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Everything posted by Zenriek
I do the same thing... When I'm trying to fall asleep (it takes me like an hour to fall asleep!), I think of things for fanfiction, or imagine what will happen in the next chapter of a fanfiction I've been reading (or writing), or the next episode of a show. Or I'll just think up new ideas for fanfiction... I do it during class too... I probably shouldn't... But I'll just zone off without knowing it, and start thinking about those things... :animedepr :animeswea It's a nice distraction from regular, boring(ish) life. It lets your imagination go to wherever you want it to. It's a nice stretch. I love it, in my imagination, anything can and will happen... :rolleyes: Though... Maybe I should spend more time in reality... :animeswea ....Naaah. :p
I am a yaoi fan, sorry to those who aren't. I've been a fan of yaoi for about... three years, I believe. I started out reading some fanfiction with it (and I will not mention what series), and I was hooked. I went cold turkey, but only for about.... three months, I think. I love yaoi, though I don't mind het or yuri. Ummm.... I think I take the usual pairings, and I usually only read anime/manga yaoi. :)
I got a skateboard a few months ago... I tried it, but I'm not so good at it yet. Plus I can hardly ever get out [I]to[/I] skateboard. I gotta practice...
[QUOTE=Morpheus]In reality, everything is a risk. Standing up is a risk, because you can fall down. Getting online is a risk because someone could put a virus on my computer. Eating is a risk, becaus eit may make me sick. I try not to think about most risks. There is a name for poeple that think about every risk they take: Paranoid. I don't want to be like that. I usually don't take big risks. One risk I'm really jumpy about is not going to college. Stand-up and web design are hard fields, but I'm trying to get a nice long head start.[/QUOTE] That's exactly right... Everything we do is a risk, in one way or another. I don't want to be paranoid, because then it'll keep me from doing a lot of fun things in life. I usually don't take big risks either, because I don't like the idea of getting hurt. But if no one ever got hurt, the doctors wouldn't get any money... If no one ever got hurt, this would kinda be a boring world. People would do whatever they want whenever they want, because there isn't any real risk. That would suck. Risk is one of the things that makes life worth living. It's thrill.
[QUOTE=Japan][COLOR=Navy]The anime they show aren't really all that bad. The companies like 4Kids that license it is what make it bad. Look at what they did with Shamen King, Tokyo Mew Mew, and One Piece. The dubbing is horrible, and they changed characters' names in One Piece. They even changed the anime from Tokyo Mew Mew to Mew Mew Power. Also, in One Piece, they changed that cigarette that is in Sanji's mouth to a lolli pop. They changed Zoro's name to Zolo....what is worse, eventually Shonen Jump magazine changed his name to Zolo as well. So it isn't the fact about anime going downhill, but the companies that license it that are. That's not to say that all of the companies are like 4Kids, there are quite a lot of good ones out there like Viz. They show Lain and Abenoboshi on G4TechTV, and Full Metal Alchemist is not a bad show either. If you want good anime, you have to stay up and watch them.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Yup yup... The dubbing in One Piece is aweful, especially Sanji's dubbed voice. ...They changed the cigarette in Sanji's mouth to a friggin' [I]LOLLIPOP!??[/I] :eek: Anyway... Anime isn't really going downhill, although some animes do suck royally. Like Japan said, the companies do things to them that make them suck... Well, not suck, but they do things to them that makes it look a little bad.. But there are a few good companies though, and they make them look fine.
That sucks... The only advice I can give you is to reason with her, and have her talk to her parents about the 'non-christian' dating thing.. I don't think you talking to her parents would be such a good idea. Sorry if this isn't much help to you. Hope it works out.
