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Everything posted by benakittie

  1. [quote name='Inuyasha Fandom']:laugh: now that's more like it. i'm, like that too, though not always. I lovew personality in a guy, but i also love them being cute. Also, having a large honker is a plus.like the ones that make you go===> :animenose[/quote] [[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]FONT=Comic Sans MS] :bellylol: LOL this mad me laugh pretty hard. Yeah, I didn't really notice how good-looking Contraband was until after he broke up with me. lol it's funny cause Faye openly admired the sway of his slim hip and the good lighting on his--- lol[/FONT][/COLOR] :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: But love is like roses. Never meant to last forever, but still beautiful while it lasts.
  2. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Hm, I like all sorts of music, but I don't know how they would be classified as. I like the old songs. lol the 1990's music for alternative back then. Music now a days really suck and it's like anyone can just get up and make their own CD if they have the money. My favorite music is that classical music with that almost techno feel to it. I can't get enough of it. LOL I love DDR music too! I was talking to a friend once saying instead of those goofy backgrounds for DDR they should have one with anime music videos to go along instead. Has anyone see DDR "Smoke on Water" with Kenshin? It's sooooo cool and recommend it to all. But, I'm into anime soundtracks, foreign music, classical, any mexican guitar music, and techno. Ja 'ne 4 Now![/FONT][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I think Invader Zim is not technically an "anime". :glasses: It's just an American animated show. But yeah, I still love it!! :rotflmao: I keep wating for the next DVD to come out, but until then I watch them over and over again. LOL! My favorite episode has to be the bee and the other one with "The Moose" LOL :rotflmao: Has anyone seen the DVD extras? They're hilarious!! Oh, I think they were talking about bringing Invader Zim back on television soon. COOL!!!! :luv: [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  4. [QUOTE=Soul Guider]I want to create my own manga, i got a story and everything, but when it comes to creating characters, i just can't draw anything satisfactory..... i have no problem drawing fan art but for some reason i just can't make a decent character... Anyone got any suggestions on how i can construct my own character and be pleased with it?[/QUOTE] Keep Drawing!! I have problems like that all the time, except all my manga is done by hand. So I don't have all that fancy stuff to help it look better. But the main thing is to keep drawing and restyling. Look through books for clothes, like those clothes cataloges or K-mart specials or something. (Even Fabric stores can be helpful.) It always helps to do some research on the character's history/personality. For example a care-free spirit, you might want to like into more childish clothing or design the character with pigtails or slightly larger eyes than the rest of your charcters. I have great character designs, but the hardest part for myself is drawing the angles right and drawing fight scenes! MAN THOSE ARE HARD!!! It also help to read lots of mangas to get a feel as to how they do it their way. (Manga styles.) Just read not to unconciously sopy someone else's art and work. Good Luck!! :animesmil
  5. [quote name='sbrebaby][COLOR=Red']I believe in love at first site but it can happen only with you sokata. (soul mate) i believe everyone has one and when you find that soulmate you will fall in love at first site. Its kindve cheesy but its what i felt when i found my love even though we can never be together. He is always in my mind and i in his. So do i believe in love at first site. Yes I like to think so. :love2: [/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][FONT=Comic Sans MS] I have to say I use to think all that stuff was just chessy crap that lonely midage women read in romance novels. I never took it into thought until I fell in love with my Contraband (Go to my site to understand.) At first he was someone I found irritating and he was like a Waldo. You know always in the background, hard to find. I wanted to know who he was because he never talked and was always everywhere. I have to say the whole reason I wanted to know him was because he saw me crying in back of one of the portables during my lunch period. He was the first person who ever saw me cry. I had a fight with one of my best friends and he was walking the track at the time and we stop and looked at each other past the wired fencing. It's kinda creepy, it was like all sound and time stopped at that moment. Unfortunately he could come over, but he smiled sadly at me and kept walking. That's when I fell for him and we've become friends/lovers/ex's-but-more-than-just-friends since. He hasn't been here lately, but I don't mind when he's gone for a long time it feels like I can breath. But when he shows up it's like I can't and I want to cry so badly. :animecry: Still when I talked to him we were laughing and having a ball. When the lunch bell rang neither one of us wanted to go. Still hope I guess even though it is small, but so am I. :animesmil I believe he is my sokata because with him I don't feel weird and every conversation and encounter we have feels as if out of a dream... :love2: [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  6. Embarassing moments, eh? LOL :p I think sometimes my whole life is one big embarassing moment, but that's what makes life fun, ne? :rotflmao: Let's see...Once there was this guy I really liked and I couldn't control myself whenever I was around him. I finally went to go say hi, but he left cause I was too short for him to actually see me. I started to go to the lunch line but I heard his voice behind me. I got excited and turned around until SMACK!! He opened the door and it hit my square on the forehead. lol Yeah, he looked scared and started talking spanish to me. Too bad I didn't know spanish back then. :bawl: lol
  7. Hm, that's a real hard question to ask seeing there are so many anime worlds to choose from. :glasses: I think I'd want to be in the inu-yasha world through only if I'm one of the main characters! LOL Demons are cool and I'd like to have some kind of power to easily defeat them or at least enough ability not to get EATEN by one. lol surving is always great, close calls are funner though. lol then you get the opportunity to get all romantic with the demon of your dreams! :blush: There's also Blue Seed which is a good one. I totally love that show!! Except I like it more in Japanese. My sister and I watch it all the way through nonstop. lol we almost missed dinner for it!! (Didn't have breakfast or lunch!) :babble: What else? Hm...I would say sailor moon, but only for the cute anime guys or to just go there and mess with their heads. lol Oh!! Fushigi Yugi!! I HAVE TO KILL MIAKA AND TAKE ALL HER HOT MEN!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! *Evil Laughter* :modrod:
  8. :love2: I LOVE CLAMP ART!! But I have to say "Chobits" was a bit disappointing in the end and really didn't have a plot...I think it could have had a more climax ending. But I love the art and characters. :animesmil Ja' ne 4 Now!
  9. AHHH!!! Diana!!! :flaming: From Sailor Moon, the light purplr kitten supposedly Artemis and Luna's kid. AHHHH!!! SHE IS SOOOOO ANNOYING!! IT DRIVES ME CRAZY!!!! :animeangr
  10. [quote name='Lady Saiya-jin']Masterpiece...sheer masterpiece.......your take darlings???[/quote] I thought it was good, but the odd part was I think the english dubbed was better than the japanese voices. Usually it's the opposite like in Sakura: Card Captors of Fushigi Yugi. Slayers is the first thing that comes to mind when either one is good, I like Goury's english voice though. :animesmil But Lina's english voice you could do without after an hour of watching it. :animeswea Ja 'ne 4 Now! :catgirl:
  11. wow, how do ppl do that banner stuff? I've barely begun scanning and I thought THAT was high tech...Your banners look beautiful to me.
  12. :love2: It's one of my favorite movies, I saw with my anime buddies and it was funny. Faye thought the dragon boy was so cool. lol What I love most was the art of the film. I think I saw a biography of the making of the movie once and they said it was all hand drawn it blew me away. I hope that I can do that some day, but I don't know the road to take.
  13. hey I have an account at [url]www.onlinecomics.net[/url] I was wondering if anyone else has been here and read "Death Wish" it's great!! I hope it can someday become published like that other comic I read once. I think it was Tokoyo something whatever. :catgirl: wow, first post here. I use to have some problems but azurewolf17 helped me out! Thank you so much!! :animesmil I was so confused. :animestun
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