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Everything posted by duoikari

  1. oh that one, there has been talk about that for ages. Have you seen any of the other movies
  2. no not trace it, you draw it by hand but adapt it to your own style, there is not tracing involved. It's like drawing a fanart image
  3. [quote name='terraforce991']i really love the show but i never saw the movies and there are coming out with a new movie in 2006[/quote] what movie is this the live action?
  4. right, you have exactly the same properly i have, i can't draw using shapes either. so i suggest that you use the draw my reference techique (which is what i use). Start off by using an image that you really like and basically coping the postion of the body part such as legs and arms and then the head. Now if your like me you would always start with the side of the face, it's not the best way to start off but it will get you started. Right i'm going to tell you how to do a image in you own style step by step. First of all take this image and basically copy the shape of the faces and do several quick drawings of hair. (i have used this image cos it's nice and simple) One you have done the outline of the face and YOU are happy with it then try to match the hair style that YOU DREW and then posted it up and i give you a hand as what to do next. [IMG]http://img255.imageshack.us/img255/9176/0ee290ce4jz.jpg[/IMG] Remember this is not copying, this is just a easy way for you to understand what a good designed character will look like. This will also get you hand fimilar with the shape that it has to start to follow. GOOD LUCK AND PLEASE GET BACK TO ME! :catgirl:
  5. what about moritaku as the country and morimoto as a last name, (miromoto mean something like foreet based or something). Any partically letter you want it to start with?
  6. right how many names do you want and what are the peronality like like of the character because that could help determine the name.
  7. kinda like psychic powers,and Koji and his father both have demons inside them, but Kenzen(that's the dad from the army, who is koji father) can't control his very well, and the demon becomes stronger over the years and starts to take over his mind when he's asleep. I did think up the names for all the characters, but i have forgotten half of them now. At the end the demon in kenzen take over his whole body and that is when Koji has to stop him from destroying the world and that is also when he finds out that kenzen is his father. What kinda of plot were you actually thinking of?, cos this plot would mostly be a comedy/ action/ magic powers kinda of anime. But you seem to be more into fighting anime,(it cos there is like this big trend at the moment, it not really your fault that you are being shown this kinda of crap at such a young age). The only thing i could say is do a Naruto doujinshi if you comfortable with that, your plots seem to be going down that line either that or read other original mangas, like delivery rangers, that sound like it's your kind of thing. Try to think up another story in another genre, like a fantasy anime or even just a comedy. I personally work well with action comedies, like FMA and Trigun, althought i did watch Naruto i lost interest very quickly after about the first 20 episodes, it was just like dragonball/z and Gt. So try to think up a completely original plot. I have a good artist that might help you her name is Mbp she does a comic called confessor, try reading that.
  8. Right... :animeswea hard to follow the story that you just come up with, but it seems to me (and i don't want to be rude) that the story is like a mixture of dragonballz, GT and dragonball and you have thrown in some techiques that i am sure are from Naruto. The whole mind transfer thing is like totally copyrighted and it way old, i'm even shocked that they out it in Naruto. And Koji doesn't really look like that think of Goku super sayian 4 and brolly mixed together. The story you wrote is good but it seems a little repeative to me, it's like i know where your coming from :animeswea. I had a whole ploy based a dragonball z but it wasn't in the dragonball z universe but it just had the characters in it, in a way they were like in a mixture of the real world and the tenchi world, but it work pretty good. I just want to say, what time period is this set in the past or future, cosby the way you wrote it sounds like a mixture of both. Anything you want to ask about my story i will tell you, so here is a little bit of info that might clear things up a little bit. Well you know i said that there were two guards that Koji met in the past, well one of these(the captain) is his father. His father, who i am going to called Kenzen, was taken away from his home when he was a child. Here is a little how it happened. Father stood proudly in front of me, blocking my sight from the group of men that stood in front of him. He was so strong and unafraid of what was going to happen, he seemed like he was going to protect me, a son like who was not worthy of his love and respect, to the bitter end. Suddenly before i could even think several men jumped him and pinned him to the ground while they brought long metalic weapons out. One ponited it to his head, i ran towards him but one pulled me back, the one with the gun shouted out at my father and the other mean opened up as a loud sharp noise came from the long tube. I was dragged away but i still screamed out at them all, calling, hope that father would stand up again and smile gently back at me but he never. Sad ain't it :catgirl: , after this he was dragged to the lab and he had his left eye removed and replaced wth a demons eyes, the boy was renamed Kenzen after the king at that current time. The eye allowed him to do imcreadible thing such as move objects with his mind and left thing with his mind. He eventaully managed to escape the labortary and got to a far away village near a river, there he met a young girl who never looked at him funny to to his eyes being different colours. The two fell in love with each other, and Kenzen asked her for her hand in marriage when she repiled that she was 'with child', the two were very happy. But the evil with the demons eye, cam out and Kenzen lost his temper with the girl father and he ened up killing him. The girl she what power he had and she was afraid, she said that she hated him and that she wished she had never conseved a child with him. Kenzen could stand the hatred that he had caused her and erase and replaced her memories of him, making her think that she had met a young solider from the army and had fallen in love with him, but he was setn away to join in the war. And with everyone in the village mind's erased he left and never returned again until 17 years later where he met the son that wopuld of been born out of hatred, Koji, his child. What do you think better? and it does help to understand so more about the story.and i will try to do a sketch of Koji so you can get an idea of what he looks like.
