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Everything posted by duoikari
God you are so right about Harry potter, he really gives me the creeps actually. I have read almost every Gundam wing doujishin know to man, i love Gundam wing doujinshis but at the moment i'm into mangas at the moment. As far as genres go, i'll read anything from a shounen Ai to really hard core one like Heero's erotica, god that doujimshi is funny. I 've never seen anything so dam funny and so hard core at the same time. My favourite pairing is Duo and Heero they are just the best aren't they?, but i do love Quatre and Trowa, them two just fit really well together. At the moment i'm into FMA, Gundam wing, Dragonballz and evangelion. But there was a digimon stage as well, but i never actually got a whole doujishin just bits of it. I find now that it is much easier to find yaoi MANGAS then it to get Yaoi doujinshis, so that why i'm reading more Yaoi mangas now. I also write fanfictions as well! :catgirl: i've write about 7 fanfiction, one slight hentai and the rest are Yaoi. The best one that i have done so far is one about duo and Heero, but i have to say my crossover one about Quatre going off with original character did have the better plot. But the hit speck for themsleves, my Duo and Heero one got 1,500 hits and 13 reviews and my crossover fanfiction got 137 hits and 1 review which my friend done, hoping that more people would do more. I'm at the stage at the moment where i want to crossover to writing fanfiction and drawing mangas. but i'm finding it really hard!! I can draw the body and the shape of the face and the hair and the clothes but when it comes to doing a face it comes out really crap. It is just too big a step for me at the moment, so i've gone back to doing fan art to boost my skills up a bit. I'd did try to do a script for a manga that i was going to do, but i find that if i write it down then i lose interest in the plot and can't be bother to draw it out. That's why i find it's better to keep the plot inside your head and keep working on it until you are sure that you can draw it or write it in any case. For example i wanted to do a manga about Quatre and an original character i created, i thought up the plot and then went through it in my head, then i though i guess i'll write a short script for it so that i don't have to keep thinking about what there going to say. So i wrote the script and now that i read it back it seems like a really crap story and i can't be bother to draw it now, so i thought i'll do a story board so that i can get references to draw from. So i done the plot and what the characters was going to say and then i done the first page and then started on the secind page. But the time i had thought about the third page i had given up on the plot all together because i thought that it sounded stupid.
one thing i must say is that i'm am one of the biggest fan of yaoi in the country. But there is some series that are suggesting sexual things. One example of anime that suggests yuri and that i think wouldn't go down very well at any school is poemi poemi poemy. I got to admit it is very funny but at the same time very suggestive shall we say, in almost every moment there is a reference to yuri. Another anime that i think has a lot of suggective yaoi is Gundam and Getbackers. I love gundam wing it was the first yaoi that i ever really liked and it still is the best, my favourate pairing would have to be Heero and duo, but i also like Quatre and Trowa. When you watch the series it is so slashable!, i couldn't believe what some of the boys were sayinf about each other. Such as Quatre saying 'i wish i could meet that boy again' when he first met trowa and when he tried to kill him and starting to burst into tears. Getbackers, it good and funny and has so much slash in it, it unbelievable. Ban and Ginji are so what the word i'm looking for... ''close'' to each other you can just imagine them being a couple. I mean come on, Ginji is always worrying about ban and vice versa, they have to be the yaoi suggestive couple at the moment, aprt from Naruto. But there are some anime which if one person saw would almost convice them that anime is porn. As i have already said poemi poemi poemy is one and the only really bad yaoi Ova that i can think of at the moment is Sexual harassment, which haven't seen but i know is quite bad. but the thread is still undecided on whether yaoi is good or bad, i person have been watching, reading and writing yaoi for over seven years. I got myself off it for a year but then my friend showed me Gravatition and that got me back into the flow of things. Pesonally i can't imagine my life without yaoi, it has given me the personality that i have today, and if i hadn't gone back to yaoi i wouldn't have come up with the best fanfiction i ever wrote, Question and answers. :animesigh
I feel very sorry for all you people in Utah, in U.K everyshop you go into, in any part of the U.K will have pron up on the top shelve. And i don't think that people should judge anime as just pron, as i have said before there are different genres of anime. I could understand maybe if you brought in a Salior moon yuri doujinshi, but then again they should of just told you that those kind of thing are not appropriate on school grounds. I really do understand how most of you feel, when i was in the 11th grade as you american would call it, i told some of my male friend that i liked Yaoi, the looks i got :animesmil but lucky they weren't my best friends or anything. Only one of my friends accepted the fact but he didn't really like talking about it with me, but as you can guess they all said i like to watch porn. :catgirl: which is total wrong anyway. I like to read Yaoi, most yaoi is not porn and yet i never condemed them for watching the dirty scenes in evangelion. If i were in Utah, i would make an online group or something and postition that they bring porn back into the state. Because what people have right in front of them they don't miss, it's a bit like taking chocolate away from a child. If you stop the child from having the chocolate then they will want it more and go mad whenever they see it. But if you think about it these kinda stuff is not just happing in places like Utah it is also happen in a little country called Wales, in the U.K. Now i must say i have been to wales and in the country it is really boring. I don't know if anyone watched the real little britain on BBC 3 london, but there was a man who was the only gay in his village. This is true as well, the guy said that when he was in his teens he got beaten up, spit at, bullied and he even went to the guy at the church and asked him what he should do, the guy relpy by telling him to basically change his sexualaty. I'm really that is going a bit too far, the guy was really intellangent as well he lived in wales, he spoke both welsh and english fully and he went to university. So did the fact that he was gay make him any more stupid?, i think you can guess the answer. There is one thing that my friend said to me that will always stay with me, she said that 'If you like yaoi too much you will turn out biosexual' I myself don't think that is true. I hate yuri, but i don't really care if someone else likes it but i don't think i couls ever be attrached to something like that, i think i love men too much.
