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Everything posted by benakittie
[QUOTE=Kiyu-chan]I. Hate. Chicken. It is food from the devil I tell you! Granted, this comes from eating nothing but chicken breast for months on end...(I'm still eating chicken...) :animedepr [/QUOTE] WHAT!!???!!! I LOVE CHICKEN!!! *LOL* :animesmil I think it's about the only meat I eat other than turkey, but you're right about ground turkey. Doesn't taste that good. I can cook, but I need a cook book. :animeswea My forte is sweets and cake though.
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][FONT=Times New Roman]I was just wondering if anyone knows someone, lives with someone, or has to deal with people who have schizophrenia? My grandma has this and my mom tells me sadly that it's hereditary, so some day I might go crazy as well...But until then, no worries, ne?... My Aunt has it and sometimes she gets on my nerves with her paranoia and just craziness. She takes everything to her room and hoards things. She sneaks around in the dark waiting to sneak in the fridge. She returns the food only when it's rotten. If we open the stuff she doesn't get it because she tells us we taint things. She does a lot of weird stuff, she once told my older sister that she was Jesus... Just want to know if anyone else has to deal with this. Sorry, in a bad mood at the moment thinking about this. I'll try not to post when I'm like this from now on.[/FONT] [/COLOR]
[QUOTE=r2vq]I'm supposed to graduate this year. It's entirely my fault that I fell behind. If I wasn't so lazy, I would probably be leaving school with my friends. It's depressing seeing them leave you behind. Ah well, at least I can sit on the niners (freshmen) next year. -ArV[/QUOTE] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Contraband was like that(Look at my site if curious.)...sigh...he came to the senior picnic, but I didn't go to that. He couldn't graduate with the rest of us because he tried to get home schooled, but it didn't work out. he has to go to summer school and complete all his credits...[/COLOR][/FONT]
[quote name='Pumpkin'] To those that are still in highschool what do you think about graduating and how do you think you'll react? [/quote] [FONT=Comic Sans MS] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Graduation was so...I don't know how to describe it. :animesigh I was sad at first then so excited. I hugged a friend of mine that wasn't speaking to me at all. We didn't need an explaination, guess we've always been like that. When I wnt across the stage the band has a tradition of shouting, "R.B.P." which stands for Rebel Band Pride. I hugged my teacher before going. Two of my friends were sitting on stage and I said hi. I was almost in tears and it was a little difficult to smile for the camera when I received my diaploma. Walking back to my seat I hugged my old chemistry teacher and my friend Monica hugged me. I didn't expect the rest of my friends to be standing in front of me. They shouted my name and tackled me in a group hug. :animeblus I hide my head and cried, but I was so happy. I'll still see them so it isn't that depressing.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue] [FONT=Comic Sans MS]I had a daschund mutt who I named, Dude. He really belonged to the family with his quirks. He was an obsessive compulsive about catching and chasing a tennis ball of his or which ever tennis ball I brought home for him. All the family would play with him and sometimes he would jump on you and land that slobber ball into your lap. lol :animesmil He got sick really bad and I cried so hard. :animecry: Still he pulled through and I was so happy. He was an old dog when we got him. We took him in because he was a stray a looked lonely and was nice enough. He never barked nor bit people only when someone was intruding. He died curled up in his slepp with his tennis ball next to him... I never wanted another dog afterwards...[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][FONT=Comic Sans MS] Bakersfield, CA where it's hot as hell during the summers. :animesmil You get use to it though. It's interesting...I found out why deserts are so damn hot and freezing at night in my enviromental class. It's cool at night because there isn't make vegetation to hold in moist so it just goes away into the ground. Something like that. It was pretty interesting to me. Let's see, Bakersfield is starting to turn into a large city, but still has that small town feel. cheapest housing in the nation, but number three in the nation for bad air pollution. Still it's home and I love it. ;) [/FONT] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][FONT=Comic Sans MS] Hm,...whenever I think of pity I can't help but scoff at it. I think of Kamui from the X the series too. It's not that I mean to hurt the person who is trying to help me feel better by being sympathetic, but pity makes me feel worst than how I really feel. It makes me realize things that I try to stay positive about. Like hearing someone say, "Oh my, poor little thing." and then they embrace me it makes me crumble and cry. I hate crying because it makes me feel so helpless and weak. ...pity...I appreciate that someone sees I'm trying though, but rather have them see and acknowledge silently. I really hate it when people gush over things and make them seem more dramatic than they are. heh, this sounds so confusing, but I felt I had to respond to this topic...[/FONT][/COLOR]
[quote name='KONG342']my first manga was Samrai Deeper KYO i love this manga so much too. :cool: :drool:[/quote] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][FONT=Comic Sans MS]A friend of mine loaned me that manga. First manga I read that the girl was SMART. I like the anime more. My first manga I read was Sailormoon because I fell in love with the manga art. Then Utena and then Fushigi Yugi.[/FONT][/COLOR] :animesmil
What would you choose Love or your Dreams?
