well, hello.
apparently there's no 'introduce yourself' board thingy here, so here i am, making my own as it were.
well, since this'll prob get deleted if i don't put something vaguely interesting into it, here's the interesting bit: i don't know you either. so kinda post some sort of profile-type-of-thing topic.
mine (feel free to add categories, etc):
name: ETJ ;)
a.k.a: Sir. Penguin, smearglelord if you see me on pkmncrater, Ell if you have netbattle, numerous others...
likes: pokemon, gamecube, halo (don't actually have it, meh.), eccentricities, olden english stylee, michael moore, penguins
non-likes: george W bush.
frequently said phrases: ???
other notes: well, it was my b'day recently. i got a penguin cake XD