Knives was just very misunderstood little boy, and with the right up bringing he couldn't of been like Vash, or even of Rem spent more time correcting Knives on what he though of life then maybe he wouldn't have become a bad seed. Well he not really bad but you know what i mean.
[quote name='Charming One][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]But just tell me about some w/a little romance and a lot of action! I'm abloody girl!*wink*[/FONT] :animeswea [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]i just got The 1st Host Clob Manga. This is so not the type of manga I read,but I really enjoyed it1 So much i wouldn't mind finding other manga that are like this one,but i don't know any! Don't give me any crapy ones![/FONT'] :animeangr[/quote] I just got to ask you, do you like shouen Ai or yaoi mangas? because i know hell of a lot of site with manga comics.
I can answer that, in Naruto the series there was a certain scene that happened that sparked a yaoi type friendship between Sasuke and Naturo and from that moment on there always seemed to be a strange bond between the boys. If you watch the first five epsiodes i think you'll see it. But then again that kind of pairing doesn't come under yaoi, i found out that there is a sub catagory called shota, which basically means children doing things that they shouldn't do. I my opiton i don't like it, it just pushing the boundaries for me but then again i don't really like pairings like Zech and Trieze from gundam wing, one Trieze is in his late 40s and two Zexhs is in his early 20s. But as this thread has said already, we can stop people from doing or reading or watching wjat they like and we should not condem them for watching or reading the stuff either.
I agree with what everyone has said here, i mean yoai is starting to become more popular amung girls and we can't forget boys as well. Although most people agree that there are two sides to Yaoi there is the non-sexual side and the just plain people doint it throught the whole thing. I like both but i can stand a yaoi or shouen comic that is just boring, the only one that i can think of that is like that is a manga that i read about a boy who had an accident and lost both of his parents and is now living with his doctor who is also his lover. It was a good story, but there was too much talking in it and it was very hard to follow. The only manga that i have read that i feel fully shows what yaoi means and how two men could feel towards each other is Pretty scoop, there is most proberly others but i've only been reading original for a few days. Pretty scoop is about a young boy who got a camera for his mother when he was little, but it was a girls camera and he hated it. Unfortunely his mom died when he was young, but one day he took a picture of a robber and everyone prasied him for it. So he made it his goal in life to take pictures and get a big scoop so his mom would be pround of him, to do this he even transfered school. That's when he meets Akira, a boy that looks scary but has a heart of gold, these two are paired up with each other and that has the manga starts. At first both boys are arwkard with each other one of them see to men having it off in a bush and he thinks it's nasty, but both warm up to each other and they both make each other happy. And that my friends is what Yaoi is all about [color=red][i]link removed[/i][/color] [color=navy][size=1]Please don't post links to scanlations, licensed or not. Thanks. - Dagger[/size][/color]
[QUOTE=Dane-chan]>.> I know what I need.... but, I need to know WHERE I can get the stuff. online always is sooo expensive. :animeswea Also, I don't live in England, I live in NEW ENGLAND. MAINE. -.- :animesigh Thanks. :catgirl:[/QUOTE] What do you mean new england the is only one U.K isn't there, i know that there is no places in the U.K where you can get anime supplies from, but if there is i would like to know. The only place i can think of is a art shop down in london near lester square that sell lemarks tone sheets and pens, my friend got a set there
[quote name='Katamari666']yeah guys like yuri ... girls like yaoi who gives a crap its just expression so enjoy it ...this is the inner workings of our minds expressing outwards. :animeswea[/quote] Yeah and i bet if you told a boy that you like Yaoi they would totally freak, but it would be alright for them to like Hentai
i would suggest get a manga starter kit, that helped me alot. But also it doesn't help if you live in somewhere like england because that aren't really any. If you can't buy toning sheets from a store then trying downloading them
