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About sakurachi24

  • Birthday March 21

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  • Biography
    Im an artist striving to become an awsome anime cartoonist
  • Occupation
    living off my mom till i make it big as a cartoonist.

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  1. Thank you very much for the assurance... if i do get to go Ill go as InuYasha as seen in my personal photo... I still have to sew the ears on my wig LoL... but i really look good... At least my mom says so.
  2. My mom is having second thoughts on taking me to anime boston Go figure!!! she says it costs too much to get in or something like that Ill have a migrane and a half if i cant go AAAAAGGGHHHHHHHH!!!
  3. [CENTER]Thanks for the advice!!!! And I guess ill Meet a couple of you guys there!!! If i see ya! :animesmil [/CENTER]
  4. [CENTER] :p :p :p :p :p [/CENTER] Hello all... ...I just want to say that anime boston is coming up and thank gods mom isn't againsed crossdressing cause i'm going as Inuyasha. :catgirl: (Really weird cause the first time I saw him I thought he was a female nekojin) Back to the subject, you see the convention starts near the end of april and goes well into May... ...I'm so not advertising I'm just excited cause this is my first convention!!!! which sucks cause i dont know what to expect... ...please someone help me!!! What should I expect??? What do i do if i spend all my money on fan manga??? [CENTER] :animestun :animestun :animestun :animestun :animestun [/CENTER]
  5. [QUOTE=Dagger]Gravitation consists of thirteen television episodes plus a two-episode OVA. The OVA is not a direct sequel, but rather a side story (while I'm not sure where it belongs on the TV show's timeline, it'd be best to watch it after finishing the series). If you really crave more material, you might also want to check out the hilarious manga. It gets off to a rough start, but the later volumes have stunning artwork, and Maki Murakami's humor is simply priceless. As of now the manga is twelve volumes long and technically incomplete. However, it was recently reported that Ms. Murakami has decided to return to the series after a very extended break, and will finally start putting out new chapters. So it looks like fans can hope that there will someday be a real ending. This all having been said, I think the TV series wraps up its part of the story satisfactorily. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] Thank you very much ill be looking out for the two OVA next!!!
  6. [CENTER]Zhishi ~Diary of a Cat~ Prologue Part 1[/CENTER] It was on a sunny winter monday I ran into school, eager to see my friends. I couldn't wait to share the latest details about my weekend. I was always early, so I didn't find it strange that my friends weren't there... ...at least until some really important looking military people came down the hall and took me away. [CENTER]Boorookoochan ~Diary of a Bunny Prologue Part 2[/CENTER] A sunny winter tuesday is when it happened, missing posters with Zhishis face on them were being plastered all over the school. I was looking at one of the posters when a milatary official told me he could take me to her. If she was in any trouble, and the military is involved, why am I connected? I guess I'll find out. [CENTER]Peromaru ~Diary of a Dog~ Prologue part 3[/CENTER] This has been a really tough week, and its only thursday. The guidance councelors have been speaking to all of the students about Boorookoochan and, Zhishi disappearing the way they did. After I was interviewed on the incident I vowed that I would do anything to find my friends... ...A military official talking to another student heard me and took me away. [CENTER]Torimaru ~Diary of a Bird~ Prologue Part 4[/CENTER] Three of my friends disappeared last week and fear laces my heart in thinking what might be happening to them. Especially Peromaru, He's not very fond of pain. "If I could rescue my friends with a wish I would"... ...Thats when i saw a high ranking Military official looking at me, he must have heard me because he said something into his walkie talkie and a group of military grunts carted me off. [CENTER]Suchi ~Diary of a chipmunk~ Prologue Part 5[/CENTER] I feel as if my friends were picked off by some government conspiricy plot to brain wash an innocent group of otakus and rabid yaoi fan girls into some sort of mindless slaves to society.