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Everything posted by Zenriek

  1. A few years ago I tried collecting US coins... I learned that didn't work to well, so I stopped. Though whenever I see a cool state US coin, I try to keep it and not spend it. I'm trying to start collecting mangas and anime dvds. So far, I've only got two mangas (though three, if you count the shonen jump one) and two anime dvds. I would have five anime dvds, but the other three are gone (somebody stole them!). I know it isn't much, but I just can't hold on to money. I always have a late fee at the library or need to buy something else. And I can never get over to the book store at the mall anymore, so I spend my money on other things. Lessee... I guess I collect those paint cards you get from hardware stores, I've got a few of them. Whenever I go to a hardware store with my dad, I always take a few. I think they look really cool (I know, weird). And Lore, I know you're going to think me stupid for asking this, but what is "beach glass"? It's prolly something simple that I didn't tihnk of, but what is it?
  2. I'm not that old, really. I can't pursue my career dreams for several more years, but here goes (three). 1.) I want to be a manga artist. Wether it's drawing and doing the whole thing on my own, or with people helping me, I want to be able to get at least one manga book out there (a good one) before I'm 28. 2.) I want to be an anime artist! I know this prolly ties in with the manga artist thing, but I think I'd really enjoy it. I know it takes a lot of patience to do these things, but hey, I've got time. 3.) Author (as in, real books with all words and chapters 'n stuff) Being an author is what I've wanted to be since I started writing a few years ago. I know it takes practice to be an awesome writer, and I would love to do that, because I love to write. I know I'm shooting for the high stars when I want to be all this, but at least I'm trying to do these things, right?
  3. I laugh every time I see the Homer Simpson ATM thing commercial. Especially the haircut part where the haircutter just cuts off his two hairs and says it's $75. But I really don't like the DQ commercial. Who would be so "smart" as to do that? And the Geico commercial with them doing the robot was good. But I really liked it when he was singing "Kung Fu Fighting" (I thought he was really good, actually).
  4. Nicknames... Lessee..... The nickname Zenriek (or Zen) I made up and it just sorta stuck... I give nicknames to most of my friends 'cause I don't like long names (saying them). My friend Elyssa, I call her Lyss now. My friend Andrea, I call her Drae (like Dray). Murphy, I call her Murph. Kayla I call Kay. And so on. Kayla calls me Jam Jam... I really don't like it, but she insists..
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