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Everything posted by duoikari

  1. It's cool isn't, actually i just got the wild adapter artbook, it has some really good art work in it. I also didn't realize that i had gotten the Saiyuki artbook, it looks quite good but is it a yaoi or just that type of anime that people can make there own conclusion, a bit like get backer. When i see get backer i could not believe how slahable it was, a people wonder why there so many yaoi doujinshi for it. :animesmil
  2. Duo from gundam wing for sure, he funny, cool, handsome :animenose and god dam sexy. Either that or Quatre if he were a bit more manly, but Duo would win over him.
  3. [color=navy][size=1]I've merged your three replies. In the future, please don't double (or triple!) post. - Dagger[/size][/color] [QUOTE=Kaze][font=Times]There's way too much Gundam Wing yaoi out there, poor Hero. You wear bike shorts for forty plus episodes and everyone thinks you're gay. And DBZ; I have personally seen too many VegetaxGoku fans run rampant with those types of pairings and stories. They crossed the line when they started PiccoloxGohan though, that's a new level of wrong. This thread brings out all types of horrible memories for me, that I worked so hard to repress. >_>[/font][/QUOTE] Yes i totally agree, i even see a yaoi image once where piccolo was sitting in a chair and there was like this half monkey and piccolo thing ranning around, if you think about it, all of piccolo's people are gay anyway, cos there no males on there planet so who do they go with to make baby? :animestun seriously beyond me. Also i agree with you with the gundam wing yaoi, there was too much, they stopped making lots of doujinshi at about 2000, the last group that i know brought out a book about gundam wing was a circle called dark knight, who later when on and did the love is like a storm or something manga(which is like really really good) ------------ [quote name='Stark']It's called Wild Adapter, and the pairing is pretty obvious once you read it. It's funny, but it has it's moodier moments too. The only way I can describe it is that these two characters have a complex like that of Sanzo and Goku. [/quote] I can't believe i meet another person who like wild adapter, isn't it so cool! :animesmil , i mean it like there yaoi in it but they don't make it so obivous that it in your face all the time. i haven't read all of it yet, i just up to chapter 6 i think. ----- right to some up all my posts. I love yaoi, i have read a hell of a lot of mangas and doujinshi in my years of yaoiness and i have to say that i never meet so many yaoi fans in such a... shall we say normal forum(the only other forum i go on is Aarinfanstasy, which is just a yaoi forum) but i would like to just clear up what i think. The best manga i have ever read is most properly pretty scoop, and i know i go on about it all the time but it is really good and i think more people should read it and other work by yamato Nase and friends. My favourate story however is in a manga called Kinjirareta Taion, it's about a detective and he goes out one day and meets up with his old friend's little borhter Kazuki, kazuki is in a bit of trouble at the moment and he is trying to seperate from his old boyfriend who used to beat him. I won't go into too much detail but READ IT!. See i like all walks of yaoi, soft hard and just down right weird, i also like shouen Ai to a certain level but i really really like to see or at least know that the two guys had it off in the end and frankly shouen Ai doesn't give me that. I also don't like old men pairing and incest pairing, frankly there is just too much out that out there as it is (ED and Al from FMA, is just too sick for me). I kinda like shouta, but not the kind of shouta your thinking of, i like it when it's two 14 years olds of something or when it someone who is 20 going with someone who is like 16. See i never knew that that kind of yaoi was also classed as shouta, but shouta is [B]'when you have sex with a minor' [/B] which means most school based mangas are yaoi and they are my favourate genre :catgirl: Anyway to some it all up, Yaoi good, hentai not so bad, yuri bad VERY BAD, anyway my favourate pairings Duo and Heero, Quatre and Trowa, Ed x Evny :animenose (really really badly want doujinshi for this pairing, PM if you have any) and i am quite into the Naruto and Sasuke. If you are really badly into yaoi then i say you go to the y gallery or to namaka group to get more, but DO NOT GO TO THE Y!GALLERY IF YOU DON'T LIKE YAOI!.