Oh! I've got another one! What about that commercial (I think it was on car insurance or something, correct me if I'm wrong) where these two guys are standing behind a desk, and then one guy looks out the window and says, "Oh man, it's that guy that's always complaing about his cars insurance... Got any ideas on what to do?" And the other guys is like, "...Yah." And then he goes over to the door, kicks up the doorstop, closes the door, and locks it. And the guy who complains about his car insurance is standing at the door and knocking on it, saying, "Hey, I-i need help! I got this problem here..." And the second guy (who closed the door) goes back to the other guy behind the desk, and the guy behind the desk the whole time says, "Good idea!" And the other guy is like, "Yah." It really is funny! I laugh everythime I see it! :D :laugh:
...Actually, mine was nothing much. We had it the day before, kind of. Before I went to bed, my mom gave me a big thing of m&ms, and said happy v-day. I gave her a hug, said thank you, and happy v-day, and went to sleep. The next day, I got on candy gram... But so did everyone else, since everyone in my class got one from my teacher.... I was making a valentine pic fo rmy friend, but a guy crumpled it up, thinking it was funny, so when I went home I redid it and will give it to her tommorow (she wasn't at school today). ...That was my wonderful valentines day... joy..... :rolleyes:
It's hard seeing as there are so many cool things in anime.... But here goes- -Vash's trenchcoat (Trigun) -InuYasha's ears (InuYasha ...I know it'd be weird, but it'd be kinda cool at the same time!) -InuYasha's necklace (InuYasha ...It looks so cool!) And that's me! ...So I'd be a girl wearing (and tripping over) Vash's trenchcoat, having InuYasha's dog ears (though I'd like them to be black), with a beaded necklace with fangs... I like it! :D
It's a hard call. But I'd say manga. I say that because it's a type of book, and I love books. Plus, it's always on hand, you can always refer to it for drawing help, and it almost always has wonderful artists. Plus, you don't have to listen to voices you don't like (some animes have people who's voices are really annoying). I know these aren't very good reasons, but there's just something about manga that I like more than anime.
I'm a "lone wolf" too. I never have had any interest in being a leader, too much responsibility, too much expectation, and not much fun. I don't really follow. If I want to do something different from other people, I'll do it. Why should I care what the other people think? If some leader wants to do something they think is cool, and I didn't, I wouldn't do it. Being a "lone wolf" is really the most fun. Nobody expects you to follow the crowd, be like them. Although you do get made fun of sometimes, it's better (in my opinion).
I also feel that lying (sp?) is pointless. I mean, eventually you're going to be found out (if ever), and you always have that guilty feeling afterwards. I almost always am truthful. Besides white lies... White lies, as lies, are wrong, but hey, it keeps people from getting hurt, right? So white lies aren't that bad. And if a policemman comes and if a lie can get you out of (scot free), then I will lie. Hey, better than going to jail, right?
Woo, that's a lot of money.. Though I'd never get that much at one time, here's what I'd do- 1- Go to Japan, stay there for a fews months, then come back to the US 2- Take a road trip around the US and Canada with my friends 3- Pay off any bills, and keep money for college (not old enough yet) 4- Get some new clothes, books, mangas, animes, etc. (shopping spree) 5- Get a slightly large apartment to share with two select friends 6- Put the rest in the bank for later fun and when I feel crazy I know it doesn't sound like much fun, but hey, I can always get ideas from my friends how to spend the money. Of course, I'd have to give some to them as well...
Hey, I was wondering if there are any Yu-Gi-Oh! RPG's out there.. Well, not ones where you make up characters and battle them and such. Like, a place like tppcrpg.net (pokemon RPG), where you can log on and just battle like in a pokemon battle RPG. Ah, I'm not making much sense, are I? Well, check out the tppcrpg.net place, and you'll know what I mean. Anyone who can help me out, thanks in advance! :D
Really, I dunno how to make a siggy pic. I see them, and I know you make them yourselves, but how? What art program do you recommend, and where do you think I should get the pics from? Anyone who's willing to answer my (albeit kinda dumb) questions, thanks ahead of time! :D
Is the war in Iraq worth the sacrifice?
Zenriek replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
Yes, Elf, I know, I know.... The war was a bad idea in the first place, but considering we can't get out of it, what can we do but fight? I know no one likes the deaths, especially if they're friends and/or loved ones. I'm sorry I made it seem as if it didn't matter, it does. And by "people coming over here for bad reasons", I mean, Iraqi terrorists and such are making it over the border and are threatening us. They say they've got the small pox virus, and that they will release it if they have to. That's the only thing I've heard so far, but I know there's more. Either I can't remember, or I haven't heard... Ah well. Sorry again, Elf. -
Is the war in Iraq worth the sacrifice?
