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Gravy Train

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Everything posted by Gravy Train

  1. 28 Days Later has to be the scariest movie I've ever seen. The 6th sense plays a close 2nd, although I was only in the 6th grade when I saw it. I absolutely hated The Ring and The Others. Although that's probably because I find an atmosphere of isolation to be very eerie. And 28 Days Later did a great job of that in the first few scenes.
  2. Playstation was 32 bit? Did you mean to say Sega Saturn, because I thought the Playstation had around the same capabilities as the N64, for better or worse? Anyway, my first system was an N64 so I guess I would say that the 3-D era is the best. Mostly because I love good first person shooters with good multiplayer and there was none of that on the SNES and Genesis. So I guess the Xbox etc. era is the best because those have the best FPSs. Although N64 had some nice ones. Although, now that handhelds have capabilites that come close to the current generation (about Dreamcast), I'm finding that my attention is drifting away from consoles since handhelds can now have awesome first person shooters. Althought that might change with the Xbox 360 in November.
  3. It doesn't have to be anything from the show. Original is preferred, but if you list something that is already on the show then it doesn't really matter. Here are the ones on the show so far: Full Metal, Crimson, Crystal, Flame, Strongarm. And that is all I can think of. It can be anything really.
  4. I saw a similar question on another forum and it got me thinking. In Full Metal Alchemist, a lot of the state alchemists that specialize in something have a particular name. For example: Crimson Alchemist = explosives, Crystal Alchemist= fake philosopher's stones, Full Metal Alchemist= metals. So, if you were a state alchemist in the show, what kind of alchemist would you be? Also include your methods for utilizing the object or thing that you specialize in.(For example, the Flame Alchemist has a flint lined glove with a transmutation circle on it. When he snaps his fingers a spark is created and then the transmutation circle uses the surrounding air to feed the flames.) I would want to be the Automata Alchemist. Automata is a term in alchemy for giving motion to the motionless, animating statues, making golems, dopplegangers, etc. I'd use seals imprinted with a transmutation cirlce and would slap them onto statues or or manequinns to animate them. I'd also have transmutation circles on the soles of my boots so I could tap my foot to make a golem out of the rocks in the ground. And then when one of my dopplegangers is defeated, it will say,"Lucky for you I'm fake." --Best videogame mis-dub ever.
  5. Some of the recent Simpsons episodes have been just terrible. However, that one episode that they showed a few weeks ago where they go to China was the best. It seems that only 1 out of 5 episodes are funny these days.
  6. I'm really looking forward to Coded Arms for the PSP. If it comes out before Goldeneye: Rouge Agent DS, it will be the first true FPS with multiplayer for a handheld. And if it has infrasructure, that would be awesome.
  7. Almost any character from Shaman King. One character was just added so the show wouldn't appear racist.
  8. I got a DS as an early birthday present (yes I asked for it, it was not an unwanted gift) and was pretty happy since I've never had a portable system before. However, soon after I really wanted a PSP as well. I'm planning on buying one tomorrow so that I can have both and won't have to worry about which one I like more. I don't think the durability of the PSP should be a problem. It just needs to be handled gently like the sexy device that it is. DS is cool because of durability, but it doesn't have as good of aesthetics. I guess it can't go both ways. One thing that I am worried about though is the threat that the UK poses. Yes, for some of you that haven't heard (I just did a few days ago) , Great britain has come out with a pretty bitchin portable system. The Gizmondo looks like it has even more multimedia then the PSP and the same graphics and processing power (GPS and built in digital camera and e-mail/IM service). And what really amazed me was that becuase of the GPS, you can play anyone in the world, anywhere in the world. Wi-Fi is not needed for gaming with people across the country or world. Pretty amazing, IMO the downsides of the system put it below the PSP. Downside: 1. Price: $400 for the system. You will still need to buy memory sticks and games. AND to use the GPS you must pay a monthly fee. No thanks, free PSP Wi-Fi is the ownage. 2. Battery: Lasts only 3 hours. You need to buy a $50 upgrade battery if you want it to match the PSP's battery life. 3. Games: While they look good in the screenshots, most of the titles don't look that good, although some are quite original. It just won't get the same kind of high-budget games that the PSP will have. 4.No analog stick: It has L/R buttons, 4 standard game buttons, and an 8 way Dpad. I guess the Dpad will be used for gun movement in FPS, but it is damn hard folks. Believe me (and most of you already know) I've tried using controls like that (Metroid Hunters) and it is impossible. Not even a touch screen at that. 5. Aesthetics: Looks chunky and the screen doesn't look as good as the PSP's. But damn!! The GPS makes me almost want to buy it.
