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  1. ETJ


    fair enough *curses self for n00bish posting* well, i wasn't allowed to get R/B/Y *curses parents* and i only ever got gold when it was cheap and preowned, so it doesn't really count. ruby/sapphire... now that's another story completely.... well, i pwn at it. i have full dex (exceptions such as mew, celebi, etc.) and know of EV training etc. i love the game now.
  2. ETJ

    the bet.

    well, i'm more of a 'random-kinda-post-thingy' person. apparently, i must be able to post normally/well because i'm mod on another board: [url]www.marriland.com/phpbb[/url] (yup, it surprises me too) basic grammar: can do and do do, if you know what i mean Polite: ditto. not literal ditto, which is a pkmn, well, you know what i mean. penguins: yes. what do you mean you didn't post that? new faces... *wonders how you know my face* *realises that isn't literal* ah, well.
  3. ETJ


    well, anyone play it? it does appear to have gone out of fashion these days for a variety of reaosns. if you do play it, just post because i'd like to know how popular it is on these here boards. *goes off singing with delibird*
  4. ok, i've only made 2 posts yet already a freind says i'll be barred within the month. your thoughts please. hmmm... this really is spam, isn't it? does this add to the bet one way? does this mean i'll lose? *ponders* well, if so, what does that mean* *stops talking to self* *talks to you* hi *waves* *you take 2 steps back* *i'm not surprised*
  5. ETJ


    well, ok, this is only my second post, but meh. a board to completely spam on. a madness board. every other forum has one... *goes off spouting useful garbage*
  6. ETJ


    well, hello. apparently there's no 'introduce yourself' board thingy here, so here i am, making my own as it were. well, since this'll prob get deleted if i don't put something vaguely interesting into it, here's the interesting bit: i don't know you either. so kinda post some sort of profile-type-of-thing topic. mine (feel free to add categories, etc): name: ETJ ;) a.k.a: Sir. Penguin, smearglelord if you see me on pkmncrater, Ell if you have netbattle, numerous others... likes: pokemon, gamecube, halo (don't actually have it, meh.), eccentricities, olden english stylee, michael moore, penguins non-likes: george W bush. frequently said phrases: ??? other notes: well, it was my b'day recently. i got a penguin cake XD
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