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About Zenriek

  • Birthday April 29

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    Attending school

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  1. -When a female has sex, she is a whore. If she doesn't, she is a prude. -If a male doesn't have sx, he is a prude. But when he knocks a girl up, or just has sex with her and leaves her, he is a player. -How the government pays millions to have the biggest and best christmas trees for the White House, and a few other things that cost absurd amounts of money. Yet, we are millions of dollars in debt, and soldiers are dying because their armor isn't strong enough. ...Can't think of anything else at the moment. :animedepr
  2. [QUOTE=celestialcharm][COLOR=DarkOrchid] I shot her too, but just to check if she would die... The only thing I could think of right now, is that sometimes I lie to my mom, that I did my homework, so I could stay on the computer to read fanfiction. Or sometimes, I just say I'm reading it for school. I'm not so sure this counts though.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Heh, I'd lie too sometimes just to read fanfiction. It is my love. I'd say... Shounen-ai/yaoi fanfiction. I love it to death. Yes, the explicit stuff too, every once in a while. :animeswea Oh, and cheeseburgers. I don't eat hamburgers, but I used to love cheeseburgers, but I stopped eating them because I love cow (and am afraid of the mad cow disease). But every once in a while, I'll sneak a cheesebuger, because it tastes [I]really[/I] good! :animecry:
  3. [QUOTE=Retribution][size=1]Everyone knows that women are equally capable of holding the position of Presidency. Your gender really doesn't determine your leadership capabilities. As for whether the country is open-minded enough to have one, I'm going to say definitely not. If Hillary Clinton (or any other woman) were to run in the coming election, I think she'd be buried, yes, simply because she is a woman. True, people should vote for who they think is more capable for the position, and they do just that -- many think that women simply cannot lead a nation. I could care less if my President were a man or a woman. I just feel sorry for that woman's husband ... imagine all the jokes he's gonna get.[/size][/QUOTE] Yes. Women are prefectly capable of being leaders, same as men. It doesn't matter what gender, race, etc. you are. It all matters how you handle things. But will one be president? Probably not, at least not soon. Unless people become more open-minded. But, like Retribution said, they'd probably be stuck up to the neck in sand. Sorry to say. Heh, and I'd feel sorry for the husband too. ;)
  4. Woo, I get an imaginary weapon... Anyway... A nice old gun would be nice. As for it's name... Pierce! No, that's just corny... Wiz! After the bunny! No, after the sound the bullet makes going through the air. X3 Now, that is dumb. But I haven't got anything better.
  5. It's life the second it's conceived. No buts about it. Heh, nah, but really. The reason for that is, if it has a chance at life, it is alive. Destroying that is just like any other kill, but they have no way to defend themselves. Easy peasy. :animeswea
  6. Well, the point is to defend yourself. But if it's legal to carry a gun, there is also the potential to be hurt as well. It's a lose-lose situation. But so is the other side of it. If it's illegal, people will be carrying them around conceiled, and you won't know if you're going to be shot (though that happens anyway), and you'll have no way to defend yourself (if you're nice and follow the rules). Or if somebody comes at you with a knife, you'd probably have no way to defend yourself either. But really, I don't think anyone would come at you with a knife if they could have a gun. There is no upside to either one, or downside. It's all crap, and we have to deal with it. Oh well.
  7. Finally, something I've been wanting to get off of my chest. It's great when you can say it to your friends, as a friend kind of love. And it's always fun to joke too. But then there's the serious kind of relationship love. That is something I don't like being messed around with, because then it gets all messed up, people get mad and leave, and you're left wondering what just happened. I've been told I was loved before. Really, by a potential boyfriend. I turned him down though. I didn't like him that way, but he still (after a year) insists. I'm tiring of it. Yes, I know that sounds horrible, but if you were in on some of the things that has been said, you would too. All I'm saying is. Be sure of it. Don't rush to say it, because it's serious. What if you say it, but realize later you were wrong? And, after that complete load of crap... I'm leaving well enough alone. :animesigh
  8. As I was reading this, I was tempted to say, 'They're all either gay or married already!' But really, they aren't. Because they aren't getting enough attention. A lot of girls fall into the trend of liking the 'bad boys'. Where's that likely to get you? A thousand dollars in dept to the local gang and/or government. No, not really. The bad boys are fun. But so are the good guys. And you can have fun just going to the park. I know that all the good guys aren't taken, 'cause I've got one. And he's always willing to listen, always lends a shoulder, and is an all around good guy. He's great. I'll always be willing to give a toast for the good guys. :)
  9. Woah! That's [I]not[/I] just a myth!? :rolleyes: Nah, I'm kidding. To each his own. Though it might be a little weird and awkward (sp?) at first for a friend of mine to suddenly say hi to me in a male (or female) body, that's fine. I'd get used to it. Besides, guys are more fun (usually). Though their personality wouldn't be changed, so they'd be basically the same. Don't judge a book by it's cover, and all that jazz. ;)
