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About LeonWolf

  • Birthday 08/01/1989

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  1. Yeah, get all the Rammstein cds. Trust me you won't be disapointed. I thought the same about Reise Reise, I thought Mutter was harder and I really hope they come out with another live cd. The one they have out now is kick a, but yeah, can't go wrong with Rammstein.
  2. I'm glad you all feel the same about them. Although, I do tend to disagree with the Riese Riese ablum. It was really good, don't get me wrong, but I thought they could have done it a little better. It stands out from their other ablums also. I like all of their albums about the same. Yeah I was wondering if that was the girl from TATU, thank you for clearing that up. Yeah I translated their songs and some of them are pretty weird and it might ruin the song for you, but if you are curious you should check it out. Thanks.
  3. Hey everybody, anyone else agree with me? Or any other fans out there? I have all there cds and was wondering if anyone else was a hard core fan also. Though I have not been to a concert of theirs yet, but has anyone else have? I'm not saying there the best band, but just a fan of theirs. I'm also a fan of Megahurtz too. Post your opinions and thanks.
  4. Thank you very much, well, haha, I guess I'll just play through it right now and replay it again. Yeah I agree, Squall is pretty cool. Chrono Trigger, yeah that's a really good rpg also. Thanks again.
  5. Hey everyone, I'm new to this board and just wanted to say hey and hope I am doing this right. I have played and beaten other Final Fantasy games, but right now I'm currently playing Final Fantasy 8 and this is my first time playing it. This game is awesome so far, but I have to ask, where do you find more GFs? I mean I know you can fight, draw, or find them, but I still have Quezacotl, Shiva, and Ifrit and I just started on the second disc. Thanks for your help and also what do you guys think about the game in general? I mean, Final Fantasy 4(2 for SNES), 6(3 for SNES), and 7 were great games and some of my favorite RPGs and now Final Fantasy 8 is starting to be one of my favorites also. I wasn't really interested when it first came out. So recently my friend got me interested in it and this message board too. So thanks again for the help.
  6. Hey i would like to discuss final fantasy 8 and what you guys think about the game, i just started it and i think its pretty cool.
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