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Sorry for being absent all this time...been kind of busy. Decided to try out this one, but the banner i did isnt as good as I thought it would be. Oh well XD. Here it is...
Sara, I'm sorry if I assumed too much, but you must understand that this is what I saw from your image. In the world of art/critisism you must realize that you're not going to be able to go to every single person who sees your art and explain to them what it means/is supposed to be and how long you slaved over it. >.
My vote goes for [B]r2vq[/B]. The piece is really unique and I love the use of animations. It's obvious that you put a lot of hard work and effort into this, and I agree that Nintendo should use this as one of their advertisements. This looks very professional and I am really impressed. The amount of darkness is bothersome...but like mentioned above, that is unavoidable :P. jigglyness! I like your piece too, but I'm afraid it looks a bit amature. The use of stock brushes in a wide mess is the problem I think. Especially in comparison to r2vq's the level of skill is really apparent. I think you have lots of potential and that you just need more practice. Good job both you guys!
My vote is for [B]Ezekiel[/B], because that is just amazing. Given the handicap Ezekiel really managed to make an outstanding piece and not get held back at all. The colours just stand out very well and the whole concept is very unique and imaginitive. I must say I'm very jealous of your ability. I only have one problem...where are the balloon ends? You know the thing you tie the string to? =(? :P As for sara...I'm sorry but I think anyone matched up against this would have had a hard time, but, it sort of feels like you just gave up completly. Not that the concept is bad, but it looks like this took you under a minute to do. It's simply just a box over a stock image with font. I think you could have at least put a little bit more of the creativity effort into it. But, I like the concept =). Good job guys.
I'm voting for [B]White [/B] because I really love the striped background and candy-like feel to it. What I don't like is the different fonts...try to stick to one style and not jump around so much. I think the "I feel like a star" one bothers me the most :P. The leaf is also, *very* random...I don't really like its placement either. It just totally doesn't fit in the image =\ and I can't seem to figure out the message. I really like the colour usage but it sort of seems to me like you had a hard time conveying your message...that or you just did a speedy job. Keyblade Wielder...I must say I'm disapointed. I've seen a thread of your works and I was expecting something along those levels. This piece is really lacking in creativity, and I especially don't like the fact that Sasuke is scretched. The font at the bottom really doesnt seem like the best choice either..overall, I just feel like you could have done better.
[IMG]http://star.yamifarao.net//images/mysecret.jpg[/IMG] Well...just started playing around with a few images I took of the crab apple tree in my front yard. After doing the blue petals I was reminded of RahXephon and the blue sakura trees. So...pretty much, I built a theme around that, being...the "secrets" burried beneath the tree. ^_^; I really didn't intend for it to come out like this and I'm afraid it's not up to par with sakurasuka, but I hope I get some okay feedback =). Thanks everyone! ;)
A new pic that I did recently that I really hope to get feedback on: [IMG]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=25467&stc=1[/IMG] This (above) is the sketch, I plan on inking it and using markers to colour it in, but, I got bored and used photoshop to play around with it a bit. [IMG]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=25468&stc=1[/IMG] Thank you for all your comments ^_^ I hope I can get some feedback on these ones too.
Me too please, I'm new but I'll try my best.