  4. I totally agree with having Johnny Depp playing kaji he would so suit him, the hair, the face just everything!. but i don't think they should have kids play shinji and Asuka and Rei, it just wouldn't work, i mean think about it shinji is going on 16 in the series, now is the moive going to be set after the series or suring? we don't know. Also is it going to be a completely different saga, or are they going to take bits from the series and put them in the film. But you have to remember that Asuka is german, so they should get a german or german looking person to play her and a japanese boy to play shinji, now that i think about it some of the guys from the japanese film avenging fist might be good, if any can find out about the film i think maybe Kong or iron could play shinji. but that just going by looks.
  5. Yes me! i mus be one of the only people on this whole forum that will talk openly about Yaoi! so i commend anyone who really loves Yaoi and has commented in this thread. I love Yaoi i've been into it for about 7 years now and i jusr can't stop! I did go cold turkey for almost a hole year but then my friend got Gravatition and i started all over again but i became worse this time. I love almost all pairings, apart from really old men ones and shota, that i can't stand and yaoi with in families, like Ed and Al from FMA. Here are my top pairings that i am into at the moment:- Duo x heero (gundam wing) Quatre x Trowa (gundam wing) and just most pairings in gundam wing apart from Zechs and Triezes(Again old men pairing) Everyone in Sukisko (which is the best yaoi anime ever!) Edx Roy(FMA) But i prefer Ed x Envy(Much better :animenose ) There are lots more but i can't be bother to type them all, I started off on Gundam wing yaoi so i will never go off it it. At the moment i been reading alot of mangas so i'm into them at the moment. THe best ones i have read are Punch Drunk babies, Pretty scoop, Steady study and the best one that i have read lately is No money. If you haven;t read it then i totally recommend it it is great. but as we are talking about anime, the best anime that i have seen so far has to be Sukisko, some people thinks it's hard to follow but i think it just that little bit better then Gravatition.
  6. I agree about you have to have seen the wholes series, cos there are some bits that are unexplained or leave you wondering why. I did enjoy it though, i thought again that there could have been more going on invlove some of our old favs but then again we can't do anything, i was NOT happy with the ending though !
  7. everyone i want to keep calm when i say this, I have SEEN the fullmetal alchemist movie. Yeah,my friend and i was getting it but she was able to get it before me and she watched it before me :mad: dam her. Anyway the movie itse;f is actually quite good, although my friend was disapointed in it, i on the other hand wasn't expecting too much from it. I have to say this one thing though, if your expecting comedy like there was in the series then go ARE going to be disapointed, there are only a few jokes through out the entire movie and even these are quick though. But saying that there was some comedy in evangelion (at the very begining) but that died down til the end and eventually got smashed down to nothing in the movie. I personally thought the plot and the story that contined after the movie could have been worked on a bit more, as it left slighly too much to the imagination. But all of our favourate character are there, if only shown for like 5 seconds and only having like one line :rolleyes: . The ending of the moive was a big disapointment for me, i won't give anything away but i was hoping something else would of happened instead of what did happen. To sum up the movie in all it was good going on great, if you like the end of evangelion, then you most properly like the FMA movie. But the version i saw was quite bad, the sumtitles weren't clear and neither was the angle that i saw it at so i'm going to get it when it comes out.
  8. i've heard of yellow but never actually read it, i more into the unknown fan mangas, i think that they are something better then the ones that are lisenced. My favourite at the moment would have to be 'No money' it is really good and has both a good mixture of heart ache and comedy in it, i would diffaintly recommend it when it's done. I also saw another manga the other day, it was a yaoi by Naono Bohra, which might i say is a fantastic artist who draw the most realistic bodies i have ever seen. Anyway there was only two chapter available at the time but it was really good and had me wanting more. I don't know if anyone else has read it it is called Delivery Rangers, personal i think it should be made into a anime, i think it's that good.
