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Misaki Mitsu

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Everything posted by Misaki Mitsu

  1. [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=Red] back when i was really littke, pokemon came out and i kinda got hooked onto that crap. now that i think about it, that stuff is now really stupid. also after seeing my friend make a game and layed it, i was stuck to the stores games. now im all drooly over my fav games!![/COLOR][/FONT]
  2. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Red] welcome to the brick Party, there are no rules for this game. and it amazingly starts off as this: ** pulls brick out of bag and throws it at someone ** bombs away you all choose what happens, even tho im taking a big leap of gettin deleted off but its good to have some fun ^_^[/COLOR][/FONT]
  3. [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=Red]i truthfully would love both. i do not care if it was a boy or girl, i would love each the same. i tryuthfully think that when wemon only want a certain sex for a child, i think that is very cold. and normally when they dont get the right one, they give it up for addoption, or mistreat the child.... i thinks its just wrong.... >.
  4. [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=Red]:; her mouth drops to the ground:: some one here likes the same kind of music that i like. i think the best lyrics ever would have to be A Perfect Circle's "Imagine" and Wolfs Rain's "Paradise" >> that song made me cry after hearing it for the first time. lol. i also like Falling to Pieces and LostProphets Train Back Home. tis cute and funny. lol ^_^ meh really like punk. kind of like SlipKnot, Blink182, Insane Clown Possey. LOL thats a funny one.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  5. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Red] :: falls over dead :: i think he got it. and i think he should get a cookie for that too :: grin :: still.... wait...now after this argument or what ever you want to call it, it seems sort of pointless. ~maybe thats just my conclusion ~ :confused: god Ed, you sound like my father, just always pissin and moanin about stuff. :flaming: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  6. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Red] for me it would have to be.... DN Angel and X clamp. thos were both very good movies. i might add i enjoyed Pretear. that was also good. normally i just watch the movies to get inspiration from them. i work under my friend to design characters and create them for his new game. thats what i normally do. but im my spare time i like to create my own stuff. and make costumes for some people. its actually quite fun!!! ^_^[/COLOR][/FONT]
  7. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Red] well first off, to be able to get ideas we need the main story base and plot[/COLOR][/FONT]
  8. [quote name='Excel'] I get more scared by reading stephen king books than watching movies.[/quote] [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Red] have you heard the saying "the book is always better than the movie" cause from what your saying i dont think that you have heard that saying. the book is always scarrier than the movie and it will always be better. well atleast in my eyes... i do wish that the mvies could be as good as the books but then the prices would go up to see the movie, buy it and rent it. and the bills for everything now are so high. i dont think i could even afford toilet paper if that happened >
  9. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Red]tisk tisk tisk James. i dont think anyone here gets it. the producers of the game systems will not produce games for the older versions. so then by that, they make you buy the new game systems and buy the newer games. like now, you can not find the gameboy (original) games that havent been used before. okay so maybe you can find a few but they are limited. heck, soon we might have game consoles that we can just put over our heads (like the ones in .hack). America is already buying parts of the moon, so when we finally build a hotel up there, they can have houses. :: shoots the moon down ::"wheee!!" ::[/COLOR][/FONT]
  10. oh i love them so much... i could like be their new stalker. tho they arent as heavy as i wish for them to be i like them a lot. i have their new album and its really good. his voice can change from hi to low and it makes him stand out from all of the other singers. its a very good album. you all should buy it. even though the sounds dont sound as if they have any meaning, you have to listen to the guitar and it will tell you :: hugs her guitar:: my baby
  11. [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=Red]truthfully i do not know why i am telling you all this but it seems fun to tell ^_^. i prefer the skater punk kind of guy. i cant stand the "im a good guy" stuff. it makes me sick. i like the guys who will go streakin and not give a care in the world. and how their haerts are always cold. i like having to break the ice barrier around their hearts and let me gets close to me. its odd but it makes me happy. scary enough i like the "gothic" type :: hugs the bass in LostProphets:: hes so cute. i have a lot of friends that are like that. tho my dad once said its okay to have thos kinds of friends. but its even better to have ones of all different kinds. i took that seriouly. i have a few guys friends that are smart, some dorks, cuties, gothics, preps. i widen my range of who i like. i never go after just one kind of guy. i look only for what they can offer me. i dont go out with them for fame. money or how they look. i go out with them by if they treat me like a lady. even though im young, i still should get the respect as if i was grown up.