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Everything posted by duoikari

  1. ok you can skip my entry then if you like, since boo had a really hard image to follow and i tried to do it on my mac :animecry: and i thought at the end it didn't match but i thought it might be mac's screen i'm sorry everyone :animecry:
  2. well i was actually but i didn't see that there was 2 pages to this thread (since i haven't been on the forum in ages) and i just used to check up on the first thread. I only realised when boo pm me
  3. if not i will do one after his or i'll go to end of the que if that's easier for everyone, i now have no work what so ever to do, so i can do mine at any time. :animesmil sorry again for it's lateness
  4. OHHHH no fair i just did mine, i'm sorry i went to the anime convention that we have every year. and i had to hand in my final project for graphics and i was confused about who was next until boo pm me linked below if you want it :( [URL=http://img87.imageshack.us/my.php?image=gw1oo5.png][IMG]http://img87.imageshack.us/img87/908/gw1oo5.th.png[/IMG][/URL]
  5. I was wondering if i could join in with the new worm, if i can i'll go 7th after boo. I still remember the 2006 ones, i wanted to join in at the very begining of that one but never got the chance.
  6. well see i still have an issue with Viz, i've sent them to emails and they haven't answered either of them. But there will be two one off copies for me and my friend for when we go to the anime convention on the 26th of may, so i would have liked to here from them by then. [url]http://www.sheezyart.com/view/1197117/[/url] Here is a test i done, i used iron on paper to tranfer the image onto a black T-shirt, just to see how well and how it would look. (Btw it's not yellow it's white it's just that i took this at 1 am this morning =o). But if i were to mase produce them they would be screen printed, because this process would take too long. Considering i have about 30 people interested in buying the L shirt and the light. but i still need the go from Viz :animecry: btw the main reason i added the paint splats was to cover up the edges of the image that were straight
  7. aww, yeah i can see it now. They do need to be refined alot tho, the L t-shirt is slight different now, the outline is better but his hair is all white instead of an outline [URL=http://img45.imageshack.us/my.php?image=lcleanversioncopyar8.jpg][IMG]http://img45.imageshack.us/img45/345/lcleanversioncopyar8.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] haven't clean the Light version yet, btw does anyone know how to put the resolution higher on a pic?
  8. hahaha, yes i thought that after i done the first ones, and my friend said the liquid (well there paint) splats looked like something else.... but i am in the middle of cleaning up both t-shirts, hopefully Viz will get back to me and give me the go on selling them as t-shirts
  9. Here are some T-shirt designs that i have done, i'm hoping to sell them but i have to speak with Vix before i do so, or the creator of death note. But i was wondering what you all thought of them? btw these are just sample versions, better high quality version will be created in a short while so that i can print them on a T-shirt for personal use [URL=http://img113.imageshack.us/my.php?image=ltshirttz8.jpg][IMG]http://img113.imageshack.us/img113/4683/ltshirttz8.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://img130.imageshack.us/my.php?image=lighttshirtcopyrk9.jpg][IMG]http://img130.imageshack.us/img130/5218/lighttshirtcopyrk9.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  10. lol i think the nerf logos that dagger posted were just some people having a bit of fun i don't think they were officially by gainex (at least i hope there's not) but i have been hearing some new about the new movies the new movie has been given a name and it seems that the manga is back on track and will be released. I can't remember the name of the new eva movie but i don't think that the live action will be on it's way any time soon.
  11. I took your advice and found some better images, i also found a larger image of the one you posted. So i created 2 sets. 1st set [IMG]http://img123.imageshack.us/img123/738/hidaavatar1copyvj6.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img181.imageshack.us/img181/4086/hidabanner1copyhn0.jpg[/IMG] 2nd set [IMG]http://img69.imageshack.us/img69/6585/hidaavatar2copyox7.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img69.imageshack.us/img69/6899/hidabanner2copyov6.jpg[/IMG] if you want changes made to either of these then please tell me
  12. the pic that you have linked doesn't not come up can you please reload it
  13. i think it's ture that ganiax are trying to milk eva for all it's worth now. I was browsing on the american ebay the other day and saw a new model kit of shinji and Kaworu. I was so tempted on getting it but i never did. And wtf is up with all these new editions of evangeliob DVDs?, something fishy is going on if you ask me.
