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Everything posted by Ringmaster

  1. [color=red]OOC: Hey Karma, get a f*ckin life man, not even on your best day could you even come close to touching me. and by the way, majic ain't all I've got, so be aware.[/color] *Ring watches the match between Karma and Shimmera begin hoping it will end quickly so that he may [color=red]kill[/color] Karma Deciever and stop his ignorant rants* Ring (to himself): soon Karma, soon you will no longer be a burden upon this world or any other *Karma hears Ring's thoughts and stares at him as if burning holes in him with his eyes:demon:* Karma(to Ring telepathicly): I can hear your thoughts Ringmaster. That's right! I know who you are, who you really are!! And you will be the one who will be gone from this plane!! *while Karma is speaking to Ring Shimmera attacks him with a powerful blast to his chest, knocking him to his back. The other fighters laugh, but Ring stands with a fixed glare upon his now reclined adversary and grins* Ring: I think not :naughty:
  2. OOC: :flaming: [COLOR=red] I'LL SHOW YOU WEAK YOU SLIMEY PATHETIC PIECE OF SH*T!!!!!!! [/COLOR] I am Ring!! Karma, you will die by my hand if you continue to insult me in such a crude manner!!!! Prepare to die!!! (Ring's eyes glow a raging gold as he charges Karma and fires two huge blasts into his chest, knocking him through a large wall behind him.) Ring: Now who's weak, A**hole?!!! I will let you live with your emberrasment, this time. But next time you wanna talk dirt, I'd suggest finding someone who won't kill you, and believe me, if you don't get your a** in check I will hunt you down and the result won't be pretty. [COLOR=red]Got that D*CK HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!![/COLOR]
  3. Ok, it's a year later, the tournament is here, Demonos is dead, and I have no fxckin clue as to what I'm supposed to be doing now
  4. [OOC] :flaming: My Fxckin post from last night didn't come up! Let me try this again. Talon this is filling in the hole in the plot. * As Tero, Talais, and the newly rejuvenated Talon continue their discission Ringmaster(also a shape shifter) listens in discuise trying to learn more of his newly found allies* Ringmaster(to self): Why are they just standing around while Demonos is getting away? If he gets the chance to heal, then he'll be more powerful than ever and there will be no stopping him. I must desroy him now or my mission will be a failure. *Ringmaster decides to find Demonos and finish him for good, and so abandons his duiscuise and disappears in his mist. As he disappears Tero notices his preasence* Tero: Ringmaster! Where ya.... going? Talais:where did he come from? And where did he go? Tero: I dunno. *Ringmaster appears in mid air and looks to see Demonos crawling under a rock the rejuvinate himself. He lands and calls out to Demonos* Ringmaster: DEMONOS!!!! COME OUT AND FIGHT YOU COWARD!!! *Demonos appears from his hiding place and answers Ringmaster's call* Demonos:flaming::Who dares call me a coward! oh, it's you. Are you so quick to meet your demise that you would call to me in such a way? Ringmaster: You will be the only one to die this day! Demonos: I think not.:smirk: *Ringmaster suddenly charges Demonos, claws drawn, and slashes him across the chest, the wound is deep and Demonos Falls to the ground in pain* Demonos: AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Demonos, holding his chest, slowly returns to his feet and readies his attack* Demonos: DDDEEEEEMMMMOOOONNNN WWIIIIIIINNNNNNGGGG BBBBLLLLAAAAASSSSTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!! *Ringmaster easily deflects the blast... right back at Demonos. It is all Demonos can do to aviod the attack* Demonos(to self): ****, if I don't get to heal myself I'm done for sure. (to Ringmaster): I perpose we stop for now, there is going to be a tournament a year from now. Iwill give you and your friends this time to train, then, in a year, we will meet at that tournament and do battle there. What say you? Ringmaster: I'm not falling for that! If I give you the chance to heal yourself then you will destroy the world. So I say NO! You die today!! Demonos:Well then, I'll just have to kill you now then. *Demonos charges Ringmaster and pumches him in the head and follows with a quick blast to the chest which knocks Ringmaster back.