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Everything posted by Chib

  1. What do you think about the new schedule on CN? 5:00 -- Gundam MS 08th Team 5:30 -- Dragonball 6:00 -- Dragonball Z 6:30 -- Batman Beyond I don't like it that much. The only show I watch is DBZ, because DB is a rerun. I'm not a fan of Gundam or batman.
  2. Chib

    Best couple

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]chib--yeah! we'd be family. we'd be royalty. we could get them to train us! i think it's ridiculous that bulma lives w/ the both of them but doesn't know how to fight. vegitto--thank you, although i don't think i could tire vegeta out by a long shot so i'd just have to settle for sending waves of pleasure & ecstacy throbbing through his body. i know i could do that! i wish i could describe....but hey, alot of kids come here. [/B][/QUOTE] LM, shall I call you mother now.
  3. Chibi Trunks look like little Vegeta. This is the first time ever that I see Vegeta happy like that, when his son beat Goku's in the tournament.
  4. Aren't this thread about the oldest member?
  5. Chib

    Janie and Joy

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by G/S/B Master [/i] [B]hey chib its Brock. not brox. you are probelby mixed up by Brocks. [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, thanks for correcting. Is it Janie or Jenny (which is the right spelling)?
  6. Depend on the viewer. If the viewer is older, then the chance again DBZ is not too good. If the viewer is younger like 10, and more male watching, then the chance of survior is pretty good. If there is more female viewer than male, I think Card Captor have better chance.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] Hey...! I am sexy... in fact every gay guy I've shown my pic to says I'm hot... or cute :) heh... even BabyGirl says I'm hot.... it's true! :) heh... I showed her my real pic yesterday anyway... Thanks Lady Macaiodh ::blushes:: and FYI, the ending "-san" is what kinda represents a respectful person.. like Mister or Misses or just someone you call a firend.... "Son" is actually Gokou's last name.... they sound alike but have different spellings and meanings.... I hope that made sense.... and Subzeroice, I have no idea what you meant.... ::confused look on face:: [/B][/QUOTE] Transtic, if you interested in girl, I would be interested in you. :laugh:
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4 [/i] [B]I think we should all try to get Pikeon off for spamming, isn't that against the rules. But hey, speaking of experience, 16 yrs is enough exp. for my 2 best friends. Picture losing it to your babystiier when you are 11!!!!!! thats what they did [/B][/QUOTE] May be we should, but I think only the Moderator can do that. He's one annoying 14 years old just like Shadowgohan.
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Voodookanaka [/i] [B].......Every single one of u that claims to be crazy when your quite clearly not pisses me off...... [/B][/QUOTE] Correction, We're obsess with fictional character, but we're well in touch with reality. We know what is going on around us. We're perfectly normal people who happen to love cartoon character.
  10. Can you give more describtion of the picture. Do you remember which series it is from, or from what saga?
  11. Chib

    Best couple

    How do you want me to edit the pole. It's obvious that You&other have the most vote. You can vote for other couple that is not on the list too. Transtic N, you can take GT Trunks, but the Future one is my. Who care if his world is wreck, as long as he's around, I'll be sastify. LM, I support you and Vegeta. You get the father, I get the son. Fair enough. :laugh:
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B] first, i do notice the beauty of nature. i commune w/ nature more than i do people. i love my family's land so much. it's so beautiful when i'm standing in the north field where the trees are sparse, and the moon is full and send shafts of light through the branches. this one night, i was sitting there meditating and this brilliant flash of light caught my eye from the ground. the moon had just risen in the south and one of those light shafts had caught a dew-drop on a blade of grass. it looked like a diamond. second, it hurts me what you say about true feeling. i know my feelings are real. but i forgive you. you just really do not understand. [/B][/QUOTE] I know how you feel LM, I felt the same way too.
  13. Thank all, I know which to get first now. After that, I have to save money. I'm bankrupt.
  14. Who is the most complex character? Vegeta. It's hard to get around him, but I like him.
  15. Vote for your best couple here.
  16. Saiyan Saiyin. They're the best of the best.
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]okay... *taking a deep breath*...i know i will probably regret this & will be laughed off the boards, but... I AM DESPERATELY, DISPARAGINGLY, TOTALLY & COMPLETELY IN LOVE WITH VEGETA. this is probably no surprise to any of you who have read my posts. anyway, this is a real problem. people have told me to stop watching dbz & forget about him & move on with my life, but you know what? i don't want to do any of those things. i have never in 22 years felt this way before & i don't want it to stop. plus, no other guy has what he has. every guy i meet i compare to vegeta & it's always no contest. he's just so utterly amazing in every way. i used to be tough but now i bawl like a baby when i hear the theme song for "7th heaven" for christsake b/c i want to have his children. this is just an example of my pathetia (that is, the state of being pathetic). i feel like i'm going crazier than i already am, which, believe me, is hard to do. i need serious help. what do i do??? is there any hope? AAARRRGGGHHH!!! i just want some friggin' sympathy cuz everyone who knows about this makes fun of me & gives me bad advice but i thought maybe you guys would understand. [/B][/QUOTE] I'm just like you, crazy for Trunks. Believe, my friend keep telling me I need serious help, especially my cousin. I hit her during my sleep. :wigout:
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by G/S/B Master [/i] [B]i think i know where is his brain is keep hidden. IN HIS STOMACH!!! do you know why??? because when he is hungry he complains no matter what. [/B][/QUOTE] :laugh: That is so true
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by piccolo [/i] [B] One day you go and get a haircut, you realize that you lost a lot of hair. [/B][/QUOTE] That only work for guy
  20. I'm the only one on this board right now :sleep:
  21. Too bad, DBZ don't focus much on female character.
  22. If you look at her for a while, you'll think she look better with short hair. I don't know why.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dark [/i] [B]IMO Mr.Satan iz the stupidest character in all DB/Z/GT. He'z powerz r ridiculous, he iz az smart az a cow and he iz still alive cuz he iz lucky. [/B][/QUOTE] I agree
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