  14. yes i believe there is going to be another 2 games of phoniex wright. I mostly know this because of all the yaoi fandom that was created for the game. I completed it a few months ago and some of the episodes are really hard, i even had to look up a walkthrough for one partically episode. I couldn't believe how gay Mile's acted in the 4 episode though, it was so funny he was such a uke and that was what made me wonder wheather he was gay or not and if there was alot of fandom on phoneix and miles, and sure enough there was. The game was better then i expected too, the plots that are in each episode are truely gripping, not just in one but in each episode. I loved the second to last one with miles in it, it was just great and really hard to figure out. But the last episode was the hardest one ever, i was so such over what was going and who was guilty. I am defaintly going to get the 2nd and 3rd game when it comes out though. NO OBJECTIONS!
  15. i don't know if this counts as an anime, but has anyone seen the whole series of videos for Daft punk? I saw all 14 of them the other day and i burst into tears when i watched the last one. It was so sad. :animecry:
  16. thank you for your comments. I have been bless with the terrible habit of 'writing the way i speak', so my sentences and stuction of words tends to be awkard at times. I also prof read the story myself i did always have a proof reader who would check my stories over before i posted them, but she is busy at the moment and she takes ages to reply to me. I have the same issue with my stories that i post on sheezyart. It seems that i just miss the words out even when i do read them out aloud(which is very difficult at times cos they are yaoi stories) :animeswea But thanks for your advance, i'll take it and try and make my main story Q and A better, which is the only story i want to be perfect when it is posted, i've read through it about 4 times now but i still keep spoting mistakes.
  17. [quote name='only1specialed']I?ve never heard of the retake doujishi. Are those mangas out or how can I find them. It took me a little while to get used to the way all the characters look in angelic days. I'm really looking forward to reading the rest of the next manga when it comes out.[/quote] You can get the retake doujishi from[ [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Link removed by Moderator[/COLOR]] just go to torrents and request that someone put them all up, there very well drawn though, at some points it's almost like your actually reading the evangelion manga. But it's a defaint must read for a true eva fan [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1][INDENT][B]duoikari[/B], you've been a member long enough to know better than to link to adult material. And linking to sites with scans of copyrighted materials is not permitted either. ~indifference[/INDENT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [QUOTE=Dagger]All the TV show contains is [spoiler]a shot of them sinking down together,[/spoiler] so although there's implied sex, it's really quite a chaste series. The OVA has a [spoiler]dream sequence[/spoiler] that is considerably more racy, but it's played for laughs. While the manga has a lot of sexual humor and situations, it's not liable to get anyone hot under the collar, since it's mostly meant to be funny. Interestingly, Gravitation's manga-ka has also done a long series of extremely explicit, PWP Gravitation doujinshi. Normally I'm all over the doujinshi that comes straight from the author of a particular series, but truthfully, some of Murakami's stuff is a little too much even for me, and I've been desensitized to this kind of stuff. So if you want to seek out the doujinshi online or whatever, I would advise you to think carefully first. EDIT: I find the Remix doujinshi to be less objectionable than the Megamix doujin series, which were drawn later. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] hahaha, i was waiting for someone on the otakuboards to read the megamix doujishi. I've read all 3, at least the 3 that i have and i like the one with [spoiler] yuki as a kid and then he has sex with those two other guys, and at the end you find out that shuichi was watching it all of tape [/spoiler] I think it's called the panda gravitation megamix. But i have to admit they do go into too much detail over the whole 'sexually acts', it's almost like the way Po-ju does his sex scenes but on a much bigger scale. I thought that some other mangaka did the Gravitation doujishi? i never knew it was the actually mangaka that made the series, i believe she also has done several gamer's heaven doujishi which are portrayed in a similar way to the gravitation ones. They are very hard to stomach though, i'm not really into that kind of smut [spoiler] especially when they show the penis actually inside the character and what the inside would look like[/spoiler] it's not nice and it's one thing that i don't like in mangas. It made it all seem too shotish and that's not gravitations style. I did post about this but the thread went un answered. Does anyone know when the second volume of little butterfly is coming out. I ordered it off of amazon 2 days before it was due out and i still haven't got it. Amazon says it's been delayed does anyone know the reason why??