I'm sorry but I can't say this is one of your best drawings so far =( Maybe because it was done a while ago? The proportions seem off, for example...I cant really understand Sakura's pose in relation to Sasuke. Oh! I just realized he's lying on the ground XD lol. Ok that changes everything...I'd say then, the shirt is lacking in a little detail...and the proportions are a lot better now that I understand. *hits head* His shoulders dont seem wide enough...and his hands seem kind of small. But I like the colours you used, you blended them well together and stay true to the original characters. Good job, keep up the good work =D
I've never been really found of black and white pictures XD Although, I can definitly say the bird one is a good picture. The colours match very well and it gives off a certain eerie feeling. The pose is also very excellent in addition to the background. They all go well together to make a nice effect. The flowers one would have to be one of my least favourtie...although, lilacs are my favourtie flower =D Have you tried tweaking your images in photoshop? I find that just a little bit of playing around with contrast and brightness can really make certain colours stand out in the photos. It seems like it could be brighter...but otherwise, a generally good image. =)
Well...firstly, not meaning to sounds offensive ^_^; But did you trace the first two? Or looking off something for that matter? It just seems to me like the first two seem to be a jump in skill compared to the Daisuke one. (not saying it's bad or anything, just the skill level is different) It looks to me like you were either tracing or looking off something...which is hard to crtique, because there's not much to say. I guess...the first two look really good ^_^ There's a lot of attention to detail and it seems like you are pretty good with shading. I'd just recommend more practice (when looking off other pictures) because it takes a while to get used to different proportions.The Daisuke one seems kind of wide and a little squished. Try working with perspective more and how the body works. Remember you can't break the rules unless you know them first! For example the eyes are an "eye width" apart from one another and have a certain distance between the side of the face. Same with between the nose and mouth. Try paying attention to those rules before going off on your own and breaking them =D
Hm...it didn't look coloured in. It was done on line paper but oh well. (Sorry for the lack of post quality =) I am new here so I gotta get used to it...) I think we are talking about the same one..I can definitly see the attention to detail concering the hair and wings. The reason why I also like this one the best is because it really stays true to good proportions...the other ones seem to need a little work. As I always say, "practice, practice, practice!" and sometimes you get lucky too. But that's just me...lol. I know one way to really learn is by trying to copy some pictures that you find. Especially for colouring...use lots of examples and try to see if you can imitate their style..then kind of move on into your own. But I can see that you are doing that =) So my suggestions are...try doodling limbs and bodies over and over till you're comfortable with them. (hands and feet still delude me >.>) and try looking at examples to see how they blend their colours. =D
My favourite is the "never look back" one, I love the way you did the hair and the wings are absolutly adorable. Your pics are very creative XD it makes me really jealous =3 Keep it up!
Yeah, the neck seems a little big. You know, I'd say that's the only thing that makes the picture looks off. The neck needs to be a lil longer and skinnier =) Hmm...actually, the torso also seems kind of small ^^ But I do like the hair and cg...=) Do you have anymore recent pictures?
Well...I honestly don't think that the bg matches very well with the main picture. Having such a dramatic change in style doesnt usually look very good. Plus, it's not always a good thing to go and snatch other people's drawings and shove it behind yours :P. The picture itself looks good although kinda off in a few places..the neck, for example, and lacks a certain flow. I think it just takes practice and more practice and eventually it'll look great. The CG you did on him is good, btw, =D
I like what you're going for but it looks like you're not quite there yet...Keep playing around and I just know you'll reach ultimate greatness =) the potential is there!
Ok so...I'd feel really guilty if I just posted my art/photos without taking a look at some other people's post. *and I did!* Whether or not I put enough effort... :animeswea But yes! *drum roll* Now I will request for you lovely otakuatboardians to critique my art/photos! p.s > I take commisions *twiddles thumbs* ART A lot of these are original chars...Ok well, they all are. Including my characters from different mmorpgs I've played in the past. =) [url]http://star.yamifarao.net/art/blue.jpg[/url] [url]http://star.yamifarao.net/art/lokiandhel3.jpg[/url] [url]http://star.yamifarao.net/art/tophat.jpg[/url] [url]http://star.yamifarao.net/art/lokicolour.jpg[/url] [url]http://star.yamifarao.net/art/paradise.jpg[/url] [url]http://star.yamifarao.net/art/frill-girl.jpg[/url] [url]http://star.yamifarao.net/art/hoshiro.jpg[/url] PHOTOS Taken around my neighbourhood. :animeswea [url]http://star.yamifarao.net/photos/blurrspring.jpg[/url] [url]http://star.yamifarao.net/photos/streethorizon.jpg[/url] [url]http://star.yamifarao.net/photos/green_willow.jpg[/url] [url]http://star.yamifarao.net/photos/buttfoods.jpg[/url] < This is funny. [url]http://star.yamifarao.net/photos/brightwindow.jpg[/url] [url]http://star.yamifarao.net/photos/bench_bucket.jpg[/url] Ok, that's all ready enough to view as is XD. These are all from my personal website...just, fyi. Comments are appreciated! Thankyou!
Ahh!! I am so jealous of your skills! I've tried so many times to take close-up shots of flowers and insects but either my camera isnt good enough or I don't have the skills! >.< WOW! They look really professional. My favourtie would have to be the dragonfly one. *rolls around* You're amazing! Do you like focusing on nature, or do you do other photos too?
