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Gravy Train

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Everything posted by Gravy Train

  1. I hate it when other cars get in the way when you test how fast you can make a turn and your car ends up hyrdoplaning. Good thing my friend had a driveway to turn into so I didn't hit him. He really should have been more aware of the road. :smirk:
  2. Mine would have to be the Tallgeese III, although it's not really a Gundam. Out of all the Gundams I like the Altron Gundam in the Endless Waltz the best. Was Gundam Wing the last series that they made? And does anyone know if they are planning on making more?
  3. Jelly Bellies. With most candies, if you eat too much, you eventually get sick of them. The problem with Jelly Bellies is that there are so many damn flavors you can't get sick of them. God, I spend about $8 a week on this stuff and have been doing so for almost a year. I mourn when thinking about all the stuff that money could have gone to.
  4. [quote name='graysky07']Which animes should be on or put back on t.v.?[/quote] The cartoon network should bring back Outlaw Star and Reign. Anything would be better than D.I.C.E.
  5. Meh, the Ring and Grudge type films really dissapoint me. I've seen quite a few horror movies but the only good one that has come out in the last couple years is 28 Days Later.l
  6. Wow, that Bible thing is way off. Even Cain and Abel made animal sacrifices and ate meat. I have no clue where that Noah story about having to survive off of animals came from. They were doing that way before. As for vegeterians, I don't care. However, it really pisses me off when vegeterians or eco-terrorists protest in front of restaurants. This one freak was protesting against cruelty to fish outside of a Red Lobster once. I cannot stand stuff like that. It's fine if you are vegeterian or like animals, just don't bother the rest of us with it.
  7. I don't like playing follow the leader, but Conan is my favorite out of all of them. The "real items" segment is the funniest, even though they are actually fake. And all the random mascots and Triumph. It's crazy good.
  8. [quote name='Vywien']Personally i think this is the cutest anime i've ever seen, chat abit and tell me your opinions......all is welcome :D[/quote] [QUORW=Vywien]you don't have to be a complete dick about it, i just wanted an opinion, not critasism[/QUOTE] Let's see, you ask our opinion, don't forget, "all is welcome", and then you flame anyone that dislikes this crappy show that you love so much. Opinions on things are two-sided, and you can't ask for opinions on Super Milk-Chan without expecting a whole lot, and I mean a lot, of negative opinions.
  9. I don't know if this hasn't already been said because of all the hype, but my favorite album of the year is... [IMG]http://ubbt.moby.com/userfiles/2606989-american_idiot.gif[/IMG] And no, I'm not going to say that Boulevard of Broken Dreams is the best, mostly because I've listened to it so many times that I'm sick of it. Jesus of Suburbia, Holiday, and St. Jimmy are better.
  10. The only time that I tell lies is to keep someone else from feeling down, by the way...awesome thread, or to save my ***. Because there are certain times when a little white lie might do more good than telling people what you really think. Of course, if I give someone my word (I give you my word that I will_______) then I always see it through. Because I like saying that I am a man of my word, you know, like the villains on James Bond do.
  11. Not if you live in the Midwest..huzzah. Finally, living in this boring dump might finally pay off, as there are no mega-tornadoes. But yeah, that does sound pretty bad. Scientists also predict hurricanes could end up reaching the upper-east coast of the U.S. soon. And with California falling into the ocean, it looks like the only safe place is the middle of the U.S.
  12. I'm sure that those of you who delve in the gaming news already know this, but Nintendo is making a Super Smash Brothers game for the DS, only it is called Jump Superstars. The only characters in the game or those in the comics of Shonen Jump and inlcude DBZ, Naruto, One Piece, Shaman King, and a few other series. Special attacks can be used by pressing touch pads and a comic displays along the bottom screen (or top) while you play. Since SSB has always been a side scrolling game, the graphics look really good since time doesn't have to be put into making 3-D environments to move in. It has been previewed in Japan and if I can get my hands on a copy or if they come out with it in the U.S. I will probably buy a DS just for that reason. Opinions? Predictions of characters or moves?
  13. Recievers have no need to feel guilty if they don't give anything back, because the giver should always give with the expectation that he/she will recieve nothing in return. Otherwise, it is not actually giving, it's just lending. However, if someone has been generous to you, you should obviously try and return the favor if the giver is in need.
  14. Okay Morpheus, let's see. In nature, all animals mate with animals of the opposite sex. So, humans doing the opposite would go against that. I don't see how to make it any easier to understand.
  15. Yeah, I think that it can happen sometimes but only when you are about to wake up or something. I once had a dream that a bunch of Indians (no, not from India) were in my house. For some reason I realized that it was a dream and after I saw what a stupid dream it was, I commanded one of them to kill me so that I could wake up. Well, he didn't so I proceeded to kick the crap out of them until I go bored. I then dumped off the side of the "dream" stairs and then woke up. Being in control of your dreams is really weird, but it has only happened to me once. It would be cool if it happened more often.