  9. if i were you i would do a fan manga, something like a naruto doujinshi or something. I personally started on gundam wing images and then developed the characters in my head and put them on paper. It's like i did enjoy drawing gundam wing but i love drawing my own roiginal characters more, take the image below [IMG]http://img515.imageshack.us/img515/5329/duoikari2020kenji20and20makino.jpg[/IMG] Now i used a gundam wing image as a reference but i adapted it to my own style and to suit my own characters where as [IMG]http://img515.imageshack.us/img515/6892/79422200509191423105rt.jpg[/IMG] With this pic i just drew the two images and put them together, to make this lovely pic :animesmil My message to use is try doing a bit of both but instead of copying just adapt the character into you own style.
  10. Sorry tried to answer this thread earlier. Now to start off with what kinda of plot were you thinking of, i mean you could go for the straight forward beat the crap out of each or the more poetic fighting scenes, but then again it all depends on what your better at drawing. Try this plot, you can have it, it was a story that i thought up a long time ago but i don't think i will ever get round to drawing. The story starts off in ancient japan and in a small mountain village near a river. The main character is a young boy called Koji who has been a orphan for 7 years, since his mother died from an illness. He is being raised by his grandfather on his father side of the family, his granfather doesn't really care too much about Koji and he spends most of their money on gambling. Anyway, things start to look up Koji when soilders from the place come into their village and offer jobs to them. Koji's granfather allows him to leave for the capital, which is where the soilders are from. On his way there he gets frendly with two soilders, one which is the captain and the other who is his underling, he discover that he and the captain both spare a very similar passed. But unknowing to Koji, he isn't actually going to work in the capital, he has actaully been sold into slavery and when he does eventually reach the capital, he is forced into slave labour. However Koji isn't a very quite boy, and when he see someone getting picked on he attacks the guards and causes trouble for himself. As a punishment he is sent to the labortories where his body is put through a number of experiments, he remains in the labortories for a while as he starts to try and develop the mental powers that he has just released he has. One day the is trouble when Koji tries to escape and in the process causes a fire which kills a few people, as he is too dangerous to be kept alive, they inprison him within a ice chamber which is where he stays for 1500 years before he is awakened by a young schoolgirl. She managers to get him out of the chamber and she tries to teach him the way that they live, in this new world. But the two soilders from the past are still alive and the main reason is because they were feeding off the power from the people who were experimated on and their children, they have lived for 1500 years but can they capture and kill Koji before, there time runs out and can Koji stop them from their evil ways. So that is about it, it is a really compilicated plot and their is more detail and new characters that are involved towards the end of it, but that is for another thread, tell me what you think about this plot first, if you don't like it i can give you another one.
  11. just type in adult faniction.org and you get lots, But at the moment, saddly enough i am writing Naruto and i have found myself being drawn into the series, but i'm not really interested in the actually series but just the yaoi side of it, i seem to have fallen in love with Naruto at the moment he's just so lovable and just so remind me of duo maxwell from Gundam wing. ¬_¬ Sasuke is kinda cruddy i think anyway and he is always the uke which is so not right
  12. i find that it is just easier to draw out a small manuscript first and try to figure out in your head of how the story will go. Or you could write a fanfiction but then again, if your like me then you may loose interest in the story all together. I think most other artist get their ideas from books and then adapt the idea to an anime style, it's a bit like one fanfic i wrote, i used the characters from gundam wing but used the plot from the japanese film freezer, but i changed a hell of a lot though(mostly the part where she kills eveeryone). I found that writing a fanfic, wheather it's original or not helps you think up more ideas. You have a simliar dream to me, i want to go to japan and be a yaoi artist, but most doujinshi artist start off with anime fan comics like the one who done viewfinder, she started off doing slam dunk artwork and then worked her way up from there. But then again what did you want to base the dounjinshi on, thais would be a great help if you tolds us what it was.
