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Gravy Train

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Everything posted by Gravy Train

  1. I despise them because they wear pants with chains and straps between th legs.
  2. [QUOTE=Lunox][color=darkslateblue] There are seven Homunculi [basically the seven deadly sins (Lust, Gluttony, Envy, Pride, Sloth, and Wrath)], but it's who they are that will surprise the wheelies out of you. O_o [/QUOTE] Argh, now you have got to tell me who they are. Do you mean they are other characters that have already been introduced? And which is the one with the green hair? Thanks.
  3. [QUOTE=ThatOneOddDude]The new episode was sweet. I practically jumped out of my skin hearing the ingrediant. I was like "OMFG!!! HOLY 5-17!". The battle between Lust and Scar was sweet. What kind of people did he say they are? I wonder how many there are, (I would imagine 7 but you never know.) Also, I can't wait to see what relation scar and Lust (might) have. Also, I wonder if scar will be more comfortable knowing there are still thousands of Ishbal around.[/QUOTE] Lust and Gluttony are Homunculi. Back when people actually tried to practice alchemy, Houmunculus was a term for an artificially created human, or an artificial being without a soul. I'm guessing that, in the series, they were created to be used as the ingredient for the philosopher's stone. That might be why they are trying to find it, but I could be wrong. Does anyone know how many of them there actually are? I think I've seen 3.
  4. REIGN is awesome in character detail. Although the costumes aren't necessarily my favorite.
  5. Well, if anyone has religion, they are bound to believe that theirs is the only true one. Mostly because religions tend to contradict each other so it's hard to belong to more than one. The majority of religious are Christian because of the documented miracles or unexplainable. Such as the bodies of some saints being perfectly preserved for hundreds of years ("incorruptable") without any natural embalming and the Cloak of Juan Diego.
  6. Okay, I have your band name right here. SPAWN of Gumby Your Welcome.
  7. This is the first part of the first chapter of the first story that I have written. This part of it is pretty short but I'd like to know if it captures the reader's attention. If anything sounds really stupid then please point it out to me. If some words don't make sense, then check them here>>>[URL=http://translation2.paralink.com/]German-English translator[/URL] I can take any criticism, so bring it on. But at least give a reason why you hate it if you do so. (Oh, and this shouldn't make perfect sense since everything is not explained in the first part or (absent) prologue) [CENTER][B]Retter of Ersatz[/B][SIZE=4] [SIZE=3]Chapter 1[/SIZE] [SIZE=2]?Snow Cone of the Macabre?[/SIZE][/CENTER] The falling snow blanketed Berlin, giving the air an ethereal glow as the moonlight reflected off of the pale earth. An adolescent boy and girl stood huddled together in an alley, away from the exposing streetlights. Even though it the cold was almost unbearable, both were sweating feverishly. Panting heavily, the girl looked up at Adam?s shocked expression. Her beautiful face then contorted in pain as blood began to trickle onto the snow between her legs. The girl let out a scream as she threw herself even closer to Adam and clutched at his jacket, moving the appendage even farther inside of her. She no longer cared about the pain, she just needed something to grab onto. Her grip weakened as the gleam faded from her bright, blue eyes. She stumbled backward and fell into the snow as Adam removed the member from her. Adam fell to his knees at the ground in front of her, staring in horror at his gore soaked arm. Blood flowed from the gaping hole in the girl?s stomach and ran through her lovely blonde hair, turning it an ocher hue. The frost hungrily consumed the blood to form a snow cone of the macabre. Tears welled up in his blue eyes as he whimpered beside the impaled teenager. ?Why didn?t you fight back? Why didn?t you kill me!?? Adam cried, as if he expected the corpse to reply. Of course, his answer never came, and Adam was left to guess as to how the minds of these creatures operated. After all, the Retter had killed, or nearly killed, himself before resurrecting himself with supernatural power and destroying the eugenics facility, perhaps the girl would do the same. After three hours, Adam broke down and wept again after admitting to himself that she was gone for good. She was probably amongst the third generation of the infected; her brain wouldn?t have been able to survive without her body, unlike the Retter?s. He wished that she could have picked him apart, for Adam was tired of being Babel Corps.? tool. Death would have provided him a way of escaping pursuit of the Retter and he could join Evelyn in the afterlife. But for now, he would have to wait until the next encounter with another Apotheose, perhaps one stronger than him, so that he could die trying his best. He didn?t have the courage to end it himself. Adam knew the threat that the Apotheose posed to humanity. In their self-righteous quest to save mankind, most of the population would have to be sacrificed. Yet, despite the insidious side-affects of their mandate, they all seemed so happy and benevolent, as if they were fully certain that they were doing the right thing. Maybe they were, besides, with their perfected mental abilities and reasoning, the Apotheose were superior to mankind in every way. The exact reason why Adam found it so hard to kill this enemy, for they might know a truth that he did not. Perhaps the extermination would become easier for him and more routine as time progressed. The first is always the roughest
  8. That's odd, I just noticed the Dracula spelled backwards thing after reading this thread. It seems like it should have been so obvious. Anyway, I've only read the first book of the manga but I think it is really good. Rev. Anderson is the my favorite character because Roman Catholic priests usually aren't depicted as being so "bad ***". The "infite" bayonet things and regeneration are awesome. As for Victoria, it seems that the only purpose she serves is to be the "newbie" in the story so that the creator has a scenario where the main characters can go over info and background that they already know but the "newbie" and reader does not. Of course I've only read the first book so I might be wrong.