Zenriek replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
I'd say it is and it isn't worth it. One, it's worth it because Saddam would've killed more and more people. The rule they were under was horrible, and they needed a change. But all the deaths of the Americans could or couldn't've been worth it. For one, we're being killed by people who don't understand what we're doing and think we're trying to take over or something like that. Then other people who are killing us don't want a democracy, and want dictatorship again. It's a bit worth it to say that the war isn't over in the US, though there are some people coming over for bad reasons. This war is good and bad, but war is never good in the first place, is it? -
Foo... This is gonna be a bit hard.. I'm afraid of fire. Not so afraid that I'd be screaming if I saw it, but I don't like to be too close to it, for fear an ember or such will jump out and burn me, someone else, or something. I'm afraid of hights. Not so afraid that I'd be screaming if I went up too high, I just try to stay away from them as much as I can. ...And that's about it, for major fears...
Woah, that's pretty good grades.. Hey, I've got a friend like that! In math, she works way to hard and always until the bell rings... And I'm there, sitting and drawing and doing work (alternating), and then listening to conversations around me, talking to Justin, blah blah blah... She even does Drae's work for her sometimes! She works too hard for her own good, and she tells me she does it 'cause of her parents. She needs to loosen up. She needs to not care so much about what her parents think, because, really, she's the one going to school, right? It's one thing to be talking about getting good grades and doing the work right, and then, actually doing it. You should do that too. I'm not saying that you need to quit being smart and gettin' good grades, but getting too stressed over them isn't good. And how to break it to the parents... Just sit 'em down and tell them, and hold on. (Or you could always tell them when they're really busy, and they won't notice what you said. But then when they get the report card, they'll be like, "You didn't tell me about this!", and you'll be like, "Yes I did.". Ha, but really, don't do that!)
Ok, I'm a taurus, and I found a site on the net that had some info on them. "Taurus, an Earth Sign, is characterized by determination and ambition.." Ah... I can be determined when I want to be, and enjoy what I'm doing. Ambition only comes when I want to do something, so this is half true. "..you have a lively interest in the pleasant side of life.." If "the pleasant side of life" means the fun and happier side of life, then yah. I'd rather be playing around and doing what I want to then work, so that's true. "You require security and stability in your life and like to work for your retirement" I guess I require stability and such, like having a job and an apartment... But I won't be working for my retirement, I'll be working to get along in life. And plus, I want to visit a lot of places before I get old.. So.... Half true. "...When provoked, you can forget about comfort and raise heck..." Yah. I don't like to get mad a lot, but when I'm provoked right, I'll get in there, and "raise heck". "In romantic relationships you tend to be jealous and possessive. On the other hand, no other sign of the Zodiac can develop the loyalty of a Taurus..." ...Jealous and possessive!? I'm not jealous and possessive... Though I've never been in a romantic relationship, but still, I'm not jealous or possessive of any of my friends. And my loyalty is given to any really good friend. So... half true.
Where's the farthest place you have traveled to?
Zenriek replied to X/19Kamui99's topic in General Discussion
Michigan. It took three days by car and is the farthest place I've been to. We went there (me, my mom, dad, sister, and 2 brothers) because my dad's parents (plus one step-mom) lives there, and we were going to visit them. We had sort of a family reunion there... Well, sort of. Most of my dad's family members and their friends came there and we had a barbecue and watched the fireworks (it was the fourth of July). Then we went home after about a week of doing almost nothing (we saw family members and friends off and on). It was fun, but also long and tiring. -
Careers: What's more important to you?
Zenriek replied to Kurai Ookami's topic in General Discussion
A career that makes me happy. The reason is that if I choose a job that makes me unhappy, then I'll do a bad job of it. And our jobs are a big part of our lives, and if your job is a big part of your life and you're unhappy with it, then you might have a total unhappy life. Though a high-paying career sounds good, the unhappiness would be enough to make me quit. Besides, the jobs and careers I'm shooting for will be high-paying, and I'll be happy with them. :D -
Thursday? Hmm... I'll try it again when I get home, but I'm at school right now. Having other people post riddles is a good idea. Alright then, everyone else shall post riddles! Post!
I'd have to say my fav music video is the one for "Breaking the Habit" by Linkin Park. It goes so well with the song, and it's all drawn. And the Linkin Park band members are in it. It's got feeling to it, and the way it's drawn is intriging (sp?).
Post riddles you've found or have made and see if anyone can solve them. Alright, there's a riddle in my agenda that took me a while to figure out, but I'm still not sure is right. A lot of people in my class are saying that I'm wrong and such, so I decided to post the riddle here. If today is Friday, what is the day that follows the day that comes after the day that precedes the day before yesterday? It got me really confused at first. I think it's Wednesday. Figure it out and tell me what you got. (I didn't know where to put this thread, so I just put it here...)