i'm hearing you, i love Yaoi and have been in love with it for many years now and i know people that are shall we say... carefully about it. The only people in the world who know that i like yaoi is my best friend and this is because she likes it as well, but when i tried to discuss it with other people they seem shy of the subject. I both write, read and draw yaoi and i resently added a yaoi image to the fanart of gundam wing, which got a bad comment of one person but people must understand what it is like. Yaoi is not just two men having it off with each other, it goes deeper then that. But I would like to point out that no one ever complains about Hentai?, or yuri?, Yaoi is just the same as them but it is aimed at gays and girls more. So i would just like to say this to both the boys and girls of the board. Next time you see a Yaoi images or a manga just think about what that stands for, it is not just a cheap way of someone getting a thrill. It is a manga or an image that someone has put alot of work into and if it's dirty or not you should respect it. I myself don't like Hentai but i don't condem every man women or child that has ever read or looked at it. I think people should be more open about the subject of Yaoi, because i don't hear anyone complaining about the big breasted women or the girl based anime that are coming out now.
Hey thanks for all your help! What's everyones favourate circle by the way?, i love 1x2 finsh and pooh farm, but the best artist i have seen is Mbp, she does the funnest doujinshi i have ever seen the best one i seen (but it is pretty old) is the laundromat comic it's so cool and funny. It's based arounf duo and Heero but it has all the other characters in it like Quatre, Trowa and Wufai dressed as a women. :animesmil But i'm check these sites out, it's just that i really really want some kind of yaoi comic to read, I've got into FMA parinigs but i only really like the Ed and Roy ( but why is Ed always on the bottom) pairings but i need more. My friend is trying really hard to get Loveless i can't remember if she has seen it or not, but i know she was blabbering on about it to me when we were walking to school. It's got something to do with cats hasn't it? and if they have it off with someone they loose their cat ears and tail am i right or wrong? I'm writing a yaoi fanfiction at the moment so when i read or watch yaoi i get ideas. :animeshy: [QUOTE=GTK]Much love for (hahaha XD; ) Loveless and Gohou/Legal Drug. Hahhaha, to each their own ^^; *owns stacks of RoyxEd doujinshi* (and it's spelled Hughes, just so you know) And guys like Zech and Treize and Roy and Hughes really aren't that old ^^; After all, not everyone likes shota *vomits* But, if that's what you're into.... ^^;;;;;;;;;; But, yeah, most people who sell doujinshi online either take money order or paypal (I personally hate money order , ARGH). So a paypal account is something you prolly wanna get if you wanna buy doujinshi online. (I'm luckier than most since my mom will tolerate yaoi XD and will let me use my card through her paypal account to order things~ Which is tons easier than setting up my own account O_o) Most of the doujinshi and manga I have I got through torrent files. There's also possible-soup.net (THey're so great T_T They've got IDEA doujinshi... I love IDEA so, so, so much~ *dies* I, unfortunately, couldn't tell you what else they have though ^^; ) but, like Oceanborn, I also think sakura-crisis.net is great~[/QUOTE] I didn't know it was IDEA who done the doujinshi where Ed gets raped by Roy, i LOVE that one. she/he has also done one with Ed as a really little guy, that they call a bean. I just when on to possible-soup and see the cover for the third book, but how do i download? [color=darkblue][size=1][b]Please be sure to use the Edit button so that you don't double-post in the future, thanks. -Lady K[/b][/size][/color]
I know what you mean about ebay, there was someone selling 132 doujinshi, 132! but they were in america and onlt excpeted paypal, mind you it was an ebaook so they most porperly download them somewhere and i will find the sites!. But they did have lots of doujinshis on ebay about gundam wing but my mum doen't know i'm into yaoi and i think she'd freak really. At the moment i have to just read fanfictions. See i'm really against some pairings like FMA for insteads, who in the thinks that Ed and Al pairing is nice?, i can just barely like Roy and Huehes (sorry about spelling i've been writing fanfiction all day) No but seriously that is nasty, that's like Zechs and Treize and there old men for god sake!. Treize is like in his forties and Zech is in his late 30's i think¬.¬ Thanks for your recommendations though, i did see a book on amazon but i can't remmeber what is was called, ah, it was under shounen Ai though so maybe that's a clue?.