  16. I think that what most people misunderstand is that religious groups that view homosexuality as wrong do not actually hate the people that are gay. Also, they do not judge them based on their actions, but the action in itself is wrong. I don't believe that people who are gay are going to hell or are evil or corrupted in any way, but the action is. Here is my reasoning as to why the act is wrong. Nature in itself is inherently good. This is because nature is uncorrupted reality. Reality = truth = good. This is the basic structure of all things moral. Now, as I said before, nature is inherently good, but unlike the rest of nature, humans have the ability to reason, and therefore choose something that goes against the good of nature. This is why homosexuality is considered wrong by some, because it is a product of flawed reasoning. It was never intended by nature and is only brought about by our human reasoning. By blatantly going against nature's intention for reproduction, it goes against reality, truth, and good. B Being gay is not bad or wrong at all, because for some it cannot be helped. However, carrying out the actions is.
  17. I would pay 1 mil to see 2 gangs of albino midgets on snowmobiles fight each other to the death with chainsaws. Come on now, who wouldn't?
  18. Ich bin größtenteils deutsch sondern auch mit etwas irischem und polnischem Erbe. Keime machen gute Heinzelmännchen, aber ich kann nicht sagen, dass ich mit den Moden der Kleidung übereinstimme, die sie tragen. Oder ist dass der ganze sterotyping von Comics und Fernsehen? Irgendwie wünsche ich, dass ich kräftiger Irländer war, so dass ich Magie leprauchan Mächte haben konnte! Und das Polnisch... Ich habe keine Idee, aber meine deutsche Seite mag meine polnische Seite nicht. (Und zu irgendjemandem, der das etwas lesen kann, entschuldigen Sie meine Deutschen, wie meine sentece Struktur absolut schrecklich ist)
  19. I think that it is really only apparent to the people being discriminated against. While the majority of us live in our sheltered worlds. If we look really closely it's easy to see everything that is still unfair in this country. The government can't control everything and even the stuff it can control, they manage to scre up sometimes. (Not trying to be unpatriotic, it's just true..true.)
  20. [quote name='The Vampire: Ed][COLOR=Red][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I'll be honest. Nothing really scares me. Someone could stick a gun in my face or put a knife to my throat and I just wouldn't give a crap. But what I do fear, the only thing really, is being alone. In the long run my only, and greatest fear is to be alone. Sounds stupid but whatever.[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote] Have those things actually happened to you before? One cannot say that they don't fear something they have not experienced. (If this has happened, then please disregard the above statement.) What scares me most is dying before I complete whatever purpose I was put here to serve. And hippies....they must go.
  21. I've got one. What happens once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a hundred years? You'll either get this in 2 seconds or it will dumbfound you.
  22. "They never should have created you, Cain." "Perfection can't be created by humans, Adam, it is merely awakened to serve its purpose." "And what purpose is it that you serve?" "You and humanity exist in contradiction to nature. I have to restore the order that humanity has disordered." "By ending it?" "More or less, Adam." ---------------------------------------- It's hard to turn a short novel into 55 words.
  23. When I first saw the title for this thread I thought the first post would be about Halo 2's ending. I don't think I need to tell anyone what it is, but as you've probably already witnessed, it is terrible. They better not wait another 3 years to make a third one. A bad cliffhanger like that needs a conclusion and soon.
  24. Actually, the belief that right and wrong is subjective falls into the erroneous realm of moral relativism. The belief that we can decide for ourselves what is good and what is not good. There is an objective right. It is called reality. Reality = truth = and truth equals good. Therefore, anything that goes against reality and truth cannot be good. Nature and natural law is in itself good. However, since humans, unlike the rest of nature, have the ability to reason, we can decide to make the choice to go against the natural law which means we can decide to do wrong, while the rest of nature cannot. This leads to the principle of disordered goods. This states that there is an ideal, perfect good that we cannot achieve because we are fallible. All of our actions are measured as a disordered good since we cannot achieve the highest good. Some actions, like murder, are placed lower on the ladder do to their gravity. Say, as opposed to stealing an apple, murder would be much lower. The principle states that there is no evil for the sake of being evil, because in every "bad" action or "disordered good" there is some good intended, even if it is hardly visible. So the ability to reason and have free will leads us to make disordered goods that nature cannot be responsible for since it cannot reason. And the disordered goods that contradict nature and truth would be considered bad, meaning that we cannot decide for ourselves what is right and wrong. Disregard this last statement if you wish: Humans, being composite beings (Part soul which enables us to reason, and part nature as in our body) so our natural part is made capable of evil by our reason which in turn can perform evil because of the needs of our body.
  25. My taste in music is not very wide-ranged. So I'll have to go with one of these 3. Can't decide. 1. Jesus of Suburbia 2. Boulevard of Broken Dreams 3. Holiday And in case you were wondering, no, I do not like Greenday or any of their songs.
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