/bar/pool area. We have two main ones. one is called "daves and buster" and this arcade is more for adults (you can't enter unless you are 21 or accompanied by someone over 25 years old). The other one is "gameworks" and it is a true arcade. They have playing cards so you can play all the games you one in an hour if you want also. Just this thursday they had a deal off all you can play from 7pm to 11pm for $10 per person. But it was so crowded that nobody could play anyways. :animesigh
  2. Miami florida. Where the temperature "with humidy" feels like 102 degrees! I love miami in mid july/august! *note the sutle sarcasm*
  3. i really don't know how this exactly got into a political discussion about nationalities but that isn't the real issue. The real issue is that terrorist are attacking all type of countries all over the world. I just found out that they attacked an egyptian hotel the other day. I don't care whether the terrorists are musilum, catholic, french, american, german, or any other race or nationality....THAT DOESN'T JUSTIFY KILLING INNOCENT PEOPLE! The people of London were attacked, very hard. My belief is if you are harboring these people...who have attacked other people and have killed non-soldiers....i don't care WHAT NATIONALITY or RELIGION you are.....you are WRONG! I'm American, and I love america. Granted we have our bad stuff...but so does EVERY OTHER COUNTRY. I don't believe in knocking down the French for choosing to not side with the americans (though...if france was hiding terrorist...THEN they would be in the wrong). They have every right to not want to participate. But on the same token...we AMERICANS have a right to hunt down the people that have done us misjustice. now, do I agree with the methods in which they are doing it.....not necessarily. But there really is NO real good solution. It is a double edged blade. People are so quick to criticize goverments (whether it'd be theirs or others) but none of those have been able to come up with a sensible solution.
  4. As for being selfish...yes, selfishness is part of the formula. But sometimes I think it is just desperation. They want so much for someone to pull them out of this feeling that they have...and they don't know how to ask for help. So they commit suicide....some try desperatedly to get the attention of people (which is why most suicidal people leave signs and clues that they want to commit suicide) I had a friend of mine. Little by little her friends started commiting suicide...and while talking to her, I began to notice that it was in fact a suicide pact and that she had made it as well. I talked to her and tried to tell her that there is always a way out...that to end your life isn't right. I even gave her various hugs and allowed her to cry until she couldn't no more. She never did commit suicide and is now married and quiet happy with her life. She called me the other day to thank me for helping her...that I was the only one that gave her the time of day (her parents were oblivious to the fact of what was going on in her life) Sometimes, you have to think of the people you are leaving behind and whether it REALLY IS worth ending your life. Usually there are so many good things that you are leaving behind (even as simple as a rain drop falling down the petal of a flower) that nothing is EVER worth ending your life....or causing those you love so much suffereing. [FONT=Arial Black]my great uncle commited suicide when I was little. He did it for a rather unselfish reason. He had developed a brain tumor and didn't want the family to be burdened by him deteriorating. But what my great uncle DIDN'T understand was that....it was a burden we were all willing to take if it ment him being by our side. We wanted to be with him...and he had no right to take that away from us...simply because he ASSUMED that is the way it had to be. The people he tried so hard to keep from getting a burden...ended up with the greatest burden of all ....the "what if I was there". My grandmother and aunt (who loved my great uncle very much) blamed themselves for him doing that. My aunt cried in her own wedding because she wanted for my great uncle to be there to see her...but he took his life away.[/FONT] so, even for what seems to be unselfish reasons, suicide is NEVER the answer...and at the end you will ALWAYS end up hurting the ones you love
  5. what words could I possibly say that will make you feel better? I believe that things happen for a reason and perhaps there is a reason to this. maybe, this will make the two of you stronger as a couple if he does decide to go back to you. or perhaps maybe being apart will help you gain the strenght that you need to raise your child in a good way or maybe he just wasn't ment for you. If he isn't ment for you, you should be relieved that it happened early on in your life...instead of later on. Because if he IS seeing other people, despite having an expected child with you....then there would be no guarentee that he would not do the same thing if the two of you should have married. Perhaps, it is better that he did this to you now...while you still have the support of you parents...then if he would have done this to you at a later time....perhaps when your parents could not help and you would have been truly left alone. Either way....you need to ask the father to support his own child and give you the money you need. He cannot simply leave you to fend by yourself financially (it did take two to tango) I just want you to know what you DO have. A supporting family and a beautiful and healthy soon-to-be-child I'll be praying that you have the courage to do what is right...and to have the strength to continue fighting for whatever it is that is coming your way.