  19. i started to read angelic days but got bored, remind me again that's the one with mana in it isn't it?? I much prefer the Retake doujishi, where shinji see the whole series as a dream and goes out of his way to make friend with Asuka. Finally after a few chapter shinji and asuka fall in love and towards the end, Asuka gets pregnant by shinji and they plan to get married. I won't give the whole thing away but it is a good read i highly recommend it.
  20. thanks for posting i will correct the grammer mistakes later. And no it's not a side story, it's an actually seen from the 3 story which i have yet to write. The first story tells how Antonio and Quatre meet, which is written by not fully posted on any website. Also the first story contains male rape, which not alot of websites allow. The second is set 10 years on and their adopt son Mushra is growing up *mushra was brought in in the first story*. This ones about Mushra really, and how he wants to find his real father. At the end of the story Antonio and Qautre decided to adopt another boy called kenji. The thrid and final story is set another 10 years on, when Mushra is 22 and Kenji is 16, Kenji turns out to be gay and falls in love with mushra best friend spike and Mushra falls for a moblie suit pilot called April. During this time some of Antonio's enemies turn up, one of these begin the guy who shot him. The reason why Antonio was shot is very complicated, Antonio's parents raided the royal palace on the planet Jupiter, Antonio was 12 at the time and was at school while all this was happening. His parents went through the palace killing all the armed gards that came at them but Antonio's father ran into the pantry part of the palace and killed two inocent people, while their child curled up on the floor and watched. Antonio's mother came in and she stopped him from killing the boy as well. This boy, 'Joey', grew up a little and remember the face of his parent's killer. He entered the army and made friends with Antonio, they were both 16 at the time and were both orphans, so they became friends very quickly. Then one day Joey learn from his commander that it was Antonio's parents that killed his parents and went out to seek revenge, but his plan failed. In the third story Joey comes back and he is the one that shoots Antonio. I had a choice with this part, i could either kill Antonio off, which would mean that Quatre would kill himself because he can't live without his lover. Or keep him alive, this was a little story that i thought i would try out to see what it would be like if Antonio was alive and to see if i the creator could actually kill of my star character. I'm still undecided tho, to kill him off or not to kill him off, that is the question
  21. oooo if you want a good evangelion manga, get the evangelion retake. I would haave recomended the Evangelion manga but ther eis only the first 9 volumes out, all us fanfgirls i still waiting to see the big scene between Shinji and Kaworu. I read D gray man, it is a good manga but i recomend you read the manga first before you see the anime
  22. This was a story i had to do for an english assignment hope you enjoy Misunderstandings I sat alone, curled up on my bed, in to a slight ball. My shoes were off and lay next to the side of my bed, while I covered myself up with my bedding, listening to the other boys play and do drills outside. I curled myself up more, nuzzling my head into my body and asking myself why I had been sent to such a horrible and cruel place. Father could have been the only one to send me here, he was after all the only one with the connections to have me sent to the best military school in the whole nation and it was for this reason that I hated him. He had misread my action completely and assumed that my bad behavior was all down to me and the way that I had been raised, if only it was that, if only it was my own behavior that was the problem. Father just didn?t understand what I was feeling deep down, I never meant to do all them nasty thing to all them people who were around me, I just wanted him to look at me for once. To have his eyes on me for just one second and see me as his son rather then the child that was born after my sister came along. This was one of the troubles of being born into a rich family that had high expectation of their children. I was still a kid after all and no kid in the world wants to conform to the rules that their parents set for them and yet father wanted to, no matter what I felt or wanted. This is why I allowed myself to rebel so extremely, I didn?t want to sit still and eat a certain way or act a certain way, I wanted to be myself and not what my father wanted me to be. I want to think and be what I wanted to be and live my life without worrying about the opinion of others. Sighing to myself I turned over onto my back and lay there staring up at the bottom of the bunk above me, my arms folded behind my head with my head resting my hands and my bed covers just barely coming up to my waist. My fingers twitched and I started to twist my short locks around my fingers, which again was another thing that was taken away from me here, which again was personally to me. When I was born, I was born with my father?s looks although at the time I could not change that factor about me even though I hated it so. I had also inherited my father?s strawberry blonde hair colouring, which I was teased about in every boarding school I was put in, so I took matters into my own hands and decided to change it. One day I managed to get some black hair dye, which I of course put on and which of course drowned out my original hair colouring. Father was mad at me when he saw it for the first time and demanded me to wash it out but I refused and after several attempts of demanding and refusing he got the message and left me with the black in my hair. But hair dye wasn?t allowed in this place, it was forbidden because it gives you a sense of individuality therefore it had to be removed. Sadly, in order to remove the dye they cut my hair short, basically down to the roots, so my hair could grown out to it?s natural colour. I had to admit it though, the black hair never really suited me at all, my skin was far too pale and my blue eyes made me look even more odd. But the blonde was yet again another reminder to me and everyone else that I was my father?s son. I suddenly heard foot