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Everything posted by duoikari

  1. :mad: i don't like that fact that linkin park have teamed up with Jay-z though. It is just making them more unpopular in places like London, even my friend sayed that he didn't like Linkin park join with Jay-z to make an album
  2. Is it me or does almost everyone who likes anime like Rock music, Me for example when i started listening to Blink 182 i also started to watch Dragonballz. What do you think? :tasty:
  3. My fav song is The Quiet things that no one ever knows
  4. You do not understand this is just the explaination of the first episode, that will eventually continue to the second episode. :( Why is it that everyone is mean to me when ever i post something. I think i will stop coming to the boards, :( i'm going and i won't do anymore posts
  5. I want peoples opinion on the two storylines below please be truthfully and pick either one or two. :smirk:and be Mr Daggers IX1 was mean to me i don't want his opinion :flaming: Storylines What do you think of these storylines?, remember name can be changed. 1)In the year 430, a 16 year old boy called Koji Fujiwana has lived a peaceful life in the mountains ever since he was born. With his farther gone Koji is left only with his mother and his grandfather(mother side), which he both lives with. Unexpectedly Koji?s mother gets very sick and eventually dies, leaving him with his grandfather. Koji and his grandfather end up penniless and Koji is at a loss at what to do. One day a man comes to the village asking for any willing and able works to come work at the country?s capital, Kanaka. Koji humbly excepts the job, so he and some others from his village go forth to Kanaka for a new life. But the city is not what it seems, Koji has been bought into slavery and he was made to work underneath the city, Koji is disobedient and refuses to do what he is told. So he is sent to the GM organization, which is based under the palace. The company specify in genetic modifications, and change Koji genetic structure giving him abnormal abilities. After they had finished their test they said that they promised Koji they would let him, one night Koji found that he come here things that were far away and he over heard one of the scientist say that ?He was to valuable to let go?. Rage built up in Koji and he broke out his cage and tried to escape, but his compassion held him back and before he left he sent the other victim in the labs free. After everyone was free Koji began to destroy the place he hated so much, when the scientist final caught him they put him in a ice chamber which kept him frozen in time until he was released. 1,580 years later he is discovered by an iconologist and her young daughter Crystal, that?s where the fun begins. Action, Adventure, Comedy, Silly Comedy 2) The year is 1993 and a group of scholars have taken root in a small valley on the out skirts of town, so they can do there research and experiments in peace. After a few years the scholars settle down and start to have families of their own, but one child is born with psychological powers and has the power to see into the future. When she reaches the age of seven, she has a power vision show that a giant meteoroid will hit the plant in the year 2005. The group of scholars go forth to the major of the town to tell him of what the child has seen, the major refuses to believe them and exiles the group from ever coming into the town again. So the group of scholars build an underground colony to safe them from the blasted of the meteoroid, and the affectionately call the child Mystic, Myst for short. The scholars and mystic finally finish building the colony in December 2004, so they send a small group of people dresses up as travellers to get some supplies for the next year they will send underground. After they return, the leader of the group, Professor Gama start to send everyone in the colony in. It turn out that mystic was right and the meteoroid destroy most of the earth surface, but the scholars still have hope that there are some survivors. So they send Mystic and her good friend Taiachi Komashero who is 16 years old, on journey to search for any survivors and to collect data on how the world has changed in the past year. As the start their journey they soon realize that there are more survivors then they first thought, a huge army was gathered together in 2003 called the T.A.C.O(The Army control organization) and collected all able humans from every town, city and content and put them in their army. Myst journey soon turns into a battle for the control of the planet and although she does not realize it but she is slowly dying. Action, Adventure, Depressing, Violent
  6. If i had a boyfriend which i don't :( then i would want him to be funny, a punk, just that little bit smarter than me and i would want him to look just like mark from Blink 182. Also he'd have to been as kind as Shinji from Evangelion, mmmm
  7. :( Can anyone tell me if their are going to be any more live action movies, beacuse my friend said that they were going to stop making the Evangelion live action movie.
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