  6. [quote] SEPTEMBER Suave and compromising. Careful, cautious and organized. Likes to point out people's mistakes. Likes to criticize. Stubborn. Quiet but able to talk well. Calm and cool. Kind and sympathetic. Concerned and detailed. Loyal but not always honest. Does work well. Very confident. Sensitive. Thinking generous. Good memory. Clever and knowledgeable. Loves to look for information. Must control oneself when criticizing. Able to motivate oneself. Understanding. Fun to be around. Secretive. Loves sports, leisure and traveling. Hardly shows emotions. Tends to bottle up feelings. Very choosy, especially in relationships. Systematic. [/quote] actually that is very dead on. but I don't see the one word that they always pin on the september people (specifically the virgos) and that would be "logical"...but I guess the word "systematic" is good enough. except for the good memory part...I have a horrible memory without some logic to back me up. I do have alot of confidence and am able to motivate myself to do almost anything. and I'm very VERY choosy with my friendships and relationships. I think I get a double wammy with this considering that "september" "virgo" AND "the year of the rooster" all have close to the same characteristics. As to whether I believe everything....no. I think this is a fun way to try to analyze yourself as a person.
  7. hot gimmick is one of my favorite mangas. My only gripe was the long wait between manga releases. I really don't know which guy hatsumi will pick. you have: 1) friend next door 2) ex-bully next door 3) [spoiler] ex-step-brother who i'm rooting for [/spoiler] And even now...by the 9th volume I really don't know who she will end up with. [spoiler] granted she is the girl friend of the exbully named ryoki, but he isn't treating her very well and I don't see her staying with him for too long [/spoiler] this is really one of the few mangas that I really don't know how it will end. FYI: in japan, they just finished the manga series. So we will see a conclusion soon. Perhaps now that the manga has ended in japan, we will now get to see the releases coming closer and closer together.
  8. ironically enough, I don't have number 6. I seemed to have skipped it in the rush to get into the manga that wasn't covered in the anime. There is nothing wrong with reading romance mangas if you are a guy. Just as there is nothing wrong with me reading manga ment for a "male audience" (ie inuyasha) anyways, kare kano takes some dark turns and does seem to get better and better as it continues on. I am currently by volume 16 where they started going back to the two main characters again. Wh ich character is your favorite?
  9. I would probably be one of those normal looking ones compaired to the other characters out there. I would have blues eyes that look sadly at everything it sees. I would have light brown hair with slight highlights of blue. My bangs would be long, close to my chin and on one side (perhaps the right side) I would want a pink streak to come down on a piece of the bang. My hair would be long and wavy (they type that look good when they are upset and the wind at their hair) ooh...and I would have elf ears. Not the really long ones, but the ones that are pointy at the end. My staff will always be decoratedly place on my back as i travel.
  10. I was a rather late comer to the anime scene. It was about since 2002. I was about 20 years old and fell in love with cowboy bebop. Then I was introduced to ranma, kare kano, and fruits baskets....and from there everything fell into place and I have watch an incredible amount of anime within those few years. (i guess it helps to have a job to get your anime)
  11. I have notice this happens alot. Ranma 1/2: ryouga (because you just feel soooo sorry for him)....it helps that I want to take him home with me. Inuyasha: sessy...because he is cool, bad ***...and it also helps that I want to take him home with me. fullmetal alchemist: envy....because of his badassness....and *ahem* I...want to take him home too I guess :animeswea I the idea that they are hot villians makes it easier to root for them sometimes.
