Hey everyone, I'm new to this board and just wanted to say hey and hope I am doing this right.
I have played and beaten other Final Fantasy games, but right now I'm currently playing Final Fantasy 8 and this is my first time playing it. This game is awesome so far, but I have to ask, where do you find more GFs? I mean I know you can fight, draw, or find them, but I still have Quezacotl, Shiva, and Ifrit and I just started on the second disc. Thanks for your help and also what do you guys think about the game in general? I mean, Final Fantasy 4(2 for SNES), 6(3 for SNES), and 7 were great games and some of my favorite RPGs and now Final Fantasy 8 is starting to be one of my favorites also. I wasn't really interested when it first came out. So recently my friend got me interested in it and this message board too. So thanks again for the help.