  13. [quote name='Paine Leonhart']I would love to read some yaoi fanfics if any of you have written any. :catgirl: (Just PM me with the link.) If any of you have written yaoi fluff fics.... you would really make my day. ;3 (love the fluff!!!)[/quote] I just sent you a pm of all my fanfiction that i have pubished. I got three up because the other are either written by hand or not complete. At the moment i just wrote a Naruto fanfiction by hand only though, so if won't be put up yet. I did post my fanfiction on the otakuboards, but they seemed to be too much for them to handle and they were taken off. :animecry:
  14. [quote name='ANTIWORLD']Well i'll say narutro cause he is funny and maybe here could teach me some skillz of his clan[/quote] I think Naruto could get annoying after a while, but he would be interesting if Sakuke was with him :D , that would get some doujinshi pubished. Or as someone else said. Ed from FMA, he would be so cool to spend time with, but i bet he'd be all shy about everything and he could make stuff out of the sand and trees :catgirl:
  15. [QUOTE=Paine Leonhart]I first got into yaoi with Yu Yu Hakusho. I was an innocent girl just browsing a Yu Yu Hakusho site when I came upon some odd pics of Hiei and Kurama. I thought: "That's....interesting." And thus, a yaoi fangirl was born. My fav. yaoi manga is FAKE. (Also happens to be my fav. yaoi anime) I'm trying to put together some yaoi fanfics, but I get so scattered with them, it's hard to keep up. I mostly enjoy reading yaoi fics of: Final Fantasy, Yu Yu Hakusho, Saint Seiya, Yu-Gi-Oh (go figure, huh?), and some others that I can't think of at the moment. *le sigh*[/QUOTE] that pretty much how i got into yaoi, but it was gundam wing instead. I love writing fanfic and cos my english os so bad, my friend prof reads them first and tells me where i need to fix them. At the moment i working ona Naruto and Sakuke one, which to me is really wrong becuase i don't like Naruto, yet i feel myself getting into the yaoi side of it. And i am also writting a crossover fanfiction, which is like 169 pages long, but this is the seque :catgirl: and it about 87 pages long, so far anyway but i think it could be longer then the first.
  16. [QUOTE=Imo-sune]i have seen some of it well i am a yaoi/yuri fangirl if you have any problems please pm me you yaoi/yuri haters i love both equally i have seen parts of Descendents of Darkness, sukisho, and other things because i have no anime store here for miles so i have to watch it on the internet. so any one want to be my friend??[/QUOTE] aww so sad :animecry: reminds me of myself, i defeinty do not have any anime stores near me, the only place where i can get yaoi is on the internet and my fav scanlation groups :catgirl:. The only really bad thing i guess i could get is FAKE or gravatition, so i'm all lone as well :animecry: . The only way i could get my hands on some real life yaoi is to import or get it off ebay. :animenose
  17. Evangelion is one, it has such a complex story that if most people read too much into it they loss interest very fast. I personally love it because it's so complex but some people don't get it at all, another anime that is complex is Kino's joureny which i think was made that way. Kino's journey is so complex that most of the morals in the story are very hard to understand, but it is it's complexity that make it interesting.
  18. [QUOTE=Dagger][b]Boys Next Door[/b] is by Kaori Yuki. If you liked it, I also recommend [b]Kaine[/b] (not nearly as powerful, but it has beautiful art and is of a similar length). While we're talking about Last Client, does anyone know if the art in chapter 7 was ever corrected? It was interesting to have a glimpse at what her preliminary sketches look like, but considering that it's one of the key installments in the series, I'd have preferred seeing finished art... ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] Not sure i think Last client was lisenced, so i never was able to get the rest of it. It's the same with little butterfly i only learnt yesterday that it had be lisence along with if dogs could also walk, which seems to have be renamed to man's best friend :animecry: it quite sad really, i will never find out what happened in in little butterfly. to tell you the thruth i can't really remember what last client was about, i did like Wild adapter though, that was really good.
  19. last client is at the top of my classic list. I also like boys next door, i don't know who it's by but man it good, it doesn't even have any yaoi in it but it still good. I 'm going to try to get my hands on it again. We don't have many anime convention where i am and none of them are yaoi and i have never met anyone else in person who actually likes yaoi :animecry: i'm all alone in the world of yaoi. I also just read 'Rainy love in the first degree' which was pretty good. But the funnies one i have ever read has to be the viberator company, it made me laugh so hard that my sides hurt for ages afterwards.