benakittie replied to WhiteAoiFox's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='kenshinsbabe']This is a tough decision...I've been called a dreamer and a romantic before, and both dreams and romance are important to me. If push came to shove, I would choose love over dreams. Dreams can be torn apart, but as long as I have my true love with me, I could withstand any hardship. *sigh* Someday, my prince will come...lol[/quote] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Not to sound mean or anything but I rather not be the princess hopelessly waiting for her prince. That's rather pathetic and I rather have my dream than the love of my life. A dream is fragile and needs to be taken care of with hope of becoming a reality. If the love of my life asked me or tried to get me to give up my dreams, I'd push him away and tell him, "Get the hell outta my life!!" I'm very passionate about my dream and at one point of my life my dreams were the only thing that kept me going. *light chuckle* If anything I'd rather be the prince. I know I can live happily by myself with my dreams, but I know for sure I won't be happy without them.[/FONT] [/COLOR] -
[FONT=Times New Roman][FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]You told me that you loved me Although you never knew what love meant You appreciated all the laughing And cherished the time we spent[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue] You left me crying, crying, crying Until I'm half-asleep You told me that you'd protect me But tonight I feel so weak[/COLOR] [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]When you are within in my eyesight Something tugs at my heart so tight My heart is pleading for you to answer its call Even though you aren't in these halls[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue] This isn't love, this isn't right I'm thinking of you day and night This shit has to stop before I lose my mind No matter how much I want you Here in my life[/COLOR][/FONT][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][/FONT] [FONT=Comic Sans MS]I had to write a piece of my poetry when I saw yours Talon. ;) Sorry, but I got so excited when I saw SOMEONE post poetry. I like your poem too, it has a lot of imagery.[/COLOR][/FONT]
What;s the most funnist thing you have ever seen?
benakittie replied to WhiteAoiFox's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue] [FONT=Comic Sans MS]Hm, funniest thing huh? Well there are so many memories but I have to say the funniest just happened a couple days ago. Faye, Koneko, Ganymede, my freshman and I went down to Ganymede's house to go swimming after our MS3 party for highschool. We were all splashing and laughing and having a good time although half of us didn't know how to swim. :animesmil Faye started screaming when Koneko chased her with a tiny watergun and she was on top of a big pink floatie. She didn't know how to swim but she was so tall she didn't need to. She was trying to get away screaming and started to shout she was drowning. We were laughing so hard!! :laugh: You had to be there! I always drowned from laughing so hard!! I'm not tall enough for the five feet, that's WAY over my head. I had to go to the steps to laugh my guts out. I'm gonna be lonely while they're off in college, :bawl: but Ganymede will still be in Bakersfield and my pals said they'll come home for christmas for sure...:beer:[/FONT][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I like to watch first season digimon every once in awhile, but I don't have cable. I really like Yugi-oh! But don't like the very LONG duels. (Except the ones with Kaiba.) Hm, I like the whole egyptian story behind it. Although I do enjoy Yugi-oh! fanfics more. :animesmil If you can't enjoy simple things in life, then life sure is going to be complicated and unenjoyable. [/FONT] [/COLOR]
What Does your sig, avi and username say about you.