  9. Holy necormancy Batman!!! Anyway, contributing to the necromancy, I got the game a week ago and really enjoy it. Although, the dialogue does seem a bit cheesy, much more Disney than Square Enix. [spoiler]And I didn't like how after you beat Axel, you can't tell if he is dead or what. Even though the story was cheesy, fighting the Order compelled me to keep playing, because they are such badass villains. And Namine and Dark Rikku helped keep suspense. Oh, and yeah, the last time facing Dark Rikku is really hard. I died 15 times before realizing a simple way to beat him. Just fill up your sleight everychance you get and only use it after Rikku stocks up his sleight and then uses his really cheap move. Yours will usually cancel his out. Then just stock up again and hit him until he uses sleight again. Repeat. Win.[/spoiler] I found the final boss to be waaayy to easy though, although it takes a while to beat. The 3 previous boss battles were much harder. [color=#4B0082]Added spoiler tags. Please remember to use them in the future. (And I wasn't sure how much of that was spoilers, never having played the game, so I just tagged everything that looked like it could be. Better to be safe than sorry.) - [i]Desbreko[/i][/color]
  10. If you took the time to get the Great Deity's maks in Majora's Mask, the final boss was so easy it was boring and near impossible to die. The final boss in RE4 was all too easy if you had a magnum. I didn' t even need to use the rocket launcher.
  11. Every society has the right to defend itself from dangerous criminals. Where there are NO ALTERNATIVES, the death penalty may be used. However, it must be the ONLY OPTION. In the modern world, it is nearly impossible to find a place where the death penalty is the only option. Criminal justice has two purposes: 1.Protect society 2. Punish the criminal There is no need to execute someone in order to protect society. The U.S. is the only "developed" country in the Western World to have the death penalty. Only Iran, Saudi Arabia, and China execute more people per year than the U.S. Reasons why the death penalty is bad: 1. It is not a DETERENT. States that have the Death Penaly have a homicide rate that doubles that of states that don't. When the Death Penalty is introduced in a state, the homicide rate increases. Our society sends the message that human life is not priceles by using the Death Penalty. 2. It costs more to execute a person than to incarcerate them for life. 3. If executed, a criminal is not given the chance to reform and is provided an outlet from ever reflecting on what he/she did and feeling remorse. There is no good reason for the death penalty unless not using it would endanger society. And in the U.S., that is definitely not a good or even sensible reason.
  12. I think there is already a thread for this.
  13. If this was going to be closed, Shinmaru would have done it instead of editing my post. Thanks for the info. Is that the release date in Japan or the U.S.?
  14. When I was 4 my neighbor had a Super Nintendo. I remember playing Mario on it but wasn't too interested because he was close to my age and we had no idea how to play it well. When I moved at age 5, one of my friends had a Sega Genesis. I remember the X-men game and Sonic, but that was all, and I wasn't interested enough to ask for my own system. Then in 5th grade that same neighbor got the N64 and Goldeneye. I thought Goldeneye was great but I knew I had to get my own system when I played Super Smash Brothers at his house. Took a year to convince my parents to buy me one but you can get anything if you pester enough. I was obsessed with that game and couldn't lose to any of my friends because I used Kirby all the time and did the cheap-ledge blade attack move. I eventually got an N64 just for that game. I got other games of course, but only really enjoyed Majora's Mask, Mario Kart, and Jet Force Gemini.
  15. Unevitably, this has turned into a PSP vs. DS war. Which is pretty ridiculous. Comparing the PSP and the DS isn't as easy as say...comparing the Gamecube and the PS2. While they are both portable and are the first handhelds to feature true 3-D console graphics, that is really all that they share in common. Interactive gaming is awesome, because truely, touching is fun. And a 3way multimedia device that is the size of an Ipod is surely nothing to scoff at. When it comes down to it, they both have strenghts over one another, but comparing their features overall is completely subjective. It's all personal preference. Edit: For the above question, the 32megabyte stick that comes with the PSP will be enough to save games. However, if you want to play MP3s or upload shows, you'll need to get the 512megabyte, or probably the 1gigabyte stick. Although I think they are quite pricey. It would be impossible to store any TV shows on the 32megabyte stick. I had a 32megabyte MP3 player and it only held 12 songs at most.
