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Everything posted by ChemAngel
[quote name='Dark'sgirl15']I have news for your Fruits Basket nuts like me, there is a new Fruits Basket Season coming soon. Japan just finished it and we are going to get it soon. If you already heard what i wrote, i'm sorry i just wanted to say something. If you want to know more about anything just email me or post, I'd be happy to answer them since i'm almost done with finals...... :animesmil[/quote] I'm sorry...can you repeat that? :animeblus I don't think I heard you right. what do you mean a new fruits basket season?....where did you hear that? I haven't heard of any fruits basket out in japan...they would have made a big deal about it...at least my friend that is now in japan and knows I am a fanatic of the season would.... Can you give me a website where you heard this....if this is true...it is wonderful news indeed :animesmil on the side: I just got volume 9 from borders and nothing is from the anime...so it is like a brand new book...and the stuff that is coming out is incredible not really a spoiler....it is a little vague....but I'll put it in spoilers anyways [spoiler] they finally introduce the horse and hint at the rooster!! and they way they hint at him is cool..[/spoiler] we also find out something new about kyo's destiny as the year of the cat. Very interesting indeed. It just keeps getting better and better. The good news is that natsuki (the author) is back from haitus and has just started to continue the story plot. though we, in the states, are very much behind...it is still a relief to see it is still continueing.
chibihorsewoman is right. Japanese shows are aired in Japan and then, translated, licensed, and release here in America. Before it was even an anime, inuyasha is being released (as we speak) in manga form under a type of magazine that I can only compair to as a "comic strip" (not really, but it is the closest to a comparison I can make...because it is given sections at a time in a book with other different manga series) So whatever happened in Japan will happen here in the states. Inuyasha ended in japan at I think episode 174 (don't quote me on that)...and it was sadly just a regular episode. The manga is still ongoing. They plan to "continue the story" thru movies (though this hasn't been done very well....as I mentioned before). Right now they are thinking of a 4th movie (the third one was already released and is probably going to be released in the states pretty soon). :animesmil I'm lucky enough to have friends in Japan that send me some of the stuff (including their version of a translation) especially with series that are still in japan (ie tsubasa, inuyasha, and fullmetal alchemist movie) I'm sorry :animeswea to have caused you some trouble. I didn't know you were only watching it from cartoon network.
It is a little hard to respond to something like this...because I understand what you are going thru. Any change is very difficult, especially changes that affect your way of life. I really can't compair too much to your situation except when I moved from my family in order to go to school. How far away are you going to be living from where you are at now? The best way is to make a plan to stay in contact with the people you love. Fortunately, our technology is great. We have unlimited weekend minutes (depending on your phone)..AIM, and email. I would get a cell phone if you don't already have one (that has unlimited nights and weekends), and I would also find a way to get ahold of internet (whether it be at home, in the library, or at your new school). Write emails, talk at night on the phone, plan to meet each other online. Another thing I can suggest is to keep an online journal. There are a couple of them available at no charge (ie "livejournal" ) ask your loved ones to do the same thing. That way, you can stay in touch with everything that happens in their life. Besides that, there isn't much more advice I can give you. You might want to make a long term goal of going to the same university together, so at least you'd be able to reunite with your bf or sister there. Sometimes looking forward to stuff is the best way to move forward. the point is you have to continue to move forward. use Technology in order keep in touch...but also live your life to the fullest. Enjoy your new school and making new friends. This is your opportunity to "start anew". If there was something you didn't like about yourself, you can change it easily here and people will accept it because they didn't know how you were before. Good luck and I'll be rooting for you from now on.