benakittie replied to shinji172's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=Shadowlight]Uhmmm...i think i'll give a try also, because this seems to be fun :animesmil okie i'm not that good trying to guess what's people are from their sig or avi's...[Quote] [FONT=Comic Sans MS] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Let's see I can tell that your picture expresses the times when you feel down, but reagular you have a semi-positive outlook on life. It took you long to find that ONE picture that completely conveys your personality...Is it difficult for you to make friends who understand you? :therock: I apologize if it sounds mean, but I'm just guessing with your username too. Hm, not much to say since I don't know you very well nor read any of your post :animesmil .[/COLOR][/FONT] -
[quote name='Pumpkin][FONT=Arial][SIZE=2][COLOR="#993366"][B]Boxybrown is right about the hero defintion. A hero is someone who you can admire or look up upon, someone that is inspiring in a way. A leader doesn't have to be inspiring, infact, a leader may just as well be disliked or hated. It's someone that guides people as boxy stated. You pretty much hit the dot on the differences between the two so I have nothing to say but to agree with what is said above. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR'][/B][/quote] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]I'm glad so many have replied to this thread, it was my first. :animesmil I hope you all enjoyed this one, although it was very vague and not much to discuss about. :animesigh [/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I just finished talking with a KCSL group today and one of the topics were discussing what exactly is the difference between a leader and a hero. I was just wondering what were other people's opinions and what makes a hero? I think an inspirational anime hero to me is Kenshin. In life I have to say Mr. Maxwell my sixth grade music teacher. How about you?[/FONT][/COLOR] :animesmil
What is your most embarrssing moment?
benakittie replied to WhiteAoiFox's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=Kiyu-chan]~*laughs*~ I'm sorry, it's a little mean to laugh at everyone's embarassment...[QUOTE=Kiyu-chan] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][FONT=Comic Sans MS] S'right if anyone didn't want people to know, then they wouldn't have posted it right? I think embarrassing moments may seem horrible at the moment, but are fun to look back on and laugh about. Might as well tell another one. Well, in the cafeteria a lunch lady would give me some food since they were gonna throw away all the leftovers anyway. I got so use to it she learned my name and smiled at me a lot when she saw me. (My lunch mom!) Well, one day I didn't have anything to eat at all and I was talking to my table of friends. I tried looking for her and she past me by. I anime fell to the ground making a ranma fist of defeat. Then one of my friends yelled, "She's back!" (Keep in mine I was STARVING!!) I leapt up as quick as I could and WHAM!! I banged my head coming up on the table. I shook the table pretty hard and some milk fell on my head. :animestun I also was left sitting on the ground holding my head. Slight tears in the corners of my eyes. Gets funnier, while I was wallowing in sadness the lunch lady looked shocked and came by me and asked if I was okay. I was cracking up and crying at the same time. She laughed at me and gave me a slice of pizza and napkin before leaving which I kindly thanked her for.[/FONT][/COLOR] -
Hmm, I admire my big sister's intelligence, but I dislike her lack of maturity. :huh: She's suppose to be MY BIG sister, yet sometimes I feel that I'm the mature one. :animeswea I gets annoying especially when I'm the hard-working one who gets a "C" and she's SSSOOOO LAZY!!! And she gets an "A+"!!! ARGH!!!! :flaming: So ANNOYING!! But there are times when we get a long despite her lack of. :angel: And times like those is when I need a break from the world and just have immature fun...
Would you risk your life for something you don't believe in?
benakittie replied to sakurasuka's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=Bloodseeker]Even if they don't agree with the war itself, maybe they agree with money, military benefits, medals, and an experience that they won't find in too many other places. I'm a bit more of an idealist, I won't help fight a war that I don't agree with. But a lot of other people look at things in a different light.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][FONT=Comic Sans MS] Some wars and fights are needed in life. Even if they seem to be horrible or a waste of money the ideal and reason for them is pure. I get kinda irritated when people are like, "End The War!" or try to get sympathy for stuff like that. When someone enters the military or army they should be prepared to die. It is their own choice and I think people and their family should respect their choice. The least we can do is be supportive. I don't know, if asked if I would die for something I believed in I'd say "yes", but that doesn't mean I would rush ahead without a plan. I would save dying as a last resort. On religion, yes, I'd die any day for my religion, but not without defending myself. hmm...this post is kinda confusing, but I hope I got the message across clearly :animestun .[/FONT][/COLOR] -