  10. Heh, I'm gonna try to make this short and sweet. I'm female, fourteen years old (fifteen in April). I'm from a city in Arizona (don't tell me that 90 degrees is hot! :bellylol: )- I've got three siblings. Younger brother, eight, and a pain in the butt. He's a maniac for sports, and could probably name all the people on the Arizona teams (though who would really want to know?). Younger sister, twelve, complete prep. Loves to cuss, loves her make-up and accessories, and won't stop being an *** to me. Ooh, feel the love. Older brother, nineteen, also a pain in the butt. He's had a LOT of hard times, made our lives practically a living hell, but I still manage to love him. Go figure. Alright, other stuff. I absolutely LOVE fanfiction (I spend most of my time reading it). Most of the fanfics I read are shounen-ai, but hey, to each her own. I love to draw, and I'm at least getting better at it. I write, fanfics and actual stories, and I don't think I'm horrible at it... I hope. The internet is half of my life (though it is sad), and anime and manga are the other half. Thank you for reading my not-so-short, not-very-sweet, almost life story. ;)
  11. [quote name='TigerFantasy17']Ya...I wonder that too. Sometimes I think to hard about it and wonder if humans should just kill themselves. We could have been like any other planet and we're already killing ourselves. One day nobody will be left on this planet.[/quote] That's a strange thought. One day, there will be nothing left to this planet. No life, just a barren wasteland. In the end, either what God said will happen (or what is thought to be true for other religions), or we will all end up killing ourselves one way or another. Global warming, pullution, etc. The meaning of life... There are so many that make sense. Have fun while you can, make babies and die, live to change, etc. But I like mine better (which I came up with while reading the other posts :D ). There is no meaning. We all have different thoughts and opinions on what the meaning is, and since there is no such thing as 'right', there IS no meaning to life. Heh, did you get what I mean?
  12. I don't like porn. At all. Really, why lose yourself in something that isn't real? It's all not real, it was made for the enjoyment of people who seem to have not much better to do, it's all a fantasy put into tape/picture/etc. But as for the girls... I guess they like their bodies on display. Maybe it makes them feel good about themselves, that somebody likes their body enough to look at it, even though they'll never know who.
  13. [QUOTE=Retribution][size=1]Hey, there ain't nothing wrong with hardcore Christians. There's nothing wrong with someone who really loves God -- there's something wrong with it when you become a Pharisee. Sodom and Gomorrah was Old Testament, and I really don't feel like reiterating what that means to a Christian... and I'm sure you know that while OT is important, the NT is what you should be paying a bit more attention to. As for whether people are born gay or become gay - who cares? Why does it matter? They're people. If that's the way they swing, then fine with me. Sure, I feel a bit uncomfortable when I see two gay guys kissing, but I'm not going to call them sinners. I'm also completely for same-sex marriage. Love is love. orbindo, you should understand that the United States of America has no national religion, therefore it is not right to push Christian teachings and beliefs upon those who may or may not share those values. They aren?t Christian, so why should they follow your Christian belief that it should not be allowed solely because it is ?sinful.? Jesus never crammed His teachings down his disciples? throats ? he taught them, encouraged them, and helped them. Never did he force them to ?pick up their cross? and follow Him. Their actions were entirely voluntary. What you?re doing is being a Pharisee ? you follow rules to the letter, overlooking the simple fact that they?re human, they love one another as a straight couple, and statistically stick together more than straight couples). You?re living in the past. Gay marriage is inevitable in the future ? the same was thought about segregation and religious freedom in America. One day, our children won?t be able to fathom times when gays were unable to marry freely.[/size][/QUOTE] And... you've already said it all for me. I agree full-heartedly. Someday, our kids won't even know what a tape is. Nor why we would condemn homosexuality. Or what the hell we were thinking when we put innocent people into slavery so many years ago. I support gays fully. Gay marriage, love is love, if they are going to go through with it, love each other 'till death, what's wrong with that? That's marriage. Nobody should interfere with that. As said, church and government are supposed to stay apart. What right does the government have to get rid of same-sex marriages? The gay thing, I think, is a preferance. Why do we like some foods over others? One personality type next to another? It's preferance. And as for the adoption thing. As long as they have money for support, aren't drug-addicts or anything like that, they have just as much right as anyone to adopt a kid.
  14. This probably isn't a New York Times bestseller, but I absolutely [B]loved[/B] this book. It's called Uglies, and it's by Scott Westerfeld. It's about a world where average means ugly. Everyone, until you turn 16, is considered ugly and live in UgliesVille (I think that's the name). When they turn 16, they go and have an operation to be turned pretty. Their skin is scrubbed off, their bones shaped and molded, and a whole lot of other things, until you are what is considered pretty, and you live in New Prettyville until you become a middle pretty, etc. In New Prettyville, the only rule is have fun. You do whatever, wherever, and whenever. You don't have to work, you can party all day and night, and there is never a dull moment. Tallie's best friend, Peris, becomes a Pretty about a month before, and she's left alone. Then she meets another ugly girl who doesn't want to be pretty. On their last night of being ugly, her friend gives her a choice. Come with her, run away to a place with people called the 'Smokies'. Basically a village with runaway uglies. Tallie refuses, and is left alone. But as she goes in for the surgery, she's not allowed it. She is given a choice. Go find her new friend and bring her back, or remain ugly forever. :animesigh :animestun It's a series. The second book is out (haven't read it yet though). It kept me reading it until the end, it was too interesting to put down. Hopefully somebody here will find it interesting enough to pick up. :animeswea
  15. Heh, lots of people are going to eat me for this but... Dragon Ball Z... Any Dragon Ball, I don't care. I don't like the plot, the people, the art.... I just never got into it. Which can be a pain, because my best friend is in love with it... :animesigh
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