steps coming closer to my barrack, the kids from outside went silent and all noise practically stopped, only the sound of what seemed to be steel toed boots walking on the ground could be heard. I kept completely still, I knew they were coming for me, they must have been. Then I suddenly heard the sound of the boots step onto the concrete step which lay infront of the door to my barrack. I moved my eyes only and gazed at the door, only being able to see a dark outline. The door gradually opened and a tanned man came through the door, his head was slightly shaved too, almost as short as mine and his face was stern and harsh looking. I followed him with my eyes as he walked down the gap where the sets of bunk beds parted, mine lay against the right sided wall and was the side where the sun shone in first thing in the morning. Normally blinding me slightly and giving me an abrupt wake up call, this was normally accompanied by a loud horn, playing every morning at 6 am. Waking all the so called ?soldiers? on campus up. This man drew close to my bed and as he got to my bunk he just stood to the side, standing completely still, not moving an inch but gazing down on me with white hot eyes and waiting for me to notice him. The same stern expression was on his face, with his lip slightly curling up in the corner as he snarled. He waited a few seconds giving me a bit of time to responsed before he would loose his patience and shout me down, ordering me to move and stand up attentively. This was the way my father wanted me to be, a doll that he could control and that would follow his every order, even if that order was to kill your fellow human being. That was the kind of man I rebelled against, even at my young age. I never wanted to be that type of soldier or that type of person, the type who would kill without thinking, having no real control over his own actions. I glanced up again and saw this, what I assumed was a private, continuingly staring at me, his eyes getting narrower by the minute. He must have been sent here to pick me up, for what reason I?d never know. Maybe because I had done something wrong or there could have been someone, a visitor maybe, here to see me. But that was very unlikely. I choose not to make this guy anymore angrier than what he already was, it will properly get me into more trouble, after all I had gotten myself quite a name in school. Not just as my father?s son but as ?the rebel kid?, which I had heard several kids affectingly calling me when I wondered around the grounds. I slide myself to the side of the bed, the private stepped back a few feet, giving me room to stand. I stood up straight, carefully dodging the bunk above mine, making sure not to hit my head as I stood up, which I had already done a few times before now. I saw the privates lip curled up slightly before he turned his head away and walked with me to the door. As he pushed the door open for me, I was almost blinded by the bright sunshine that came from the big ball high in the sky, otherwise know as the sun. I shielded my eyes with my hand, placing it onto my forehead, creating a visor to cover me from the sun as I began to walk towards the large grey building that lay near our school. I had no idea what was actually inside that building, most of our classes were held in a different building, which was slightly further away. As me and the private walked side by side through the grounds we were met by wide, staring eyes and whispers. ?Looks, like he?s done it again? ?This Time he?ll get thrown out?? ?Wonder what it is this time?? I had learned to block out these whisper and comments, it had now become one of my greatest assets. Anyway, when you?re the son of a wealth family there are bound to be people in the world that doesn?t like you, most don?t like you because you have money, most don?t even know you and yet they feel like they can judge me by these absurd rules. I was taken into the large building and walked down a long corridor before coming towards a staircase, which I also had to climb. The private next to me followed in silence, keeping his eyes front and his shoulders back, properly the way that they had taught him to behave here. As we reached the peek of the stair case, we came into yet another corridor, this time the walls had been painted with a dark green, rather then the blue/green that was on the first floor. The corridor seemed to be slightly more formal then the one down stairs, the floor was spotless and the smell of polish lingered in the air, I looked down once and was met with my reflection in the floor. The private suddenly stopped at a certain door, I had gone passed it slightly and quickly backed up to the door he was standing at and stood upright and stiff, like I was suppose to. I could feel the snarl that was curled up on the privates face but ignored it completely, my mind was boggling over what it was that I had done and why I had been called here. The private moved and turned the door knob slowly to the room and opened the door wide, allowing me to be the first to see what was inside. ?Hello, James? Father sat there before me, on one of two sofas that was in the room. He was in full uniform, the green jackets with the 4 strips on the arm and the long green trouser that were tucked nicely into the knee high polished boots. ?Thank you private, you may leave now? When father spoke he sounded rather flat, I was shocked that he wasn?t angry with me, after all what other reason could I have been brought here. The private allowed me to enter the room then saluted to my father and left, closing the door behind him. ?Father I told you, call me Spike. James is the stupid name you and mother give me, I have a right to change it if I don?t like it.? Father sighed to himself, his shoulders slumped and his face became sad. ?You are such a disappointment James, I thought that sending you here would have sorted you out but, from what I?ve heard, you?ve been behaving worse? I understood now why he had come to see me, to scold me. I guess father will never understand how I feel, he will always want me to be his son, living by his rules and become a zombie like that other guy. I suppose we will just grow hating each other, me being the rebel child and him being the father that never listened, maybe this was how it was suppose to be. I guess you could say, the past 12 years of my life has been a big misunderstanding.
