[QUOTE=TOTALIMMORTAL]Here's a simple way of putting it: [B]Anything you'd die for, you love.[/B]
I think that's pretty much accurate. I can't really think of any exceptions, but correct me if I'm wrong. I myself, am in love. I know a lot of you will say that I'm too young to even know what love is, I am only 14, but I do. You'll definitely know what it is when you find it. So here's something else. Love can and is different for every single person, so there's not one single answer for what love is. Love is what you make of it, and you'll know what to make of it when you find it.[/QUOTE]
first off, you are never too young to be in love or to express it. im only 15, and i kno wut love is better than any adult i kno. any1 who tells any1 else they are to young to be in love dont kno wut love really is.
second, love only comes once in life, true love that is, and when you find it, you may not no it, i didnt, it sat right next to me in the lunch room, and in class for so long b4 i ever expected anything, now, there is no1 else in the world but us. its hard, but when you find it its worth it
in a nut shell, if you can fully explain love, your not in love...