the word "pity" isn't what is insulting as much as how you use that pity. Pity can be used by both the person who is pittying and the person who is being pittied on. (what an odd word the spell in that context, no?) Anyways, pity can be sympathetic in the sense that you pity that persons misfortune and wish to assist them. But some people use pity as a form of denouncing that person's credibility...to look down on them. As for the person using pity...that has to be the worse. Some people use pity in order to make friends and in order to keep a relationship going. Those people get under my skin, simply because they are using the person's generosity and abusing it. I admit that I don't like people to pity me...I feel it IS a matter of pride. One accepts sympathy better than pity...but than they are both simply words that give almost the same results. though when you are sympathetic, if feels as though you care about that person more than if you simply pity them. You are sympathetic toward your friend, and you pity that poor dog outside in the rain. If you were sympathetic toward the poor dog, you would probably take it inside your house. But maybe that is the play on words that society has made. Regardless, that is my opinion. :animeswea
I've been keeping up with the series for a while now. It is now by its 7th episode...and is now in the middle of the 2nd book. I wonder if they plan to do an XXXholic to compliment this anime as well (though it would be behind tsubasa). The soundtrack to this anime is amazing, I can't help but humm to some of the tunes. The ending theme song is one of my favorites. It has a tragedy yet lulluby sound to it. :animesmil and the idea that at the end of the ending theme you have shaoran and sakura hugging is a nice thing as well (i didn't think that deemed spoilers since it IS the ending theme of the 1st episode). My only gripe is that they seem to be stalling alot in progressing the anime...making up for time by giving alot of recaps. I am expecting a recap episode soon (which will greatly upset me...to say the least)
DNAngel is one of my favorite series! I've read the manga and the anime. It is true. The manga is very different from the anime, but I am content with that. Basically it is like seeing the same characters with a retelling of the story (as if it were done by a fanfic or something like that). The anime is crisp so it is hard to not want to see the anime. Has anyone recently been collecting the mangas? I was curious as to what people make of the relationship between hikari and risa. In the manga, they explore the possibility better with more incidences of those two. And who do you feel is truly the "tragic hero" in this series? I believe that, ironically enough, it is dark that is the tragic hero...for he can never truly find love that will last. Sad but true.
[quote] baka said : [spoiler]just out of curiosity and since i see no spoiler button. did ed and al's dad make the homoculi(sp?)? the reason i ask is envy says he cant stand ed because he has his blood in him. so it made me think the person that created them and the only other person i can think of is their dad. i could be wrong though.[/spoiler] [/quote] Since nobody answered your question, baka. I'll give it a shot. beware, it is a spoiler if you haven't seen the ending and don't want to be spoiled [spoiler] Envy was originally the son of Ed's and Al's father a long time ago. He fell into the same type of hatred and saddness that most homoculi face...only he seems to be venting it out on Ed and his dad (who is also Envy's dad). Homoculi aren't created out of thing air. Basically they are people that died. These people were then attempted to be brought back to life by another family member...it was failed and what was created instead was a homoculi. They contain the old memories and feelings of their deceased equivalent....at least deep in their subconscious. Some of them regain it and some never do.[/spoiler] I'm not going to get into it too much, in case you want to leave some of the mystery for later on. I can't wait for the movie to come out this summer in japan...then I'll be able to find out whether they were true to their words that they plan to continue where the anime left off...and answer some questions that weren't answered.
your epiphany is very similar to mine. I am currently in pharmacy school. To get into this program, I had to be very competitive with my GPA and attend alot of stuff for sake of "adding words to my resume." But never once did I let this competitiveness hurt anyone, I will silently compete with the best students in the class...but I would not tell them, nor would I sabatoge them of any sort. I was simply using them as a baseline for my goals. When I entered pharmacy school, I went out of my way to help people out. To try to understand as much as I could. Any old exams I would volunteer freely to the people. But once they found out I was at their same level (GPA wise), people who I considered "my friends" began to hide things from me, have secrete "study meetings" without me, share information about the exam within themselves and leave me out. they would even ask ME to pass an old quiz exam to the person NEXT TO ME! my epiphany: first I realized that GPA isn't everything. I knew that going into pharmacy school. I knew that I really didn't want to go for the "A". I wanted to go for the knowledge...and as much as that might seem the same, it isn't. There are people who simply study for the exam, and don't study to learn from it. I find that futile when you are studying what you will be doing for the rest of your life. I also realized that trying to help others is nice, but you can't please everyone. And people will eventually make you their enemy, no matter how nice you are to them (there are just some people that drive on jealousy). The point is to make yourself happy. Instead of being upset because that person got an "A" and I got a "B", I ask myself "did I learn?" if the answer is yes, than I should be content. And if you are with people that make you unhappy because of the way they treat you...there is no point in staying with them in order to be "politically correct" because that just gives them more time to hurt you more. so to summarize: "damn if you do, and damn if you don't....so you might as well do what makes you happy"
I wasn't too sure if I am doing this new thread right. I made sure to observe several threads before I posted this one. I'm more curious with the fullmetal alchemist movie. It is due to be out this summer and I can't wait to hear about it. They say that it continues off where the anime left. I hope it answers alot of questions that the series left. Has anybody else seen the trailers? what do you think of them?