  16. Choppy graphics? The PSP's graphics are awesome. They pack a little more punch than what the DS can handle, and the PSP can play movies and mp3s. However, that is all that the PSP really has going for it. The only advantage that it has is graphics and the multimedia functions. Of course, the graphics look good on the PSP because on the DS there has only been GBA graduates, nothing that can really show off it's power. To see said power, click here>>[URL=http://www.gamesarefun.com/gamesdb/media.php?id=690]Goldeneye: Rouge Agent DS[/URL] (Note that the screenshot has been scanned into a magazine, making it sketchy, and has then been scanned onto a computer, sketchier) As for the multimedia of PSP, it could be the clincher for some, but for me, I already have a 1gig flash player and can't stand watching DVDs in cars or planes, becaue they are more boring than actual games, and strain the eyes on such a small screen. Not to mention I can only watch a movie once. It's obvious that I prefer the DS and will be getting that instead, but the PSP still looks like it will be a great system. It may have some problems in the battery department, it may have sticky buttons and easily scratchable screens, but the graphics are amazing, a few games look fun, and some people will most likely love the multimedia functions. I don't think that anyone who buys a DS or PSP will have to regret their purchase, as both are near equally good in their own departments. They may be competing, but both branch off in completely different and revolutionary directions. DS with its awesome touchscreen games offers amazing diversity in the way games can be played, and the PSP is like a mobile console. I just find it sad that people are giving up on the DS and trading them in for PSP money, without waiting to see the lineup that DS has coming out later this year. And the games with graphics that are actually impressive.
  17. Hopefully they will learn from their mistakes and make the one for the DS and second one for PS2 better. I did think it was fun turning streetlamps into cannons though.
  18. I'm thinking a Ford's Theatre stealth level would rock.
  19. The ever luming presents of nazism in anime What? Nazis will give you presents if you watch anime?! Score. I want a luger, snitzel, a panzer tank, and an easy bake oven.
  20. Every game has a completely different scenario and characters that don't stack up from game to game. So you can go ahead and play X without worrying about missing out on something. The only game that has a direct sequel is the game that comes after the one you have inquired about (x-2) and the Kingdom hearts game whose sequel is on the game boy advance, if you count that as pure Final Fantasy.
  21. I like Buddhism as a philosophy because it is an excellent way to seek truth and doesn't really conflict with any religions. I probably wouldn't be able to follow it though as I am a greedy little bastard. :animeswea
  22. Where I am it is "wear green or be ***** slapped". I do enjoy having a day named after me for all of my fantastic accomplishments.
  23. What!? Mario DDR!? Once again Nazi Dance Party gets the shaft. Dang.
  24. It was just announced that a Full Metal Alchemist game is going to be released for the DS in Japan this summer. Not sure when it comes out here but I'm guessing sometime in the fall. It's labeled as Adventure and is supposed to rigidly follow the storyline of the anime. Any regrets that I had about buying the DS over the PSP are now gone (unless they make a better version for PSP). The touch screen could make transmutating objects really fun since you could just press the button for whicever weapon you want. Anyone have any thoughts or predictions about how this game might turn out or when it might turn up? Do you think it will be better or worse than the PS2 version in the area of gameplay? [URL=http://www.jeux-france.com/Webmasters/Images/38271020050312_231834_4_big.jpg]FMA screenshot[/URL] [URL=http://www.jeux-france.com/Webmasters/Images/38271020050312_231833_2_big.jpg]FMA article[/URL] [URL=http://www.jeux-france.com/Webmasters/Images/38271020050312_231833_3_big.jpg]FMA Article 2[/URL] Thanks, to DS Central for posting the images...whoever he is. Can't tell if the whole game is a side scroller or not, but I think it is only some parts. Looks like a lot of anime clips will be in the game. The touch screen should make transmutating objects easy and fun.
  25. Oh, so now the Neo-Nazis are crap, huh? I think you are the racist here man. What did the Nazis ever do to anyone? Nah, I don't think there are a lot of racist groups out there. If they sound like it they are probably just trying to draw publicity or act like they don't care what anyone thinks. They're rebels man!!!
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