  20. [QUOTE=Remadi]Gravitation was my introduction into the BL genre and is still a favorite of mine, if only for nostalgia's sake. I've read most of the other popular/licensed ones that you guys have already talked about. Liked most of them, though I didn't really care for From Eroica, With Love. Takashima Kazusa is one of my favorite BL artists! :love: I was so happy to hear that one of her stories was licensed. Wild Rock was actually the first piece of hers I ever read. I absolutely love her artwork. [COLOR=Red]Love.[/COLOR] I would definately buy Last Client if it was ever licensed. Okay, so I would by any of her stuff if it was licensed. I was also happy to hear that Haru wo Daite Ita was licensed (as Embracing Love.) This series is by Nitta Youka, another mangaka I really like. Also glad that Target in the Finder (English version's title) by Yamane Ayano was licensed. Not my favorite series by this mangaka, but still a series I like. I'm also looking forward to the Only the Ring Finger Knows novel. Definately something I'll buy. And, since it's licensed by the same people, I'll note that the manga G-Senjou no Neko is licensed under the name Il Gato Sul G (though it's release date isn't until April 2006.) I'm really happy with this influx of BL titles. As you might've already guessed, I'm a big BL fan. Own some DVDs, tons of manga, and read even more scanlations, watch fansubs. It's definately my top genre, though I like stuff from most genres. I could definately keep talking, but I think this is more than enough for a first post.[/QUOTE] Thank the lord! :animesigh at last we have someone who actually thinks about what they are reading!, and do not just say gravavitation all the dam time and i'm sorry but i have to stand up for the non popular artist! :p I really liked last client even though i didn't really read through it properly, but then again i not really a big fan of Yamane Ayano work, it's just that it's too series for me. I like serious yaoi's but ilike them to have a good bit of comedy in them. Unfortuently i had to wipe my computers c drive clear so my mangas aren't on my pc for me to look up some good ones that i like. But i do like most of [B]Yamato Nase[/B] and i have really got into the mangaka who does [B]Love is like a storm[/B] i think that i one really good school based manga
  21. [QUOTE=Dagger]Well, I guess I'd have to go with [b]Loveless[/b]. It's one of the very few BL anime that I would point to as being a high-quality piece of work, period--not just "good for a BL series." Artistically, it's so much more ambitious than comparable anime that there's almost no comparison. The writing is solid and at times quite excellent. I love how it twists around BL cliches. Prime example: in the first episode Soubi repeatedly tells Ritsuka that he loves him, with pretty much no rhyme or reason to it. Commence the eye-rolling. But in the second episode, it's revealed that [spoiler]Soubi (who used to be the Fighter assigned to Ritsuka's older brother) was actually [i]ordered[/i] by Ritsuka's brother to declare his love.[/spoiler] And Ritsuka, who by all appearances would seem to be a typical uke, is the powerful one in the relationship. The music is rich and atmospheric, and the artwork stays consistent throughout. The spell battles are quite innovative and impressive, too. If Loveless ever gets a second season, I'm almost certain the series as a whole would end up being one of my top favorites for anime in general (i.e., not just BL). I can't find fault with [b]Ai no Kusabi[/b], but it'll be a long time before I can bring myself to see it again. It's practically the Texhnolyze of BL anime--excellent on every level, but so grim and depressing that it can be quite difficult to watch. There's a kind of gritty beauty in it, though, and the animation is top-notch. Those are the two BL anime that stand out for me most. I like Gravitation, Yami no Matsuei (whatever, I'm callin' it BL, haha) and Mirage of Blaze as well, but they don't hold up against my general anime favorites. I also have a soft spot for Zetsuai & Bronze & Cathexis, but I think that's probably just me, haha. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] I thought that Ai no Kusabi was good, but i was really disapointed in the ending, i really wanted the two friends to get together and the ending it's self left me wanting more, butit was good. Another good yaoi anime is 'Boku no sexual harassment' which i have just watched, all three were pretty good but again i was disapointed with the ending. Also the plot was a bit regular, i mean the only plots you noraml get in a yaoi manga are in school(normally all boys ones), work, sport, demons, shingiamis,prostutes, murder or crime. They are mostly the genre what a yaoi manga goes into, or they do something completely werid and totally go off the plot oh, and sometimes they in bars as well. The next anime i would like to see is loveless or saiyuki, actally it would most properly be saiyuki.