  23. i read throught this 3 times so it should be ok, if not tell me the mistakes and i will correct them. I felt my ears begin to ring as I slowly opened my eyes I found myself blinded by a strange bright white light, which at first hurt my eyes a great deal and caused me to squint. I raised my hand up to my face, shading the light from my eyes as I got used to the brightness. Shapes began to form around me, but slightly distorted. I rubbed my hand over my forehead, feeling the sweat that had came out of me while I had been asleep. I groaned slightly, and sat up straight in what I had now released was a hospital bed as I wiped my hands down my face I realized that my glasses were on. I turned to my right and see a sort of object that seemed to look like glasses, I reached over onto my right and stretched my left arm across to the table. I was suddenly struck with an electric pain that shot downwards from my shoulder blade to my arm. I gasped and then cried out loud in pain as an electric current went from my shoulder blade and all the way down my left arm, causing me to pull it back and caress the shoulder. I was wearing a hospital gown and yet I thought I could feel something attached to my shoulder as I rubbed it, something that was underneath the gown. I sighed to myself and lay back against the metal bars of the bed and picked up my glasses with my right hand. I couldn?t make out anything in the room but as I slid my glasses on my face everything became clear and the shapes that I once saw became objects and items of furniture that was in the room. I gazed around my room, the ceiling was completely white and was made up of foam squares, there was a chair near my bed and a set of draws opposite my bed. A grayish curtain which hung from a rail attached to the ceiling, which hung down on my right, hiding a large pair of French windows which lead out onto a balcony. I turned myself around on the bed and faces the windows, still caressing my shoulder with my hand. When I tried to stand up I found myself loosing my balance and falling back down onto the bed, I paused for a few seconds trying to gather my thoughts together about the whole situation I was in. I eventually managed to stand on my feet, it was then that I saw the drip next to me, a bag of clear liquid dangled from a tall metal poll which had four legs on small wheels at the bottom. Thinking that I might loose my balance again, I grab the metal pole for support and walked along the cold white tile floor towards the French windows. I saw a reflection of myself, it was also holding on tight to the metal pole and slowly staggering toward the windows. It was rain hard, I saw many rain drops falling onto the balcony floor, making a lots of puddles that I was sure wouldn?t disappear anytime soon. I had lost all concept of time, the sky looked so dark and yet it seemed to feel like it was the day time. It was cold too, I was almost shivering in this stupid gown thing. I placed my hand one the windows, feeling the coldness send a chill right the way through my body. I felt a sudden sleep come over me and rested my forehead on the window, also feeling the cold go straight through my head. The tips of my glasses pressed against the window and I heard the frames creak as they were pushed against the window. I closed my eyes, it began to rain louder, almost like hails stones, my ears pricked up at the sound of the rain pounding into the balcony. Then I slowly let myself go and as I did my mind began to wonder, re-thinking things that I hadn?t thought about for over 11 years. I opened my eyes gradually and saw a faded reflection of my eyes in the window. I remembered that my Mom had told me I had Dad?s eyes along with his height and the brown hair colour. I remember the day I told them that I was a homosexually, I was only young at the time, I think I was about 15 at the time but I had been thinking about my sexuality before then. It was raining that day too, Mom was at work, helping to make people better in the hospital while my dad was at home. He had got the day off and when I returned home he was there sitting on the sofa which faced the T.V watching the children?s shows that started at 3 pm. He welcomed me with a smile and told me that Mom was working later today. I placed my backpack down on the floor near the door, then walking from the door over to him and sitting down next to him. He put his arm around me and ruffled my hair lightly with his hand, I grabbed the remote and changed the channel over to something I wanted to watch without even asking, but Dad never complained. After a little while I started thinking things, as I was doing today and