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Everything posted by duoikari

  1. Dude don't be so harsh on the slip ok, my fav band is has and always will be blink 182. I have a signed pic of them up on my wall :laugh:
  2. Do you have any characters that you want to put in the manga?, first think up a really good plot or you couls just get me to do it. You see i have just watched comic party an anime that all about manga and they did give me a few tips. Anyway i am going off the point, what type of character do you have in mind commrade :laugh: Ha ha
  3. That alright and i am sorry if my grammar and spelling have been bad as well but i m not that good at english. So me and you will be against each other you with your demons and elf and me with my powered up characters. I am waiting for the starter books from the 'How to draw Manga' books so i should be starting to design my characters soon.
  4. Sorry my time zone England, at now in england it's 9:33am and in america it's 6:04. So Daria starts at 4:30 my time, i forgot the name of a her boyfriend Tom was Jane's ex. I like the episode where they have to fix the naming thing in the garden at Janes house. I also think that Downtown is good it like Daria but in new york, and with geeks and rocker.
  5. Mine favs are Custom Wing 0 Custom Deathscythe Custom Sandrock I love :love: all the customs but they are my favourates i love them because they are all power :smirk: and sexy :tasty:
  6. Yakitate Japan!! is about baking bread in down town tokyo, i read about that. Has anyone heard of comic party i have just bought it in english on ebay, we don't get much anime in England. But the one that we have had in england at the moment are that might be rare are.. Big O Ravemaster Flint time detective Shinzo
  7. I have seen the anime my friend showed it too me, it is funny but it did not make me laugh as much as other anime like excel saga. But i would recommend it, Pssss it has avery crap ending :smirk:
  8. why don't you have the elf as a bounty hunter trying to capture the demon, and the prevent can be found my the demon and the demon forces him to join him. The characters are interesting and if i thought about it longer i could come up with a better storyline.
  9. Didn't Daria get with Janes ex, oh i can't remember his name, i still watch it now, it's on at 4:30 on MTV2
  10. Why don't you do it that the demon falls in love with the crazy earth girl but then the demon is imprisoned in time beacuse it is wrong to fall in love with humans. then they all go on a journey to save him but the come across a band of evil people and there is a never ending battle against them. It's the best i can come up with from the top of my head, it not a very good storyline but i not going to tell you my storyline for my manga
  11. :love: There is no question what my favourate anime is that is neon genesis Evangelion, i love everything about it, the characters, the music, the backgrounds. I even like Gendo even tho he is a total idiot, I you want to know why i like it, no sorry love evangelion because it is unlike any other anime out. I Lovve shinji he so cute and then again he is sooo sad all the time i hate when Asuka is mean to him that why she shoul die!!!!. [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Edited for content. Please don't use euphemisms like that in future: this is a family-orientated board. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
  12. I love Rammstein :love: , i wanted to go to there concert at Brixton but i'm not allowed beacuse it a dump there. I only have their second album but i am going to get their first, my favourate songs are Mosku, Morgenstern, Amerika and Mutter, Links 2-3-4 form their first album. :D
  13. I have been looking through alot of the threads and then i thought hit me :eek: most of the people in the Boards are boys. I am girl and would like to know how many girls are actually here?
  14. I just completed Tales of Symphonia and i am now stuck on Zelda Minish cap on my golden gameboy adveance SP. I can't find the switch at the end in the wind thingy
  15. I think crossover are cool but only to certain line, i think they should do anime that involve people from gundam wing, Dragonballz and tenchi. Excel Saga kinda involved characters from it's follow off serie Poey Poey Poem, which involves one of the main characters and the dirictor form excel Saga.
  16. I also live in englnd and the best and funnest ad a have seen id the one to do with monster.co.uk Voice in head:Look over there it clark from clark and co you've always wanted to work their haven't you. Voice in head: (Man run over to women droping cup) You going to tell a joke laugh at it, (Man smiles) No not now wait for the punch line. (women says punch line) Man: Hhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaa!! (slaps himself, a few times)
  17. One point in Evangelion:the end of evangelion when Asuka [spoiler]gets it in the stomch[/spoiler] shall we say, and the bit at the end of the movie as well :(
  18. What i mean is that i was Disappointed with the ending of Tales of Symphonia, you go through a number of bosses, then you come to the last bost which is [spoiler]the boy Mithos and then you to defeat him twice[/spoiler]. You would expect the most eye pleasing Graphic that you have seen though out the whole game and then>~
  19. I live in england in dump called Edmonton which is in North London, Engalnd is so rubbish the best thing here is the show 'Little Britain'. I want to move to America when i'm older.
  20. :D I personally like the first plot myself about Koji being sold basically for labour but, this sad begining would eventually turn into a comedy. It series would mostly be like a mixture of cardcaptors( with the cuteness) and sharman King(with out the spirits. But i am also working on a book called 'Forest blade', which is about a brother ans sister who live in a house in the mountains and the brother goes to find out who killed his father. i will see if i can post it but it is very long.
  21. Sorry but i just want to narrow it down to justa few types, these are the most popular types of rock in england. But what music do you listen to cos you might be what we call 'A Mosher'
  22. I recently finished Tales of Symphonia, and i was very :( Disappointed by the ending. I think that they should make a second Tales of Symphonia and i think that they should also make it into anime as well. But can you please tell me what endings have disappointed from video games. :p
  23. But you got to admit the two seem to be connected in a strange way though :confused:
  24. Yer, you know they also put alot of rock music in anime films, like Korn was i a anime film someone told me and also Rammstien.
  25. Don't miss understand me but i haven't been using this site alot and i just wish that i could get some understanding of what i am trying to say. What i wrote was not the storyline to a whole series it was just an idea of a series that could be made, it would of been really long at least 20 pages. I don't really understand how these boards work even though i have read the boards that the moderator has put up. I would like to make a formal Apology to everyone who i have been rude to and a big, big apology to Dagger IX1 I'm So Sorry everyone :(
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