I'm sorry....I was under the impression that the anime has already ended... and that they don't plan to create another season. Instead, they plan to continue them thru the movies. The mangas are still taking place in japan, though. I am reading them because someone was nice enough to translate them. If I'm wrong, please tell me.
thank you for the tip bloodseeker. I might just rent the game now. As for your DOA analogy, I agree. I think that is why it is one of my favorite fighting games. You don't have to understand the combos to be able to wipe the floor with your opponent. :animesmil my personal favorite is being able to be online and fighting other people besides the computer. I like to remain quiet until the round is about to start. Than I say my greetings, which is always followed by "oh, it's a chick. No problem, this game is yours." It is funny....apparently guys get upset with they get their butts handed back to them by a girl. They get even more upset if you are a "C" level and they are a level higher than you. And EVEN MORE upset (to the point of leaving the area) when you beat the higher level guy....perfect. ...I wonder why....
here's the funny thing about stereotyping...I really have mixed feelings about it. If you are stereotyping yourself....and comparing yourself to what they consider themselves to be...it can be fun. Stereotypes like your astrological sign, numerlogy, and even the intense pyschology ones (introverted vs extroverted ect) are fun. I think finding categories that you belong in helps you analyze youself as a person. See your weaknesses and your strengthes. I don't think anyone fits into one particular category....but a lot of different ones. And within those categories there are things you don't agree with (and don't act as such because of that). ie: I'm a Virgo. I'm suppose to be analytical (which I am) but I'm also suppose to be cold hearted which I feel I am NOT. The big belief I contain is that nobody has a right to categorize anyone but themselves. some of these categories can hurt people if they have a different belief as to what they are. example: most people consider the jocks and cheerleader to be the stupidest. But in my old high school, they were in the same upper division classes that I was in. And 2/3 of them had graduated with honors. I never belonged anywhere (big surprise there) I used to get along with all the types. I think that if I had to categorize myself to just one category...it would be "prep". I was constantly studying, and most of my conversations were based on school related materials. Even now, I still enjoy talking about things that I learned in school in interesting ways.
I am new to this particular board, but not new to message boards in general. I have currently been a member of another anime board for 3 years. I saw "myotaku" and like the idea of being able to share wallpapers with other members instead of keeping them hidden under a photobucket account. My point is...even though I am new to this site, I don't consider myself the type of newbie that you guys are categorizing. I think the term has been mixed with the another term "spammers". I know what you are talking about because my other message board has also experience this. They are people who are posting just for sake of posting. Whether they are posting to "up their post count", because they're bored, or simply because they like to see their avatar with pretty words on the bottom of it. I understand what you guys are saying about the obvious misspellings done on purpose. But I don't think it is right to cricitize people if they have slight grammar or spelling issues. Though I do know how to read or write (I would hope I do with my level of education) at times I am in a hurry and mess up my spelling....we are human afterall. But I have a feeling that is not the type of spelling or grammar errors you are referring to. I think you guys are basically talking about writings that slightly resemble some alien type language. As for the RPG solution...I agree with what another member had said earlier. You should selectively make a seperate RPG in which you must approve before you allow them to post. If a admin or mod can help you, they can erase any posts that were posted by people that you didn't approve of. I blabbed too much, I'm very sorry. You will see me around more often. I hope to contribute to alot of the conversations. Hopefully, I'll stand out as an exception to the stereotypical "newbie"
Anime the problems with school and anime
ChemAngel replied to Twilight_Kioku's topic in Otaku Central
I guess I'm older than most. I'm recently in graduate school getting my doctrants. When I was in high school, I really wasn't into anime, but my friends were. The teachers at my school really didn't seem to mind them reading mangas. My best friend used to love to draw characters from animes and her RPGs on this huge drawing pad and nobody ever called her attention (if she was doing it during "free time" and not during lectures, of course) Once you get into college, there really is no point in bringing anything like that to school. If the teacher is done lecturing or you are tired of sitting in the class, you can just get up and leave...nobody is holding you back. But I laugh at my collection now... I have more stuff now than I think I've ever had of anything (even video games!). Easily over 100 mangas and over 40 DVDs. Not to mention alot of memory on my computer for all the music videos, wallpapers, and avatars that I like to do! LOL -
Does anybody know what direction the manga might be heading? I heard that they will continue the series thru movies that they will release, but it seems the movies don't corolate with the plot of the mangas coming out in japan. What a disappointment. The reason why I ask what is everyone's opinion on the direction of the manga is that takahashi is a wonderful writer, but she sometimes has a flaw of rushing the end...to the point where the ending doesn't get resolved...and fans are left flushered and frustrated. (ie ramna 1/2) Do you think takahashi will end this completely? or leave an open ending?