* Ringmaster: Ok, enough playing, It's time for you to be judged. *Ringmaster begins to glow a brilliant gold and a mist begins to swirl around his feet* Ringmaster: I call upon the spirits of the Dark Carnival, the spirits of the rightous dead, to come and pass judgement upon this wretched beast who has....... *As Ringmaster chants, Demonos attacks him with once again with his Demon wing beam and blasts him to the ground* Ringmaster:AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Demonos: Now you will know the true power I possess, now DDIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! *Demonos increases the blast and buries Ringmaster deeper into the ground* Demonos::devil: Goodbye Ringmaster, you were a fool to think you could defeat me! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! *Demonos turns to walk back to his place under the rock when all of a sudden Ringmaster rockets out of the crater and fires two enormous blasts from his hands that hit Demonos directly in the back. Demonos is thrown into the giant rock that was his hiding place and screams in pain. Ringmaster stops his attack and Demonos falls to the ground nearly dead* Demonos(very weekly): how.... could.. this...........be? Ringmaster: I am of a spirit origin, and so can not die. Demonos: no............. *Ringmaster looks at Demonos and resumes his chant. A mist again forms swirling around the feet of Ringmaster, they climb and he is soon comletely shrouded in the mist. Then flames suddenly appear and surround the two fighters. In front of Demonos flames jump high into the sky, then settle in the form of two beings cloaked in black and engulfed in the flames. They raise their arms in Demonos' direction and the flames engulf him, he screams horribly with un bearable pain* Ringmaster: Demonos, you have been judged, and now you will be brought to your rightful place among the evil souls of Hell. *Demonos is burned to ashes, the beings disappear into the flames and the flames subside. There is no sign of the fire except a few whisps of smoke dancing in the breeze.* Ringmaster: Goodbye Demonos, your reign of terror is over. * Ringmaster disappears into the mist and returns to Goku's home*
  5. *As the fighters tend to their appetites, Ringmaster stands sentry outside Goku's house* Tero: aren't you going to come in and eat? Ringmaster: I need no sustinance, I will stand watch in case Demonos desides to show up again. And if he does, I will kill him without hesitation. Goku: Man, you're worse than Piccolo. What's your name again? Ringmaster: I am Ringmaster, a summoner of the Dark Carnival Spirits. Ci-Chi: Where is the Dark Carnival? *The group listens as Ringmaster tells of his origins and his reason for wanting to destroy Demonos* Ringmaster:The Dark Carnival is a realm based neither here in this world, nor in the other world, but rather in between; a Purgatory of sorts if you will. I am charged with delivering judgement upon the wicked and sending them to their rightful place. Goku: Wow, you must be very busy with all the evil there is in this world. Ringmaster: You have no clue... Goku: Why don't you join us, we have pretty much the same objectives at this point. Ringmaster: Yes, I believe I will. *Ringmaster pulls Goku aside* Ringmaster: May I ask you something? Goku: Go ahead. Ringmaster(in a low tone): Why, when that woman speaks do you all become so frightened? She is just a human, is she not? Goku::blush:Who? Chi-Chi? She's my wife, and if you've ever seen her get mad you'd know why. Ringmaster(to self): How odd *Ringmaster resumes his silent watch as the others return to their food* Ringmaster: I hope this is worth my time
  6. [ooc] don't feel bad I know half of the people who post here and they still don't know my character
  7. *As Talon is powering up, a mist begins to form on the ground below the two warriors, a golden glow eminates from the mist and as it clears a being stands before them Dressed all in black with a golden glow* "I am Ringmaster, summoner of the Dark Carnival. I am here to seek out the one called Demonos, I'm here to destroy him!" Demonos:"Talon, what cowardess is this, to bring an allie to attack to atone for your weakness!" Talon:"I don't know who this guy is." To Ringmaster:"Stay out of this, he's mine!!" Ringmaster:"You know not what you are doing, he's more powerful then you think! He will destroy you!!!" *Talon ignores the warning and readys his next attack* OOC: not a bad entrance huh Talon
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