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Everything posted by duoikari

  1. What do you want me to teach you?.I learnt a trick for colouring in and it this If you want to help the colours blend in more then uses a circlur motion and slowly blend in colour in with them. It does take a long time but it does look really good, especially if your trying to make an object look round. I used this techqinue on my Kino's journey picture that i posted on the otaku and i think that is it the best colouring i ever done. But then again you wouldn't want colour in a black and white manga would you :animeswea , still i do have to say this Don't do normal type frame, use more interesting ways of showing each frame in your manga. If you look at the manga i have just attached you may see what i mean, the page is a bit crowded for some people's liking but i does make the manga look more appealing
  2. [quote name='YoriChan']I'm trying to finish a drawing that I've been working on since 7th grade and I am now a freshman in high school.[/quote] how long is that by the way? But the longest i have ever worked on a picture is about 5 hours a night for about 11 days, so that 55 hours but that's both drawing and colouring. The the longest one that took me to colour was 5 and half hours, but the one i'm doing at the moment has taken me about a 2 weeks and i'm just finishing off the colouring. :animesigh
  3. dude i am exsactly the same i have tones of ideas but even when i put just one down on paper i totally lose interest in the whole story. I'd be happy to help you but first tell what is the genre and the bases of the story and the characters. I mean like is it a shouen or is it shoujo or do you just want a story that please everyone something on the same lines as Naruto or Bleach, you know the type that i mean the type that is good for all ages and all genders.? :catgirl:
  4. we also can't forget about other non-famous anime such as Sukisyo and Gravitation, i thought the ending of gravation was kinda romantic. But i thought the whole series was a bit too into the music side and not the romance, but Sukisyo was very romantic mostly because of the teacher and the man who worked in the nurse's office (Can't remember names) the wholes series was more lovy dovy then Gravitation mostly because Gravation was the normally average, everyday seme saying that he has no feelings for the uke. :sleep: It's too common really.
  5. i love the romance in bleach but i really really wish they would just say that they like each other. There nothing more annoying then when two characters love each other and don't say anything. The only romantic scene i have ever seen in a anime is most problem outlaw star at the very end, either that or Gundam wing, i really would have loved it if they had shown more of what happened between Duo and Hidle. Some fan mangas that i have read are very romantic, one is the Vegeta and Bulma pairing from Dragonball z, i thought they should of done a whole saga on how bulma and Vegeta got together. :animecry:
  6. What part of the manga do you need help with exactly?
  7. [quote name='serenayasha']i tryed that is hacn't worked so good my manie loook s like cheap american cartoons who try to mimc anime.[/quote] Try drawing in chibi style first then develop the chacter more i find it much easier to draw in a character in chibi style first then find a referance body for your character and then develop the face and body together. Give that a try
  8. then i would suggest to you that you get a how to draw shoujo book, that mostly girl based stories isn't?. I'm not really good with drawing women :animeswea i prefere to draw men i find them a lot easier. I also get a couples and the starter book as well. But i found that the starter book didn't really help me as mush as the manga tutoral site did, if you put in a search for anime cubed they have a list somewhere on there site of lots of how to draw sites that where i went to get my tutorals and they were the most helpful thing that i ever got for free. So check that site out before you even think about buying the books, because they ARE more helpful then the books and you could save yourself some money.
  9. [QUOTE=kitsunekami]Hey, at least you have a starter kit^^ i decided to work on Doujinshi cause it would get me a tad bit of expierence, but that's not going too well either...i suck at inking....[/QUOTE] Same with me, first i started on fan art then i try to move on to doujinshi but i found it quite hard. I'm the type of person who like to use reference, i mostly like to use body refereance thought because i'm not very good at drawing hands and feet. So i find the image with the characters in the postion i want and then i copy most of the it and do little changes to some bits. but i do find it easier to draw Original characters. The only series i've ever tried to make a doujinshi out of is Gundam wing, maybe i feel that the character i have drawn does not do justice to the character in the anime. May be that is the problem deep down, after all i am a perfectionist. But then again there is just some series you can not mess with, Evangelion for one, i just can't bring my self to mess with the characters or the plot, it's the for FMA as well i have had ideas about fanfiction and what not but i just can't change the way the characters act or the plot. That's why i really really hate it when some doujinshis put ED as a really really girly UKe, when he was and will never be like that.