  12. I've been fortunate enought that stores like "best buy" have kept their hentai DVD away from their anime section (i honestly have never seen their "dirty" section so I don't even know if they have one) One of the problems I get with hentai is when looking for anime pictures to use for my wallpapers. Unfortunately, you put a series name and you are always guarenteed a picture or two that make you either disgusted or turn your head sideways in confusion wondering what that is....and whether or not you really want to know. i suppose with the good you get the bad. Who knows, we might one day see an hentai section on the playboy channel..... :animeblus
  13. [QUOTE=PAche]y'know that's the same for me!except they dont think liking anime is only for boys.they think people who play video or computer games are guys.other than that i'm in the same situation.although anime and manga is quite popular here, those that aren't into them think its so darn boring and kiddo-ish.wierd thing is, those that dont really appreciate anime totally [i]loves[/i] spongebob.spongebob!thats even more childish than any anime i know of! once, my male cousin brought me to this cyber cafe where he was gonna meet his friends to play cs.they allowed me to play with them but when i played and killed a few of them they were all "who's that guy huh?which of you change username?" then when my cousin told them it was me they were like, "wah, not bad eh?never knew girls like and could play cs"...**** them[/QUOTE] I always loved doing that. I would go online to dead or alive and play. I wouldn't say anything and after I've beaten like 5 in a row...they would start saying "who is this?" and I would respond in my sweetest voice , "hi boys...sorry if I wupped you a little... I promise to go easier on ya next time, k?" than there was always a pause following by "holy @#$ it's a girl!!" LOL :D
  14. no disrespect ima....but what you said isn't entirely correct either [url]http://www.crystalinks.com/alchemy2.html[/url] just to quote from it "It has been said that alchemy can be credited with the development of the science of chemistry, a keystone of modern science. During the alchemical period the repertoire of known substances was enlarged (e.g., by the addition of sal ammoniac and saltpetre), alcohol and the mineral acids were discovered, and the basis was laid from which modern chemistry was to rise. Historians of chemistry have been tempted to credit alchemy with laying this base while at the same time regarding alchemy as mostly "wrong." It is far from clear, however, that the basis of chemistry was in fact laid by alchemy rather than medicine. " I was simply generalizing the idea but it is true that alchemist were chemist...or rather they were created by alchemist's research. Whether medicine could have played a factor...it is very possible since the history isn't so clearly cut. As for taking it in high school...no....I didn't only take it in high school. I have a Bachelors in Chemistry at FIU... so I think I have a little more knowledge of chemisty that you gave me credit for. topic: regardless....I have to admit it was one of the best animes I have yet to see which accurately depicts an element of science that isn't technology. Especially how they defeated some of the enemies by sometimes just using the phase changes in an element. What an outstanding anime!
  15. I am the first to attest to the fact that fruits basket is loved by both male and female. LOL...it coudln't be the #1 selling manga in japan and the states if only the girls were reading it. I know several of my online guy-friends that love the series..and my brother can't put the manga down. The manga is slightly different from the anime...in the sense that it is continueing where the other left off. I am collecting it religiously and am currently up to volume 9 waiting anxiously for volume 10. I don't think whether something is shoujo or shoujin means anything. inuyasha is supposely a guy manga but I really enjoy it. in fact, most of my manga collections consists of "guy mangas".
  16. characters just like me? ummm....appearance-wise, I am very close to belldandy. As for personality wise, I feel like I am very much like kagome from inuyasha. She is caring, intelligent, and not a quiter. A strong female character that occasionally cries...just like everyone else. I relate to her the most. Because I don't feel I am strong all the time, yet I don't feel like I am always emotional either.
  17. well...in high school, I WAS that friend that didn't know about anime. one of my closest friends was totally into it and wanted me to try ramna 1/2. The romance part of it made me interested...but I just couldn't see myself watching something that seemed a little exaggerated. years later...and a cowboy bebop series finished...I was well on my way to becoming an anime fan. My family know I'm into anime, and are constantly joking me for it. Even though I've managed to get my two brothers and my baby cousin into it. LOL My classmates don't realized that I like anime nor do they know that I play video games. They are under the assumption that one that is into that stuff is 1)unsophisticated 2) idiotic 3) too nerdy to do anythign else 4) a boy It is because of this that I have no problem in telling anyone that I enjoy anime and that not all anime is pokemon or porn. I want them to realize that the stereotype isn't true. They can't call me stupid for it since I am very educated and am top of my class at pharmacy school. LOL...ironically, I finally met a fellow pharmacy student that was also into anime. Granted his is older and married, but we enjoy swapping anime and mangas...and discusing it. Neither of us have a problem discussing it in front of people...nor do we have a problem switching topic of conversations with ease (another misconception is that anime fans can only talk about anime...which isn't true) I just hope that I am helping people realize how silly their stereotypes are sometimes
  18. i really wasn't here for the arguing... so if nobody minds I'd like to address another aspect. Everyone was talking about alchemy and chemistry. Well... since I am a chemist, I love this type of history lesson. Believe it or not....alcemist are chemist....or rather they were. Orginally there didnt' exist such things as scientist. Everything was thought to be a black magic of some sort. Scientist, in the older days, loved to manipulate elements to create other elements...that is how they noted alot of the chemical reactions that take place....and some tried desperately to turn things into gold. These scientist were called "alchemist" because of their obsession with finding the composition of elements and their reactions. Once science was realized as more than simply magic...alchemist became known as Chemist. Another area that used to have a different name were pharmacists, in the older days they were referred to as "apothecary" One of the things I love about fullmetal alchemist is there ability to be consistent with their idea that "elements are not created, but manipulated" this is actually a very simple rule that we, as chemist, were drilled to know by heart which is "nothing can be created nor destroyed" ...which is known as the "law of conservation of energy". I think this was one of the things that really made the anime stick out to me.