  9. Yeah...sure, excluding otakus. That's not really up to me but I'll let you know that the hippies are going first.
  10. Yeah, I know what you mean about unintentionally conforming to stereotypes. I was born with Aryan ancestory so I feel compelled to rid the world of the inferior races. Oh don't worry, I don't discriminate, all races are equally inferior to the Master Race. (Haha, just kidding. Or not. Maybe?) Or as we say in the Master dialect... Ja weiß ich, was Sie über das unbeabsichtigt Anpassen Sterotypien meinen. Ich war mit arischem ancestory geboren, so fühle ich mich dazu gezwungen, die Welt von den untergeordneten Rassen zu befreien. Sorgen Sie sich oh nicht, ich unterscheide nicht, alle Rassen sind der Master-Rasse ebenso untergeordnet. (Witz auf ihnen. Ich mache nicht Spass.)
  11. Super Milk Chan. Not that I was execting much, but come on.
  12. I guess the Zero Tolerance includes Reason. If she really did bring it, then why would she immediately tell a teacher? Couldn't she take the school to court for something like that?
  13. If by "light orb" you mean "truth" , then yes. Yes indeed. Everyone has original sin, because it is just another term for the fallibility of human reason. It doesn't make non-religious any more violent than religious though. I think you are doing some heavy stereotyping there by assuming that we believe that crap. Although if it's fundamentalists you are talking about, then maybe you are right, I forget if Roman Catholic is fundamentalist or not. I'm pretty sure it isn't though.
  14. I guess I'm lucky that the only people I know that don't understand anime are my parents. It's weird, but the "popular" guys at my school all watch Cowboy Bebop and Big O and this one kid can even get away with wearing a Naruto headband without getting killed.
  15. At least it moves faster than some animes....like DBZ. I just don't think I can endure having to go through every episode being reminded of Jimmy Neutron everytime that little kid talks. And yeah, you're right, what is that girl there for anyway, other than some object for the villains to fight over. Don't know what they were fighting over, I've seen some much better drawn female anime characters in the day...homely.
  16. I must say that I was greatly disappointed by the first episode. Not that I was expecting much in the first place. CN tends to kill its dubbed animes that aren't on Adult Swim. I can't remember how many similar rooftop scenes have occured in other animes and the girl in danger part only adds to the cliche. I'm not sure who Zatch's voice actor is, but it must be a character from another show I hate because I found the voice extremely annoying. Wait...wtf...is his voice the same as Jimmy Neutron's? That's just fscked. However, the real reason that I didn't like it is because it just seems like a rip-off of the Doaists from Shaman King. If you've seen or read Shaman King then you will know what I am talking about. Also, the one girl says " the battle for Momoto King" which fully completes the ripoff where in Shaman King it's "the battle for Shaman King". If it was created by the same guy or company, then I'd let it slide.
  17. Hao Asakura is the best character and the best "villain" in any anime or manga that I've seen or read. He kicks everyone's *** but is considerate enough to keep a cheery grin on his face while doing so. And his philosophies on life and what he is trying to do actually make you confused as to whom to root for.
  18. Okay, the intro makes absolutely no sense. Can you try rewording it so it is coherent? (If English is not your first language, then I am not trying to be offensive. If it is, then shame on you.)
  19. Amazing how that Toonami voice can make anything sound coo...or not. Everytime that voice annonces the premiere of an anime, they all sound the same. Example: "_____ will save the _____ blank, but only if the ___ don't destroy them first."
  20. She doesn't think Hao is awesome? I think I might vomit with rage. Anyway, I know where you are coming from. There is this one kid at my school who wears a Naruto headband to class...everyday. Why? I don't know. It annoys me for some reason. So I can see how your friend might seem annoying. Not sure if I have any good suggestions except to ignore it and try to find a way to prove her wrong about her infinite "anime knowledge".
  21. Curse all these religious threads on the anime forums. I want to walk away and not look inside, but I can't, because I know that some moron will make laughable assumptions about a certain faith. Okay, to set some of the things straight that have been said here about Christianity, Roman Catholic inparticular. 1. People that haven't heard of God do not go to Hell. If they live a life in pursuit of the truth, then there is nothing keeping them out of Heaven. And everyone has original sin, it's just another word for "fallible." Since we are not perfect, we are fallible, so we have original sin. 2. Children are only responsible for their actions when they turn 7. And that is assuming that they have been taught the correct difference between right and wrong. Even then, kids aren't held as reliable for the things they do. 3. We do not hat gays, in fact, most of our priests are gay. :animesmil Oh man, couldn't help myself there. Actually, you have to take into consideration that the unspeakable acts were done by a few dozen priests whereas there are tens of thousands of priests in the U.S. that belong to that faith. Always a few bad apples in the crowd. Back to the point, we don't hate gays or think that they are going to Hell. We just believe that sexual acts should have the intention of and be open to conception. :animecry: 4. Most importantly, we do not believe in Christianity because we are weak and need some kind of hope. In fact, it is much harder to live as a Christian than it is not to, mostly because of fools with opinions like that. It doesn't take courage to believe that there is nothing after death. It only takes despair, if you believe that we are all insignificant, and to not despair over it only takes apathy, to a certain degree. 5. We are no more gullible for listening to priests(we don't take everything they say as heavenly mandate) than you would be for listening to a teacher. Nor are we ignorant. Ignorance is the root of all evil. We try and steer the other way.
  22. If the main character has become a book burner (not exactly sure if that just means he burns books) then maybe he can set a section of a library on fire.
  23. [QUOTE=satan665] In RE4, the creepiest part was the first confrontation with a regenerator. You know its going to happen, but they are mad freaky.[/QUOTE] Yeah, the regenerators scare the crap out of me. Especially when you hear one breathing or see it on a monitor screen but don't know exactly where it is. Only to turn the corner and have your head mauled off. I didn't think RE4 was that scary, until I got to the operating ward where all the regenerators were.
  24. What I like most about anime is that unlike most other cartoons, anime usually has deep or serious plots which make it better than "nickelodeon type crap".
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