  10. [QUOTE=kitsunekami]that sounds like a really good story! it's got a good plot, doesn't sound like to much of a hentai though... i dun use all the fancy stuff.....like tones, too exspensive and no way to get em.[/QUOTE] I wish i could buy tone sheets, but there not available here. I only have two sheets and there the ones that came with my manga starter kit. :animecry:
  11. [quote name='kitsunekami']yes, it's quite hard, i mean, proabably easy for most other people than me, i do hellsing doujinshi...somewhat...oh, i am a total failure... yes, you just go for it, and you have to ink it or it totally looks so unproffessional... and bad at that... that was my problem, inking it, so i just went for it, hoped for the best, and did my best.... i wished i had had more experiance...[/quote] Since i'm in the U.k something it is very hard for me to get suplies to make doujishis, such as tone sheets and ink and manga paper. I really like the offical manga paper and i really really wish i could find somewhere to buy it and not have to pay a huge postage price. but any way I find it more easier to do original dounjishi then to do parodies. I mean i created a fanfiction, which was a crossover between gundam wing and an original storyline, i made up a complete new world for the characters and put Quatre from gundam wing as the main character but i changed his personality a little bit and made him a little more less tolorent. Then i made up a new original character who come from an original background and paired him up which Quatre. Personal i think it was the best story i ever wrote but it hasn't go to many hits, so they speck for it. But to get to the point, at the end i put lots of situation that are in real life at the moment and the two got together and adopted a child, i wrote small fanfiction after about little events that may happen such as a christmas one and one where they move into a new house. I did try to make a manga about them but i thought, one people won't know the storyline unless they read the fanfiction and two they may think that it was a stupid idea, so it never got finished. If i had changed the names around it would have made a really good book, and if i had changed the plot to Quatre being a aeroplane pilot instead of a Gundam pilot but then again it wouldn't of been a crossover then or an anime. I've been thinking about a doujinshi about two boys who meet in boarding school, it lead off from one of the original characters in my other fanfiction, a young boy called James at birth but decides to change his name as he gets older to Spike deciding from himself that he wants to take up a skateboarding career. He and his father have issue, his father (who was original Trieze) doesn't listen to what he says and just sees him as a rebel and decide that the only way for his son to go back to being a noraml, high class gentlemen is to send him to a very strick boarding school or a miltery school, i can't decided which one. Before Spike is sent away to his new school he will become friends with a young girl who he falls in love with at first sight. Dispite their age difference. She doesn't like him at first but when he is sent away to boarding school, he starts to write to her and she write back to him and they become very good friends. Until his letter eventuallystop coming due to the teachers and the older students at the school break his rebelness and he becomes a very quiet and straight to do man, you know someone who does what ever he is told. It would be a hentai a such but in writen form if you know what i mean, but if it was made into a doujinshi it would most properly be really really crap. It's one of those ideas that sounds good on paper but when it comes to drawing it or writing it it sounds really crap. I experianced that twice before where i had a really good idea for a doujinshi so i wrote it down, but when it come to drawing it, it was a really stupid plot so i give up on it. And i know i'm not the only one who has had that kind of problem.
  12. [quote name='Darker Alucard']Strange i say i had a completely different idea of doujinshi i thought it was hentai/yuri/yaoi draw-fictions only. i thought you gave another name for non-adult draw-fic.[/quote] I don't really get want your on about here so i'll explain a little bit about it.. The picture in my last reply is from a gundam wing doujinshi, which is a parody of the series which means that the artist who done the doujinshi above used the drawing style and character from another series and made up her own story from them. But there are some oringinal mangas, these are aslo done by fans and are called doujinshis, one example of this would be something like... god the only one i can think of is If dogs couls also walk, that about some guy whos gets a pet dog that changes into a human when he gets excited. It good but it's a Yaoi, and a pretty strong one but it is funny. So that is the really difference, if you watch the series Comic party they explain it really well that where i learn all that i need to about fan mangas.
  13. Well what i'm trying to point out to you people is, your just all saying the famous ones. Has anyone who actually commented about Gravitation seen any Yaoi mangas by Yamato Nase or any other not-so famous artist for that matter. As for Gravitation, is was pretty funny and that is really the only kick i got out of it, it is just the typical Seme and a typical uke having a bit of trouble getting together. If it was a girl-boy anime, then it would be as boring as hell. plus Sukisko wasn't really a manga to begin with, it was a game that was made into a manga, like so many other boy based mangas are. But if you watched both the series and the manga you would see that it is not just an every day plot of a boy falling for another boy and the seme is fight back his feelings. Now Fake, Fake was a little different it was kinda on the same lines as Gravitation but it was a little bit more deep, but i'm just going by the OVA on this, i didn't really see a point in wasting £6.50 a book on it. The same with Gravitition, i was so disapionted with the OVA that i didn't even bother buying the books. By the way i thought the ending of sukisko was really quite good at least it was all flowers and everyone dancing about singing songs
  14. I can't belive the rubbish i am reading this thread, all you people talk about is Gravitation. I see the series, that was Ok, but when i read the remix manga i think that was totally rubbishness. God what wrong with you people?, what about Sukisko? what about Viewfinder?, what about If dogs could also walk?. All you people seem to be talking about is the really famous stuff that everyone knows about why not try something different? and look at a REAL yaoi or shounen Ai manga
  15. [quote name='kitsunekami']That's another thing i luv about fanartartist and doujinkas, is that everyone has a different style. some suck, some i totally don't like, and some you can't help but luv![/quote] So very very true, look at this image of Quatre, it's really really pretty, there is also a Duo one just like it [IMG]http://www.babaca.org/tondeb.jpg[/IMG] And compare that with this image of Trowa and Quatre that is drawn really really badly [url]http://www.babaca.org/giftedb.jpg[/url] I love the first picture and i wish i could just get the dam doujinshi, but it is really really hard to find.
