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Ma-zaku Yusuke

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Everything posted by Ma-zaku Yusuke

  1. I rewatch Full Metal Alchemist the most,because it`s so tragic,and the more I watch it it makes me want to learn alchemy even more.Also it has a short alchemist. Ed:Who are you calling short?!?!?!? Me:Huh?Who said that? Ed:I`ll kill you!!!!!!!!! Me:Shut up *punches him in the face*,there we go Anyway like I was saying,I watch FMA the most,because a kid lost his mother,he lost an arm and leg,his father left him and his brother lost his whole body.so this anime is pretty suspenseful
  2. I watch Full Metal Alchemist,I watch every single episode.The reason I watch it is because it`s from the makers of YYH.The funniest thing is that when Ed is called short he gets pissed.
  3. My faovrite anime is Rurouni Kenshin,here are the reasons why: 1-It talks mostly about Japan`s past 2-There are alot of moves in the show 3-The show is dark and yet about romance 4-The main character Kenshin has two personalities 5-The other characters are also sometimes cool too 6-The shows sometimes introduces new characters that aid Kenshin in his battles There are more reasons but I can`t type them all up.This is actually my favorite anime,nothing beats being a samurai,but mostly the ledgendary Battousai the Manslayer
  4. What`s my favorite anime?Wow that`s tough um either Yu Yu Hakusho or Rurouni Kenshin.I would say Rurouni Kenshin,because it doesn`t talk about the main character alot like YYH,it sometimes talk about Yahiko,or Sanosuke,or heck even Miss Kaoru,that`s why I like it.Also in every episode there`s fighting in it and in the director`s cut the show can get really messy.In second place would be YYH,and third would be Inuyasha.
  5. Well do you have window media player?Because I know a site that has everything you need about KH2 and other KH games.Here`s the site:[url]http://www.kingdomhearts2.net/downloads/index.shtml[/url] it`s a great site:)
  6. I would choose PSP,because it could play movies like FF:Advent Children,burn movies to little disk to play anytime,also it could play games that has better graphics then the DS,also the color on the PSP looks better then the DS.
  7. I heard that this Resident Evil game is the best one,since it doesn`t have bad camera angles,the zombies could use weapons,and the zombies could think for themselves m eaning they can run now.Also all of the animals like birds are good to kill too.I hope when it comes out for the PS2 later this year will have online component,that would be so cool
  8. hey I`m new here but I`ve been having this question buzzing around my head,who will win in a battle Hiei or Yusuke?But Yusuke and Hiei can not turn to demon form,because then the battle will go to Yusuke.
  9. Well you can go to kingdomhearts2.net to find lots of KH related stuff like trailers and mp3s,also images and wallpapers.Oh I also heard that KH2 comes out this fall,that`s going to be a long time
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