Wow! Very Nice banners...I really like the design and the pictures used. My favourite is the "curiousity killed the cat" one. The only thing that bothers me about it is "so why arent I dead?" text, makes it look a little too messy. I would maybe suggest try making the text more solid and not covering the cat's face. =)
I really like the flowers in the second picture, very pretty. I think the image could be a little more..crisper? I can't exactly say what's wrong...maybe try to up the contrast? Just seems like there's a dark film over it or something...but yeah, very nice images (thumbs up)
This is more of a perverted "quote"...in my opinion it shouldn't offend anyone but still - so XD ....yeah. LoL Just highlight it to take a look :P : [spoiler]"This is what my mommy's "special place" looks like!"[/spoiler]
Depends what you mean...well, as in, which system. For ps2 I can recommend any of the Tenchu games, Way of The Samurai, Dynasty/Samurai Warriors, ZOE was a good one too...errr can't think of anymore. Oh yeah, Drakon (or something, forgot how to spell it), Orphen (although the graphicz were *****), Devil May Cry (any but the second one), Digital Devil Sega (personal fav.)...gargh can't think of any more. lol Thing is about ps2 is that they have a LOT of games but a lot of them stink! oh! Katamari Damacy!! XD For Gamecube I highly recommend Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker (There are so many misconceptions about this game and it annoys me, just because it's different doesn't mean it's not good or that it has bad graphics, and if the amount of water annoys you just try playing Suikoden 4 and you'll never b*tch about Zelda again) Mario Party, Tales of Symphonia, Harvest Moon....*brain stops functioning* Smash bros is a definite must play! Same with Mario Kart! Generally for console games I high recommend any Legend of Zelda games, and 007 games. As for comp. games I haven't played many...maybe I can recommend Myst. :P As for MMORPGS...well thatz a different story. RO is RLLY awsome! But for the fullest experience play it on hacked servers - actually for any game that's p2p play on a hacked server for a better experience! LOL But seriously! RO on hacked is so l33t, there's so many servers to choose from and so many things that you could do. It's really a creative game and even though at times you may hate it (for the down time and other such annoyances) you'll always wanna go back! Lineage2 is drool mania. They graphics KICK ARSE and the creativity in this game is AMAZING....as for finding hacked servers for this itz REALLY...and I mean REALLY hard. Not a lot are available and you need a really good computer to run this game...the thing is huge. Nonetheless though worthy of your time. Guild Wars is the only game u rlly gotta play offical, plus itz not p2p - which is good. RLLY unique gameplay that makes not exactly an mmorpg..kinda gets frustrating though cuz you can't really play with your friends. A lot of people like Maple Story, I was okay with it. Gunbound is also very popular right now. Well I hope I helped at least a bit.
I never watched Tokyo Bablon, so I don't know much about Subaru's history XP. What happened between him and that guy just confused me lol, I still don't get why they [spoiler] killed his sister [/spoiler]. As for the ending...well, I thought that'd be obvious :P - [spoiler] it was sooo dissapointing! [spoiler] I wanted the world to blow up or something, lol but I suppose that's a bit too much. But still, the ending was really corney and cheezy, and solved so simply all that build up for something not so great. [/spoiler] Yuzuriha was an awsome character...i liked her an Karen a lot, Karen probably even more. Her japanese voice..I don't remember if it bothered me but I don't remember it doing so; it's the english voices that tend to annoy me
X TV was one of the first anime's I ever watched, and it completely inspired me and held my interest. I think the best thing about it is the characters - especially Sorata, I think he's really cool. :) The whole series kept me on the edge right up until the end...I was extremely disapointed. I don't know how anyone else felt about it, but my friends were equally not so happy with the ending. We then started to look up on the manga, and discovered that it's still ongoing. I feel that the end of X TV was simply put there for a filler and because no one really knows how the manga is going to end. The manga is (so I hear and have seen a little of) more detailed and of course longer, leaving more room for character development. There are also (I believe) more characters in the X manga, so I'm really hoping that one day I can get around to reading them. I don't expect that the movie could be any good - is there really enough time to put all the characters in? :P Also, the theme/plot seems to get lost in X TV, as if they're going around in circles...when you think about it, the plot is actually quite simple...Hmm... Well...besides my dislike towards the TV series, I ultimatly am in much awe for the story of X by Clamp (although, what's with the title? :P). There's so much symbolism, and every one of the characters is supposed to represent the "typical" types of people...making it very relatable and interesting to analyze. Hmm...thinking it through, I suddenly feel like watching it again...lol. *edit> I forgot to mention that Tokyo Bablon actually stars Subaru and his twin sister, and that guy with one eye...I believe they fight ghosts? Or demons...? Well, it holds a lot of history to Subaru's past. Subaru - very likeable character...unfortunatly he has a bad habit. Smoking = tsk tsk. I think anyone who's seen Tokyo Bablon wouldn't like Subaru because of how much he changes...or maybe they would like that. I see him as a kid who was severely tramatized as a child, and in X turns out pretty facked up...Still cool though. lol