  16. Can i just ask does it have to a manga that has been made into a series or anime, because everyone seems to be naming famous ones like Evangelion and Naruto. But i like some mangas that aren't all the famous, 'If dogs could walk' is a good one and so is most of the mangas by Yamato Nase, she's done quite a few like Pretty Scoop, Steady Study. I also like the girl that done the Viewfinder manga, oh god i can't remember her name but she has quite a few books and her own artbook. Even though it's not actuallya series yet. But the best mangas ever?, :animestun I have only read four mangas that are from real anime, anf they are Evangelion up to volume nine, Gravitaion remix which by the way was really really really badly draw, Gundam wing (Good mangas but storyline was rushed too much) and Sukisko :nope: which wasn't even as good as the series. So Evangelion has to win it for me but if were talking none famous anime then i'd have to say most of Yamato Nase's work.
  17. How could yo know of heard about sukisko it's like, the best storyline for a yaoi out there. I really wanted to read a fanfiction for it but there all songfic?, does anyone actually know what a songfic is?. Also with some anime there is just meadling in the storyline, like evangelion i know people have always done doujinshi of the characters in there own world, but i don't think anybody actually put them in a AU. Another anime that's like that is dragonballz, but because the z world is so normal it quite hard to put them in a AU. Not a alot of people know about Sukusko, but it is a really good anime. It's got the comedy of gravitation mixed with the plot from me myself and irene, i watching it for a second time now. And if you know me, people know that i don't like watching things a second time round. Ah, i just thought of a famous doujinshi type story, but it not really classed as a doujinshi. The iron Maiden comic for evangelion is a bit like a doujinshi, the plot is completely different from the series and the manga and (from what i've read of it) has much more comedy in it then the series and the manga.
  18. [QUOTE=kitsunekami]yeah, man, that was like, a whole life story. sweet.... ii have read some gravitation, teh second volume(which actually has a story behind it, it's long, werid, and involves an insane person, i might tell you later). man, that must have freaked you out...i first learned about yaoi when i didn't know what gravitaion was....or shonen ai for that matter. . . . and i was short in time, so i grabbed somthing off the shelf real quick... yeah....[/QUOTE] I didn't find Gravitation all that good myself it was a bit... predictable, i mean you knew of some lines what was going to happen. I much prefer Sukisko now that is a dam good yaoi, and a dam good story. In fact that is the best yaoi OVA i have ever seen, the manga is also good but it doesn't go into the detail that the OVA had. The only real thing that i liked about gravition was the comedy bits in it, that just made me laugh but there was more of my kinda comedy in Sukisko. Also i think it is really hard writing a fanfiction or drawing a doujinshi for a anime that you already know has Yaoi or shouen Ai in it, i mean it takes all the fun out of pairing people up. :(
  19. People people, the answer you ask for are right in front of your dam noses the whole time. If you bought the end of evangelion DVD and put the voices over on where the people from the actually series such as the women that done Rei's voice speck over as the movie is playing. They will tell you everything. I'm sorry for not putting a spoiler tag on this because i don't know how to do it so if someone could please tell me i can stop giving everything away. [spoiler]At the end of evangelion Asuka and Shinji became the new adam and eve, this is because the world was reborn and there had to be at least one living life form for the earth to continue. But (and this is what i think) because Shinji was so insecure of himself he felt that one other person should be with him in order for the world to be born again. As for the choking bit, did you ever noticed that Asuka had the same injuries as Rei had when her and shinji first met?. I bet you didn't, yes it is true, when Rei first saw Shinji she had the same eye covered as Asuka did at the end. phew :animesigh . but someone said that they don't know why Asuka had a japanese name when she was German, this might be (and i do say might be) because of her mother. If you read the mother you find out how Asuka was really made shall we say. Asuka's mother was in love with a man,but said man ran off with another women and they had children together, so Asuka mother got jealous and got sperm from a sperm bank and pregnanted herself. Now i don't know if the sperm dona had a connection with her name but i think that he might of been Japanese or something. But this was in the manga so the same type of information my not be the same for the series because we all know that they do tend to change things. Now i have a question that i have been pondering ever since i see the movie, near the begining what did Gendo say to Ritsuko before he shot her?. Cos i think it was i love you but if you look at it carefully it could be i am your father :animestun[/spoiler] if someone knows then please tell me because it's one of the only things that i don't know about evangelion. I know almost everything about the series that why it's my favourite series of all time. Dramatic, confusing and just a little bit of Yaoi ^_^ :animeblus
  20. [QUOTE=Naru]So volume nine should be coming out soon? The release date is way past and so I was wondering about that. I bought this months newtype USA and the manga insert was Evangelion: Angelic Days. It was the same characters but it was really different. Does anyone know what it is?[/QUOTE] The only thing it could be is the iron maidon comic, But that isn't supose to be availble to buy yet. Do you have any idea what the story is about? because i've read the first 3 chapters of it, so i would be able to tell. Oh and by the way volume nine is already out, it on my Bookshief at the moment
  21. I could just not date Treize from Gundam wing or Roy from FMA or Lord illpa from Excel saga. but i could never turn down duo maxwell from gundam wing, he would be just so cute :catgirl: and so funny, i have to date someone with a sense of hummor like me.
