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About Franky

  • Birthday 03/21/1988

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  • Biography
    Lets see I looove dirtbikes.. despite the name im a female, daermon nashabe althought i try regret to inform u this fact he is my bro... blah, i love animals, comics, punk music and soft rock like jem pete murray etc.
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  1. well i would have to say Oasis they are awesome or jimmy eat world and nirvana
  2. ok the gory horrors have gotton crap!!!! but what about the arthouse thriller/ horrors such Ju-on and its western counterpart, darkwater all three of the rings they are the best ive seen in years only because i havent seen the storylines at lest 20 times before. Besides how many horrors share shock horror material lets face it theres no suprises and for every horror that comes out a sequel does with the exact same storyline
  3. welll i would have to say sandman or hellblazer it has been made but it has been renamed constantinej or green lantern
  4. Well lets see i want to have kids be a jackaroo .... anything where im not on the dole money doesnt matter, and as long as im not working in a naggery or anything like that
  5. personally i like a guy i can talk to or even just sit quitly with. hes gotta sense of humour and not stupid & whos sensitive ...looks arnt that important as long as they are taller than me and preferably dark haired and not to much of a pretty boy but somehow i always end up with the opposite... oooh and must share common interests like sports, art , music that sort of thing
  6. Well by nature im a pacifist im all about make love not war, but what can i say i have been known to crack a happy gilmore, and once i accidently got into a fight... but yeah all up im peaceful
  7. hmmmmmm... personally i think jimi hendrix is awesome same with jet the ramones jem linkin park , and i love ella hooper from killing heidis voice shes so cool
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