  22. I guess if i had to have a character with me i'd either pick shinji from evangelion, i don't know why but i think you could have long emostional converstaion with the guy and he always be soo nice to you. Or i would have Duo maxwell from gundam wing, just cos he'd make the whole experiance really funny. And if i had to take one item i would take a wireless laptop, that had endless power oh, and it ould have to have wireless internet as well.
  23. [QUOTE=Tigerkittin][FONT=Comic Sans MS] [COLOR=Indigo]Hylo! I just have to say that i love to read about yaoi. I'm almost obsessed and the longest I've gone without is about a week and even then I cheated a little taking little sneak peaks. :D I actually understand about what you are saying a lot of things out there now days about not taking much to please us BL fans not just in anime or manga it's like that with lots of fanfics out there. I know that I've actaully had to stop reading fics when I realized there was really no plot involved. I mean I love a good random moment now and then but at the same time I want a little story to go with it also. As far as Yuri goes I read it but I find myself not caring as much about it. I read and watch it but sometimes it's just not my thing.[/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE] then the fanfiction you read must not be very complex, if you like gundam wing then read a little fanfiction called never 'broken only bruise' it is really really interesting, all the guys are in it and there are the usually pairing :catgirl: . Oh and i also have three fanfiction up for reading but the otaku won't let me posted them because there too bad, but Question and answer is the most complex thing i have ever wrote, it has some many places where, you know, you could juct take it to somewhere else. As for what daggers is saying about sukisko, i am half and half on what she is saying. Yes if you don't like school based boy drama with a bit of a strange twist towards the end then don't bloodly watch it then!, but if you are like me and love a good boy based drama with cute characters, a comedy similar to gravatition but just not as much and a plot that is so non-expected that you quite surprised and a little disapointed in then Sukisko is your thing. I have watched both the series and the 13 ova and to me the series was way better, and i never did understand how the green haired guy got out of that building :animestun. I think there is nothing like sukisko out there, i mean do you just want a mindless plot where you just know what's going to happen or a boring plot, that is so played out that again you know what's going to happen. So what do people think is the greatest yaoi anime ever then, :rolleyes: beside gravatition because frankly everyone just being a sheep like for my liking about gravatition, yes it has good character, yes the storyline is different, yes it is funny and yes i am sick of it. I hate really typical ukes and semes
  24. [QUOTE=Kura-Chan][COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Comic Sans MS]hmm iv only seen one OVA...well i think it was an OVA at any rate, it was called Level C, it was full of cliches and almost completely plotless but i liked it all the same, it was really cute :catgirl: Doki Doki? hehe that sounds really adorable lol I might look into that :p Iv never seen yuri on screen before, it may be an interesting experience :) though i find with yuri fanfiction i hafta stop reading after a point.....but then again it was a R rated :animestun so yeah ill check it out :p This is gonna make me sound so stupid but whats BL? :confused: its not a term that i can remember coming acoss :animeswea [/FONT] [/COLOR][/QUOTE] Bl= boy love and don't worry a lot of people ask what it is, cos a lot of people don't know. I've heard of level C but i've never watched it. Actually i just watched the Sukisko OVA, which is the 13th episode, where all the characters go to the hot spring :rolleyes: I think Sukisko, Gravatition and FAKE are the top OVA out there, oh and loveless even though i haven't seen it yet, i personally think Sukisko and FAKE are two best out of them all especiallly Sukisko :animesmil
  25. I never said that i hated yuri :animeswea but again as other have said it does not appeal to me, i like to see men, men! :catgirl: . But i have read a few hentai's and a few hentai fanfics, mostly about Ed and winry and one about quatre and relena :animedepr , i stopped read the quatre and relena one, it got to... much. But the only real hentai ones that i have read, well looked at cos they were in japanese was a Duo and Heero one and i know what your thinking. Duo is a girl, but there are some circles out there that draw Heero, Quatre and Duo as women, there for making them a hentai. I also read one about trowa and Wufei, this one was by a different circle and wufei was a women, but he was dressed up as a pikaku and she got sick and trowa took her to see an evil doctor sally. :animestun . As for series i just managed to get boku no sexual harassment no 1 and it's not too bad, at least not as bad as sensenive pornagraphy, that was extremely bad. I don't know if anyone has seen SP but i would not recomemend it, it's just like two ones shot that have been put together. Oh and for one that want a really good yaoi manga to read i would recomend No money, it is really really fanastic!! :catgirl:
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