  22. Got to say i would love an Evangelion game, that sound so cool. As for anyones i know they made a Viewiful Joe anime and they made a Kingdom heart manga but one one and onbly game that i would to be made into an anime is Tales of symphonia, god that had so much potentional as a anime. They could even make anime to sequel the game, that would be cool. God if some company was to do that i would be the first to buy that for sure. But i do know they are making a sequel for the DS of TOS and it an RPG where you play some of the characters or something but still anime would be the best thing ever :animesigh
  23. I was a little disapointed in said scene from FMA a me and friend waited a long while to see the 25th epsiode and i was very angry in the non- dramatic way it happened. I at least thought there might be a battle of some sort but no it was bang. I have several saddest moment, most from Evangelion actually. i thought that the whole movie itself was pretty sad, (Big spoiler here[COLOR=Silver])[spoiler] when Misarto said just before she died, 'if i knew it was going to end this way i would have changed the carpet in the living like Asuka suggested'. Also where Asuka pushed shinji and he fell on the hot coffee, bruning his arm. [/spoiler] [/COLOR] But threwout the movie i never, never felt sorry for Asuka she got everything she deserved. [color=6699c]I have edited your post to include spoiler tags. Even with your warning, it's very rude to reveal such elements of the story. If you are unsure of how to use the spoiler tags, [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=46199]read Dagger's sticky at the top of the Anime Lounge main page[/url]. Thanks. -Lore[/color]
  24. I just flicked through this thread and understood that it was a samuri story, but when you say shouen what do you mean?, because there is too meaning Shounen means that it is a boy based manga with lots of boys in it and is very slashable, one example of this is Get backers. Or shouen where there is lots of girls fight around for one guy, or the guy is interested in lots of girls at the same time a bit like Tenchi. Also, from what i read i can tell that this isn't a silly comedy is it?, so is there a seriopus point to it like Evangelion or something like that. Does it show that 'the way of the samuri is always best' or som,e rubbish like that?
  25. I was never really a yaoi person until i got by first computer about...10 years ago. i actually found out about yaoi by accident, i was looking for pictures of Gundam wing and i put in a search for Duo and Heero images on yahoo. You can all guess what i got, but the first ever yaoi image i got was of the whole four pilots and the word crazy love underneath. I then learned that they were called douiinshis and that download them, most were in japanese of cousre but i got the basic story. But about 5 years ago i decided enough was enough and i went completely cold turkey, i deleted all my yaoi images and my doujinshis and for about 3 years i never even looked twice at a yaoi mangas or a yaoi doujinshi. Until my friend got Broadband and she was able to get a little something called *Gravatition* and that got me straight back into Yaoi. At the moment as i have already said, i'm into Yaoi mangas at the moment, the best one i've read is Pretty Scoop, it's got the comedy of Gravatition and the heart of real Yaoi. I was actually quite suprised by the amount of doujinshis there are of the new anime coming out. See i like a good draw doujinshi with a good plot. At this moment in time there are lots of Naruto doujinshi, mostly yaoi ones involving the two boys in it, Naruto and the other kid who i can't rememeber. I did watch Naruto, but it never did hit any heart strings for me it was just like Dragonball z but less adlut in some places so i never bother to get any doujinshi of it. But FMA is more my kinda thing, i just love FMA and i think that lots of the doujinshi are really well drawn, i like both the yaoi and the non-yaoi doujinshi there. I while ago i was really into Vegeta and Bulma doujinshi, not Hentai ones but the ones about what happened between them with in the three years that they had Trunks. Most were pretty good but there wasn't lots about so i gave up on searching for them. I do love doujinshi and i think that an fanfiction is just a written version of a doujinshi, but as i said i lose interest in something after i have written it.
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