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  12. [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=Red]Chainsaws :: shivers and hides in closet:: that movie scared me so mcuh. i used to be a little vampire and sleep during the day and play with the hawks at night but once i saw that movie, i went to bed before it got dark. :: screams and hides her head in her sock:: i couldnt stand that movie. another movie that i just thought about was Anamyville (spelling on that i do not know) Horror. that scared me. i kept on thinking my house was alive at some point in time so i slept outside in a tent and got rid of all the clowns and rocking chairs in my house.>>> those are the kind of movies that i so badly miss. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  13. [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=Red] i didnt mean that Xbox will fail, it will just kinda have no more use. and as for building a disney land. its kinda like building a log cabin in your butt. its impossible. and you all dont get all "ya you can build a log cabin there" on me. not just with the xbox its with everything. the producers of the games limits what they sell (when xbox 2 comes out they will stop producing the orginal game and produce xbox 2 games only) so they make the customer buy the games and limit what choices they have of the old one.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  14. [FONT=Book Atiqua][COLOR=Red]:: sighs and bangs her head on the door:: heres an example: when better computers are made and are on the market and once the prices went down enough for people to buy them at a good rate, the older versions of the computer(s) were not used anymore. kinda like with the original game boy. that turned into game boy advanced, then turned into the new NDS (short way). if you think about it, the older versions of everything are forgotten, until needed in the future. mostly once somethings old, it can never be new again *you can never teach an old dog new tricks* when Xbox 2 comes out and its at a good price, the original Xbox will just be something that collects dust in your room, because mose companies will want to produce games that go with the "new and improved" boxes [/COLOR][/FONT]
  15. [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=Red]i am actually quite happy with the horror films today. tho a few arent as good as they can be, i am still happy. most films just have really shioty, but if they are good i will enjoy the movie. ever since i was little, i have always loved horror movies, now that i am getting older and the world is changing around me, i have come to like the more older horror movies. the only crappy part is that its not colored :: crys her eyes out :: [/CoLor][/FONT]
  16. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]sitting up in a tree with her barrier up, she looked down at the grave and two people. she scanned them both and the result was her own "they are weak" she glares at them and looks up at the sky[/FONT]
  17. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Red]i so badly hate to say so but microsoft is relying on Halo and its games to come to the future. most of its money comes from the buyers of the game. in 2004, Halo two was the highest selling game of the year. it was all over G4tv and cartoon network. it was very good and its stats have increased by a lot. furthering that the next Halo game will be an even bigger hit. Xbox its self will fail. the new Xbox 2 will be even better with better graphics, leaving the original Xbox out in the snow. after that, all in time, all games and their boxes will end completely.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  18. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Red]ickers... meh dont like them. i have tried and tried to like them but i never seemed to like their music. it was very boring and i never got into the mood of it. ** takes her bass guitar and kills the band members** well now im happy ^_^!!! [/COLOR][/FONT]
  19. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Red]first off i like all of the Lord of The Rings serries.... very good.after that i would have to pick *starts to think hard* Scary Movie 3. after drinking a whole coke while laughing till your eyes start to bleed, i had to go pee so many times during that movie and laughing didnt help at all. last would be *starts to think again but this time all you can hear is the sound of her brain being fried* probably be, Jane Eyre (the old fashion one). that was a very good movie in my eyes. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  20. [COLOR=Red]the avatar that you have is either Kiba or Tsume from wolfs rain. its cute ^_^. ** starts to cry** i am the youngest one here. this is now no more fun **pouts in her little corner**[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=Red]i think im the only one here thats this young *blinks twice* the age that i put in my profile is not how old i am. it was something that i did to get in. other than that im afraid that i am somewhat young. that there should give you a good hint on how old i am. [/COLOR]
  22. [FONT= Book Antiqua][COLOR=Red] odly enough i am related to the dude that invented the light bulb. having his blood tested with my birth father, they were the same. scary enough i am not that bright for my age. tho one thing that Thomas and me have in common is that we are both very stubborn. its a bit funny (to my mom) when my dad and i get angry [/COLOR] [/FONT]
  23. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Red]well... those are very good games. easy but good. they are fun tho sometimes easy. ... i just got a new game and proud to say that i love it. its the newest Inuyasha game. its a bit childish, but i still have a little of a child in me even after all of these years[/COLOR][/FONT]
  24. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]amazingly i have been playing Star Ocean and Final Fantasy IX on PS2. FF is very boring in my eyes but then again it can have its fun moments. and as for Star Ocean, it is a wonderful and fun game. its keeps you guessing and you get to choose the level that you want to be at. -Misaki [/COLOR][/FONT]
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