  9. [QUOTE=dark desires]About FAKE, I've read the whole entire 7 volume set...i believe that it's worth the money and time (and I would say that when i started to read FAKE the art got to me also but then i got used to it and i got really into it). Gravitation is also good manga and OVA,and i can wait to finnish reading Descendants of Darkness. :catgirl: But I believe that any one who starts to read shonen-ai and yaoi should go with Eeriee Queeire, Illegal Drug, and Hands Off!...then go to the hard core with Passion, and the Gravitation Remix, :rolleyes: Oh if you don't mind me asking whats KKM? I havent even heard of that...and also is Loveless, Our Kingdom, Jazz, Desire, and Yellow a good read? Yeah i know theires a big list :animeswea[/QUOTE] KKM as we call it for short is about some guy who goes to another relm or something and fights demons, i think that's the plot anyway :animeswea I was going to get it but then i see that the actually series was about 40 odd episodes and i'm already watching bleach.
  10. The first anime i ever saw was Tenchi,aw i remember it well :animesigh, it was the line up for Toonami back then, first was Tenchi at 4:30 then gundam wing and then finally dragonballz. But at the time i never really thought about them much, until i met my friend and we never stopped talking about them. But the biggest anime that i ever watched when i was younger was Evangelion, then Nadesico, it was also a line up on the show on the scifi channel at about 11:30 in the morning. I yes i remember i the first episode i watched, it was number 5, that when i was completely hooked!. Nudity, violence, people being killed this was the kind of stuff that my parents would have never wanted me to watch. It was like a bit of Gundam wing mixed in with a slice of DBZ, then at the end of the show they said that they would be showing the first five episode of Evangelion on the saturday at 12:00 at night. I taped it from that day forth and loved it from then on. :catgirl: There was nothing to compare it to back then, Gundam wing was the real kinda Anime that i ever watched, you know not the 'everyone wins' type anime like DBZ or tenchi, but they still were good. I was about 13 when i first saw Evangelion, and five years later i still love it, now that's what you call staying power. After that i started to watch Digimon and Yu-gi-oh and Excel saga, so really i never watched an anime that was the same as each other. Maybe this is where my hate for Naruto comes from. :animeswea
  11. [quote name='StarSword17']Oh, there's one cornier...Battle B-Daman (sp?) Its much worse...they fight by shooting little balls at one another from these little mechs they hold...*pulsing vein* Its a disgrace to all anime really.. :animeswea. Quite embarrasing really, I shocked myself that I tried to sit through a episode...but the powers of its stupidity drove me away and normally I don't run from anime![/quote] Yeah but that the kind of thing you expect from a show that is based around cats. I mean the main characters was raised by wild cats and was found by a women, also the bad guy is a cat as well. Not to mention the teacher and the three cats that are at the beginning and end of each episode, also the show is so cheese like that it hardly make any sense, a bit like duel masters. But you have to admit it's original? :animeswea
  12. I would totally go to manga tutorial they have some really good guide that are way more helpful then any of the how to draw manga books.
  13. [quote name='Lightwing']hey i wonder what would happened if died....sorry that was random :animeswea umm... my manga is basically love, romance ,fighting, and comedy(a little)/[/quote] Well unless you were a very good artist or people knew about your work, then your death would be meanless. But if your talking from a person point of view, ten we would all miss you very much and cries lots like me :animecry:
  14. [QUOTE=EVA Unit 100]Samurai Jack rocks, but it isn't anime. Also, it only aired on Toonami twice as marathons in 2002 and 2004, unless you count a 2 week run in 2003. Dragonball hadn't premiered yet as of 2001, and Sailor Moon and Tenchi were both canceled in 2001. Toonami nowadays has One Piece (a bad anime), Duel Masters (a bad anime), Naruto (a good anime), Zatch Bell (an OK anime), Teen Titans (a good American show), Justice League Unlimited (a good American show), and soon Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo (an anime that looks awesome) and IGPX (an anime-American co-production that could go either way). If they could replace One Piece with YYH then their line-up would be their greatest ever.[/QUOTE] Wow, you get all this anime on your Toonami, on the Toonami in the u.k we only get one piece, Teen Titans, both jusitce league and unlimited, repeats of dragonballz and the moves, Dragonball and the movies and Dragonball G.T on late at night, Acessrator or some crap like that, Transformers(the newest series) and that's about it, what i can think of off the top of my head anyway. Oh and pokemon all the different series, orange island and chronicles(Sorry can't spell today, lack of sleep) But i didn't know you guys get all that on YOUR toonami, when our one first come out they used to show Tenchi, Gundam wing, Dragonballz, Outlaw star, Samuari Jack and cowboy bebob. But they did a interview with the guy who made samuari Jack and he said 'That in europe, well more like just the U.K we are not allowed to show anybody being cut, the actuallly cut itself or blood.' This is why i figure one piece is taking so long to get to us and we will never ever ever get anime like Naruto or fullmetal in this country, only to buy on DVD of course. And then their the whole thing about there only white people in anime and stuff so we most proberply never get to see anime anymore. I mean Scifi used to show anime but now they don't, they used to show movie late at night and Evangelion and excel saga during the weekends on a show called syco exciting or something
  15. [quote name='Momomiya Ichigo']I think Excel Saga is the cheesiest! I mean come on...she tries to sleep with her boss, goes on a mission, dies, gets brought back to life, and tries to sleep with her boss again! It's POINTLESS![/quote] How could anyone think Excel Saga was cheesy, that it the funniest and greatest comdey anime of all time!, i love Excel saga! there is nothing else like it in the world, i mean come on, the main character name is Excel excel and her co-star is hyatt who dies more then once every episode. I loved the episode where Excell took the mick out of other anime, she did Salior moon, samurai X, Mickey mouse (which isn't really an anime but you know what i mean) and many other. And the other characters in the show are just soooo extremely funny, like three guys that alsway hang out together and Pedro and his sexy wife and son, the director and the writer, Miss wheel, the perverted Doctor who has little girls as his assistants, Robo 1 and Robo 2. :animesmil i'm laughing just thinking about them, oh and menchi, we can't forget her and that man. Now that i have given this long explaination, i hope you will think wisely the next time you say 'Excel Saga is cheesy' :animeangr
  16. [quote name='algazaleen!']Miguzi can't really be called anime. Toonami was anime, I don't know why they took it off, it was awesome.[/quote] I don't understand what your talking about, the Toonami we have has lots of stupid action cartoons like Juctice Legue and teen Titans. The only anime they show is One piece and old repeats of Dragonballz. All the rest is stupid kids show like what i just mentioned :(
  17. here's naother tip ! When i find a line of a shape really hard to draw and you keep trying and keep trying to do but you just can't, then try geting another piece of paper and trace over just that on line or shape you can't get. This allows your hand to get used to the way it had to go to create the desired shape. But NEVER and i mean NEVER trace the whole thing, with this techique you use a completely different paper to what your drawing on.
  18. [quote name='Lightwing']Doukari...teach me everything.[/quote] I'll say this if you go to manga tutorial, they have an extremely good section on expression and i found it more helpful then the books myself. I have problems puting eyes of a face, i can do really good eyes and a really good expression but i can't put the two together and place them on a face with hair and things. the best image i have ever done was on Quatre and a made up child character, it was great and i used a picture from a doujinshi to do it. i the type of artist that has to use referances, it's just the way i work. I also have another problem, i hate drawing women, i just can't stand it, even though i'm a girl myself. I just love to draw males characters instead of female and when it comes down to drawing a girl i don't really enjoy it as much as drawing a guy.
