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About animegirl803

  • Birthday 08/03/1990

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    full-time student

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  1. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]I guess I should start off by saying that a few months a go I bought the Devil May Cry 5th anniversary collection. Anyway, I would say that [B]Devil May Cry 2[/B] was pretty disappointing. Ironic since I saw an article about it a few years prior and made me want to play the DMC games. I heard the game was pretty bad, but I'm the type who tries it out first. "How bad can it be?" Boy was I wrong. The voice acting was hits and misses. The plot really made no sense. The gameplay was okay, but I really preferred the gameplay of 1 and 3. What really got me was how they portrayed Dante in it. He rarely talked and when he did, he sounded depressed. Where's the confident Dante from the other games? It surely wasn't in DMC2. Also, I really hated the fact that it had auto-aim from the get go. It would have made it a little better if I had an option to turn it off. But I did enjoy Lucia's story mode more. And some of the cutscenes were pretty nice. And I liked how you equip "hearts" to your amulet to gain powers. [/COLOR]
  2. [font=Comic Sans MS][color=plum][/color][/font][font=Comic Sans MS][color=black]I'm currently following the dub and I must say that I like Naruto. What I mainly like about the show are the characters. If I have to choose a favorite, then it would be Neji. I think he's pretty cool as a character. I don't know about the fillers since, like I stated in my first sentence, I only watching the dub of Naruto. What I really need to do now is read more of the manga ;)[/color][/font]
  3. [COLOR=Plum]My signature [I]"A true human is someone who bears all the sins he's committed and looks forward to the uncertain future"[/I] actually comes from all my favorite anime characters personalities. I've noticed that most of them have regretted doing something in their past but yet live on with their lives. I made this quote up after thinking about that. The meaning of the quote is that you shouldn't regret what happened in the past and continue living your life as you have been living it. Don't let your sins of the past effect how you live in the future. It's kind of similar to Genjo Sanzo's (Saiyuki) quote: [I]"Embrace nothing. If you meet the Buddah, kill the Buddah. If you meet your father, kill your father. Ony live your life as it is, not bound to anything." [/I] [/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Plum]I personally think that fillers are okay, if they're shown every now and again. If they show fillers for majority of the series, it gets very annoying and I start to pull out of the series a little. As for recap fillers, I can deal with them, if I missed a few episodes. Personally, they shouldn't be shown as often. [/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Plum]I guess I would pick Sanzo from Saiyuki. At a glance, he's cold, arrogant, and egotiscal. But I think he would be good date material (it doesn't hurt that he's hot too). If we were to go on a date, we would go to a nice quiet resturant because Sanzo doesn't annoying people. But then again, he seems like the person who would rather stay home and watch a movie with you than go out somewhere. [/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Plum]It would Saiyuki because it had me at the op theme. The series is interesting and provides funny as well as serious moments. I actually watched it from the 21st ep and I have been hooked ever since. I think what really got me the most is how the voice actors fitted perfectly with each of the character's personality, wether it's Sanzo's cold demeanor, Hakkai's kindness, Gojyo's playboy-ness (is that even a word?), or Goku's energy, it makes feel a certain connection with each of these characters (I'm talking about the Eng voices since I've just gotten into the original Japanese voice actors about a month ago).[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Plum]Yeah, same here. I think the reason why I get that feeling is because it's kind of hard to see a show end when you watched it from the very beginning. When some anime shows end, it feels like there more to the story than what the last ep shows. That's just my opinion.[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Plum]Well I can't really say that they are necessarly bad. The only one I had a problem with is S-CRY-Ed. I watched the ending about four times and yet, I can't understand it (and probably never will). [/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Plum]If I could be any character from an anime I would choose: [B]Roy Mustang (FMA)[/B]-he can use fire. What's cooler than that? [B]Sanzo (Saiyuki)[/B]-he's a priest, I'm a little spiritual as well. Plus he can use a gun. [B]Jin (Samurai Champloo)[/B]-he's always calm, no matter the situation. [B]Kakashi (Naruto)[/B]-one word....ninja. That's all I have to say.[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Plum]Since I'm a big story person. I like anime for it's interesting plots. Anime lives the life I wanted to live. I love their songs and art styles. Some people think that all anime is like [I]Speed Racer[/I] and[I]Sailor Moon[/I]. But anime is deep and complex and in some cases educational. Everything about Japan I learned from anime. [/COLOR]
  11. I would have to say Roy Mustang from Fullmetal Alchemist. What he goes through is similar to what I go through. I feel a certain connection with him than with any other character. At times he's serious about his work so that he can achieve his dreams and I do the same. When he give advice, a shock goes through my soul as if he is talking to me. Despite our differences (me being a girl) I indentify myself with him the most. We both have the fiery (no pun intended) determination to do things in the best of our abilities.
  12. I love Fullmetal Alchemist! I 've seen all the episodes that preimered on Adult Swim. I love the series. Especailly Roy Mustang :drool: . HE IS SO HOT!! Well anyway, I suggest that if you haven't seen the series yet, then you should watch it NOW!
  13. I'm still a Final Fantasy newbie but I have to say my favorites are FF7 and FF8. I got started in Final Fantasy with FF7. FF7 is so enjoyable to play. I've never had to spend so much time on one game other than FF7. Some of the situations in the game were kind of challenging to me. The greatest thing about it was the materia system. It required me to think about all the info about my emenies and what I should do in order to create the best possible outcome of battle. I like FF8 because the graphics were great for the PS1
  14. I identify with Sesshomarru because I even though I don't show it, I'm a very caring person. I 'm also very mysterious.
  15. The ending of my favorite made me cry on the inside because I know that I might never see the anime again. [color=navy][size=1]It'd help greatly if you mentioned the title of the show... ^_^;; ~Dagger~[/size][/color]
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