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Everything posted by ukoku

  1. okay, THAT was plain scary, is that really webcam???that person really doesn't want people looking at her/his face,I think it's a he, and that person looks at the camera every 5 minutes, OH MAN!!!This totally freaks me out!!!
  2. [QUOTE=Eternal Snow]Well? What are they? Bother to share this with the rest of us? I know I am definately afraid of failing my exams and tests.[/QUOTE]that's what I'm afraid of too, one test falled = a lifetime of pain and sorrow for me(and, my mum will threathen to sell our dog, No!Not Shiro!What did that puppy ever did to youuu???)
  3. [QUOTE=JazzLady22]...I've seen the Saiyuki dub. I can see why Goku might be picked for Shinpachi, them both being short and rather excitable. But I can't help but think it's a little childish for Shinpachi... then again, I'm hearing the Goku-voice in my head, and the VA will be doing something different. And wow! I'm actually not minding the choice for Souji's VA too much. Hakkai has a very mild voice, and I'm sure with the right tone, it'd fit. Although I would have been happier if they'd cast a girl with a lower voice... As for the rest, I haven't seen the dubs. But maybe I should look into it, I'm curious as to what they sound like (especially Suzu, since I loved the way his original seiyuu underplayed his scene in ep. 23...) And yes, Dan Rugh, no more 'Kurogane.' It's just Peace Maker now... that's really too bad.[/QUOTE] you've seen the Saiyuki dub????I haven't:( and they picked Hakkai's voice as Okita's???SUPERB!!!at least they didn't use a female voice for okita:)and I like Hakkai's japanese voice, I heard the saiyuki dub is quite good, so they must be pretty much the same...Goku's voice as shinpatchi's???Goku's voice is too childish for me(even though Goku is childish, his voice kinda freaked me out)Shinpatchi isn't as childish as Goku, just short, but definally not as childish as Goku I got my friend addicted to pmk and she likes Okita and Suzu(Suzu, after his personality SERIOUSLY changed)and we, the Saiyuki and pmk otaku tag-team, slayed whoever insulted the bishies in both series(ok, there were no swords, guns or harisens involved but we used our hands to continuesly whack the enemy untill they begged for mercy) No more 'Kurogane'??? Then can I still call it pmk???pm sounds like private message -_- ''I went to my local manga store and they said imon peacemaker has been printed out, that means they stopped publishing it, and I was like:NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: I really wanted to read imon peacemaker, guess that's what you get for being the late manga fan :( r2 somethingsomething: I can't seem to remember your username, sorry 'bout that:whoops: anyway,I think that guy who called Tetsu 'dragonboy' is Sakamoto Ryouma, and he called Tetsu 'ironboy' (Tatsu was 'dragonboy', don't really know why)Although I may have got the facts wrong, if I did, someone please correct me
  4. cry eh?well, the only thing that actually made me cry was a scene in the second last episode of Saiyuki, it was SO sad!!![spoiler]There were scenes of Goku when he was still trapped in that cave and was very lonely(I mean VERY lonely, wouldn't you be lonely if you were trapped in the summit of a mountain for 500 years???)[/spoiler] I was trying to wipe the tears off my eyes, I know for certain the sad background music didn't help... and I'm also sadened(sp?) by the fact that [spoiler]Okita souji has tubuculosis[/spoiler](why him?? :( ) I'm not going to block out the whole thing because of spoilers, this isn't very spoilerish you know-_-(I'm starting to cry now!!!why oh why do you ppl remind me of these things) [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]A spoiler's a spoiler. I've not seen Sayuki, but I'm sure people would appreciate not having too many details revealed to them if they've not seen it. Better to be safe than sorry, heh. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
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