  19. that is quite an interesting list....but....umm....pokemon? surely ramna 1/2 or love hina deems to be a least above pokemon. But who am I to judge. I agree with the majority of the anime listed...so I'm not complaining
  20. [quote name='MajorAlchemyFan']what r u guys talk'n 'bout? is there really an fma movie out yet? can u give me more info plz?[/quote] hi majoralchemyfan....I guess I'll be happy to answer your question. yes, there IS a FMA movie. They are going to release is this summer (2005) in Japan. According to them, they plan to answer alot of questions that wasn't answered in the series. I don't know how long it will take for it to come to the states....but as soon as it comes out...I'll probably be scanning for reviews from people to see if the producers kept true to their word. [url]http://www.shochiku.co.jp/hagaren/top.html[/url] here is a trailer...it is entirely in japanese but it'll give you an idea what the movie will be about. hope that helps.
  21. I have very odd firsts....they are usually not the ones that people see first. case in point: first anime: cowboy bebeop And the same falls for manga. My first manga was given to me by a firend of mine and isn't very well known.. it is called "spiral into horror" it is a scary manga with alot of disturbing graphics...but the plot drew me into it. It was done by the 4th manga and I knew that I liked mangas for some reason. I then got into "the ring" manga that she gave me next. After that I decided to venture on it on my own and bought my first manga "inuyasha"...from there...I have really gone far to collect mangas.
  22. FRUITS BASKET!! FRUITS BASKET..... *ahem* sorry....I really REALLy love fruits basket. It is one of my favorite mangas and a "fruits basket month" is always a good month. I term "fruits basket month" the month that a fruits basket volume comes out...and I always get really excited two other mangas are really coming thru with a tie for second place. DNAngel Tsubasa though I collect religiously mangas like maison ikkoku, kare kano, xxxholic, and hot gimmick...those other three are the ones I look forward too when they come out. (LOL...a funny little tidbit....fruits basket month is usually the same month as DNAngel comes out....so it is double the excitement)
  23. umm....that is a toughie...I've found to like both alot. I like mangas because they are cheap, tell alot of the story, and can be bought relatively easy (my borders is loaded with mangas)...and if you want to try out a series...manga is the best place to go. you can tell by the first book (as oppose to the first or second DVD) and it only cost $10 if you ended up not liking it (as oppose to $25 for a DVD) animes: are beautiful. You see the action better (I still can't read action in mangas...i do it all wrong...and animated versions of those fights make me realize that ) the characters have color and voice. I have more manga than anime (because of my income) but I tend to like to watch the anime if given a choice. I do have an order...I have to read the manga first before the anime....and not the other way around. When they repeat things that were boring to wade thru the first time....I am more tolerant to resee them in animated form...than reread them thru a manga....hence I tend to skip alot of the manga and feel jipped.
  24. [QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet]It's incorrectly translated. Kagome's voice gets on my nerves. And some things are just so cliche. But it's better than SailorMOon. The dub is good because you can watch it and do something else at the same time. The sub is good because that's how it's supposed to be. But anything's better than SailorMoon.[/color][/QUOTE] LOL....you are just like me.....LOL ...maybe because we are both 23 year old females or something...LOL I personally like to watch both. Watching in english when I'm doing something else...and watching it in japanese to get some different ideas from the translations (sometimes a translation can be so different from the japanese subbed to dubbed that it gives you a different insite as to what is going on) As for changing jak's sex....I don't think so. CN has been really good a being faithful to the characters....at least I can think of one instance In cowboy bebop...there is an episode (jupiter jazz?...i think) that this guy is a cross dresser that has...umm...femal assests even if the character IS male. They didn't seem to edit that out like they would have done had it been sailor moon or cardcaptor sakura (shivers at the very thought of the edited version).
  25. what an interesting idea....azurewolf's theory about [spoiler] there needs to be something that belongs to each side [/spoiler] makes alot of sense. Notice Ed at the end of the anime, [spoiler] when he was in the other world... he no longer was in the opposite side of the world but on the same side....which would explain why he can't use alchemy in that other world [/spoiler]. the anime really didn't go into depth about [spoiler] Wrath's ability to use magic [/spoiler] except to simply state that [spoiler] Wrath's human arm and leg from Ed, who CAN use magic, is allowing wrath to use magic [/spoiler] because of this...I think it wasn't a plothole and simply something they didn't want you to dwell on for too long. I think the biggest plot hole has to do with Winry. in the manga they apparently (from what I heard) make her a very important element ...but in the anime [spoiler] they basically dismiss her as simply there to watch over al while Ed is not there [/spoiler] I really can't wait for the movie to come out....it is due in the summer in japan!
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