(Then I saw him)... ...hah the government [I]is[/I] in our school. "Hey, You!" I shouted at him not thinking, and he had me dragged off as if i were a dumb animal. [CENTER]Sgt. Amuro ~A Military Project~ Prologue Part 6[/CENTER] "A group of anime crazy teens were abducted by the world industry of genetics (W.I.G). an organization dediaticated to selling mutated super weapons. W.I.G is going to transform the 5 abducted teens into animal hybrids with preditory urges. They will sell these breedable weapons to the highest bidder, and we [I]will[/I] get these weapons. Any questions?" A hand rises, it's lt. Roth. "Yes, Lieutenant." "Sir, if I may ask Sir!?..."shouted the Lieutenant "What Sir, Is anime?" A look comes over Sgt. Amuros face, He is in awe! after a brief pause he said. "Lieutenant, anime is aform of cartooning from Japan. The teens being genetically altered deeply love Japanese anime and its comic book form called manga." Sgt. Amuro presented his team with stacks of anime DVDs and multiple different genres of manga. "These will be pacifires for the teens, to create a form of withdrawal to make them vicious." A sudden roar of applause rose from the troops, It seems a good idea is well admired. [CENTER]~Back Together~ Chapter 1[/CENTER] Suchi was thrown into a dark cell with a painful thud. "You military Faggots!" Suchi shouted running at the door slamming at the bars with her fists with all her might. "Where are my friends you bootlicking s.o.b.s!" Suddenly she heard a quiet voice pipe up from the next cell. "Suchi, is that you?" it was Zhishi. "Zhishi? oh gods it's so good to hear your voice." "I'm not anone in here suchi." whispered Zhishi,"Boorookoochan is here too, and so is the rest of the gang." "Peromaru and Torimaru?" asked Suchi quietly. "In the...next...cell over." Boorookoochan sounded as if she had been tortured. "Shaddup all of you!" shouted an irritable scientist "It's tube time!" "Oh no, not another experiment!" exclaimed Torimaru, "I dont think Peromaru and Boorookoochan will last." The irritable scientist led the 5 friends to a sterile looking room. In it was 5 gigantic cylindrical tanks, each one filled to the brim with a different liquid, And each had a different label. "Starting on the far right number 001" "Yes, I'm going."said Zhishi. "Number 002 center right" said the irritable scientist checking off a name from his tablet.As Zhishi was lowered into her tank everyone heared a moan come from Boorookoochan as she was led to the tank next to zhishis.The irritable scientist then checked off another name. "003 center" the irritable scientist shortened his orders as he checked off another name, and Boorookoochan was lowered into her tank, while peromaru stepped forward with a broken look in his eyes. He was led to the center tank. "This is killing me" said the irritable scientist"004 center left, 005 far left." He checked off the last two names and led Suchi to the far left tank. "Are they ready?" asked one eager scientist. "Strapped in and ready for the final D.N.A. bath." answered another eager scientist. [CENTER][COLOR=Navy]From the mind of Jessie (a.k.a. Zhishi):[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Together again They seperate us in tanks I cant see my friends[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER]Chapter 2 ~Mutation~ 001 Zhishi[/CENTER] [LEFT]Floatingthere in the genetic fluid I remember the feeling of every nerve ending screaming in pain. I felt as if my skin were being ripped from my bones. The feline DNA tearing through me and changing me from the inside out. Horrible thoughts went through my mind. I saw things that I may never see again, my Family "Mom, Sam I miss you both."[/LEFT] [CENTER]002 Boorookoochan [/CENTER] [LEFT]"Bunnies everywhere."was the only thing bouncing through my mind as the pain of the genetic fluid changing my body coursed through my veins. The feeling more terrible than anything I've ever felt. I gave in to the the tremmors of pain ripping at my flesh, as my spine grew in length and my ears grew long and pointed."bunnies everywhere."[/LEFT] [CENTER][COLOR=Navy]From the mind of B-Chan:[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Taken from my home I'm lost in a sea of pain I want to be held[/COLOR] 004 Torimaru[/CENTER] [LEFT]"Peromaru my dear Peromaru I feel such pain. I want so much to be near you, then maybe the pain iside me would fade away." It hurts me these terrible changes, stretching out my skin and changing my bone structure. "I wish i could hold you my dear pero maru,to give you hope and to show you how much i need you."