I started to think about how I was feeling deep down. I didn?t feel like the other boys at school, they seemed to be able to talk about sex freely among themselves and how they did this to a girl and how that did that. But I felt out of place, I had no interest in girls at all, that might of be because I went to an all boys school, but even so, the other guys had done it and most of them were younger then me. I had wonder if Dad had ever felt the same way I had, this discomfort towards women and the whole idea of sex that I had. I was afraid to ask, Dad wasn?t the type of man you could ask them type of question too. He was prim and proper and treated people with the same amount of respect that they had for him, he was also a man that believe in his morals. As I thought about my feelings more I began to build up some courage and I ended up asking him. I told him everything, I couldn?t help blurting it out, I had kept these feelings bottled up inside me for a long time and I felt a great weight come off my shoulders when I told him. Dad?s frowned slight and give an awkward smile before turning his head back around to face the T.V. I couldn?t understand why he never answered me and pressed him more for an answer and that?s when I said the one thing I truly felt, the one thing that I had honest believe to be what was wrong with me. ?I think I might like guys? Dad flew at me, jumping up off of the sofa and staring at me like I was something odd or something nasty, He stood in front of me for a long time without speaking, the same disgusted expression on his face, but then it suddenly melted and he started to calm down. ?Why?? was what I got, Dad expression became very sad and he almost had a pitied look in his eyes as if he could foresee all the pain and suffering that I would go through. Then he slapped me, I never expected it, I think I was more shocked then my mother who stood at the door, who had saw and heard everything. It was a very hard slap, the side of my face became sore and my glasses were tilted, I was also branded with a red hand print on my face. I panted slightly while I still sat on the sofa, with my head down and my hand on my face, rubbing the spot where he had slapped me, my mother just standing at the door way, with her coat over her shoulder and my father just gazing down at me with that same pitied expression on his face. ?Antonio-o??? A almost shy voice bought me out of my daydream and I turned around and gazed towards the door. A tremendous fever came over me as I saw Quatre standing at the door. Hi dark blue eyes so glassy and wide, almost as if he was shocked to see me alive. He bite his bottom lips as he smiled, his body jerking and tears running down his face as he began to sob to himself, while he continued to stare at me. ?What?? I replied and grinned back at him in pain, as once again I began to feel pain in my left shoulder again, this time going up to my neck. He smiled humbly at me and ran up to me and placing his arms around me as I stood at the windows. He squeezed my tight around my middle and I returned his hug with one of my own, placing both arms around him and resting my head onto of his soft blonde locks, gentle rubbing my hand on his back, while he nuzzled his head into my chest weeped.
  24. [QUOTE=Lunox][color=dimgray]I thought the ending wasn't as horrific and so many fans made it out to be (just another thing to put on my list of What I Hate about Big Fandoms), and it was enjoyable. Which is what Ouran is all about. :] Thought the animation of Haruhi [spoiler]falling off the bridge and Tamaki jumping to catch her[/spoiler] was painful to watch. Very, very painful. And for something of interest: I had noticed it, and there were some posts on the Ouran LJ community about it, but Ouran is full of Jungian psychology. Which I love, because I'm a Jung fan. :D The whole thing with different colored roses, roses in general, the twins reading/doodling Jungian-related things, and 56830 other things. [/color][/QUOTE] I thought the ending wasn't that bad and the part where [spoiler] Haruhi falls off the bridge[/spoiler] was just a way of showing that [spoiler] Haruhi was in love with tamaki[/spoiler]. You could guess that by what she said before the [spoiler] falling scene[/spoiler] happened. I was a good series though and i loved the bit where [spoiler] haruhi drove the carriage and chased after tamaki.[/spoiler] At least we know that [spoiler] Tamaki and Haruhi will eventually get married by what tamaki's father said at the end, where he said that he wouldn't let her go so easierly or something like that[/spoiler]
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