[quote name='J2Assassin']Ai Yori Aoshi, A.I Love You, Van Von Hunter, Sgt. Frog, Excel Saga, Suikoden III: The Successor of Fate, Boys Be, Megatokyo (of course), Tuxedo Gin.[/quote] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue] [FONT=Comic Sans MS]Excel is funnier in the anime, I think personally. You might want to try M.A.R.S. that's a good one that my group likes. :animesmil If you can get a group of otakus and introduce a manga it's most likely if they like it a lot they'll buy the next one and you will cut down on money spending. "Demon Diaries" is a GREAT one too! :animesmil I know some more, but I wanted to let you know the good ones. (Inu-Yasha is good too. ;) ) I think Kare Kono is a good one, but the anime is pretty close. :cool: [/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][FONT=Comic Sans MS]hmm...I think I'm classified as a drawer or artist if anything. Contraband calls me a dork, but only because I'm secretary of Band at South. I think I'm a music lover then again I don't classify myself as anything personally. I'm just about everything that makes me me. But I understand about those people who feel the "need" to be classified. It's weird and both sad to me that they feel they need to do that. I think the people who are constantly switching their appareal get on my nerves the most though. Goths are okay people. Sometimes I find myself laughing with them and relating. I like the non-snobby popular kids, otherwise they can't be just as annoying. The remedial people can be fun, but I enjoy the company of nature the most. People are nice, but they can be so noisy sometimes. :animeswea [/FONT] [/COLOR]
[quote name='Pumpkin][FONT=Arial][SIZE=2][b]As in dream as in a goal of mine? Well you could say I've always loved English and literature. I still don't really know what I'm going to chose my profession as but I like the sound of being an author. I would love to write a fantasy novel like the Chronicles of Narnia or Harry Potter someday, and maybe get my own movie as well? I'd love to star in my own movie, direct it, and get rich and retire early. Now wouldn't that be a sweet deal? I think so. [/b][/FONT'][/SIZE][/quote] Hm, I'd like to produce my own anime. Movies are great, but anime can let you produce more sweet moves. Samurai fights rock!! Also hand to hand combat to. :animesmil
[quote name='Otaku America][COLOR=Navy]I consider myself as an Otaku. In Japan, when you label yourself as an Otaku, the public sees you as an obessive fan. In America, it's a different story however. People here carry the Otaku label with pride. [/COLOR'] :D[/quote] [FONT=Comic Sans MS] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Yeah, I have to admit that I'm bit of an Otaku. :animesmil When my friends and I talk about anime, I'm usually the one finishing their sentences. Such as when they forget a character's name, or names. I'm the one whose has the answers. lol Sometimes I'll spur off on some anime and they look confuse. But we all use some Japanese words in daily life and anime references. I don't see why someone would feel like a geek or anything because of it. If you enjoy something, ENJOY IT!! Don't stop liking something because of what someone else thinks of it. [/COLOR] [/FONT] :animesmil
[quote name='Lord Dante']my dream has always been to get a PhD in a subject and then go and teach over in japan, or work as a sound technician/voice actor on an anime.[/quote] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]I wanted to be an animator for Disney and got to one of their studios in Japan, but sadly they shut them down. I want to be an animator still and have a REAL long plan on how to get their. *Sigh* :animesigh BUT!! I'm not doing anything so it's okay. :animesmil It's a dream of mine and I think people just need the courage to follow their dreams as well as the ability. I wanted to help ppl too, but I don't think Math is my thing. I was thinking about going into environmental science if I found I couldn't make it in the art division of careers. I believe God gives us all talents and gifts and it's up to us to discover how we can use them to do his work. :animesmil At first I thought art was a moreof a selfish profession, but you can still use the money you gain to help people. Your work can also inspire people and change their life. ;) [/COLOR] [/FONT]
[QUOTE=GTK] I totally heart Zim. I got to meet the guy who does the voice of Gir and he's super nice."[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Wow! That's so cool!! :animesmil I'm kinda jealous. :p lol :animesmil so how'd you meet him? I met the black power ranger once on an online chat room for anime discussion. I think he was the one from when they were beastie rangers...I don't know. His name was Jack Guzman or something. He was nice too.[/FONT][/COLOR]
What thought comes into your mind most often?
benakittie replied to Filipinorocker1's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Pumpkin']Basically what Elfpirate just said. That and when my belly is stuffed but theres that last piece of pizza or cheesecake and your left wondering "Can I eat that? Can I really stuff that down without getting sick?" I always did wonder how that one cheesecake got away :animesigh[/quote] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue] lol :laugh: mm, food is constantly on my mind too. But most of the time an old marching band tune pops in my head and I start humming it remembering the good times. I guess you could say I'm obssessed with it. :sweat: When that isn't happening then I'm randomly singing/humming scat jazz making up my own anime theme song. :animesmil And when I'll gloomy it's because of depressing thoughts or nightmares. I use to think like IceRose all the time, but I got better at it. I hope she/he is doing all right. It's a horrible thing to go through alone. :animesigh [/COLOR] [/FONT]