[/LEFT] [CENTER][COLOR=Navy]From the mind of Torimaru:[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Almosed finished now Freedom is an image now Home is a dream now[/COLOR] 005 Suchi[/CENTER] [LEFT] "Why, why me? and why did my frinds git mixed up in all this?!" I asked myself over and over inside my head. As the soup I was bathing in started absorbing into my skin. "What the hell's going on here? what kind of conspiricy is this? This damn sludge is pinching me all over!!" It started to hurt like some sort of skin eating virus.[/LEFT] [CENTER]~After the mutation~[/CENTER] [LEFT]After the D.N.A. bath the teens were taken to a holding area that looked like someones bedroom. "Where the hell are we?" asked Suchi with a hint of anger in her voise."And What the hell is all this?" she began to get very anxious. "This is a comfort room." said Zhishi. "The're going to turn us into genitic weapons." "The're going to use us as weapons?!"screamed suchi."Thats ludacris!!" "Hn..."Boorookoochan mumbled "anything is possible." she started sobbing. "Its alright B-chan."said Zhishi "were all together now, our friends are here." Zhishi held boorookoochan close hugging as if the end wer near. "Whats going to happen to us!?" shouted suchi. "The're going to attempt to breed us with Torimaru and peromaru,"sta[/INDENT]ted Zhisi,"To create the ultamate bio weapon." "But why?"asked suchi, prodding further into her situation. "Not even I Know that much, and i was here when this whole thing started."said Zhishi. "I see." said Suchi.[/LEFT] [CENTER]Meanwhile...[/CENTER] [LEFT]"Pero-chan..."sighed torimaru,"I'll console you till you find yourself again." holding peromaru close and stroking his hair Torimaru sighed again. the broken peromaru groaned in his arms."I'll never let you go my dear pero-chan." Torimaru said pulling Peromaru closer for a tighter embrace."So you dont ever think of leaving me."[/LEFT] [size=1][color=red]Welcome to OB Anthology! In future, please do not double post, as it is against the [url=http://otakuboards.com/rules.php?]rules[/url]. Simply edit your original post to include the message. ^_^[/size][/color]
  7. actually you got the point!!! this thread is for sharing the touch of fame you get when you hang aroun with bands, moviestars, or sports heroes!!!
  8. [COLOR=DarkRed]What's better than going to a concert and listening to your favorite bands play??? :cool: Proof positive it's going to a concert at a club and hanging out with one of the opening groups for the rest of the night. :animeblus This is the topic of my post today... You see i went to a "Tsunami Bomb" concert at the axis in boston and the first act was plan b *an awsome and gorgeous punk rock band* my mom saw me staring at the lead singer billy and called him over after the act was over. i could feel my face turning beet red as he took my hand and shook it. he asked for my name and we spent th rest of the night together with the band... ...watching the concert of course. we talked through a performance by a new group called "The F**k Ups" they were okay... ...but when "Tsunami Bomb" got on stage the fun started... ...too bad i coulden't stay longer so i could well... ...get billys phone number but i'm just glad to have talked with them and hung out like i did. [/COLOR]
  9. I feel really sorry for yuki i mean ireally cant imagine Shuiichi dumping yuki the're such an adorable couple!!!! ;P besides i really loved how you wrote it...it's very powerful! my heart felt like it was being torn apart! Like i could feel what yuki felt...ive been left many a time before. so i guess that i'm justified. I hope this story has a happy ending.
  10. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=2]uhm... hello this is my first post and all. well i was informed by a friend that there were only 12 episodes of Gravitation. i cant help but like that show. :animeswea heres my problem, i saw episode 13 the other day on the anime network and thats why im asking. :animesigh so how many episodes are there really? this topic stresses me out, :animeangr i really want to know what happens to shuiichi and yuki. the're so cute together.[/SIZE] [/FONT]
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