  19. To tell the truth i'm very limited when it comes to anime, i've only seen a few but i've read lots about other. Naruto was bad but not the worst thing i've ever seen, i'm it all a bit childish that all i have to say, it is just basically 'We are going to save everyone and the world' but they don't actually say it out loud. As for this tokyo thing, i have no idea what it is or what it is about so i shall not comment. The only thing i can say is that the worst plot in a anime that i have ever seen is most properly S.P, it's a yaoi and it is very strong, so strong that it was too much for me :animenose. The worst storyline that i have ever heard, :( mm i'm not sure, i think that i might say Rave Master, even thought it was a big luagh and i just love the theme tune, it so funny. As for worst animation i have to say shin chan or Bronze, (the boys in bronze, their chins were so pointy i thought that they were going to poke each other in the eye) :D but then again they are both really old anime and as i have said i can't saying anything really bad about shin chan because it is just the greatest comedy i have ever seen and even non-anime watchers love it. I also thought that Puni puni poemy was bad anime but not in the way like 'It animation' or 'It storyline was bad' it just...didn't hit the same kind of note that Excel saga hit, mind you it was extremely funny!!. I don't know i at the end of my rope :animestun
  20. [quote name='algazaleen!]Hamtaro I think, I mean, its about hamsters. [B]HAMSTERS[/B']. How can you get any cornier? Not corny bad, but still really corny.[/quote] The most cheezest thing about hamtaro is the theme tune, i mean come on 'Laura gone to school lets go to am ham ham climb house' I mean come that has too much cheeze for even kids. The best thing about that show was the teacher who had a fear of chickens, i mean come on who in the hell has such a hugh fear of chickens that they ran away and hide because of them.
  21. by the way what is SD gundam?
  22. I got to say Sailor moon and pokemon, but i like cheezy romances with a twist though, but please sailor moon was so over the top on everything. As for Duel master, i thought that show was fantastically funny!, the dubbed version i mean. It was just totally taking the mick out of Yu-gu-oh and beyblade, i mean i love the lines that come out with it 'Guys i'm going slow mo' i mean come on that has to be funny. As for digimon, mmm, that has a certain amount of cheezyness but you got to remember these show are for kids, der that's why there on the kids chanel :animeangr . Another thing i think is a bit cheezy is (dare i say it) Naruto!. Now i am going to speak my mind about this. I think that Naruto is just a knock off version of Dragonball z, i mean has any one ever noticed the similarty between are beloved 'Goku' and the stupid yet also equally loveable 'Naruto'. Here's a hint what blonde, stupid, and wears bright orange and blue? take one guess. Also it has the same kind of lovable main characters that you love to hate. Let me explain more, if you look at it from a yaoi point of view you can clearly see that there is something seriously wrong with the relationship that Naruto and Sakake(Forgive spelling) have and has anyone noticed that it the same kind of love hate relationship that Vegeta and Goku have. One always trying to become more powerful and trying to out beat each other. And oh my god is the first few episode childish, where they are all training under there teacher and they have that little 'Frendship' thing. Please how childish and naive. The cheeze in some episode of Naruto is soo much that it should be put on toast(sorry bad joke). Now here where we are going to get the millions and millions of people coming up and fighting for the right to say that 'Naruto is great, Naruto is famb'. Please the best thing about Naruto is the big fight scene between the main characters.
  23. [QUOTE=fizerin][COLOR=Sienna] What is the WORST anime you've seen?[/COLOR] Mine, is Tokyo Mew Mew. There is no real seriousness, sadness, or violence.[/QUOTE] I think the worst anime i have ever seen would have to be, Sailor moon, when it first came i thought' oh, this is something new' that because i was naive and stupid and i didn't know a lot about anime back then, in fact i had only seen Tenchi, dragonballz, Gundam wing, shin chan and digimon. But even when i think back to it, the show was really crap even then. I just used to watch it because there was nothing else on at 7:30 in the morning before i went to school. Thatt another thing i never got about Sailor moon, why so many series and why was all the bad guys actually girls. But the worse drawn anime that i have ever seen has to be shin Chan, but i can't go calling that names i laugh my socks off at it, it is so funny that went you see certain moments they stay in your head forever. :animesmil
  24. I just put in a search on google for evangelion live action images, either that ir it was just evangelion. But i thought they might be fake espeacially the one with frodo in it, also who were the other two supose to be who were playing Asuka and rei. but the one with just the eva on it was really professionally. I would like Frodo to play Shinji, he got the same kind of...personality i guess you could say. I mean his voice is really suitable for shinji, but he would need to be taller and his hair would have to be much more spiker but who would play gendo?, if he's even in it?
  25. by the way is there any news on the Eva live action movie because i got these images the other day, i know they might be fake, in fact i know they most properly are but i just wanted to know. Actually i think the guy that played Frodo in lord of the rings would make a good shinji if he was just a little bit taller and his hair was longer.
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