being newer to the anime world than most people, I don't consider myself "otaku". But otaku has different definitions depending on where you go. To some "otaku" is a compliment meaning you have a vast knowledge of the anime world (including japanese culture). To others it means you simply watch anime. And yet to others it is a complete insult refering to an obsessive behavior similar to calling one an "alcoholic" Another word that I think would be the english equivilent of otaku is "geek". Some are proud to call themselves geeks because of thier vast knowledge, others take it as a grain of salt, and still others are insulted by the term. I don't consider myself "otaku", but I DO consider myself an "anime fan". At least that is what I tell my friends when they ask me what my hobbies are. I'm also a "gamer". But I guess there is no "otaku" equivilant to "gamer", is there. I suppose I said my peace :animesigh
Anime Best Anime Girl Tournament R1 M11: Winry (FMA) vs. Chi (Chobits)
ChemAngel replied to Bloodseeker's topic in Otaku Central
I'm voting for the underdog and saying "chi". -
Anime If you could be in one anime show which one would it be?
ChemAngel replied to IceRose's topic in Otaku Central
FRUITS BASKET!! without even thinking twice. All those hot guy characters and not enough females....I wouldn't know who to go for first. :animeblus umm, not that I'm a flirt or anything... :animesmil but it would resemble a female version of a harem anime, no? -
wow...can I pick a favorite male and female character? I really have problems picking just one...it really depends on the anime male favorites: Sesshomaru (from inuyasha), Ed (from Fullmetal alchemist), and syoaran (From Tsubasa) female favorites: Kagome (from inuyasha), Faye (from cowboy bebop), and touru (from fruits basket) :animestun sorry for being so indecisive..but after a while you grow attach to more than just one character
I suppose it depends on what genre of video games you like: If you like the survival horror: 1) RE 4: it is a new system and its pretty good 2)Clock tower 1,2 or 3: this is just good ole scary fun. you play a little girl and she doesn't have much for weapons and the villians are 10 times stronger and faster than her. It is sure to get you to yell out at least once If you like RPGs: 1) Legend of dragoon: this is older than most but the in game battle system is something that I have yet to see in another RPG..too bad, it was alot of fun to play it 2)Jade empire: I hear good things about this game from other people. I'll start playing it as soon as I get enough money. If you like fighting games: 1) DOA 2: the one for the Xbox live is very fun to play. It also has a nice feature of tons of costumes. Some of which are...umm....fanserviced...to say the least 2) Soul Calibre 2: I would go for the gamecube for this one...only because link is the extra character and is more interesting than the other two (but spawn for the Xbox is also not bad) I'll just stop for now
wow... I wish I can say I was a long time fan of Final fantasy. But my first game was Final fantasy 7, and I've fallen in love with the series ever since. I love them all and for very different reasons Final fantasy 7: the gameplay was fun...but I think the shock factor with aeris was what made this game one of the most memorable. can't wait for "Advent children" to finally come out. Final Fantasy 8: I like that whole love/hate relationship. I also like rinoa (even though I think I'm one of the few people that do. Final Fantasy 9: zidane was one of the most likable main male character that I've played in a while. He was sweet, funny, and a little hentai. But Vivi was my favorite male character of all the final fantasy games. (go black mage!!) final fantasy X: what a beautifully done game. The graphics were wonderful, and the gameplay was fun, especially the way you can switch characters midbattle. FFX-2: I wish I could say this was my favorite because it was an all female cast...but it wasn't. I was disappointed that they didn't continue the story land as much as they simply just stuck the characters you new, in another type of situation. :animesigh