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About leftfeild

  • Birthday 06/07/1987

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  1. [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v233/leftfeild/1%20sketching%2023/icedragon.bmp[/img] well, here's something i can finally be proud of.I rendered that lame dragon. it looks alittle better now. I feel better for it somehow...
  2. I know, it's a beginner mistake to make. I'm no artist, so I can't say i'm anygood at all. I am open to constructive criticism though, i do want to improve. I justgotta keep on trying. Then i'll maybe improve over time...
  3. hey, i'm new so I'll show you what I can do... a kobj collage, freehand. [url="http://onfinite.com/libraries/273293/32b.jpg"]http://onfinite.com/libraries/273293/32b.jpg[/url] this random dragon that stil waits to be rendered... [img]http://onfinite.com/libraries/273289/75c.jpg[/img] bloody roar fanart...took me a fair while to draw a picture that would take the average guy 1 hour... [url="http://onfinite.com/libraries/156486/d07.jpg"]http://onfinite.com/libraries/156486/d07.jpg[/url] yugo fan art... [url="http://onfinite.com/libraries/153855/362.jpg"]http://onfinite.com/libraries/153855/362.jpg[/url] and an anime style me! [img]http://onfinite.com/libraries/289303/1f3.jpg[/img] sorry this is a huge post...if you want me to resize or anything, please tell me. [color=teal]I linked your big pictures - I hope you don't mind. I just want to keep the screen size normal ^_~ -Syk3[/color]
  4. I've read the manga and watched the anime. kobj is one of my fave anime and manga right now. the animation in the anime is really nice. the mangas are done, almost jhonny the homicidal maniac style. with all of the dark colours. it's great in anime and manga form. I'm surprised that kobj doesn't get as much recognition as I think it should...
  5. yea, i've read the first two magas. I've enjoyed themboth. the artwork is very clean and smooth in this one. The storyline is exciting as well. It's one of my favorite mangas. There's still so many for me to get...
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