This site has lots of infomation of different anime and i know that it has Puni Puni Poemy there, cos i checked it up my self. I read a review about it in Neo and it's has lots of sexual stuff in it, i think anyway, i also read that it's got yuri in it, whihc put me right off being the yaoi lover that i am, but i still want to see it. If you want to buy it try ebay they always have good stuff. [url]http://anime.mikomi.org/index.html[/url]
I just checked the site and it only really tells you about Yaoi expos, ithere no way i can get to them anyway cos i'm in england, north london to be precise. All i need to know is if any thinks that there is a yaoi series that is well drawn that they have read that they think was good. It's just that i can't find any more gundam wings dounjishi site( which has my favourate yaoi pairings of all time) and i really want some yaoi, but i have read the start of demon diaries which wasn't too bad, but i can't stand a plot that involves Demons and ninjas. I was also think about Fake but i not sure what to get, that's why i'm asking for recommendations
I just went into a book shop today and looked at all the mangas that they had, and i wanted to know if anyone can recommend a good,[B]well drawn [/B] yaoi or shouen Ai manga. It's just that i really really want a yaoi doujishi to read but seeing as i can't find any, can someone tell me a good Yaoi manga/Series to get. PS it must be Well drawn i can't stand crappy manga books, with even crappier drawings.
I have watched comic party and i think it was very good but, it was a little too real to life for some people. Most people like fantasy anime like Tenchi or Ah my goddess. My favourite character was Taishi, he was like a mixture of excel and Ill pa from Excel Saga.
I can't beleive all this crap anime you guys are talking about evangelion Yes, Fullmetal Alchemist yes, but Wolfs rain? please you people make me all sick to my stomach. I watched one epsiode of wolf's rain which my friend showed me as i was highly amused :animesmil (What a load of crap) Where all the GOOD anime or the unknown anime like Sukisho? that was a good storyline and Gundam wing?. There are so many good storylines out there, like excel saga, even thought were not quiet sure what the storyline was there but it shaped it's self up in the end. Sakiono seems to have a good plot as well. I would say Fooly cooly but gods knows waht happened in that anime. And can i just say one thing about evangelion, it was not about the mechas it was about shinji and his relationships with the people around and how a them see him as a person and how people thunk. I see a review about evangelion on theotaku saying it was basically in lamens term all about the mechas that shows like Raxphon or whatever it's called are just copy it. Well does this show have a sad little boy who was dumped by his father when he was a kid and a mum that got her soul joined with a eva?, i highly think not.
Yeah i got book nine it's just that i can't find book ten, the point is book nine isn't the end if you put it along side the series then it must be at episode 24. Kawaru is in it and he's getting all lovey dovey with shinji, dam good shounen Ai me thinks. But i can't find any information on book 10, does it even exist yet?. IT's the first manga book i've ever read and i can't find the last book :animecry: .
I have just read the evangelion mangs and i was wonderiong if the 10th book was out yet, it's just that i am trying to find the 10 book. I can't even find the japanese version of the book and i was wondering if it has been drawn yet. Plus i didn't know that the mangas were sooo different to the series.
Since i can't find the Gundam wing thread either( besides does this question come under gundam wing?) i'll just ask my second question. Who the heck is solo maxwell? I heard things about in dousjinshi and fanfictions but i have never heard anyone speak about him in the series or the Zero comic. ah, you people are just going to moan at me anyway, so why do i bother? :animedepr . I mean this is a FORUM, that means we can speak our minds right and i'm always being told off or being told what to do. POWER TO THE PEOPLE FFFFFFRRRRRRRRREEEEEEDDDDDDOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
one. I could not find the FMA thread and two i don't not know how to put spoiler tags on a post! :animeswea Jez. Everyone really needs to take a break once in a while. And did they show FMA on cartoon Network in a america?
I have many question that i need to know the answer to, but since this is about FMA i know it's going to be merged with that thread anyway. My big question is [spoiler]Who is the father for Roses baby? My friends thinks she might of been raped and the baby was the result of it, but i think it's scars myself. Does anyone really know?[/spoiler]
[QUOTE=Great Mizuti][COLOR=Blue]Hello all you fellow anime and video game lovers.I be the Great Mizuti.Can I get some help?I'm still new here. :( And what does that little blue square next to my name mean? :animedepr [/COLOR][/QUOTE] Wow soo cool where did you get the Bateno Kratios (sorry about spelling). People here aren't very nice to new comers, i should know they weren't very nice to me. The little blue thing in the corner is what people would click on if you give a bad or rude or offence post, i think if you get so many you get chucked off or something.